Chapter 0460 – Dark Bid (IV)

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:20:03
A+ A- Turn Off Light

“How? How is it possible? Impossible!!!”

When the big screen finally stopped flashing. The most shouted sentence in the auction room was “Impossible” Looking at the numbers on the big screen that had come to a standstill, it was just like the old song, some people are happy and some people are sad, and some people even gave up everything for those numbers on the big screen.

“Old Ma, I won the bid, how is your side ah? Damn, why this look?”

After Song Jun saw the numbers on the screen, he smiled happily, just looked at Fatty Ma, suddenly wrinkled his nose, this fat old brother’s eyes glaring about to protrude out of the eye sockets, coupled with those fat cheeks, the whole of a fucking image of a toad.

“Didn …… t hit …… it.”

After being kicked by Song Jun, Fatty Ma only came back to his senses, a frustrated expression, he spent a huge amount of effort to figure out the price, actually was a gap of five hundred thousand euros, the piece of wool to snatch away. This makes Fatty Ma’s heart, can not help but produce the frustration when experiencing male down female up position with a woman.

“You kid thing, not as reliable as Zhuang Rui, get, not in on not in, wait for tomorrow to see brother deciphering stone ……” Song Jun to in or not in that piece of wool, and did not how to put on the heart, his own selection of a piece of raw stone won the bidding, this will be proud of it!

“Damn, turn around to find out, in the end who intercepted the fat master’s hu?”

Fatty Ma angrily cursed, but he can do nothing about it, after winning the bidding of the wool are handled by the consignment formalities, generally no one will be in Burma to decode the stone, because carrying emerald out of the country, the same in Burma is illegal, even if your emerald is from the original stone belonging to you to decode out.

“Alas, I wonder who won the bid.”

Also in another auction hall, Xu Zhendong took a long breath, when he spoke he couldn’t tell if he was lost or happy, he was under a lot of pressure, winning the bid to solve the collapse, that would be a disaster for Xu Jewelry, now that he didn’t win the bid, Xu Zhendong’s whole body was suddenly like a deflated leather ball. Paralyzed in the chair.

“Dad, let’s keep this money and go shoot some dark bids how nice!”

Xu Qi was full of joy, in his opinion, the wool that all the experts didn’t look favorably on, must not be able to decipher the emerald, being won by someone else was just the right way to save the company a lot of money.

“You know shit!” Xu Zhendong glared at his son, but in his heart now, he was indeed much more relaxed.

“Hey, won two, Xiao Rui, that uncertain bid you said, didn’t win ……”

Qin Haoran couple is naturally in the ranks of the jubilant people, Zhuang Rui gave him four bids, Qin Haoran voted for three, a total of more than four million euros spent, which is just a drop in the bucket for Qin’s jewelry.

“Huh? How come it’s 7,501,000 euros? Did you forget to bid?”

After Qin Haoran looked at the number 5220, his face instantly became ugly as he realized. The blue bidding figure below that mark was ultimately determined on the amount of 7,501,000 euros, and he was a whole 499,000 euros less than the 8,000,000 euros he had accounted for Zhuang Rui.

So Qin Haoran’s first reaction, is Zhuang Rui did not bid, which makes him greatly frustrated, to be honest, his heart most valued wool, or this piece of red Fei material, I would have known that by their own operation, young people, or can not withstand the pressure.

“No, Uncle Qin, now this bidding, is what I voted for.”

Zhuang Rui’s words, let Qin Haoran couple opened their mouths wide, half a day was not able to close, the original Zhuang Rui is not unable to withstand the pressure, but that heart is too strong a bit, actually in other people to raise the price upwards, he dared to press the price downwards, and also ended up being his vote.

“Good boy, really, it seems that Uncle Qin is really old!”

Qin Haoran gladly punched on Zhuang Rui’s shoulder, just now that turn of events had scared him a lot, thinking that he had lost his temper in front of his future son-in-law, Qin Haoran couldn’t help but look a little heckled.

“Uncle Qin, you’re not old, are you? Auntie Fang!”

Zhuang Rui squeezed his eyes at his father-in-law, causing Fang Yi to glare at him in dissatisfaction.

“Alright, this piece of your bid should be today’s king of the bidding, while the radio has not yet made an announcement, if you don’t want to be known by others, let’s seize the time to go through the procedures for winning the bidding ……”

Qin Haoran was very familiar with the process of the Myanmar public auction, and after seeing Zhuang Rui nodding, he stood up and took the lead towards the window at the entrance for the winning bid formalities.

“Sir, please walk ten meters to the right and go to that office for the winning bid formalities ……”

Zhuang Rui handed his bidding card into the window, but what surprised him was that the person inside actually told him to enter into the office of the auction hall to go through the formalities, I don’t know if the last time’s bidding king, also enjoyed this treatment, but what Zhuang Rui knew was that the bidding king, who belonged to the Zhonghai Auspicious Company, ended up in a very miserable situation.

