Chapter 0490 – The Sexual Life of Burmese Men

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:21:18
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“What a nice young man! If this were in Burma, we’d have to find him a few more daughters-in-law ……”

Hu Junzheng’s words, more or less implicit, but the old lady’s next words, directly let Zhuang Rui petrified.

“This …… find a few more daughters-in-law? This is also OK?”

Zhuang Rui clamped a piece of braised pangolin on the edge of his mouth, half a day didn’t put it in his mouth to put it, stupidly asked a sentence, which led to the crowd to laugh.

“Polygamy is okay in Burma, but this marrying more than one daughter-in-law is not necessarily a good thing! Don’t you listen to grandma.” Hu Rong explained to Zhuang Rui while laughing.

It turns out that in Burma this place, due to the many ethnic groups, each with their own rules, there is no government law to speak of, like encountering a thief was caught, often by the onlookers will be beaten to death, which is not illegal in Burma.

The Burmese government basically doesn’t care about anything, such as internal disputes in each village, mediated by village elders in accordance with local customs, and generally more just.

Moreover, Myanmar does not seem to have any concept of nationality, it is a truly “free and democratic” land, you don’t even need to join the Myanmar nationality, you only need to practice in the local monastery for 7 days, to get the approval of the local customs, and from then on, you will be recognized by the Myanmar society, even if you have the full qualification of Myanmar men.

This gives you the same rights as a local resident, with the possible exception of the right to vote, but there doesn’t seem to be much of an election in Burma, and you can marry and have children locally.

Myanmar is a country where productivity is seriously low, and survival is the primary problem that ordinary people need to solve, coupled with the fact that there is no family planning here, there are many daughters in every family, and some of those who can’t afford to raise them will marry their daughters off, but of course, the marriage partner doesn’t necessarily need to be a single person.

While Myanmar’s polygamy system may seem funny, it does have its advantages for women.

For example, unless the woman has committed an act of dishonor, divorce is absolutely forbidden, you can never abandon her, and, to use a phrase often used in Western churches, you must support her for the rest of her life, regardless of poverty or illness.

Since the woman is responsible for labor, the man is responsible for all household chores …… cooking, washing clothes, bringing up children, according to the general level of the local Burmese, if you have three wives and eight children, then there are a total of eleven people’s chores for you to do.

When Zhuang Rui heard this, his body was cold! Think of a big old man on the back of a back, carrying one in the arms, buttocks with a group of bare ass children behind the situation, Zhuang Rui shuddered, the Burmese men are also mixed with a little bit too bad right?

Maybe some friends will say, daytime miserable point, but the night sex happiness ah! The day of the bridegroom of the night, but in the country can not live.

But that’s not necessarily a good thing. In Myanmar, the traditional concept of “fairness” is deeply rooted in all aspects of family life, and you have to treat each of your wives equally, taking turns to perform the rituals of matrimonial rites.

If you marry one of these wives, some of them are beautiful, want to favor a little bit, then it is not allowed, this will be unanimously condemned by public opinion, the same room to do that thing, here has become a moral obligation, I think a lot of students will be sexually uninterested.

“Hu big brother, that can’t men work in the field women at home with children?” Zhuang Rui asked in a ghostly manner, it’s always better to put out a little effort outside than to serve the kids and sweep the floor at home, right?

Hu Rong shook his head and said, “Myanmar and China are different, if a man has 3 wives and puts 3 women in charge of the household chores, then the farm work for 4 people is definitely more than a man can afford. And if 1 man and 2 women go to farm, then the 2 women who farm will definitely worry that their children will not be well taken care of by the other woman, and conflicts will easily arise. Therefore, the only reasonable institutional arrangement is: let all the women go to farm the land, and the men keep the house alone to take care of the children, and these first and second wives, generally have very good relationships, similar to that of their own sisters ……”

Zhuang Rui was Hu Rong words is jaw-dropping, this motherfucker is also too fair distribution it! If you put it this way, if there is one more woman in the house, it’s like the first wife has one more helper and one less labor.

Zhuang Rui even suspected that the first wife will not only not prohibit her husband from marrying more, but may instead encourage him to marry as many wives as possible, the women of Burma work together during the day, resting in a bed at night, and the friendship and trust established between the women in labor is likely to be very close.

Therefore, Hu Rong’s saying that the first and second wives are “like sisters” is not an exaggeration in Myanmar’s real life.

After Hu Rong introduced Myanmar’s marriage customs, he looked at Zhuang Rui with a smile and said: “How about it, do you want me to find a temple for you? Go and live in it for seven days, then you can enjoy the treatment of a Burmese, and with your wealth, I’m afraid that a large number of people will rush to marry their daughters to you.”

