Chapter 0452 – Clear labeling (IX)

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:19:41
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In fact, Zhuang Rui’s capital Qin Ruilin store, and Qin’s jewelry or a glory and a loss, if Qin’s jewelry is not well run, insufficient supply of goods, their own store other products, is also sure to be greatly affected, this is also Zhuang Rui decided to share resources with Qin’s jewelry the main reason.

See Zhuang Rui speak so seriously, Qin Haoran couple a moment of some surprise, after looking at each other, Fang Yi opened his mouth and said: “Xiao Rui, you child, we are a family, what is the matter on the straight talk, auntie and uncle of course trust you.”

Zhuang Rui face showed a bitter smile, said, “Auntie, if I say it, you two can’t take those masters back to see ah, if this matter spreads out, the price of that piece of wool is bound to soar.”

Qin Haoran’s eyes lit up at the words and said, “Which piece of material? Open bid or secret bid?”

“What’s your hurry, listen to Xiaorui finish his sentence.” Fang Yi gave her husband a blank look without any good humor and looked at Zhuang Rui thoughtfully, as if she had thought of something.

Zhuang Rui smiled and said, “It’s an open bid, Auntie Fang, you still remember that piece of red Fei raw stone with a cracked lock behind it, right?”

“I remember, it’s the piece of material that you looked at and said that it would surely collapse if you cut it, right?”

Fang Yi more and more sure of their own ideas, she then felt that Zhuang Rui a bit pretentious, to her understanding of Zhuang Rui, their future son-in-law, although young, do things is very calm, but this morning in the bright bidding area to take the remarks, but is a bit not in line with his character.

“That piece of wool on the cracked locks, although it is a bad lock, but the opposite side of the rubbing surface, is the appearance of a red mist, and the color of that red mist, slightly yellowish, Uncle Qin Fang aunt know I once solved out of the blood jade emerald thing, right?”

“Know, know, you go on to say ……” Zhuang Rui sent out that pair of bracelets, on the hands of Fang Yi, where will forget about this matter.

“Out of the red mist not inevitably must have red jadeite, but according to my experience, red mist with that yellowish crystal, the stone will absolutely have the very best jadeite, I was in the process of deciphering the stone, carefully observed, this will never be wrong.”

Zhuang Rui words, although said decisive, in fact, all in the bullshit, fart red mist yellowing will be out of the best jade, this is simply his own reason.

Gambling this doorway, basically still three parts of the eye seven parts of luck, the ability and then the big gambling master, look away from the eye gambling collapsed wool are often things, the so-called experience, but after a long period of deciphering the stone cutting stone, a little bit of accumulation, there is no conclusion of this thing, who do not dare to make a promise.

So Zhuang Rui so say, even on the gambling stone quite proficient Qin Haoran, eyes are bright up, although he has not heard of this kind of argument, but this is Zhuang Rui experience, than those who are rumored things, more credible, that is to say, that piece of material out of the very best jadeite possibility is very great.

“Xiao Zhuang, according to your estimation, how much jade flesh can come out of that piece of material you mentioned?”

Qin Haoran can’t wait to put on his wings and fly to the gambling venue now, and take a good look at that piece of raw stone, just that he knows that not only can’t he go now, but also tomorrow, he will have to avoid that piece of material or look at it, and he can’t show anything.

“That piece of raw stone Fang Auntie has seen, there is a ton more than, but the evil locks will certainly also affect the material inside the jade meat, I estimate, should be able to come out of the thirty-fifty pounds of jade meat, and the quality of these jadeite, the minimum can reach the ice seed, it is not permitted to solve out the glass seed material to …… ”

Zhuang Rui is not afraid to tell the truth, with the title of the director of the Jade Association, it is natural to have a few real material, before sneaky dare not admit, that is too shallow seniority.

But now it is different, with the title of expert, and then bet up a stone, just can establish their own position in the gambling circle, but also let those old guys in the Jade Association know that the ancient master recommended himself into the Jade Association to serve as a director of this position, is not nepotism.

“Thirty fifty pounds, ice seed quality above, now colorless jadeite and red and yellow jadeite jewelry, very popular in the market, the quality of the same jewelry, the price is even more expensive than the green a little more expensive, if it can reach the glass seed, then thirty fifty pounds of material, it’s worth about two hundred million dollars, if made into jewelry, at least can be sold for more than four hundred million … …”

Qin Haoran at first just in a whisper analyzing the price of the wool Zhuang Rui said, but the more he said the more excited, the more he said the louder he said, and finally actually stood up, in the hotel room and kept walking up, the heart is excited beyond words.

