Chapter 0480 – Airport Conflict

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:20:54
A+ A- Turn Off Light

After coming out from the cabin, Zhuang Rui opened his cell phone, and found that there were several new text messages on it, sent by his mother, and Qin Xuanbing’s message, but the last one was from Prof. Meng, reminding Zhuang Rui not to forget about the preliminary examination for graduate students next week.

The preliminary examination for postgraduate students is a written examination, the examination room is in Beijing, Zhuang Rui heart has always been in mind, according to his idea, from Myanmar back to after all can be in time, but after seeing the text message, Zhuang Rui or to Professor Meng called a phone.

Professor Meng on the phone knows Zhuang Rui in Burma, but also did not say anything, just told him to return to Beijing, first go to his home, some of the key but also to Zhuang Rui said, China’s test education is so, the pro-forma sharpening of the gun does not light also light.

“Hey? How to grab the bag ah?”

From the exit out of the channel, Zhuang Rui is still talking on the phone, coldly pulling the box behind himself, was grabbed by someone. Zhuang Rui shouted in a hurry.


At the time when Zhuang Rui’s words did not fall, the person who snatched the suitcase from behind Zhuang Rui, had already flown in the air, but was kicked in the chest by Peng Fei, just that person’s hand was actually still clutching Zhuang Rui’s suitcase and not letting go.

“What’s going on?”

After hanging up the phone, Zhuang Rui took a few steps and ran to the side of the person who couldn’t get up from the ground, first took his suitcase from his hand, and then when he looked at that person, he couldn’t help but be a bit dumbfounded.

That lying on the ground, is using the hand to touch the chest, seems to have been difficult to speak, wearing clothes but the clothes of the airport staff, and in the exit there, surrounded by a row of people, this will be scrambling for the guest’s luggage, but there are also a few people to see this side of the things that happen, while using the walkie-talkie to say something, while walking over.

“Alas, old brother, how did you hit them?”

The middle-aged man who had sat in front of Zhuang Rui on the airplane also came out at this time, and seeing this mess, he couldn’t help but frown.

“It’s not that I hit him, it’s that he robbed my luggage ……”

Zhuang Rui said resentfully, while Peng Fei was blocking a few airport staff from coming forward and was exchanging something with them in Burmese.

“Alas, these people, they are all trying to get a few tips, old brother, you don’t know, in Mandalay airport, even if it is to help you take a handbag, can ask you for a 10 dollars, fill out a form that is also at least 10 dollars. You are the first time to come, do not know the rules, we every time just give these people tips, are several hundred dollars, come on, I can not say more, old brother you take care!”

Middle-aged man in the distance after seeing over a few people, quickly stopped the topic, into the crowd of people off the plane to go, he is often run this line, if the airport staff to think about, then in the future, but not his good fruit to eat.

“Damn, there is such a thing?”

Zhuang Rui heard quite speechless, this world has forced to buy and sell, but forced to ask for tips, Zhuang Rui this is the first time I have heard of it, can’t it be that the Burmese people are poor and crazy?

“Brother Zhuang, these people want compensation, saying that we hit someone, to pay 5000 dollars, this person …… actually did not suffer any injuries.”

Peng Fei and those people said a few words, turned back to look at Zhuang Rui, face somewhat embarrassed, he just purely subconscious kicked out of that kick, but Peng Fei or reduce the strength of a little, at most let that person difficult for a while, 5000 U.S. dollars is a little blackmail meaning.

“5000 dollars, 5 dollars are not, your airport staff are robbers ah? You just come up here and snatch travelers’ bags? Tell you what, I will complain to the Myanmar government.”

When Zhuang Rui heard this, he was on fire, you have a good service attitude, it’s natural to give a tip, but like this kind of behavior of forcibly snatching the bag for a tip, Zhuang Rui can’t accept it, he knows that Myanmar used to be a British colony, and English is the common language here, so he yelled out loudly at that moment.

“Sir, your friend hurt our airport staff, we just want a little compensation for medical expenses, this is not too much, right?”

This would walk over to a leader-like person, who had just been watching from the side for half a day already, until Zhuang Rui shouted for a complaint, and only then did he walk over to negotiate with Zhuang Rui, speaking a slightly Burmese-accented English.

“Who are you?” Zhuang Rui asked in English.

“My name is Wincha, I’m the supervisor of the airport ground staff, I have the responsibility to get justice for my staff ……”

In fact, the staff to collect tips, this is the practice of Mandalay Airport, those airport executives to collect filial piety are collected softly, Wencha with a bunch of staff to collect some tips, that is also for their own pockets to engage in revenue generation, that is to say, every tip he has a commission, this will be, of course, to head.

But Wencha also do not want to make a big deal, he is for the money only, and look at the Zhuang Rui two look dressed, not like stealing back a few sacks of smuggled raw stone of those Chinese businessmen, Wencha speak is also polite.