“Don’t, big brother Hu, you say this to Xuan Bing, I don’t dare to ……”

Zhuang Rui raised his hands to make the appearance of surrender, attracted the crowd laughed, originally everyone was joking about Zhuang Rui, the atmosphere at the table was very cordial, even the old lady drank several cups of home-brewed rice wine.

Although Zhuang Rui mouth said dare not, the heart is hot, just he knows, Qin Xuan Bing but outside the cold inside the soft character, he really want to do this, that will definitely let her heart broken.

The other thing is that they want to marry, that also want to find the domestic girl ah! When I think of here, Miao Fei Fei’s shadow suddenly broke into the Zhuang Rui’s mind, scared Zhuang Rui heart “thump” a bit.

This is even more not, this aunt if born in Burma, the husband dares to marry the second words, she will definitely take the scissors in the middle of the night to cut off someone’s life root.

After dinner, Hu Rong arranged for Zhuang Rui and Peng Fei to meet. Hu Rong arranged Zhuang Rui and Peng Fei stayed in the guest room, basically not much entertainment here in Burma, after eight or nine o’clock in the evening, it becomes very quiet, drink a little wine after a day of hard work Zhuang Rui, rushed a cool off on the drowsy sleep.

The next day when I woke up, it was already more than nine o’clock in the morning, Zhuang Rui quickly climbed up, simply wash up, out of the room.

Hu Rong just walked into the small courtyard where Zhuang Rui lives, after seeing him out. Snapped a greeting and said, “Xiao Zhuang, eat breakfast and go, there’s no rush to go out in the morning, let the two professors rest more, right, I won’t greet you, go to the hotel first to take a look ……”

Zhuang Rui nodded, he knew that yesterday those two really give tossed not light, halfway to vomit those times, even the yellow bile water is almost all given out, even to the noon, are not seen to slow down.

After Hu Rong explained Zhuang Rui hurriedly left, while Zhuang Rui and Peng Fei ate dinner, then drilled into his room, and closed the door.

“How’s it? Can you compare them?”

Zhuang Rui looked slightly nervously at Peng Fei, who was holding a map of Pagang and comparing it with the spot on the digital camera’s display where that sun flag was located.

Yesterday, after seeing the excavation of Pachang here, the hope Zhuang Rui held in his heart is not very big anymore, maybe the treasure of that year was dug out by the people who picked emerald!

Peng Fei carefully looked at half a day later, said with a confident face: “Brother Zhuang, the location on this map, in about thirty kilometers into the Savage Mountain, it should already be considered deep into the mountains, where there are few people, it should not be found.”

“Savage Mountain?!”

Zhuang Rui froze for a moment when he heard this, Zhuang Rui who had read a lot of relevant information before coming to Burma was not unfamiliar with this name.

Savage Mountain was the place where the Chinese Expeditionary Army was defeated for the first time back then! Tens of thousands of routed Chinese soldiers, was swallowed up by that mountain, did not expect the future of the small Japan also have such a day, actually is also besieged there.

And Pachang this city, is located on the edge of the savage mountain, that emerald birthplace fog dew river, from the middle of Pachang city flow. The so-called old pit jadeite mines were basically at the two banks of this Misty Dew River.

“Thirty kilometers, let’s put it this way! Let’s put this on hold beforehand, and wait to see if there’s any chance to go there to take a look after seeing the emerald mine ……”

Thirty kilometers in Zhuang Rui thought is not very far, to himself and Peng Fei’s physique, even in the big mountains, there are three or four hours is enough to go back and forth, he was thinking whether to find an excuse to hunt, and Peng Fei to go there to see.

Has come to Pachang, the treasure is close at hand, although the two of them can’t take it out, but not to take a look at the words, Zhuang Rui heart will not be willing, if the treasure is still there, later can always find a way to rise out of it.

Zhuang Rui and Peng Fei have been studying the map, at noon, received a call from Hu Rong, who was accompanying the two professors, let his driver to pick up Zhuang Rui and Peng Fei, and repeatedly emphasized that the two of them will wait outside the house, do not go out of the city.

Hu Rong this is for the sake of the two people’s safety, in Pachang this place, the major jade company are face and heart is not the same, and all have a gang of mercenaries, each other assassination things happen from time to time, maybe they entered the city yesterday, will be which unsuspecting forces to stare.

Assassinating and kidnapping Hu Rong, those forces don’t have the guts to do that, because then, the whole of Pagang and even Burma will have to be in turmoil, but grabbing Hu Rong’s guests and doing something to blackmail them, some of the forces are still capable of doing it.

After waiting for more than half an hour, the driver that he had met yesterday drove his car to the entrance of the mansion, coming in with one car, but as he drove out of the city center, he was followed by five more cars.

The pit that we are going to today, not only Hu Rong’s own jadeite mine, there is also another company’s, and this way to pass through the territory of several forces, can not not be defended.

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