Chapter 0499 – Savage Mountain (III)

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:21:41
A+ A- Turn Off Light

“Jun …… Jun, the two of them are still behind. It’s fine, I’ve marked them all along the road.”

Ma Liu gasped a breath of air, picked up his army thorns and scratched on the tree, but his eyes did not dare to look squarely at Zhang Guojun.

“Your mom’s a brat, you don’t listen to what I say?!”

Zhang Guojun’s eyes glared, a big ear slapped on Ma Liu’s head, Ma Liu didn’t even dare to dodge, was smacked and staggered, stood steadily and lowered his head without daring to speak.

“No, in case something happens, our brothers can not afford, go, turn …… back.”

Zhang Guojun still understands the weight of Zhuang Rui in Hu Rong’s heart, in case something happens, his family will not have the face to live in the Chinese city.

A person standing beside Zhang Guojun said hesitantly, “Brother Jun, we’ve been here for almost half a year, we can’t even see a rabbit at the edge of this place, nothing will happen, wait for a while and they might follow us up!”

They, the people from the mine protection team, although they lived right at the edge of the forest. But they don’t have time to come out to hunt every day, and those bullets are numbered, it’s rare for Boss Hu to be gracious and let them come out to play, these people don’t want to delay.

“Elder, you mean the same thing?”

Zhang Guojun heard the man’s words, obviously also hesitated, in his heart he also thought that nothing would happen on this point of the road, otherwise he wouldn’t have left only one person behind, while leading these people to take the lead in rushing to the mountain pass.

“Big brother, let’s block the mountain pass and leave something for them to fight with, otherwise if we go late and there is nothing, then won’t we spoil the guests’ excitement?”

The second brain is better, came up with a let Zhang Guojun can not refuse the reason to come, Hu Rong let them accompany Zhuang Rui and others, is to play well, this turn around the circle light is climbing the mountain, if nothing hit the words, then there is a fart meaning ah!

“That …… line it! Let’s go to the mountain pass first, you guys, more in the tree to do some marking ……”

Zhang Guojun thought for a moment, feeling that nothing can go wrong at this edge, and then decided to go to the mountain pass to wait for Zhuang Rui two people.

“Big brother, then I ……” Ma Liu looked at Zhang Guojun with a low brow.

“Damn, you go ahead. Little brat, next time you don’t listen, let you go up the mountain to dig a pit ……”

Zhang Guojun kicked Ma Liu without any good humor, and smoothly removed the military spur on his submachine gun, marking the place where he and the others had just stopped.

“Brother Zhuang, we had agreed earlier that if we can’t keep up we won’t go today, turn around and find them to hunt!”

Peng Fei who had already run out more than twenty meters stopped after hearing Zhuang Rui’s words and looked at Zhuang Rui who was following behind him and said.

“Hey, you really think I can’t outrun you? Too underestimate your Zhuang brother, walk ……”

Zhuang Rui tightened the gun carried on his shoulder and waved his hand to signal Peng Fei to walk in front.

“Alright! If you can’t hold out, just say so, we can still turn back ……”

Peng Fei saw Zhuang Rui insisting, helplessly turned around and drilled in the due north direction, his figure was very fast, in this dense forest where there were sky-high trees everywhere, he could actually run, otherwise Peng Fei wouldn’t have dared to boast that he could go back and forth for forty kilometers of mountain road in four or five hours.

Zhuang Rui was not shy to follow. He ran with a large amplitude, consuming more physical strength than Peng Fei, only Zhuang Rui wasn’t afraid of this, when his legs and feet felt sore and weak, he lowered his head and injected a trace of Reiki into them, and he was able to recover immediately.

However, sometimes he couldn’t collect his feet, and often crashed into the trees in front of him, and before too long, Zhuang Rui’s camouflage uniform was torn through a few slits, and his face was scratched with a few bloody marks by tree branches.

Peng Fei in running at the same time, the hands of the military spikes also from time to time in the way of the tree marking, but he made the mark is extremely inconspicuous, this is their special forces used to contact the mark, the general public is found, but also will only be considered to be the bark of the tree naturally fall off.

After continuously running for more than 40 minutes, the trees in the forest also became more and more dense, and the original flat ground, there is also a slope, but can not affect Peng Fei’s speed, in addition to the sound of breathing became slightly larger, Peng Fei is like a machine that does not know how to get tired in general, the two legs in the non-stop swinging, like an ape general through the dense forest.

Zhuang Rui, after hitting the tree a few times in a row, also learned to be shrewd, when running, knowing to leave a margin of strength, although the speed is not as fast as Peng Fei, but also able to keep up, the two people are always separated by more than ten meters has never been Peng Fei to get rid of.

“Stop ……”

After running through a section of downhill road, Peng Fei’s body suddenly stopped, Zhuang Rui momentarily confiscated his feet and ran a few more steps forward.

Zhuang Rui thought that Peng Fei was unable to hold on and wanted to rest, gasping for breath and said triumphantly, “What …… happened? Running …… can’t run past me, right?”