Qin’s jewelry is facing a lack of jadeite raw materials, product succession on the situation, the mobilization of nearly 1 billion of funds, the intention is to spread the net, more fish, would rather lose some money, but also can not let the jewelry store of jadeite products out of stock, this time to Myanmar, is stocked at a loss to make money in the mind.

In fact, not only Qin’s jewelry, other jewelry companies, most are this idea, first get a batch of raw materials in hand, and then relatively increase the market price of jade jewelry, slowly form a balance of payments, but in the initial period, must be to lose a little money, of course, go against the odds, betting on the big rise, that is another story.

But with Zhuang Rui looked at this piece of material, that Qin’s jewelry situation immediately became different, as long as they can take this piece of red jadeite, in the next few years, high-grade jadeite jewelry raw materials do not have to worry about, and the focus of the Burma public disk, can be placed on the low-grade wool above, those wool is relatively easy to buy.

Of course, Qin’s jewelry can vertical Hong Kong for nearly a century does not fall, also has its heritage, but not as a last resort, that killer app is best not to use out.

“Xiao Rui, that piece of material will not be auctioned tomorrow, right?”

“No, according to the label, it should be scheduled for auction the day after tomorrow ……”

“That’s good, tomorrow I’ll go to see that piece of material by myself, we tomorrow night, and then together the back of the bidding program, be sure to ensure that nothing is wrong, I’ll take a call ……”

As the saying goes, the shopping mall is like a battlefield, Qin Haoran at this time is like a commanding general, in three words, this matter involving the flow of funds of hundreds of millions of dollars to be set down, but just when Qin Haoran said spittle flying, the cell phone on the table rang.

“Ah Rong? You’re coming, welcome, welcome! I’m in my room, uh, room number you know, I won’t pick you up ah!”

After Qin Haoran answered the phone, the look on his face was pleasant, the visit of an old friend, coupled with the fact that Zhuang Rui had solved such a big thing for him, couldn’t help but make Qin Haoran a little excited.

“Uncle Qin, you have a guest then I will take my leave first.”

Zhuang Rui is not afraid of Qin’s jewelry to eat alone, anyway, that piece of material, their own at least half, the sale of superb jadeite jewelry, there is a cycle, one or two years later, maybe they panned to get a good deal it, said the Burma public plate a year, but there are two or three times it!

“Xiao Rui, do not have to go, just introduce you to recognize, come this is the leading figure in the Burmese jade industry ……” Qin Haoran introduced, Zhuang Rui heard that actually came to that Hu Rong, at the same time is also want to recognize this person.

After asking Qin Haoran, Zhuang Rui realized that the Qin family in Hong Kong and the Hu family in Myanmar have been close friends for several lifetimes, and there is also a fairly close kinship relationship, Master Qin’s own sister, that is, Hu Rong’s own grandmother, Qin Haoran’s own aunt, and the two families are very frequent.

“Uncle Qin, Auntie Fang, today it’s my turn to be the supervisor of the conference, I couldn’t visit you and auntie, I’m really sorry!”

As soon as that jadeite tycoon entered the room, he gave Qin Haoran and Fang Yi the salute of a junior, Hu Rong was more than ten years younger than Qin Haoran and his wife, and was a junior in terms of age and seniority.

“It’s alright, Ah Rong, let me end this for you, this is your Xuan Bing sister’s boyfriend, he is the new director of the domestic jade association, you guys will come and go around more in the future ……”

Qin Haoran pulled over Zhuang Rui and introduced to Hu Rong, while Hu Rong heard Qin Haoran’s words and saw that Zhuang Rui was so young, he couldn’t help but froze for a moment, he only entered into the Myanmar Jade Association at the age of thirty-five, and a few years ago he was already considered as one of the youngest one, he didn’t think that Zhuang Rui was much younger than himself, and by the look of his face he was only twenty-six or twenty-seven years old.

Hu Rong is aware of the personnel relations of the motherland, like the Jade Association, such a department, want to serve as a director, there are only three ways, one is the hands of the operation of the size of the jewelry company, the second is for the jade research, can be called an authority, the third is the background of the deep.

