Chapter 0537: Happy New Year (I)

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:23:20
A+ A- Turn Off Light

“Hey? What’s going on?”

Zhuang Rui and Ouyang Jun returned to the courtyard. Discovering that the one who opened the door was actually not Peng Fei, but a stranger, he couldn’t help but shout loudly, “Peng Fei, Peng Fei ……”

Hao Long this year is home for the year, the mansion is left Peng Fei a security, how can you just let strangers in on New Year’s Day ah! Zhuang Rui couldn’t help but feel a little angry in his heart.

“Okay, don’t scream, look at this, the old man over to live!”

Ouyang Jun pulled a hand Zhuang Rui, he grew up and grandpa live together, in front of this person wearing a black leather jacket is not a stranger, although does not recognize this person, but from the temperament of the place on the expression, Ouyang Jun can see that he is a person of the Security Bureau.

Hearing Ouyang Jun said so, Zhuang Rui thought of it, mom a few days ago seems to have told himself, grandparents are going to come over here to celebrate the New Year, and the second uncle and brother-in-law also want to come, as for the great uncle, that is no time. To his kind of position, the more spring vacation, the more busy.

This year, Zhao Guodong and Zhuang Min, will also come to Beijing to spend the New Year, plus a few cousins, Zhuang Rui this yard is the benefit of the big thoroughly embodied, more than a dozen bedrooms a are not empty, the past few days Ouyang Wan have brought sister-in-law Li in the organization of the room.

Hear is grandparents over to live, Zhuang Rui is also very happy, he remembers the New Year, is the mother and sister and his own three people, although also can wear new clothes and firecrackers, but always feel a little cold, very envious of other people’s families seven or eight mouths together.

“Brother Zhuang, I’ve been placed on vacation by them.”

Peng Fei who lives in the front yard ran over after hearing Zhuang Rui’s shout, said somewhat helplessly, followed by a snow-white figure, but it was the white lion that ran over after hearing Zhuang Rui’s voice, and the guard standing next to it, for the white lion’s vigilance is very high, for fear that this Tibetan Mastiff would rise up and hurt someone.

“Hey, and go and those few little things to play snowball fight?”

Since the beginning of winter, the white lion was much more active than before, and at this time, his body was covered with white snow, so it must have been those two little girls.

The white lion shook the long hair on its body, and immediately made Zhuang Rui a face full of snow. After playing with the white lion for a while, Zhuang Rui saw Peng Fei still standing there and said: ”Vacation is vacation, then you can rest assured that the New Year! By the way, have you gone to Zhang Qian’s house yet?”

Zhuang Rui spoke while leading White Lion and Ouyang Jun into the mansion, those from the guard bureau were aware of the family’s composition and didn’t stop the duo.

“Went and ate over there for lunch ……”

Peng Fei embarrassed smile, Zhuang Rui sniffed and skimmed his mouth, now raise the girl is really not worth money ah! It is all about getting on the bus first and then making up the ticket, and then you have to go to your mother-in-law’s house to mix food and drink, and then you have to give birth to a son in the future when you say what you want.

“Fifth son, you go in and call your sister-in-law to come out, we’re going home.”

Ouyang Jun saw the old man here, from the bottom of his heart, he did not want to go in, it is not that he does not honor the old man, but he has been afraid of him since he was a child, this station in front of the old man. It’s like there are ants crawling all over his body, how can he not feel good.

“Fourth Brother, Grandpa will have eaten long ago, let’s go! Let’s go to the restaurant and have a few drinks, at night you can just go back and let your sister-in-law drive.”

Ouyang Gang’s work and rest time is very regular, are every night at 6:00 pm to eat, then exercise for a while, 7:00 pm on time to watch the news broadcast, to 9:00 pm on time to sleep.

Since today in Panjiayuan stayed a little long, back home this is almost 7 o’clock, so Zhuang Rui said that the old man is definitely not in the restaurant.

Ouyang Jun think about it, followed Zhuang Rui to the middle courtyard, just stepped into the middle courtyard that hanging flower door, saw his aunt assisted grandparents, is walking in the courtyard, Ouyang Jun’s a face immediately bitter down.

“Grandparents, you two old legs so good, completely can walk by yourself, why always let my mom help ah!”

Zhuang Rui is not afraid of this old man, come over to playfully joke, and by the way patted the big head of the white lion, let the white lion to play by itself, it and Ouyang Gang’s magnetic field is not quite right, a meeting on the teeth, that old man is like to tease the white lion, if not Zhuang Rui accounted for, the white lion, but do not know what to call grandpa.

“This child, how to talk to grandpa and grandma!”

