Chapter 0495 – Investment (II)

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:21:31
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The wine they drank, which was taken out by one of the mine guards, was bulk spirits, placed in a large transparent glass container, except for the colorful, flower-spotted snake inside that was big enough to be the thickness of a baby’s wrist, which made Zhuang Rui startled.

“Come on, in order to thank the two professors, let’s drink this cup ……”

Hu Rong stood up and toasted to the two professors, the work ethic of the two old men after they came here was admirable.

“Brother Zhuang, it’s okay to drink this wine, poisonous snakes make wine, it can heal rheumatoid arthritis, the more poisonous the snake, the better the effect of the wine made, it’s not bad for the body.”

Peng Fei saw Zhuang Rui’s eyes, from time to time to aim at the container of wine, where still do not know what is going on, Peng Fei although not drink, but the snake gall bladder did not eat a lot, know that this is good stuff.

Zhuang Rui sniffed and drank a mouthful, in addition to a hint of sweetness, there does not seem to be any discomfort, and then let go of the mouth to eat and drink up, this day bumpy afternoon, the stomach is already hungry.

Come up to toast a lot of people, the two professors did not have a moment on the wine, Hu Rong greeted people to help them to go to the cabin to rest, Zhuang Rui and Peng Fei suddenly became a target, those who protect the mine of the men, have to end with a bowl of wine to find on Zhuang Rui.

This wine is said to be spirits, in fact, is the Burmese home brewed rice wine, degree is not high, Zhuang Rui drank enough to have a small two pounds, actually did not fall, but also some confused, just Peng Fei see the opportunity to quickly, long ago to hide far away.

“Zhuang boss, I toast you a cup, you can be sure to drink yo……”

A voice came to Zhuang Rui’s ears, immediately let his drunkenness woke up eight points, looked up, that Mr. Thailand is looking at himself with affection, in this temperature of more than twenty degrees, Zhuang Rui still can not help but fight a cold war.

“Drink, drink ……”

Looking back, Peng Fei that righteous boy early do not know where to run, Zhuang Rui pick up the bowl, tilted his mouth and drank, and fell down on the table, buddies can not run, can always pretend to be drunk right?

Who knows that this rice wine tastes good, the degree is not high, but drink too much, that aftertaste is not worse than the two pot head, Zhuang Rui this head fell on the table, immediately felt the sky and the earth, dazed and confused sleep.

Fortunately, Hu Rong asked the mine guards to carry him into the cabin, otherwise, if the “cooking woman” took advantage of it, then Zhuang Rui would be a big loss.

After a few hours of clamor, the mountains returned to calm, the bonfire also extinguished, only in the darkness, from time to time lit up a few points of light, that is the mine guards on watch smoking.

Hu Rong on the importance of this mine, naturally, needless to say, only in the more than one kilometer into the mountain passage, he arranged seven or eight open and dark sentries, but where there is a breeze, this side of the horse will be able to rush over.

Sleeping in the middle of the night, Zhuang Rui woke up, headache has been relieved, but the mouth is dry to death, and want to boo feeling is very strong, lifted do not know who to cover the body of a blanket, Zhuang Rui from the bamboo bed sat up.

There is a fragrance in the house, that is the mosquito repellent grass made of Myanmar specialty mosquito incense, one incense can make a room without any mosquitoes.

“Who? Brother Zhuang, are you awake?”

In a corner of Zhuang Rui’s wooden house, Peng Fei’s voice rang out.

“Well, I’m fine, you continue to sleep, I’m going to relieve myself ……”

After fumbling to find shoes from the ground to put on, Zhuang Rui pushed open the door of the wooden house and walked out along the six or seven steps of wooden stairs.

The wooden huts built by the Burmese, in order to prevent summer flash floods, are often a meter or two above the ground, using thick wood as the mainstay, on top of which the frame of the house is built with a mixture of bamboo and wood, and then laying the roof on it will be enough, and at the door of the house and the ground, there will be a wooden staircase.

In the summer, when the mountain floods flow through, the impact on the wood as the bottom of the trunk, but can not destroy these wooden houses, such a building, in Burma, Laos and Thailand and other places can be seen.

These wooden houses basically do not use nails, but with oil-soaked rope tied, very strong, the bark on the wood are not shaved, through the moonlight look, it looks very rough.

After Zhuang Rui had a refreshing hush behind the wooden house, he was about to look for some water to drink, when he saw that in the clearing surrounded by the wooden house, there was a man sitting, smoking a cigarette in silence, and when he looked closely, it was none other than Hu Rong.

“Your mouth is dry! Come, drink some water ……”

Hu Rong saw Zhuang Rui walk over, picked up a green military water bottle from his side and handed it over to Zhuang Rui.

“Gudong …… gudong ……”

Zhuang Rui’s mouth was thirsty, after receiving the kettle, he finished the kettle in a few mouthfuls, the kettle was filled with spring water from the mountains, it was very sweet.

