Chapter 0504 Returning to China (I)

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:21:54
A+ A- Turn Off Light

“Brother Hu, I don’t see it that way, this mine covers an area of several kilometers, even if the earth’s crust is formed with a hundred meters of even pressure, that’s hundreds of meters of veins, it’s just that we’re not looking for the right orientation for the time being, my opinion is to continue digging and open up more holes in a few locations… …”

Zhuang Rui was afraid that Hu Rong would give up this mine because of Professor Chen’s words, he hastily voiced his opinion, even if Hu Rong found the vein as a result and he couldn’t make any money, he couldn’t let Hu Rong give up this mine for nothing because of his own selfishness.

“You should get well first! Let’s talk about these things after the New Year, there’s a possibility that I’ll attend your engagement ceremony after the New Year!”

Hu Rong patted Zhuang Rui’s uninjured right shoulder, the Burmese Chinese are also going to celebrate the New Year, these days the miners are going to pull back, it is estimated that when work starts again, it will take nearly a month.

Zhuang Rui’s engagement ceremony was originally placed before the year, but because he had to take the exams, coupled with too many things in the New Year, the two parents discussed, simply placed after the year.

“I’ll go back and raise a sum of money as soon as possible, I’m still very optimistic about this mine ……”

Zhuang Rui and Hu Rong had nothing to be polite about before, one hand holding a toothbrush walked to the front of the cabin to brush his teeth and wash his face.

“By the way, Brother Hu, this thing yesterday was just an accident, you mustn’t blame Brother Zhang ah!”

After washing his face, Zhuang Rui returned to the room and said to Hu Rong very seriously, this matter was all caused by his selfishness, if it involved Zhang Guojun, Zhuang Rui would feel bad inside.

“Brother Hu, you are also here! Brother Zhuang, this is the leopard you hit yesterday, I skinned it, look at it, it’s really beautiful ……”

Before Zhuang Rui’s words fell, Zhang Guojun’s big head poked out from the doorway, holding a blood drenched leopard skin in his hand.

“Early in the morning it engage in what ah! A room full of blood, hurry up and take it out ……”

Hu Rong glared at Zhang Guojun without good humor, scared Zhang Guojun twisted his head and left, his mouth also shouted, “Brother Zhuang, I put it at the door for you ah!”

Hu Rong walked to the door, saw that the leopard skin was indeed placed on the wooden steps by Zhang Guojun, shook his head and said: “This brat, more than thirty years old, things are still so unstable, Zhuang Rui, this leopard skin has to be nit air-dried before it can be used, put it here for me! When the New Year is over I’ll bring it along to you ……”

Zhuang Rui casually replied, now this leopard skin is dirty is impossible to look at.

A few people have eaten breakfast, together with the car back to Pachang, Feng Chen two professors but stayed in the mine, rare to come to Burma, they have to carry out some in-depth research.

Just that Zhu Fan Per, but and Hu Rong and others with the car back to Pachang, Hu Rong meant to let him send Zhuang Rui a ride, the reason is Zhu Fan Per for the China-Burma border is very familiar with Zhuang Rui in order to be able to return to the country as soon as possible, pinched his nose and agreed to do so.

After going to the middle of the city to say goodbye to the old lady of the Hu family, Hu Rong personally sent Zhuang Rui to the military camp outside the city, where a helicopter was already parked, being able to mobilize the military’s helicopter at any time also shows Hu Rong’s relationship and status in Burma.

“Elder brother Zhuang, see you in the country after a while!”

Only after watching the helicopter slowly lift off and sail out of sight did Hu Rong leave the military camp.

Due to the inexplicably strong magnetic field inside the Savage Mountain, which would cause the electronics on the helicopter to fail, the helicopter flew around the edge of the Savage Mountain, and only after tossing and turning for more than four hours did it arrive at a small town along the China-Myanmar border, which was likewise a garrison for the Burmese soldiers.

“Boss Zhuang, are you alright?”

Just after getting off the airplane, the small and skinny Zhu Pan Per leaned over, looking at his gesture, he seemed to want Zhuang Rui to put his right hand on his shoulder, which scared Zhuang Rui backed up a few steps in a hurry and said, “It’s fine, nothing at all, where are we? Let’s hurry up and leave the country!”

On the airplane for a few hours, even if Zhuang Rui closed his eyes and pretended to sleep, he could also feel the hot eyes of this “cooking woman”, and his heart was a tangled ah!

“Let’s go out first! Wait for a while at the intersection, there will be a Chinese tour group’s luxury bus passing by, you guys can just follow them out of the country.”

Zhu Fan Per was very dissatisfied with Zhuang Rui’s lack of understanding, but the task that Boss Hu had given him still had to be accomplished, and after exchanging some words with the helicopter pilot in Burmese, he led Zhuang Rui and Peng Fei out of the barracks and onto a tarmac road, where the road conditions were much better than inland Burma.

“This is the luxury bus?”

Zhuang Rui looked at the bus that appeared from afar with smoke rising straight up from the back of its ass, and looked at Zhu Pan Per with a mischievous face.

“This is a good car in our Thailand.”

“Cooking woman” muttered very girlishly, and then stretched out that orchid finger, walked to the side of the road to stop the car, looking at Zhuang Rui and Peng Fei for a while chills.

