Chapter 0472 – Bid Opening (II)

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:20:34
A+ A- Turn Off Light

“I’ve won! Haha. I won the first piece.”

Suddenly, a voice that was almost a little crazy, rang out in the hall, that voice carried a flavor of hysteria, even in this thousands of square meters of hall, it was clearly audible, not much lower than the voice inside the tweeter.

That dude was not only shouting, but also running at the same time, he was originally squeezed in the forefront, and now he rushed out of the crowd, and was running wildly towards the door where the Winning Contract was handled.

“This person won’t be crazy, right?”

Zhuang Rui look at his hands and feet look, really a bit like the book described Fan Jin in the lift, but people Fan Jin that is actually in the lift, you just shot the wool, can not solve out the jade, that is still in two say it, as for so excited about it?

This person is not only excited over the head, and reaction is also a little slow, this has been opened thirty or forty pieces of wool, he reacted to his own bid, a little like listening to jokes at night, the next day to get up and laugh at the meaning of the inside.

“This has been held back for ten days, replaced by your kid, winning the bid will also be happy, don’t say sneer ……”

Fatty Ma dissatisfied with a glance at Zhuang Rui, out of the field of all the people’s voice, Zhuang Rui think about it is so, after this ten days of battle of wits to analyze the woolen material to develop a price tag, are fast to the people to torture crazy, the excitement of the moment is also normal.

And then again, do not care whether the raw stone can be out of jade, but after winning the bid you can go to the decalcification, if not won the bid, you do not even have that opportunity.

Don’t say, after this, the atmosphere in the field is eased down, the crowd in the country are people with status, the mind adjusts faster, in observing the opening of the bidding situation, but also become laughing and joking.

The number on the big screen flashes very quickly, basically three seconds to open a bid, and that screen can only keep more than twenty lines, a little inattention, the front out of the bid will be brushed up, so in the bidding venue, people are fully concentrated in the big screen, for fear of missing the wrong bid.

In fact, in all corners of the hall, there are also placed more than a dozen touch-screen inquiry machine. Input the wool number, you can check out that piece of wool, there is no bidding and the winning amount and winning number, but this machine is too little, simply not enough people, more people are still standing and looking at the big screen.

Although there is an inquiry machine and after the opening of the bidding can also go to the window inquiry, but everyone wants to know in the first moment whether they won the bidding, even Zhuang Rui has a bottom in his heart, but also is not willing to leave, in the absence of the signing of the “winning contract” before, those wool can not be said to be attributed to their own.

But this winning bid number is really brush too fast, Zhuang Rui look not a moment, feel some eye blurred, although he is learning finance, but has not been able to that more than twenty mark all memorized in the brain, after watching a while, Zhuang Rui is a little relaxed, the eyes did not stare at the big screen at all times.

At the scene from time to time recalled a cheer, followed by people from the crowd drilled out, to the window to handle the contract, and bystanders look at those people’s eyes. All with envious look, some familiar is even said congratulations, as if it has been betting on the general.

Compared to Zhuang Rui’s slightly careless attitude, Peng Fei is holding a book in his hand, his eyes have been staring at the big screen, his eyes alternating between the book and the big screen from time to time, and when he saw a mark and the numbers behind it, Peng Fei suddenly grabbed Zhuang Rui’s shoulder and shouted, “Brother Zhuang, we won, we also won the bid.”

“Won the bid? How many numbers?”

Zhuang Rui also got excited when he heard that, to know, the number of that piece of yellow Fei raw stone, can be within 20,000, although there are two other pieces, but Zhuang Rui obviously put his mind on the yellow Fei a little more.

“185,000 euros? I haven’t voted for such a price bid ah!”

Zhuang Rui looked at the number that Peng Fei pointed to, but could not help but be puzzled, those raw stones that he voted for, basically the price is above 300,000 euros, it seems that there is no such a cheap one.

“Brother Zhuang, you wrote on the book ah, the number and price are right, it will not be you, right?”

Hearing Zhuang Rui say this, Peng Fei took the book in his hand, compared a few numbers again, nodded his head with certainty, and said, “Yes, this is it, but it seems like I didn’t vote for this bid. No impression ……”

“185,000, shit, it’s really what I voted for.”

Zhuang Rui patted his head, spoke with an expression of some chagrin, look at the side of a few people’s eyes are a little strange, pretend, then pretend, other people win the bid are ecstatic expression, just you kid will pretend, as if the bid loss.

Zhuang Rui really remembered this piece of raw stone to, is the first time he looked at the dark label, in the combination of open and dark label that area to see, that the bottom price of the label is 30,000 euros, Zhuang Rui at the beginning of the time to vote for 31,000 euros.