Zhuang Rui looked at the person who spoke, where like what supervisor ah! The face of a fat head and ears look, and Zhuang Rui cognizance of the weak Burmese look very different, this whole state-run cafeteria master chef well!

“I’m sorry, I don’t think my friend is at fault, he was only in self-defense, your employee first violated my rights, I didn’t let him give me a bag ……”.

Zhuang Rui also more real, he this person has always been more good to talk, but for this behavior of Myanmar airport, really can not see into the eyes. Buddy money comes easy is not false, but that is not the wind blowing ah, why give you.

“Sir, you mean you don’t agree to settle, right?” Wencha this person is estimated to belong to the dog face, say change, put a face taut, with the Burmese language into the hands of the walkie-talkie said a few words.

“Brother Zhuang, he called the soldiers outside, you go out first, I am fine ……”

Peng Fei turned his head and said to Zhuang Rui. The Burmese soldiers, he really didn’t put it in his eyes, decades ago from the domestic rout of the Nationalist army, can beat the Burmese government army can not find the north, Peng Fei do not believe that these crooked melon and date can stay himself?

Zhuang Rui has not yet replied, from the outside of the airport hula ran in a team of soldiers, will be Zhuang Rui and Peng Fei and that airport supervisor, are surrounded inside.

“Now it won’t be a matter of compensating 5000 dollars that will solve the problem.”

Wencha looked at Zhuang Rui with a smug face, thinking in his heart to extort Zhuang Rui how much money is appropriate, after all, call these soldiers to come in to the fox, that is to pay the price, these soldiers want to start the money, a little bit not soft.

“Oh? Then how much money is appropriate?” Outside this group of pawns, a voice rang out.

“At least 20,000 …… no, 50,000 dollars, my employees have been hurt, without 50,000 dollars, they will wait to go to jail!”

Wen view Zhuang Rui and Peng Fei dressed well, said to the mouth of twenty thousand, immediately changed to fifty thousand, while also looking outside, he was trying to see who is so cooperative, asked the words he just said.

“Hu big brother ……” Zhuang Rui heard that accent is somewhat familiar, look outward, just to see wearing a Chinese folio lapel coat Hu Rong.

“Mr. Hu …… Hu, big …… brother?”

Wencha after seeing Hu Rong, a moment has not recognized, but the ear came Zhuang Rui shouted that big brother, suddenly dumbfounded, he also slightly understand the Chinese language, of course, Wencha’s Chinese language level, but also stayed in the big brother is a mother’s birth out of the explanation.

As long as it is Burmese, there is no one who does not know the Hu family, although they do not participate in politics, but in the Pachang area, the Hu family is the emperor of the soil there. The mining guards they keep are more powerful than the government army.

It can be said that if the Hu family wants to, with their financial and material resources, they can completely instigate the independence of a certain region of Burma. That said, there are so many ethnic groups in Burma, which are not in harmony with each other, and it is often the case that there is independence, and there are actually certain interest groups behind the shadow.

Wencha as Mandalay airport ground handling supervisor, ushering things naturally is not less dry, his understanding of Hu Rong, more in-depth than the average Burmese, know Hu Rong is not only in the business sector, is also a great influence in the military, and some of the Burmese power of the generals, is a good relationship.

With Hu Rong’s status in Burma, as long as a word, immediately can give Wencha an what treason and other crimes, let him evaporate, so Zhuang Rui’s this big brother, immediately Wencha scared that is a Buddha ascension and Buddha out of the world, at this time, Wencha’s legs, is already in the trembling.

Wen Cha’s reaction is still considered fast, ruthless on the ground that is still crying staff kicked a foot, a fawning smile looked at Zhuang Rui said: “Misunderstanding, purely misunderstanding, this gentleman, although my staff is out of goodwill, would like to help you carry the bag, but you since you don’t appreciate, that’s it, misunderstanding, a misunderstanding only … … …”

“Since it’s a misunderstanding, can we go now?”

Zhuang Rui glanced at Wencha, really too lazy to pay attention to this kind of person, pushed aside the soldier with a gun beside him and greeted Hu Rong, the two of them hugged.

“I am sorry, Zhuang old brother, the road delayed the meeting, did not expect this kind of thing ……” As the landlord, Hu Rong also felt a little embarrassed.

“Mr. Hu, it’s really a misunderstanding!”

Wencha this tears are going to flow out, usually want to flatter Hu Rong can not be flattered, this time, actually want to blackmail Hu Rong’s brother, think about the power of the Hu family in Burma, in case Hu Rong in the future in front of what a big man crooked mouth, they do not want to have a good day, Wencha behind the back of the cold sweat, along the spine on the drop.

“In the future, I don’t want to see something like this happen again.”

Hu Rong coldly glanced at Wen Cha, greeted Zhuang Rui and walked towards the outside of the airport, with his status, and this airport ground handling supervisor, there was nothing to say at all.

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