Chapter 0477 – Zhuang Rui’s Ambition

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:20:46
A+ A- Turn Off Light

“Hey, who said I won’t buy it. I’ll offer 8 million RMB, old brother Zhuang, this wool can be mine!”

Fatty Han simply did not take the wool from the clothes out of the intention, directly opened the price of 8 million yuan, just he is not stupid, this half of the material he has long seen, from this cut surface, as long as you can pull out the thickness of the two fingers of emerald, their own profit is not lost.

“8 million RMB?”

“Old Han is really willing to put down the money ah!”

“Yes! But it’s still Boss Zhuang who’s great, making more than 10 million on a single piece of material ……”

The crowd heard Fatty Han’s words, have discussed, look at Fatty Han’s previous performance and now the bid, but no one and he fight this piece of material, after all, the following to solve the wool more, deadlocked on this piece of price, in the end to suffer the loss of their own.

Two euro checks into the bag, Zhuang Rui just breathed a sigh of relief, with this more than 10 million, the days do not have to live so tight, and as long as to last a few months. Waiting for the capital Qin Ruilin store set up this gambling jadeite jewelry after, Zhuang Rui believe that the funds can soon be back together.

“Kid, earn a fortune, right? Turn around and watch your brother decode the stone ……”

Song Jun came over to pat Zhuang Rui’s shoulder, even with his wealth, face is also with envy, he is aware of Zhuang Rui this piece of wool auction price, 185,000 euros, turn to sell to 15.8 million yuan, nearly 10 times the profit, is to rob the bank drug trafficking, money is not as fast as this to ah!

“Well, Song, I still have a few pieces of material, go back to check the winning bid no, you first solve, I will be back in a while …….”

Zhuang Rui is not in the mood to see Song Jun and other people to solve the stone, since he heard the Zhang boss said that the last piece of yellow Fei material after the winning bid is 3.18 million euros, this mind has long flown to the auction hall to go.

“Hey, hey, don’t run! I said, I’m waiting for you kid to give the pressure!”

Song Jun shouted at Zhuang Rui’s background, but Zhuang Rui had already squeezed into the crowd and could no longer be seen.

Although a lot of jewelers have gone to the stone decomposition area to prepare to buy raw materials, but in the auction hall of the people, is not the slightest decrease. Most of the people who came to participate in the Myanmar public auction were several people who came together, but now they are also divided into an orderly manner, there are those who went to shop for the jade materials that were deciphered, and there are also people who squatted here to wait for the opening of the bidding.

Zhuang Rui in a query machine next to the queue for more than half an hour, finally it was his turn to query, after entering the number of that piece of yellow jadeite, a row of numbers jumped out: the original stone number: 12586, the winning price: 3.18 million euros, the winning bidder number: 8367XXXX.

“That’s right, it’s yourself!”

Zhuang Rui fiercely clenched his fist, although the profit of this piece of material doesn’t necessarily have to be the biggest, but it is uniqueness, at least Zhuang Rui has never seen or heard of a piece of material that is even better than this piece of yellow Fei, as for the rumored piece of yellow Fei Roasted Chicken, Zhuang Rui didn’t see it, but in his heart, he felt that that piece of material wasn’t as good as this piece of his own.

“I wonder if Master Gu will come out again when he sees this piece of material?”

Zhuang Rui giggled as he looked at the words on the screen, he had previously taken a piece of multi-colored soft jade to Master Gu. Let him carve out a national treasure jade carving fruit plate, if the old master sees this piece of yellow jade again, I don’t know if he will change his own thoughts of gold!

“Hey, this boss, have you inquired yet?”

Zhuang Rui giggled at the screen of that query machine for half a day, someone behind him waited impatiently, and the urging voice immediately rang out.

“Wait a minute, wait a minute, it’s almost ready ……”

Today’s number can open a total of three pieces of their own bids, Zhuang Rui hastily entered the other two pieces of the original stone number, hey, it really came out, two pieces of the original stone unsurprisingly fell into the bag.

These two pieces of material is a piece of icy Jadeite, volume is very large, weight in three hundred kilograms or so, this is Zhuang Rui spent one million nine hundred and eighty thousand euros to shoot down, and inside the jade can be solved out of more than eighty kilograms of jadeite, this kind of Jadeite made out of the bracelet is very popular in the market, Zhuang Rui rough estimate, only this piece of material, can bring back to their own more than two hundred million yuan of profit.

Another piece of material is a glass seed colorless jadeite, this piece of material is not big, only seven or eight kilograms of weight, but the shell of the original stone is very thin, but can take out three or four kilograms of material, this jadeite in the ten years ago, no one asked for, but in the last four or five years the price has risen greatly, by a lot of people’s pursuit. Only slightly less than the glass seed with color emerald, to be higher than the ice seed material a grade to.