“Go! I’ll go with you ……”

Qin Haoran didn’t know what had happened, and after turning around and explaining a few words to Fang Yi, he went to the office with Zhuang Rui.

“Hello, it’s Mr. Zhuang, right? Congratulations on winning the title of King of Bidders in this jadeite public auction so far ……”

Upon entering the office, a thin-looking middle-aged Burmese man greeted him, and the words that came out of his mouth. But it is extremely fluent Chinese, if not in a foreign country, Zhuang Rui will only think that this person is a minority in Yunnan and Guizhou and other places.

“Well, this doesn’t seem to need congratulations, does it? I wonder what exactly is the matter that brought me here?”

Zhuang Rui asked straight to the point, he knew that Myanmar was a military-run country, maybe this middle-aged man was holding some position in the military, as the saying goes, a showman meets a soldier and there’s a reason for it, Zhuang Rui didn’t want to deal with the armed and violent organs of this country.

“Oh, Mr. Zhuang is really quick to speak, it’s like this. We would like to ask Mr. Zhuang to cooperate, can you come to solve this piece of wool now, tomorrow morning? Of course, you can rest assured that if the solution out of the emerald, we can be completely free to issue an invoice certificate to help you pass customs, do not have to be afraid of out of the emerald to bring out of our country ……”

The middle-aged man did not beat around the bush with Zhuang Rui, directly out of their own meaning, Zhuang Rui smiled at the words, I’m afraid that the several auspicious jewelry company people, also once enjoyed this treatment, right?

“Can I ask, why did your party choose this piece of wool to solve?”

However, Zhuang Rui heart also some strange, their piece of wool performance is not good, Myanmar organizing committee if you want to salvage the impact of the words, should go to find a piece of nine out of ten can excise jadeite to the raw stone ah, how will find their head?

“Ahem …… this …… we have many friends in China, they all say Mr. Zhuang you have been blessed by the Living Buddha, luck …… that …… luck is quite good.”

That organizing committee official was a little embarrassed, a paragraph said stumbling, but the meaning of the words is finally expressed, to put it bluntly is, we know that you have good luck, that’s why we decided to pick you this piece of wool to decompose the stone.


Hearing the other party speak out is actually this reason, Zhuang Rui can’t help but roll his eyes, this is also too rash, right? If one’s luck is not as good as the other party imagines, and when it collapses again, it will be a big impact on this Myanmar jadeite public disk.

Although Zhuang Rui knows that Myanmar is a Buddhist country, but for him, a person without faith, he does not understand the degree of fervor of the Burmese people for their own religious beliefs, Zhuang Rui’s information would have been their extreme concern, so after he won the bidding, immediately after the organizing committee of the senior gave instructions, to solve Zhuang Rui won the auction of the wool.

“But …… I didn’t intend to decode the stone in Myanmar.”

Zhuang Rui thought for a moment, or out of the mouth refused, but the heart is a little apprehensive, he is afraid that the other side soft can not come to hard, now is in someone else’s country. One could not do anything at all.

“Mr. Zhuang, you can reconsider, and we will make some compensation to you, specifically, if you agree to decode the stone in Burma, we can be your winning bid, adjusted downward by ten percent, that is to say, 7.5 million euros, you only need to pay 6.75 million on it. And you will also become a lifetime honorary VIP of the Myanmar Jadeite Fair, and if you participate in the fair in the future, you don’t need an invitation letter to enter the gambling venue …….”

That organizing committee official saw Zhuang Rui was not willing to decompose the stone in Myanmar, finally took out his killer mace, this kind of offer can not be said to be not rich, seventy-five thousand euros can be equivalent to more than seven million yuan, the Myanmar side is indeed not a small amount of handwriting.

“Good, we agree, tomorrow can be on-site deciphering …… stone.”

While Zhuang Rui was still hesitating, Qin Haoran unexpectedly agreed on his behalf.

After that organizing committee thanked him profusely for signing the Winning Contract with Zhuang Rui at the fastest speed possible, and waited for Zhuang Rui to pay all the money, Zhuang Rui and Qin Haoran left that office.

“Uncle Qin, why do we have to decode the stone in Myanmar? Will the trees attract the wind?” After walking out of the door of the office, Zhuang Rui asked Qin Haoran with some confusion.

“Discount 750,000 euros, equal to nearly 8 million yuan, this discount is quite a lot, then again, that person should be the minerals ministry of Burma, and they have good dealings with them, and do not suffer, maybe you can also later in Burma to get a jadeite mine to play!”

Qin Haoran smiled and joked with Zhuang Rui, in fact, he was mainly interested in the discount equivalent to more than seven million yuan, Qin Haoran is a businessman, in business, can use the smallest cost to take this piece of raw stone, of course he is willing.

In addition to the scene of the stone, if the bet up, then Qin’s jewelry can be in the industry out of a big headache, do jewelry industry, always is not afraid of the four words, that is the more wind the better, save spending huge sums of money to invite the stars to do advertising.

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