Chapter 0493 Thickness

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:21:26
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Zhuang Rui did not expect that Burma, which had been a vassal state of China in ancient times, would be poor to this extent.

Myanmar has few people and a lot of land, but it is extremely rich in resources, especially precious wood and underground gemstones, which can be ranked among the top few in the world.

According to Hu Rong, the main content of the current China-Myanmar border trade is: the Burmese people from the mountains to dig out the jadeite ore, teak, red bean cedar and other precious trees cut down, sold to the Chinese businessmen waiting on the sidelines, the Chinese people shipped back to the domestic made of jewelry, furniture, and then use the money earned to help the Burmese people to repair the road …… in order to the mountains deeper to dig out more jadeite, cut down more precious trees, and then use the money to build the road, the Burmese people to build the road. more jadeite and cut down more trees.

As a result, the Burmese used their own labor, dug up their own resources, and gave them to the Chinese, and in the end, they only got a road, and the road was probably still held by Chinese businessmen, and in the future, the future generations of Burmese people who traveled this road might still have to keep paying money!

“Brother Hu, what you said is not true, right?”

Hu Rong said these things, Zhuang Rui never dreamed of, dare to say that our country is so powerful ah! Of course, this means is a bit not quite on the table.

“How is it not true? You go to ask do border trade friends will know, in fact, Chinese people are still considered very generous.”

Hu Rong grew so big, perhaps today sigh is the most, talking about these things, his psychology is also more complex, after all, a country is their own roots, and another country, but the place where they were born and raised, he can not say clearly to which side he is actually.


Zhuang Rui was Hu Rong said confused, earn other people’s money, with other people’s things, how also and the word of generosity does not match, right?

After Hu Rong’s explanation, Zhuang Rui only understood, dare to say that China’s trade method, really quite generous.

Because China ultimately left some real things in Burma, these things help Burma and China gradually realize the economic integration, perhaps after some years, Burma can rely on this big ship of China, get some more real benefits.

Compared to China and Myanmar’s trade, the United States control of Latin America’s means to be even worse, actually the Brazilian super-rich country to half dead, taking away people’s resources for nothing, not to mention, but also let the Brazilian people owe a butt of debt.

From Hu Rong’s mouth, Zhuang Rui heard a nearly seemingly heavenly things: Brazil was once forced to more than fifty percent of the country’s tax revenues, used to repay the interest on the U.S. loan …… Well, just only after enough to repay the interest.

With the old United States than, that China is indeed considered generous. Zhuang Rui also understand, dare to old America all day want to do international police, the east side of the war in the west to send troops, which also has the interest can be accounted for.

Myanmar military government now, can only be from these domestic resource companies on the idea, for domestic resources, they are very tight control, because it is related to the government has no mouth to eat.

Zhuang Rui can not imagine, a country’s government, actually mixed to this extent.

This emerald mine has been mining nearly three months, Hu Rong this period of time is indeed a little sleepless, because so far, dug out of the emerald stone, containing the number of emerald is quite small, although do not rule out the reason is not to find a vein, but it is also very likely that it is a waste of mines.

Hu Rong in recent years, in Southeast Asia, as well as China and Taiwan, have founded a jewelry company, the amount of investment is very large, and due to the company’s business time is relatively short, has not yet begun to revenue. And after this 80 million dollars out, he in the capital, also become a little stretched up.

Hu’s family can occupy a place in Myanmar, that also needs money, not to mention, but the annual expenditure of the Chinese city is an astronomical figure.

“These things are not for us to worry about, I only ensure that the Hu Clan can stand in Burma.”

Hu Rong finally gave a summary, his thoughts were simple, as long as the people in the family could live well, regardless of the evil waves outside.

If this mine is really a waste mine, Hu Rong is ready to break his wrist, will be handed back to the Myanmar government, the previous investment, as a loss, than like a bottomless pit in general continue to smash money into the better.

Zhuang Rui also nodded and said, “Brother Hu, if you can’t, go to Hong Kong, or come to the mainland is fine, I can still help a little.”

“Let’s talk about these later! It’s not all out of the question right now.”

To Hu’s financial strength, want to invest in immigrants is too simple, just they are rooted in Burma for hundreds of years, there are many followers, really can’t just walk away.

Zhuang Rui saw the two talking for a while, there were constantly people coming to ask Hu Rong for some things, so he said, “Brother Hu, I’ll go around by myself, you go ahead and get busy!”

“Good. His name is Zhu Fan Per, he is a Thai, speaks very good Chinese, and is very good at identifying raw stones, let him accompany you around!”

Hu Rong was indeed very busy, reached out and beckoned over a man who in supposed to be a foreman and was fairly white looking, and introduced him to Zhuang Rui.

