Chapter 0491 – King of Jade

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:21:21
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After a night’s rest, although the two professors’ faces were still hard to hide their weariness, their actions were already unhindered, and the two of them were eager to see the birthplace of the King of Jade.

The special geological features of Myanmar are irresistible to all geologists.

After meeting with Hu Rong and others at the Jade Hotel, a convoy of seven vehicles drove out of Pachang City and drove upstream along the clear Mulu River.

Although the banks of the Misty Dew River had long been mined beyond recognition, the river that nourished the people of Pagang was still crystal clear and quietly flowed through Pagang City.

The car drove upstream along the Misty Dew River, and the scenery along the way was very beautiful, with wide banana trees, dense jungles, and the gurgling river, as if in a painting.

At every distance in the Misty Dew River. There is a wire bridge with wooden planks on it, and there are a lot of people coming and going, most of them are rushing to the Pachang market.

These people have generations of farming Pachang natives, but also many good and bad to come here to fish for the world, you know, Pachang is a crossroads of Mandalay, Mangkung and northern Burma’s important town of grapes.

In addition to emerald, Pachang this land underneath, but also buried rich gold, silver, copper ore, including that forest teak, are trading resources, attracting a variety of people with a variety of purposes to Pachang.

And besides all these, when people talk about Pachang, they always say that Pachang is run by three lines, which are the white line, the red line and the green line.

The white line refers to drugs. It is close to the border between India and China, and has always been a place where drug traffickers are active, and many drug lords wanted by Interpol are hiding in places like Pachang.

The red line refers to Burma’s specialty rubies, which are also very famous in the world, while the green line is naturally emerald.

In a hundred and fifty kilometers up and down the Misty Dew River, centered on Pachang, there are hundreds of jadeite mines of various sizes, such as Longtang, Xiangba, Huikha, Matchang, Ta Kanmu, Dongmao, Houjiang, and so on.

This has a long history of the top ten famous mines, are in the distance from the fog dew river upstream and downstream, and most of those new factories in the area of Dong Mo, where the mines are bare, a large number of bare raw stone is presented directly outside, just do not have the same kind of skin of the old pit.

After an hour or so of driving, the convoy came to the foot of a mountain, and after the people in the car in front got out and went to negotiate a bit, the sentry at the foot of the mountain moved the roadbed that was blocking the road.

The convoy drove along a mountain road that wasn’t very wide and drove halfway up the mountainside, parked the car on a flat slope, and the people walked down.

“Brother Hu, is this your mine? It’s so spectacular!”

Half of the mountain opposite was almost flattened, below Zhuang Rui and the others, there were hundreds of people busy, and there was that excavator called “strange hand”, making a roaring sound, constantly pulling out a piece of stone from the mountain wall.

Next to the skilled workers immediately went forward, those strange hands pulled out the stone to identify, with a hammer, there are all by eye to see, this as long as the feeling of this stone material immediately loaded into the car, until after the full, and then unified outward transportation.

“This is not my mine, this mine is the Burmese government’s, I’ll show you, the world’s largest volume of the ‘King of Jade!’ It’s right here ……” Hu Rong spoke while greeting the crowd as they followed him up the mountain path.

“The world’s largest emerald? There’s 300 kilograms no?”

Zhuang Rui curiously asked, although jadeite is not like diamonds as “carat” in the calculation, but is also a rare gemstone, Zhuang Rui is now handled by the raw stone, is also quite a lot of, the most a piece, but also from the inside of more than a hundred kilograms of jade meat to pull out.

“300 kilograms?”

Hu Rong stopped and laughed, “Older brother, you’re also underestimating this world’s king of jade, right? 300 kilograms multiplied by 10,000 is almost the weight of that piece of jade.”

“How much?”

Zhuang Rui stumbled at Hu Rong’s words and almost tripped and fell over the stones that were everywhere on the ground.

“300 kilograms times 10,000, 300 million kilograms? Isn’t that 3,000 tons of weight?”

Zhuang Rui was sensitive to numbers and immediately converted 3 million kilograms into a more intuitive 3,000 tons, but even so, he couldn’t think about what such a large piece of emerald would actually look like.

“We’ve heard of this piece of emerald, with such a large volume, it should be produced by a primary mine, let’s quickly go and take a look!”

Professor Feng heard Hu Rong’s words, but his face was full of excitement, the exhaustion of the first two days of running around seemed to be gone at this moment. Pulling Hu Rong, he walked as fast as he could towards the mountain.

Zhuang Rui know, primary mine refers to the crust of the earth’s first existence, after weathering, still left in the soil of a class of minerals, usually this primary mine produced by the emerald, most of them are colorless varieties.