Regardless of which of these three types of people Zhuang Rui, are not to be underestimated, Hu Rong immediately took out his business card, and Zhuang Rui exchanged up, he and Qin Haoran couples are from time to time, when the people sat down to chat.

Qin’s jewelry so-called killer, in fact, is the Hu family in Burma, only in recent years, the Burmese military forces on the jadeite raw stone export restrictions are more stringent, but wherever smuggling is found, the punishment is very serious, even if it is a Burmese, but also will be sentenced mercilessly, the heaviest can be punished by death.

So although the Hu family in Burma is a hundred years of prestige, stretched on the Qin old master is not willing to easily use this relationship, let the Hu family to bear the risk of.

“Uncle Qin, before I came, my father explained, let you and aunt have time to go to Myitkyina Pachang, I prepared a batch of wool some time ago, the route I have arranged, shipped out from Thailand, and then sent to Hong Kong …….”

Hu Rong this time to come to the purpose, is to do this thing, they also know, now in addition to Burma, jewelry companies jadeite raw materials, are facing the dilemma of the shortage of supplies, to the relationship between the two families, the Burmese Hu’s naturally unlikely to sit back and look on, and what he just said, in fact, is the smuggling of emerald raw stone.

Just relatives to relatives, Hu’s family of the founding of the family that can not be changed, they are doing raw stone trading for generations, the rules are absolutely not involved in gambling, just in the performance of good material on the rub, open the window to sell, so even if it is sold to the Hong Kong Qin family, it is also the raw stone rather than jade meat.

Hu Rong is actually a bit repulsed by this rule, because he has also been working as a jewelry company in Southeast Asia and Taiwan in recent years, but he can’t help that his old man at home is still around, and he doesn’t dare to break this rule, so he can only use smuggling as a way to sell raw stones to Qin Haoran.

From Burma into Thailand, basically are tropical jungles and mountains, with those raw stones through the mountains, this job is not easy, this is also a matter of no choice, because from Burma into the Chinese territory, the smuggling of raw stones to check quite tight, a slight error, the Hu family will have to eat and carry away. Of course, this kind of thing naturally doesn’t need them to do it, the following all have such manpower.

“Ah Rong, I appreciate this sentiment of my aunt, but the situation in Myanmar is very tense right now, let’s not make any problems in this wind, if we really can’t support it on our side, then we’ll ask you for help!”

If the change in Zhuang Rui said that piece of wool before, even with the risk, Qin Haoran is also to go to Pachang walk around, but now the situation is different, at least Qin’s jewelry does not need to be so anxious to stockpile high-grade jadeite raw materials, medium and low-grade directly from the public auction on the line.

Inside the dark bidding area of this public market, there are still many materials that have already been cut and are not too gambling, and at most they will cost a little more money.

“Uncle Qin, this is not something to be afraid of, we’ve already arranged it all.” Hu Rong thought that Qin Haoran was worried about being found out, and hurriedly explained some more.

Qin Haoran laughed, waved his hand and said, “Ah Rong, there’s really no shortage of raw materials for the time being, with the relationship between our two families, would I still be polite?”

“Well, Uncle Qin is right, if you encounter difficulties in the future, you must tell us ah! By the way, grandma also misses you quite a bit, not to mention the matter of the raw materials, when the public market is over, uncle and aunt will go home with me to see it, right?”

Seeing Qin Haoran’s resolute attitude, Hu Rong didn’t continue to talk about smuggling, his grandfather had already passed away, but his grandmother was still alive, and as a matter of courtesy, he would have to invite Qin Haoran to his home as a guest.

“There might not be time this time, I’ll visit my aunt next time! How about this, let Xiao Rui go with you to have fun, he but he has not seen the jadeite mining site yet, it’s not bad to have a long insight ……”

Qin Haoran thought that if the auction of that piece of red jadeite, some of the family’s business strategy should be changed, to be the first time this batch of red jadeite out of the fight made of jewelry, put into the market to seize the first opportunity.

This time is very tight, as Qin’s jewelry now at the helm, Qin Haoran is no time to go to the Hu family guests, but it is the Zhuang Rui pushed out, young people to see more things, there is no harm, of course, Qin Haoran is not going to consider Zhuang Rui busy or not.

“Brother Hu, is Pa Dang in the Myitkyina region?”

Zhuang Rui just heard the word Myitkyina from Hu Rong’s mouth, so he kept an eye on it, isn’t that where the map on his memory card is located?

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