Chapter 0516 – Gifts

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:22:26
A+ A- Turn Off Light

The contract was drawn up by Hu Rong. After changing a few numbers, Zhuang Rui signed his name in duplicate, and the deal was completed.

Although this kind of contract is not very formal, but Zhuang Rui is not afraid of Hu Rong up what bad thoughts, the reason why this day drove a helicopter to trade with him, there is also a hint of deterrence in it, Hu Rong naturally also know it well.

This transaction, Zhuang Rui picked up the emerald mine will lay a golden egg, and Hu Rong is to relieve the pressure of the mine is not out of the emerald, with Zhuang Rui invested in this batch of gold, even if you can’t find the vein, and then maintain a year or two, he did not have too much pressure on the funds.

In Hu Rong’s view, this move can be called a win-win situation, of course, this is based on helping Zhuang Rui money laundering.

In addition to the two tons of gold for the purchase of shares, Hu Rong also gave Zhuang Rui a receipt, stating that another five tons of gold was received.

This is just a formality, Hu Rong want to greed down this gold, not to mention the receipt. That is the two signed the official text of the contract are useless, on the contrary, hit or not hit the receipt is not so-called.

“Older brother, today is the New Year, or else go back to our Chinese city for the New Year and then go?”

After the matter is done, Hu Rong heart of a big stone also fell to the ground, with this batch of gold, let those who look at the joke, and ready to take advantage of the robbery of the people, put that mind are dead!

“No, Hu, I only have 24 hours access to this helicopter, immediately have to rush back, turn back after the New Year when I got engaged, you can be sure to ah!”

Zhuang Rui waved his hand with a smile, thinking in his heart that when he returned home, his mom might not know how to pack himself, and then a political ideological education class, that is definitely essential.

“Don’t worry! Zhuang old brother, you just don’t invite me, I’m going to go, by the way, you come this time I also prepared a kind of gift ……”

Hu Rong walked to the door of the cabin and beckoned to the outside, a young man carrying a large package that seemed to be wrapped up in a bed sheet walked into the cabin.

“Older brother. These two tiger skins, one for Elder Ouyang, and this other one, let’s give it to Auntie! The weather in Beijing is cold, cover this on the quilt in winter, it’s more useful than a hot bed!”

Open the package, it is two whole tiger skin, Hu Rong will be spread out in the room, actually accounted for a large part of the room space, the length of the two tiger skin are in more than two meters, width is also more than one meter, the forehead has a large word Wang, is very much the impact of Zhuang Rui’s visual senses.

Two tiger skin nitro system are very good, Zhuang Rui with a hand touch, the whole tiger skin into the hand feel very thick, above the hair is particularly smooth, the black and yellow fur exceptionally bright, if it is put on a chair, at first glance like a potential to pounce on the real tiger general.

“Brother Hu, how did you kill this tiger in the first place?”

Zhuang Rui’s hands rubbed on the tiger skin. He was really a bit curious in his heart, because after looking at it for half a day, he didn’t find any wounds or gunshot holes on the tiger skin, so it couldn’t be that it was really a tiger that Wu Song beat to death with his fists?

“Oh, this is my grandfather when he was young to fight, he is a bit of a sharpshooter, is the bullet from the eyes into the head, just these two is the most complete.”

Hu Rong had also hunted tigers before, but his level was going to be a bit worse, as it was to be given away, so he picked out these two best quality tiger skins.

“Brother Hu, this …… this is a bit too expensive?”

Zhuang Rui but know the price of the tiger skin, in the country, a complete tiger skin, have been speculated to millions of dollars, like these two body even a gunshot hole are not the tiger skin, the value of each piece of at least in more than two million, if encountered Fatty Ma such as the tycoon, slaughter him a three or five million are very normal.

“What is this, give you just take it, besides it is all for the old man, don’t use money to say things ……”

Hu Rong waved his hand, and then said, “I know that the domestic trade in tiger skin is strictly prohibited, you first bring back one for auntie to use, and the other one I will pass customs and bring it over ……”

Hu Rong is very thoughtful, if it is smuggled into China, I am afraid that Master Ouyang in order to avoid suspicion, will not accept this tiger skin. So let first Zhuang Rui bring back one, his own home use will not be so conspicuous, and give to Master Ouyang, he brought into China according to the normal procedures, so that will not leave people mouth.

“OK, then I will thank Brother Hu on behalf of my mother and grandfather.”

Zhuang Rui is also not pretentious, such a good quality tiger skin, in the country can be really rare to see, the fault is in Burma, if if you hit these tigers in the country, shooting a dozen times is not much.

“One really has the potential to be a smuggler!”

Last time out of customs with a tiger bone tiger whip, this time is upgraded, directly the whole tiger skin out, if not taking into account their own this time is smuggled to Burma, Zhuang Rui have the heart to go to the customs, save time to bring on the plane fearful.

However, although the heart is a little apprehensive, things still have to collect, a few big bags of jewelry have brought, also do not care more with a tiger skin.

