Chapter 0489 – City within a City

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:21:16
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The Pagang region was the earliest place where jadeite was mined in Burma. From the 13th and 14th centuries, there were records of mining jadeite jade.

It is said that around the 13th century, a packman in Yunnan Province, China, on his way back to Tengchong from Burma, in order to balance the weight of his horse’s load on both sides, he picked up stones on the side of the road and put them on his horse’s load in the Mongkol area of Pachang, Burma.

The packer went home and took a closer look, and the stones picked up on the way seemed to be green, which could be used as jade, and after being polished, they were really turquoise and lovely, which was even better than nephrite.

Later, people went to the Pachang Mongkol area to mine this gemstone, and since then, Burma has been the world’s main producer of high-quality jadeite, at least so far, has not been found in another part of the world, jadeite output.

By the 1880s, the Qianlong Emperor had extended his territory into the Pachang region of northern Burma, where he discovered rich jadeite mines, and from then on, jadeite was used in great quantities as jade, quickly surpassing nephrite in its glorious glory.

There are now about 160,000 people living here. Of these, 60,000 are native Burmese, while the other 100,000 are jade mining workers for major Burmese companies.

There were many Burmese Chinese living in Pachang, all of whom had lived here for hundreds of years, implicitly led by Hu, who used to run a Chinese language school a few years before, and now there were 600 to 700 Chinese students studying in it.

After a long journey of more than 8 hours, the two vehicles finally entered the birthplace of the Burmese emerald: the Pachang area.

After entering the realm of Pachang, the road is becoming more and more difficult to go, because a good road, inexplicably will be blown open a gap, which are all digging emerald companies to do, so that the buggy had to often detour.

Hu Rong called “strange hand” excavators, but also everywhere, they do not recognize the cross-country car written on the word “VIP” pass, often blocked on the side of the road is blocked for more than half an hour.

After another two hours, the car just drove into the city of Pagang, Zhuang Rui looked at the table, from 8:00 in the morning to start, to now is nearly 6:00 p.m., the whole on the road tossed nearly 10 hours.

Zhuang Rui on the way from time to time with the aura comb under the numbness of the body, now the situation is not bad, just slightly mentally appear a little tired.

And the two professors are a little bit bad, yesterday’s face is white, today it becomes wax yellow wax yellow, and on the way to vomit several times, get off the car. They were assisted down by the two soldiers, but the color of the two soldiers was not very good.

Hu Rong saw the two professors look, is also a little embarrassed, in the Pagang settled them to the only hotel “Yu Du Hotel” after the front and back arrangements for the hotel’s kitchen to the two congee to go, a moment and a half did not care to greet Zhuang Rui.

“Alas, old brother, sorry for you two, go, go home to …….”

After nearly an hour, Hu Rong waited until Feng Chen two professors slept, which only had the time to greet Zhuang Rui, Zhuang Rui and the few soldiers, are sitting at the front desk of this guest house general hotel.

Before Zhuang Rui could reply, a Burmese soldier suddenly stood up and said a few words to Hu Rong in Burmese.

When Hu Rong heard it, his face immediately showed a displeased color, pointed to the top, and the words that came out of his mouth revealed a harshness. Those few soldiers actually didn’t dare to look at Hu Rong squarely, nodding their heads repeatedly.

“Peng Fei, what did they say?” Zhuang Rui touched Peng Fei who was sitting beside him.

“Brother Zhuang, that soldier was just saying that the two of us are foreigners and they want to accompany us throughout, meaning that they want to monitor the two of us ……”

Peng Fei angrily nudged his mouth towards the stern-faced Hu Rong, then said, “Brother Hu is reprimanding them, saying that we are his relatives, and that their task is to be responsible for accompanying and protecting the two professors, not to accompany the two of us, and that Brother Hu is asking if they don’t want to do the job anymore?”

Zhuang Rui laughed at Peng Fei’s words, it didn’t matter which country it was, they would all use their power to oppress people ah! Hu Rong obviously knew these two’s officers and was now scaring them!

In fact, Zhuang Rui did not know that the three Burmese soldiers who were being trained with sweaty spines were not afraid of their officers, but were actually afraid of Hu Rong in front of them.

To say that the Burmese government is still a little control in Mandela, then to Pachang, the government’s influence becomes almost close to zero, the forces here are intricate, Hu Rong even if he sends people to kill them, the government is also helpless.

Under the several soldiers’ successive explanations, Hu Rong’s face slowly improved, and after a few more words, the several people nodded their heads like shrimps, and no longer dared to say anything about accompanying or anything like that.

“Let’s go! Older brother, see you are still quite spiritual, evening to you to receive the wind, let’s brother and sister have a good drink ……”

Hu Rong greeted Zhuang Rui, the three of them went out of the hotel and got into an SUV, while the few soldiers followed closely to send out, and when the car started, they also saluted in a very standard way, obviously just now they were intimidated by Hu Rong.