Of course, Zhuang Rui only a jewelry store, the money returned back to the cycle may be very long, but Zhuang Rui heart has taken the idea, when targeted to solve a few pieces of wool in the jadeite to each quality of jadeite, have launched a few ornaments to the capital Qin Ruilin into a want to buy the best jadeite must go to the place in the industry to put up a high-end jadeite jewelry brand.

This idea in Zhuang Rui took over the Qin Ruilin store when there, just that will suffer from the hands of no high-quality jadeite jade, and now have the hands of this batch of raw stone, the plan can be carried out, Zhuang Rui is not a whimsical, he has the ability to dominate the capital city of high-grade jadeite market and conditions.

From the consumer group, high-grade jadeite jewelry consumer group is obviously not those who take the salary of the ordinary people, a brooch earrings to be worth millions of dollars, it is not ordinary people can afford to spend.

Zhuang Rui’s goal, is those stars of the entertainment industry, there are Ouyang Jun’s cultural entertainment company and Xu Qing this new zha sister-in-law, must be launched in that circle, certainly will not be subject to any resistance.

Another consumer group, also to fall on Ouyang Jun’s body. His club in the rich members, but there is a lot of potential to dig, in this day and age, it is no longer fashionable to hang that thumb-thick gold necklace on the neck, that will be seen as a profiteer, comment on a word: vulgar.

Now the rich people, play is taste, waist disc block thousand years old jade, thumb set a Qianlong master hunting with jade trigger finger, forefinger and then wear a produced from Burma pure natural glass kind of emperor green ring, that is called rich. That is called taste, like the early 90’s when the cell phone just came out, the person with the cell phone is not in the hands of the people hanging on the waist, afraid that other people can not see.

Of course, that thousand years of ancient jade is chicken blood seep out, the emperor green ring is plexiglass, this is another story.

Zhuang Rui’s purpose is to let these rich big brothers, the pursuit of fashion stars, later meet each other asked about the jewelry, if not from the capital Qin Ruilin, that are embarrassed to say out.

After inquiring about the winning situation, Zhuang Rui mood, walked to the door of the auction hall, looked at the dark clouds on the day still did not disperse, but also feel the heart bright up, walked to the window to line up for the winning bidding formalities to go.

The three pieces of material, two of them, Zhuang Rui is to let the Myanmar Organizing Committee consigned to the Pengcheng villa, respectively, insured 100 million yuan of lost compensation, and the other piece of yellow Fei, Zhuang Rui is to let it consigned to the Beijing courtyard residence, he was thinking of waiting to go back to Beijing, after the courtyard, also purchased a set of stone decomposition machine, anyway, that place is big enough, put in the backyard can be.

This piece of yellow Fei, Zhuang Rui is not intended to leave Luo Jiang’s, if you put into the Pengcheng solve out by Luo Jiang see, will certainly have a heart, so Zhuang Rui is ready to directly in Beijing to solve out, as for what to carve an object, then first take to the old man to look at it again.

After the bidding formalities, Zhuang Rui and back to solve the stone site, just the turn of the Song Jun decryption, unsurprisingly, is also a big rise, the scene sold more than 30 million yuan, the Song Jun face happy like a blooming wild chrysanthemum general. He and Fatty Ma came to Burma, not all for the money, but to enjoy the moment of pleasure of cutting up the original stone to come.

Just let Zhuang Rui tangled is, Ma fat man and Song Jun are quite “know the kindness of repayment”, said in unison is Zhuang Rui to help them choose the wool, make just came to the decryption area of the Zhuang Rui immediately became a target, was many jewelry merchants surrounded, let Zhuang Rui to help them to look at their own purchases of the original stone.

Zhuang Rui although the heart is impatient, but also do not dare to commit the anger of the crowd, the “Jade King” are seventy or eighty years old, in each session of the Burma Plate line is still enthusiastic to help people look at the wool, Zhuang Rui if you shirk, these people go back to don’t know to say something about it, immediately can be stinking Zhuang Rui in the jewelry line of fame.

To say that this Burma jadeite plate, indeed not Pingzhou plate can be compared, just more than ten days, simply not enough Zhuang Rui to see all the wool all over, like now these people shoot to the hand of the material, there is no lack of high-quality jadeite, there are a few pieces so that Zhuang Rui are looking very hot.

Help others look at the raw stone, naturally a sentence to see ten can only say three, generally inside the jade, Zhuang Rui will point out, just in the weight and quality of jade flesh, slightly wrong.

Zhuang Rui this side in looking at the original stone, some of the material was pointed out by him on the other side, has begun to cut the stone, and cut out the results, and Zhuang Rui said the difference, which more let the crowd of Zhuang Rui’s eyesight admiration, gambling will need to be gifted, not the older the more accurate the vision, or else that would not have to gamble, let a bunch of old men directly than the age of the forget it.

In the later days, Zhuang Rui in addition to their own bidding procedures, is to help others look at the original stone, which also let him win the respect of many people, actually be placed on a number of such as industry leaders, gambling masters, emerald masters of the name, if it is not Zhuang Rui age is too young, I’m afraid that some people will call him “emerald king”. The

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