“Thai, called Cooking Woman?”

Zhuang Rui froze for a moment, there are still people with this name?

“Aigoo, this boss is so humorous, he even knows my nickname ……”

The man called Zhu FanPo, very “charming” to Zhuang Rui smiled down, oozing Zhuang Rui body sweat hairs stand straight up, hair almost all roots stand up, goosebumps all up, the brain instantly covered with beans on the beads of sweat, this motherfucker is a man or a woman ah?

“This is my cousin, put away your shit and take him for a spin, well, dude, he was injected with hormones as a kid. So what, you know.”

Hu Rong awkwardly smiled at Zhuang Rui, although this person is Thai, and a bit effeminate, but very loyal to himself, eyesight is also really good, followed himself for five or six years, and now is also a supervisor with a hundred or ten people under his command.

“Hu brother, no …… no need to accompany, I and Peng Fei turn around …… ourselves.”

Zhuang Rui saw the “man?” called Zhu Pan Per. Man, is looking at himself with a grudging face. Hurriedly pulled Peng Fei’s sleeve, although Peng Fei is killing people without blinking, but at the moment is also some can’t eat, the two are fleeing.

“Grandma, how can there really be such a person?”

Until that “cooking woman” disappeared in their line of sight, Zhuang Rui only stopped in his tracks, palpitating and wiped the sweat on his forehead, the man can actually smile so “charming” Zhuang Rui think about it can not help but hit a cold shiver.

“Thailand has a lot of boys, born as a girl raised, and injected with a hormone, but many people to the back of the family can not afford to give injections, there are many people become unmanly.”

Peng Fei used to work on the border of China, Myanmar and Thailand, he knows a little about these things, but this is the first time he has seen them, as long as there is no “dragon and Yang” of the good men, to this are avoided.

Zhuang Rui shook his head and swore in his heart that he would never go to Thailand in the future.

After waiting for the heartbeat is not so fast, Zhuang Rui began to look at these mined out of the original stone to, he was followed by a team of people, this team followed the back of the strange hand excavator, with the brazier or eyes to identify the excavator shoveled out of the stone, whether or not for the jadeite original stone.

They recognize the way is very simple, is to use the brazier to poke the top, look at the marks left behind and listen to the sound, perhaps this mine is really a waste mine, Zhuang Rui followed them behind more than half an hour, with the eyes of the aura to see, but there is not a piece of emerald appearance.

And these people also have some real skills, at least in this half an hour, but also did not put a stone to the cart, must be using their unique method of identification.

After looking at it for a while, Zhuang Rui felt a bit bored and circled around to another direction, turning his back to Peng Fei and using his eyes to look underground.

Zhuang Rui’s eyes had once been inexplicably upgraded in that temple of Mandela’s, and could now see through objects at a distance of nearly thirty meters, and he was trying to help Hu Rong out, to see if there were any emerald veins within this thirty meter range underground.

After looking at several places one after another, Zhuang Rui all shook his head and left, the rock layer here, basically all are pyroxene rock, it is reasonable to say that there should be the existence of veins, but Zhuang Rui in addition to discovering a few sporadic emerald, and did not see a relatively concentrated emerald vein.

Although this hill is not small, but after wandering around for more than an hour, Zhuang Rui also basically put the underground that is being mined, have looked all over, and there is no kind of let a person’s heartbeat of the existence of mineral veins.

In the eyes of outsiders, Zhuang Rui is just full of picking up stones to see, not many people pay attention to him, to the afternoon almost six o’clock, Hu Rong called Zhu Fan Per to shout Zhuang Rui, ready to go down the mountain.

Look at that “cooking woman” walking a swaying waist, Zhuang Rui heart can not help but chills up, just follow from afar, came to the railroad car there.

Professor Feng Chen and the two professors had already taken the lead to ride down, while Hu Rong was not looking too good, waiting for Zhuang Rui.

“What’s wrong, Brother Hu, the two professors don’t look good?” Zhuang Rui went up and asked.

“Staying one night today, we have to observe for a few more days, but Professor Feng said that when these pyroxenes were generated under low temperature and high pressure, it is likely that the pressure was not enough, resulting in a change in the environment in which the emerald grows, and if you can’t get out of the vein for another twenty meters, it’s basically a waste mine.”

This news does make Hu Rong happy, he is a whole investment of 80 million dollars ah! If there is no vein, all this money will go down the drain.

Zhuang Rui also has nothing to say to comfort Hu Rong, turn around and Peng Fei and Hu Rong three people on the railroad car, slowly to the mountain down, this up and down the trip will be nearly an hour.

At this time the sky is already a little dark, there is no scenery to see, Zhuang Rui is bored to cast his eyes to the mountain wall above.

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