Hu Rong’s family lives in the north area of Pagang City, after the car drove for more than half an hour, Zhuang Rui looked far away and saw a building complex.

The reason why it is said to be a building complex, because the building Zhuang Rui saw, outside the high walls, like a city within a city, the gate is built like a guardhouse, above and below the ground are people carrying guns on guard, and in the middle of the guardhouse, there seems to be a fire point.

After seeing Hu Rong, the person standing guard at the gate immediately saluted, and his posture and movements were more formal than those of the soldiers just now.

The area covered by this city within a city was not small, and in the center was a main street, all of which were cement-paved roads. It was even better than the asphalt roads in Pagang City.

The houses in the city were planned very neatly, all of them were bungalows, some children were frolicking in front of each house, and what Zhuang Rui heard in his ears was all in Chinese, giving him a feeling as if he had come to a small town somewhere in the country.

“Before here is not big, from the last century seventies began to build, now inside the living nearly 20,000 Chinese, most of them are our company’s employees’ families …….”

Hu Rong introduced his home to Zhuang Rui, his face filled with pride.

This city within a city started to be built from Hu Rong’s grandfather, until he had three whole generations. By now, the Chinese city was already the number one force in Pachang, not to mention the miners who, with weapons, could immediately arm a force of thousands.

Driving from the entrance to Hu Rong’s residence, it took nearly five minutes, and at the entrance of a large mansion, there were already five or six people waiting there.

“Grandma, why have you come out!” As soon as Hu Rong got out of the car, he went straight to an old woman.

“Ah Rong, my nephew’s son-in-law is coming, of course I want to take a look.”

That old woman was not tall, her hair was already completely gray, but it was neatly combed, the wrinkles on her face were very deep, it looked like she should be over seventy years old, she looked behind Hu Rong while she was talking, but those eyes appeared to be cloudy.

“Grandma, your eyes are not good again, look ……” Hu Rong held the old lady, a sentence did not go on.

“Auntie, I’m Zhuang Rui, how is your old man’s health?”

Zhuang Rui knew that this was Qin Haoran’s aunt, and hurriedly greeted her, holding the old lady’s other hand.

“Good …… good, good boy, this son of yours is really tall!”

The old lady’s words with a strong Cantonese accent, pulled the other hand out of Hu Rong’s hand, touched to Zhuang Rui’s face, just tiptoe some effort, Zhuang Rui hastily squatted down the body.

“Go, go home to ……”

The old lady is quite dry, holding Zhuang Rui turned back and left, causing Hu Rong had wanted to introduce Zhuang Rui to a few other people, and now can only follow behind shaking his head and laughing bitterly.

Hu Rong is a parent grandmother and other people live together, into the courtyard, hula hula up a large group of people. There are adults and children, most of them have never left Myanmar, see relatives from China, all feel very strange, a time to ask questions, very lively.

In the end, it was the old lady who gave the word, and the group dispersed, and Hu Rong then had the chance to introduce Zhuang Rui to his father, Hu Junzheng.

Hu Junzheng is about fifty-six or seventy years old, according to Hu Rong’s introduction, his father’s health is not very good, so when he was in his twenties, he handed over the family business to him.

Zhuang Rui went up and respectfully greeted him, Hu Junzheng didn’t have much of a stance, after helping his old mother onto the table, he greeted both Zhuang Rui and Peng Fei and sat down, Peng Fei’s current status was Zhuang Rui’s cousin, so the Hu family all viewed them as family.

This dinner reception, let Zhuang Rui is eye-opening, he is also considered in the Diaoyutai State Guesthouse in Beijing ate a meal, but the dishes on this table, nine out of ten he can not call the name to, seriously is the mountain delicacies of the sea all kinds of food.

Braised bear’s paw, steamed freshwater turtles, and that cut into a slice, eat in the mouth very chewy dishes, Zhuang Rui asked, actually is the elephant trunk, in addition to braised pangolin meat, as well as some of the animals he has not even heard of burned out of the dish, not to mention, the taste is really excellent.

“Children, drink more, this wine or when I was young to fight a tiger’s tiger whip bubble, you are also soon to become a family, drink more it’s okay, and so on when you go to bring a few, this thing is not rare here ……”

The wine that entertained Zhuang Rui was the Hu family’s home-brewed white wine, the degree shouldn’t be very high, but the stuff soaked in it was tiger penis.

Hu old man while giving Zhuang Rui persuade wine, while also said let him bring a few tiger penis back to the country, it is not immediately engaged, listen to Zhuang Rui is red in the face, can not help but wail in the heart, buddies are still young ah! It seems …… as if this thing is not used now!

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