Later passing by there, see inside the betting list on the highest number has become 180,000, he was indignant, filled out a 185,000 bid thrown to the inside.

Zhuang Rui’s heart now, really feel the loss, to know, he voted for the twenty pieces of wool, and did not put this piece of calculation in the inside of this piece of wool, although it is also inside the icy jadeite, but the value of its value but in between three and four million yuan. And his other material can not be compared at all.

“Damn, the pendulum is so back, open is so early ……”.

Zhuang Rui heart slightly depressed, this piece of material is placed in the last, but Zhuang Rui also know, the dark label wool area and the bright label is not the same, a lot of is disrupted the number of placement.

“What if the money is not enough?”

Zhuang Rui looked up at Qin Haoran, it is hard not to ask the old man to borrow? To know, if all 20 pieces of wool in his own pick won the bidding, then he would only have a maximum of 40,000 euros left in his hand, which would not be enough to pay for this piece of wool at all.

In the Myanmar jadeite fair. In addition to your on-site payment can be taken away after the wool, or on-site deciphering, other commissioned consignment, are to wait until the end of the fair will be carried out, if Zhuang Rui escape bidding for this piece of wool, then his other for commissioned consignment of raw stone, is also not to take away.

Of course, Zhuang Rui can also pay off the amount of other wool, consignment situation, but later his identity, the official in Burma from the VIP to become a blacklisted person.

“What’s wrong, Rui? Colluding bids?”

Qin Haoran saw Zhuang Rui’s expression, asked on the sidelines, his so-called crosstalk, refers to not be able to see the wool, can be voted but not voted, but the price of such material is generally not very high, there is no need to now this expression, right?

“It’s okay, Uncle Qin ……”

Zhuang Rui mouth promised, but did not go with others to handle the “winning contract”, anyway, there is a three-month period, when he returned to the country, and then put together 180,000 euros to the account of the Myanmar Organizing Committee, the same can be.

Myanmar dark bid opening, from nine o’clock in the morning, until six o’clock in the afternoon, to about 12 o’clock in the afternoon, Zhuang Rui in addition to the piece of the bid, the other three pieces but did not appear, but Song Jun and Qin Haoran a few people, are each won three pieces of material.

“Let’s go! Let’s eat and go, when we come back after eating and check on that it will be fine.”

Qin Haoran won three pieces of material, although they are all written by Zhuang Rui to him, but the heart is still very happy, just like the reasoning that was said earlier, there is wool before there is emerald, there is no wool you do not even have the opportunity to decode the stone.

“Hey, old money, eat to go? What to eat ah! Doorway someone in the stone it, let’s grab a look to go, may be able to buy a good piece of material ……”

“Really? Let’s go, that is to go to see ……”

Zhuang Rui and others in the out of the auction hall, heard such a conversation, can not help but heart some strange, look to Qin Haoran, asked: “Uncle Qin, this shot to the original stone, are not all brought back to solve it? How there is such a hurry?”

“Hehe, those people are not jewelers, nor are they wool merchants, coming here just to solve the stone.” Qin Haoran smiled at his words and explained it to Zhuang Rui.

It turns out that people who come to Burma to gamble, basically can be divided into three categories of people, the first is the various jewelry companies to buy jadeite raw materials, this type of people in addition to domestic and Southeast Asia, there are buyers from Europe and around the world, jadeite in foreign countries, although not very best-selling, but it is also a kind of gemstone, has a specific consumer groups.

The second kind of people are basically from the domestic, they do not solve the stone, just from Burma to take the wool back to the country, or hoarding, or pick some out to participate in the domestic jadeite public disk, the good point is that the wool merchants, a different way to call it, that is, the two traffickers.

This kind of person has Chaoshan people mostly, but in the mainland there are also many people imitate the way of Chaoshan people collect money to gamble on the stone, to join the army to gamble on the stone, and some of the consortium is also interested in investing in the original stone, the funds gradually tilted to this circle.

Come to participate in the Myanmar public plate, in addition to these two types of people, there is another kind of people, is purely for the purpose of gambling stone and come, their purpose, is to small for big, bet on the value of the high jadeite, on the spot will be sold, this kind of people of good and bad, there is Fatty Ma such as looking for stimulation of the billionaires, but also has been betting on the family lost all their money, and then owed a butt of foreign debt to turn over the money.

The most notable feature of this type of people, is that after winning the bid, basically all in Myanmar on-site decryption, if the bet went up, then on-site to sell out, anyway, from all over the world jewelers gathered here, not afraid to sell a good price.

If the bet collapses, those who borrowed money to gamble on the stone, whether to hang himself or take sleeping pills to jump off the building, it is unknown.

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