“Brother Hu, why don’t you sleep?”

Zhuang Rui sat down on the ground with his legs crossed as well, casually placing the kettle to the side.

The dense and tall trees in the distance appeared dark and gloomy, and in this season of Myanmar, there didn’t seem to be many bugs chirping, and the surroundings were very silent, so quiet that people felt a little depressed, as if there was only one person left in heaven and earth.

“Can’t sleep! I also want to want to be like you, get drunk and do not care about anything, huffing and puffing, but there is still a bunch of people who have been following our Hu family for decades, can’t let go of ah!”

Hu Rong took a hard drag on his cigarette, the tip of the cigarette lit up fiercely in the night, then twisted it out on the ground, a trace of sadness showing on his face.

“Brother Hu, you don’t have to be too anxious, this mine has been surveyed by so many people, there should be a vein present, as long as it is dug down, it will definitely come out with emerald.”

Although Zhuang Rui heart knows where the emerald vein is, but the bitter can’t explicitly say, this said out, listen to in Hu Rong ears, but the meaning of comfort more.

“Dig down again? Oh, two or three months is okay, time is long, I can not hold out.”

Hu Rong smiled bitterly, these bitterness pressed in his heart for a long time, now is considered to have found a venting gate, gushing and Zhuang Rui said down.

The original Hu’s family now looks like scenery, but in fact, it has been difficult to sustain, is because of the jade mine, almost empty Hu’s all the money, and now every day the hundreds of workers’ expenses, are a lot of money, if not the Burma plate, Hu Rong also have some gains, I’m afraid that now on the support does not go on.

Jadeite prices skyrocketed, but from the eighties of the last century, and Hu’s in this twenty years, that is, accumulated the equivalent of more than one billion yuan of funds, of course, this figure in Burma, that has been quite a lot.

Just Hu Rong in recent years in Southeast Asia to do some investment, spent several hundred million, plus now the expenditure of this emerald mine, almost emptied the Hu’s all the capital, so now Hu Rong family’s capital chain, almost unsustainable, if the vein and then do not come out of the emerald, then the consequences will be quite serious.

Even if Hu Rong now give up this jadeite mine, in the capital will not have the slightest improvement, wait until his investment in Southeast Asia as well as Taiwan to see the benefits, it is estimated that the Hu family has been unable to support.

In this fair, the reason why Hu Rong so want to smuggle to Qin Haoran a number of jadeite raw stone, is also want to raise funds within the meaning, although not a lot of money, but more or less can relieve the pressure of Hu Rong, just because of Zhuang Rui’s intervene in a foot, to help Qin Haoran bet to a few pieces of good material, this thing is not done.

After Zhuang Rui heard, puzzled asked: “Hu big brother, even if now this jadeite mine opened up a vein, you are not still no way in a short period of time, these jadeite into cash?”

Now the Burmese military government strictly controls the export of jadeite raw stones, so even a big jadeite businessman like Hu Rong can only rely on the jadeite public market to sell a large number of jadeite raw stones.

As for the raw stones that are smuggled out, the price is low not to mention that the quantity will not be very large, and there is no fundamental help to Hu Rong’s current economic situation, which is why Zhuang Rui asked this question.

Hu Rong shook his head and said, “It’s not the same, as long as this pit is not a waste mine, this situation can be reversed immediately ……”

Zhuang Rui did not know, in Burma, jade is money, between the major jade companies, there is also business dealings, with jade as collateral, turnover a sum of money, this is all very normal business behavior.

Just now Hu’s this mine did not find the vein, a lot of jade companies are waiting to see the joke, and refused to accept Hu’s company’s emerald, or the price will be extremely low.

This resulted in Hu Rong having emeralds in his hands but not being able to turn them into cash in a short period of time, but if this emerald mine started to produce emerald raw stones in large quantities, it would show that Hu’s had come out of the woods, and those companies would naturally change their tactics against Hu’s company.

“Brother Hu, with your current funds, just how long can you still support them?”

“Save a little, it should be able to make it to the next Myanmar public market, however, if no more veins are found at that time, it will be …… just ……”

Hu Rong did not continue, but Zhuang Rui understand, this is equal to a bottomless pit, as long as one day can not find the vein, it keeps devouring a lot of money, Hu Rong is now trying to pull out and not do it, but can not afford to invest in the early stage, it is the dilemma of the time.

Thinking about that more than one hundred meters long vein, Zhuang Rui heart suddenly came up with an idea, then said: “Hu big brother, Myanmar can accept foreign capital investment?”

“Can ah! Myanmar’s jadeite company, some of them are foreign capital, just more restrictions, these decades, but also on the introduction of five or six hundred million euros of foreign capital, old brother, you will not want to invest in this pit, right?”

Hu Rong said suddenly raised his head and looked at Zhuang Rui in surprise.

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