Chapter 0454 – Open Bidding (XI)

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:19:46
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Looking at this group of multi-millionaires and even billionaires, in order to 10,000 yuan bet, play a lot of fun, Zhuang Rui can not help but laugh, if people who do not know see this scene, also thought it was those who buy vegetables in the market, noon to get together to play poker gambling it!

“Oh, in which there is this kid in, are lively very, Zhuang old brother, you also go to vote on a bet, that big D that guy although it is always gambling will lose, but the gambling character is very good, absolutely will not renege on the debt ……”

Song Jun held his own age status, and did not go to join in the fun, but let Zhuang Rui go over to play.

To say Dai Jun this person, is also a very strange role, the family gave him a name for Jun, is to take the meaning of the gentleman, but this kid grew up, although can not be said to be a great crime, but and the gentleman is not at all related, especially addicted to gambling, no matter what the occasion, are stirring up the crowd to bet and gamble, but he did not gamble a great deal, coupled with the kid never bet and won, and so on, and so on, to the people to send the money. He has never won a bet, so he is giving away money, so he is not offensive to people, and after a long time, others gave him a nickname, called: DJ.

DJ is the abbreviation of Disc Jockey, represents a newest, the most powerful, the most poisonous, the most HIGH music, and Dai Jun’s gambling addiction, and that the DJ in the discotheque leading the dance in general, is very crazy, in order to call the aspect, Dai Jun’s name became a big D in the mouth of others.

Ten thousand yuan, but ten to a hundred dollars of US dollars only, the people present, who lacked these two money ah! The bag of U.S. dollars are stacked, when the big D surrounded by more and more people, the boy hand a handful of U.S. dollars in one hand, the other hand is a stack of betting slips, are all handwritten by each person, turn back to exchange bets based on this.

Thus, in this stone scene, divided into two scenes, one side is a little older people, although the intention to participate, but can not wipe the face of the other side is a gang of young people in their thirties, surrounded by a group of grabbing bets.

The organizing committee of the General Assembly saw a circle of people crowded there, also went up to check, heard that there are people in the opening of the gambling, they do not bother to ask, gambling is also gambling, their own business are too busy to do it, care about those foreigners why ah!

“Mom yo, exhausted me, well, the betting is closed, back to cut the stone finished, winners over to find me ah! I’m Big D, I’m open for business, I’m willing to gamble, I promise I won’t renege on my debt!”

With the arrival of the other three buses, the clock on the watch also pointed to seven o’clock in the morning, Big D’s side also completed the betting work, this kid sweating from the crowd squeezed out, face full of excitement.

Big D pulled Ma Fatty, said with a pleading face: “Brother Ma, you help me to divide, bet on up and bet on down the list, divided into two, back to me to give you a share of …….”

Fatty Ma laughed and scolded: “Get lost, your kid will lose every time you gamble, but also give me a share?” However, after all said and done, this is nothing, Fatty Ma will Zhuang Rui also pulled over to help, will be written with the words “up” and “collapse” of the various paper, to sort out.

The last count, there are actually 198 betting slips, that is to say, the presence of more than a thousand people, every five people in one person participated, Zhuang Rui can not help but dumbfounded, if let Big D this person to go to work on Zheng Hua’s gambling ship, absolutely than in the metal company in charge of the logistics have a future.

“How come there are still so many people who choose to gamble on collapses?”

Big D took the sack containing more than 200,000 US dollars that he had just asked for from the organizing committee and sat it under his buttocks, checking the sorted betting slips in his hands, out of these one hundred and ninety-eight betting slips, 65 people actually chose to bet on the material to be cut down, and all of them didn’t care about the money and wanted to gamble for a one to two loss for fun.

Just so, the big D this dealer will be sitting wax, if that piece of wool cut up, he will lose out 2.66 million yuan, if it is a bet on the collapse, he is only earn eighty thousand dollars only, this dealer to bear the risk, not too big a point, the big D at this time on the face of the face has not just the excitement, a face of frustration to sit there.

“Ladies and gentlemen, friends, immediately to solve this piece of jadeite raw stone, is yesterday’s open bid auction in the number 1888 of the king of the bidding wool, would like to thank the Chinese Zhonghai auspicious jewelry company, wishing them to be able to New Year’s blessing, open the door to welcome the joy ……”

Myanmar side of the organizing committee, actually for this time also sent a proficient Chinese emcee to, before the stone said a big call, the intention is to encourage the presence of these wool merchants, more investment funds just.