After the bus stopped, Zhu Pan Per and the driver exchanged in Burmese for a while, and then took out four Burmese banknotes amounting to 500, gave them to the driver, and turned back to Zhuang Rui and said: “OK, they can take you directly to the border, Boss Zhuang, I’ll miss you in the future oh!”

“Good, good, thank you ah, I will miss you too oh!”

Zhuang Rui while getting into the car, perfunctorily, just after he said that, Peng Fei beside him obviously shivered, obviously thundered by Zhuang Rui.

Making it to the car, Peng Fei asked with a bad smile on his face, “Brother Zhuang, will you really miss him?”

“Puffing, sorry, really sorry ……”

Zhuang Rui was told by Peng Fei’s words that a mouthful of water was sprayed onto the head of a little girl in front of the seat, and quickly stood up to apologize to the girl.

“It’s fine, it’s okay, you guys are Chinese?”

The girl took out a handkerchief and wiped it on her hair, turned back to look at Zhuang Rui strangely, not only her, it was the people in this car, all of them were sizing up Zhuang Rui and Peng Fei.

“Yeah! Of course it’s Chinese, isn’t it?” This girl was very pretty, and when she smiled there were two sweet dimples around her mouth, she looked very eye-catching.

“I’m not, I’m a tour guide on this side of Myanmar, specializing in receiving Chinese tourists, you guys didn’t participate in the tour group, how did you come to Myanmar ah!”

After the girl explained, Zhuang Rui realized that the original bus is responsible for transporting domestic tourists to participate in the “Myanmar day trip”, and for a temporary visa to enter Myanmar, you must participate in this group, so she was very curious about Zhuang Rui, these two halfway on the car, thinking that they are stowaways!

Zhuang Rui’s appearance with his left arm hanging over his shoulder is something that can be easily misunderstood.

“I’m coming from Mandalay, and I’m not here to travel, much less to smuggle people, by the way, is this Myanmar day trip fun for you guys?”

Zhuang Rui explained a couple of sentences and didn’t say much, bringing the topic to the tour group.

“What Myanmar day trip, the meaning of the fart is not there, fooled.”

“Yeah! Also said luxury bus, this car can be an antique.”

“Go back to the travel agency to go, grandmother, even their own people are slaughtered ……”

Zhuang Rui voice just fell, the people next to him spoke up, it seems to be this luxury bus to the toss is not light.

“Buddy, what are you two running to Burma for? Are you guys in the powder business?”

A fat man sitting in the first few rows was quite curious, and twisted his fingers, making a white powder rubbing appearance, his words scared the strong man sitting next to the guide in the front row of Zhuang Rui, shrinking his head downward a bit.

“Hey, buddy, can’t talk nonsense! We are going to Yangon to gamble on stones, by the way to Mandalay, I have a certificate issued by the Burmese government here.”

Zhuang Rui saw a car full of people staring at himself and Peng Fei with that strange look, he couldn’t help but laugh bitterly, if this matter is not made clear, I’m afraid that when they arrive at the China-Myanmar border, all the people in this car will absolutely run to report themselves.

“Well, this is the VIP certificate issued by our government, that’s right.”

The Burmese female tour guide has seen Zhuang Rui took out the certificate, explained to the people in the car, only to dispel the doubts of the crowd, to know, the TV inside the drug traffickers can be vicious, if this two people really words, may be a car of them to kidnap as a hostage.

After knowing the identity of the two people, the people in the car also relaxed, have to Zhuang Rui inquired about the Burmese gambling things, but see Zhuang Rui ask ten answer a look, the crowd feel a little tasteless, the topic turned to the beautiful Burmese tour guide.

“Sister guide, your Burma’s highway is so bad, what does the government collect taxes for? By the way, how much do you get in a month, can you reveal it?” The one who asked was still the fat man in front.

“Our government doesn’t collect taxes, and we don’t want to pay taxes, it’s about 300 RMB a month, right?”

The girl was very honest, just the words that came out made everyone except Zhuang Rui and Peng Fei, open their mouths wide in surprise.

“Then what do you guys eat? And don’t turn in the crops that you grow?”

“Planted out all to their own, our county government below seems to be only the police department and the court two departments, other such as those in China, the education bureau, health bureau, the city administration and so on none, seems to be no what the tax bureau ……”

The girl’s words caused a gasp of surprise, no evil city management? The Burmese people are really too happy, although that monthly income is a little low.

Zhuang Rui really did not know these things, sitting back also a little curious, spoke out and asked: “Then who runs your schools and hospitals? Who pays the teacher’s salary?”

“Our education here is free, students buy their own books on the line, see a doctor to find their own private doctors, the charge is 50 kyats, the government pays for the medicine, the injection pays for itself, and the surgery is also self-funded. As for the schools, they are all run by the villages themselves, and the villagers themselves pool their money to pay the teachers’ salaries, which are about 300 dollars a month. Chinese teachers are especially welcome to come to Burma to teach now, and many villages are willing to pay a high price.”

The girl’s words made the crowd roll their eyes in unison, 300 dollars salary? Even if you double the high price, it is estimated that there are not many Chinese who are willing to go over to teach.

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