And the quality of the primary mine jadeite water is often very general, far less than the secondary minerals such as iron and copper produced by the jadeite quality is good, because the formation of jadeite color, the condition is that there must be the existence of secondary minerals, so those colorful emerald growth environment around, there must be a companion mine.

Five minutes later, the crowd rounded a mountain pass, and was immediately shocked by the sight before them.

From that half, the mountain was still intact, but after going around this mountain pass, there was a flat river in front of them, half of the mountain had been bulldozed, and there were several deep pits in the ground.

Seeing someone come over, guarded in the periphery of a few soldiers, immediately surrounded over, and Hu Rong side of the people after a little negotiation, and did not ask for a search, but but end of the gun stood in a few people not far away from the place to watch their every move.

“This …… this is all emerald?”

In an area of more than fifty meters long, more than forty meters wide pit, Zhuang Rui climbed the ladder to the bottom of the pit, some incredulous look at the stone in front of the “emerald”.

This small mountain of jadeite surface, everywhere is white crystal material, along these crystals look carefully, occasionally can find some green, but the seed water is extremely poor, even bean seeds are not up to, belong to the low-grade jadeite.

Zhuang Rui along the length and width of dozens of meters of the giant emerald turned around, found in this piece of emerald in all parts of the deep holes are hollowed into, must be in order to probe inside the quality of emerald hit out.

Just this piece of material is very much on the surface, Zhuang Rui with aura observed, it does contain a large number of jadeite jade flesh, but the quality and outside to see the same, are lower grade jadeite varieties.

This piece of jadeite if unraveled, those materials at most can only do some dozens of dollars of trinkets, it would be better to just so placed well, if the Burmese government has a way to move out of the words, build a museum to collect tickets to the outside world to display, that can also earn a lot of money.

“36.58 meters long, 12.6 meters high, extending inward by 8.9 meters, it’s incredible, the reason why this piece of primary ore produces its color should be that in the late stage of jadeite formation, the earth’s crust shifted, and there was a liquid intrusion into it, which produced ionic effects, causing these green veins of jadeite. This also destroyed the entire structure of the emerald, but such a large piece of emerald, equals to be a small vein, it’s incredible.”

Professor Feng and Professor Chen, two people, down to the bottom of the mine, pulling the ruler began to measure up, busy for ten minutes, only then counted this piece of “the king of emerald” volume size to measure out, and give together to the pit Zhuang Rui and Peng Fei to explain the formation of this piece of emerald reasons.

“Big is big, but this material is too poor, carved out of the thing, is ten eight dollars a, which if the glass seed, that will be worth a lot of money.”

Zhuang Rui said with a smile, but his words drew the contemptuous gaze of the two professors, glass seed? What a joke!

If this is a piece of glass seed emerald, then it can buy the entire Burmese government will remain here to take out? With the Burmese government’s poor look, it would have already dismantled the numerous pieces to sell.

“Joke, joke ……”

Zhuang Rui smiled sarcastically, he also knew that this was impossible, otherwise, not to mention Hu Rong’s face, that is, if Bush Jr. came, he would not necessarily give his face for him to see.

“Let’s go, Zhuang Rui, come up!”

After more than half an hour, Hu Rong greeted a few people up there, he invited Feng Chen two professors to come, mainly for him to look for mineral veins, bring them here to visit, just by the way, this old pit mine has ceased production, in addition to this so-called “King of Jadeite”, there is no other to see.

Zhuang Rui this time and the two experts sitting in a car, just looked at the piece of jade after the two people’s interest is very high, also do not feel the road is bumpy, has been around that piece of jade in the talk.

Zhuang Rui in the side is also learned a bit of knowledge, before only know jadeite is taken from the stone, now at least understand the formation of jadeite some factors and environment.

After the caravan down the mountain, driving away from the fog dew river, turned into a fork in the road becomes more and more difficult to go, after nearly two hours, stopped at the entrance of a bald mountain, but in its surroundings, are leafy forest.

There were several large trucks parked at the foot of the mountain, as well as more than twenty houses built of wood, where more than a dozen people with weapons were walking back and forth, and when they saw the caravan arrive, they gathered around.

“Everyone get off the car! Let’s do the cable car up ……”

This mountain pass was very steep, and it was afraid that it would not be easy to climb up.

Hu Rong’s so-called cable car, is from the bottom of the mountain all the way to the top of the mountain built four railroad tracks, with electric gates to control the up and down of the cable car, a little bit like the Hong Kong movie “Police Story” inside that coal mine in general.

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