Deconstruction of the master, there are auspicious company’s own people as the reason why they spent more than 50 million yuan to shoot this piece of material, that is also after repeated inspections and argumentation, this piece of the king of the wool, although the weight of more than a hundred kilograms, but valuable is that it is a piece of old pit kind of material.

As we all know, the old pit kind of wool outside with skin layer, the most common, is the fist size material, there are seventy or eighty pounds, can be called a large piece of wool, this piece weighs more than one hundred kilograms, although it can not be compared with that weighs a meal of giant red Fei material, but its kind of water and the outside of the performance, it is to be more than that piece of red Fei raw stone with bad locks.

This piece of wool on the rubbing surface, out of the green, and still good quality ice high green jadeite, the color is very pure, just based on the rubbing surface, can be worth a couple of million yuan, and as long as the green to the deep penetration of two or three centimeters, in the price to be doubled, if you can penetrate five or six centimeters, then they can earn back the money.

And generally rub the surface to see high-quality jadeite raw stone, inside the glass seed out of the odds are quite large, if you can a little glass seed material, and then processed into jadeite jewelry to the market, auspicious company is a steady profit, which is also they dared to more than 5 million euros will be the main reason for the auction.

Standing in the stone machine next to a few auspicious company people, but also in a low voice to discuss, this piece of wool gambling up, that not only can solve the company’s tight supply problem, but also in front of the peers to show their faces, play a deterrent role in the seizure of the market share, but also a great benefit.

After some discussion, or decided to rub the stone first, and from the back of the open locks of the place to rub, if the locks of the cracks in depth, then along the locks to cut, so that you can maximize, to maintain the integrity of the original stone in the jade meat.

Along with the grinding machine on the grinding wheel “bared” rotating sound, originally some noisy site, instantly quiet, thousands of square meters of open space, leaving only the grinding wheel and the original stone contact, friction issued by the “click” sound, broken small stone chips, have been Scattered to the ground.

Twenty minutes later, has been replaced by three pieces of grinding wheel, rubbing surface has been deep into the cracked locks of five, six centimeters, but the locks still exist, and is getting deeper and deeper, like a baby’s mouth in general, cracked shame rubbing stone people.

“It’s not good! This crack is too deep.”

“Yes! From the outside the cracked locks were not so obvious, but now it looks a bit like a bad lock.”

“Nine times out of ten, it’s going to collapse, Lucky Company has lost a lot of money this time.”

“Let’s see what will happen when we make a cut at the back, right?”

Originally silent cut stone field, the voice of the discussion have sounded, the people are gambling stone connoisseurs, and rubbing stone and cut stone, is to distinguish whether the original stone inside the jade meat of the most critical means, see the rub surface, originally swore that this piece of stone will rise people, also changed the wind, after all, the facts speak louder than words!

See this rub out of the cracked locks, the hearts of the people present are different, only that big D is full of excitement, said he will lose every bet, this time it is very likely to win so a time, although his happy is built on the basis of the auspicious company’s pain, but that does not matter to him, big D and the auspicious company but there is no penny of the more joyful.

At this time the auspicious company that stone master’s face, is also extremely ugly, this piece of material a total of more than forty centimeters of thickness, now has gone into the five or six centimeters, the cracked locks are still not disappearing traces, and there is no emergence of emerald, suggesting that this crack is very deep, there is no need to rub it down again.

“Master Wu, don’t rub it, cut a knife along the cracked lock! Be careful not to hurt the jade flesh inside ……”

A middle-aged man standing next to the decomposer spoke out, he still holds a few hopes in his heart, if a few kilograms of glass seed can appear in this piece of material, then it can still earn back the capital.


That Master Wu promised, greeted the two people to move the raw stone to the stone cutting machine, under the rubbing surface of the one out of the jadeite, padded with a thick spread, this is afraid of cutting the stone when destroying the jade flesh that has appeared.

Master Wu was very careful and observed for a while, next to the cracked locks of wool, with white chalk drew a diagonal cut line, the whole piece of wool into two halves, in accordance with this cut line will be unraveled wool, basically is up or collapse, it is clear at a glance.

Holding the cold handle of the stone cutting machine, Master Wu’s heart is also up and down, this piece of wool is under his recommendation to shoot, if it is really gambling collapse, then he will not have the face to mix in the auspicious company, and in front of so many peers, in the future in the circle of gambling are not good to mix.

After pressing the power switch, the huge alloy gears rotated quickly, the early morning sunlight shone on it, reflecting a white light, flashing the eyes of the crowd.

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