After the tiger skin folded up again, Zhuang Rui directly held in his arms, he was ready to wait for a backpack to place, another tiger skin was the young man to put away.

“Brother, it’s all accounted for. A total of seven tons of gold, it should only be more or less ……”

At this time, a middle-aged man in his thirties knocked on the door and walked in, first nodded to Zhuang Rui, he is Hu Rong’s second brother, and Zhuang Rui also know, just now checking the gold is responsible by him.

“Hu, second brother, then I will take my leave first, let’s meet again after the year ……”

Zhuang Rui looked at the time, it’s already more than five in the afternoon, I’m afraid to rush back to China. It would be seven or eight o’clock.

Hu Rong also did not stay Zhuang Rui, said: “line, careful on the road, that batch of gold to be sold, the time is estimated to be a little longer, but the other two tons, after the New Year I will give you together to bring to the country, you do not have a jewelry store Well, on the name of the jewelry store, purchased from Burma for their own use gold …… ”

Zhuang Rui nodded, the bottom of the heart is naturally on Hu Rong admired, this long time in the social mixing, insight is not the same, casually a sentence, on their own this gold washed clean.

“By the way, Brother Hu, what I said earlier about hitting a few more scouting points along the mountain, you will arrange it after the New Year! Such a big mountain, I don’t believe there will be no ore veins ……”

After walking out from the cabin, Zhuang Rui looked at the mountain range in front of him and stopped in his tracks, he was now considered one of the major shareholders of this jadeite mine, and it was only natural for him to put forward a bit of his own advice.

“This more than half a year has actually opened a lot of exploration points, but none of the veins appeared, wait for the end of the year I will arrange it!”

Hu Rong’s heart is also inclined to the idea that this jadeite mine is a rich mine, but before he explored many locations, no vein was found, so he used the dumbest method, digging down from the top of the mountain, although it is laborious and time-consuming, but once a vein appeared, all the investment can be recovered.

“Brother Hu, you can try hitting some scouting points along the way from that railroad car, as the saying goes, under the darkness of the lamp, maybe the place where you guys walk around every day. There might be a vein of ore!”

Zhuang Rui smiled and walked over to the helicopter, while Hu Rong was frozen in place, recalling Zhuang Rui’s words, “It seems like he really neglected that section of the mountain from the railcar.”

Until the sound of the helicopter propeller sound, Hu Rong only wake up to God, the helicopter has been lifted up waved his hand, but the heart is under the decision to take advantage of the New Year miners are resting, do not have to take the rail car up and down the mine, Hu Rong decided to arrange for a few days in the rail car along the way to open a few exploratory holes, to see if there will be veins of minerals exist.

Not to mention Hu Rong’s side of the exploration of veins of mind, Zhuang Rui and others took the helicopter across the border, came to the place where the helicopter was driven away, the sky has been completely dark, the night shrouded the earth, seemingly extraordinarily quiet.

Zhuang Rui first let Peng Fei and others put a few backpacks containing jewelry boxes of tiger skins, to get the car that he and others rode when they came, and then he sat alone at the helicopter hatch, took out the phone and dialed out.

“Brother Lei, three tons of gold are in the cabin, find someone to come and hand it over!”

“Well, someone will be here soon, just hand the stuff over to them and don’t worry about it.”

Ouyang Lei’s voice on the phone paused for a moment, then said, “There’s a transportation plane coming to Beijing in the evening, take a few of you on the way!”

“Hehehe, thank you Brother Lei ……”

Zhuang Rui couldn’t help but heave a smile when he heard that the other end of the phone had hung up, he knew that Ouyang Jun was taking care of him, saving himself from risking his own life by taking that batch of jewels and tiger skins on the plane.

After about twenty minutes of time, two headlights cut through the darkness, shining straight on the helicopter, two people came down from the car, in addition to the captain who handed over the helicopter to Zhuang Rui, there was actually a military officer with the rank of major.

After handing over the helicopter to the captain, Zhuang Rui sat on his own container car, followed by the major of the car behind, to a military airport, a few people and crowded into the transport aircraft that piled up the cabin of the goods, as for the Peng Fei high-priced rental container car, naturally, some people to send back.

Although after returning to Beijing, it is not yet 12 o’clock, that is to say, the Chinese New Year is not yet over, just Zhuang Rui and others have been tired like a dead dog, each drilling back to the room to go to sleep.

“Mom, what time is it! Just woke me up by shouting.”

Zhuang Rui looked at the bedside alarm clock, but more than 9:00 a.m., he thought that his mother had come to give him a lesson, his head quickly shrunk toward the nest, not still have Liu Chuan that godson? Why did he find himself first?

“You this child, so old and still stay in bed, outside someone looking for you, quickly get up ……”

Ouyang Wan slapped Zhuang Rui’s head in a bad mood, then said: “Xiao Rui, you are engaged to be married, can not be outside the womanizer again, mom did not agree ……”.

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