Although the body will not feel fatigue, but Zhuang Rui’s heart can not withstand this kind of high-intensity marching, so after standing on his feet, continuous in a big breath, the body of the camouflage clothing, has all been drenched in sweat.

Peng Fei’s appearance is not much better than Zhuang Rui, hair has been wet a strand on the forehead, after stopping, Peng Fei took out his knife, will be about to cover the eyes of the hair, are shaved, the way to make Zhuang Rui quite funny.

However, Peng Fei’s breathing was not as sharp as Zhuang Rui’s, and his face didn’t seem to have changed much, after finishing his hair, his eyes kept staring at the few trees in front of him.

“Why don’t you go?”

Zhuang Rui took out his water bottle and drank a few mouthfuls of water, looking at Peng Fei suspiciously, he could also see that Peng Fei’s current state was much stronger than his own. One must know that Peng Fei didn’t have aura to freshen up his body.

“Look at a few trees, they seem a bit off ……”

Peng Fei signaled Zhuang Rui with his eyes to look ahead.

“There’s nothing wrong with it! It’s just grown a little crooked ……”

Zhuang Rui looked at half a day, found that those few trees are not very high, and grow a little tilted, but this is all very normal in the forest ah! It’s the trees that are coiled together in the shape of performing that rite of passage of the Lord of the Week, all of which had once been photographed by someone.

“No, that’s a trace left by an explosion that once happened ……”

Peng Fei’s eyes became sharp, although this explosion may have passed more than half a century, but he can still see some traces from those trees, the reason why he stopped his footsteps is that Peng Fei is afraid that there is a landmine buried in front of him, in case he accidentally trips on it, then how many lives are not enough to send.

Although this possibility is not high, because in this more than half a century, there will certainly be countless animals passing through here, even if there are landmines, may also have been detonated, but this is related to the life of the family, Peng Fei had to be careful.

In the early days, the savage mountain belonged to China’s Yunnan territory, but later the British intervened and assigned it to Burma, and the name of the savage mountain is due to the fact that this place has big mountains and dense forests, miasma and plague, and it is said that there were once wild people infested, so this area of no man’s land of several hundred miles in circumference, so that it is called the “savage mountain”.

In Burmese, “Savage Mountain” means “the place where the devil lives”.

In the depths of the Savage Mountain, overlapping mountains, forests like the sea, swamps in the woods, river valleys and dense forests, jackals, wolves and fierce beasts, malaria and malaria spreading, both in Burma and China, this is regarded as a very dangerous place.

And the savage mountain is known to the world, but not long ago, the television broadcast a commemoration of the year the expeditionary force in Burma after the program, only to be known by the people of the country.

When the Chinese Expeditionary Army Fifth Army 15,000 people over the Savage Mountain, after arriving in India, but only three or four thousand people left, less than zero, with more than 40 women retreating with the army, only four people survived.

Among the 100,000 troops of the Chinese Expeditionary Army that entered Burma to fight in the war, about 10,000 Chinese soldiers died in the battle, but 50,000 people died in the Savage Mountain.

Savage Mountain not only buried tens of thousands of Chinese soldiers, the Japanese army here also did not get good, there were three Japanese divisions 40,000 troops are missing here, never out of the mountain.

It can be said that this hundreds of miles around the mountain, that is the white bone tired, nearly 100,000 people died here, so Peng Fei heart do not dare to take it lightly.

In fact, during the Second World War, the application of landmines is not very extensive, those defeated soldiers routed generals, that still care to bury mines to obstruct the pursuers, all play to the mountains inside the drill. Well, it may be more appropriate to say send to death, Du Yuming’s this decision, directly buried tens of thousands of troops.

“It’s okay, let’s go! Brother Zhuang, it’s hard to see! You’re really a long-distance runner!”

Peng Fei’s face relaxed after checking around the neighborhood, half-truthfully joking with Zhuang Rui, who in his heart really admired him a bit.

To know, just now that rush march, Peng Fei almost used all his strength, this more than 40 minutes but ran out of six or seven kilometers away, although just at the edge of the savage mountain, the terrain is not very difficult to walk, but Zhuang Rui can not be a step to follow, or let Peng Fei looked at it differently.

After knowing that Zhuang Rui’s endurance was no worse than his own, Peng Fei’s forward speed, obviously slowed down, because by this point, it had already been considered to have truly entered into the Savage Mountains, places that perhaps hadn’t been entered in half a century, with the sky-high trees making the light in the dense forest extremely gloomy.

In the two continue to move forward, Peng Fei hand more a long branch, from time to time in the front of the road, he is afraid of the accumulation of old dead branches to form a deep pit of swamp, and also has the effect of beating the grass to scare snakes.

Zhuang Rui saw several times in Peng Fei branch fiddling, a few long patterned snake, drilled into the depths of the dense forest.

Due to the cover of dense trees, the air quality in the dense forest also became very poor, after another two or three kilometers, Peng Fei took out a bottle from the camouflage suit pocket, poured out two pills, swallowed one himself first, and then handed it to Zhuang Rui.

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