Ouyang Wan raised her right hand and hit Zhuang Rui. But her face was full of smiles, it was said that old people were sad in winter, but the old father’s body was getting better and better, making the few of them who were sons and daughters very happy.

“You little brat, you don’t touch home all day, come here, help me to walk in the pavilion ……”

Ouyang Gang waist straight, these months, he also feel his spirit is very good, is so in the outdoor activities time is also longer.

“That’s right, it’s good to start a family right away, don’t go crazy …… outside all day long,” the old lady interjected.

“What do you know, a good man’s ambition, and besides the kid is not out to fool around, he is much more promising than that asshole.”

The old man can scold the grandson, but not let the old companion said, and piggybacked on the Ouyang Jun to scold in.

But this scolded the grandson, the old lady and did not agree, the old couple immediately glared, see Zhuang Rui straight snickers, until the mother glared at himself, Zhuang Rui helped grandpa toward the pavilion on the pond.

“That thing the other day was well done ……”

“What was it?”

Zhuang Rui was stunned by the old man’s sudden words.

“The matter of gold ah! Our country although the number of reserves of gold in the world also ranked in the first few, but with the front of those two than, the gap is too big, you can think of the country, this is very good ……”

Ouyang Gang is very satisfied with his grandson, in addition to Ouyang Lei, he is most optimistic about Zhuang Rui, this kid is smart and not pedantic, do things to grasp a very good, and from the recognition of this period of time, has never used their own name to do something, than their own grandson to be much stronger.

But it is a pity that Zhuang Rui walk is not the career path, otherwise, to their own ability, completely sure to let this grandson in the age of thirty years old, will be able to dominate one side.

“Grandpa, back then, the little Japan snatched so many things from our country, this is also considered to be asking for some interest back, this is something that Brother Lei told you, right?”

Although the old man is praising himself, Zhuang Rui heart is still a little apprehensive, do not know how Ouyang Lei said, but look at this, Ouyang Lei does not seem to say his own those things, otherwise by this old man knows that there is a total of 10 tons of gold, I’m afraid it is not to praise yourself, but to take the cane in his hand to start the fight.

“Well, you have done things for the country, the country will not forget, I heard that you are going to graduate school next year, do you want to find a government job? It’s enough for our family to have Xiaojun as a businessman.”

Although the old man all day lectures Ouyang Jun, in fact, he is clear in his heart, these juniors at home, can not make mistakes in the economy, really thanks to Ouyang Jun in the money support, the attitude of Ouyang Jun is mainly scolded the habit of changing it.

“Government department work?”

Zhuang Rui heard the words of Grandpa, froze for a moment, to say in two or three years ago, do civil servants absolutely Zhuang Rui aspired to, high wages, but now he does not want to trip this muddy water, look at those who are the officials, the hands of the money was said to be corrupt, the hands of the money was called incompetent, buddies are not looking for that crime to suffer it!

“Grandpa, I still do some small business well, right, immediately I want to Panjiayuan disk home store. In the future, open and close the door to sit in the trade, and do not run around, go to work this matter even if it!”

“Let’s go! Help me back to the house, the news is about to start.”

The old man’s face showed a trace of disappointment, but did not say much, this is all his own fault, earlier in order to save face did not recognize his daughter’s grandson with his daughter, now he can not interfere too much in Zhuang Rui’s life.

The next day Zhuang Rui but the alarm clock time booked to 6 o’clock, got up early and drove to the TV station, since the promise of others, we must do a good job, this is also Zhuang Rui do people’s guidelines, and then there and a few experts chatting Kandi, is also a very happy thing.

Treasure program recording is very smooth, only used more than two hours, recorded the scene of the objects brought by the treasure holders, and then some staff dressed up as treasure connoisseurs, took some of the things in the warehouse to appraise, to the time of noon, seven days of the special program, has been recorded most of the time, as long as tomorrow to come back to half a day, can be all completed.

After returning to the courtyard in the afternoon, Zhuang Rui saw Zhao Guodong also arrived in Beijing, and brought him an Audi, Zhuang Rui still like their own car Grand Cherokee, the Audi car keys thrown to Peng Fei.

Zhuang Rui will think of buying another car, Xuan Bing came, that is also need a car, but this is not urgent, such as Qin Xuan Bing came, see what she likes the car!

Zhuang Rui’s courtyard after more people, became lively, Ouyang Lei although busy, but his daughter-in-law with his son also lived in, leading a group of children in the courtyard playful, behind them also followed the white lion.

This is Zhuang Rui special account, as long as Nui Nui that girl to run to the pond, will be the white lion to pull the clothes back to the white lion, the fat girl in the white lion in the mouth dancing look, often cause the yard busy people laugh.

Zhuang Rui and others are in this courtyard cleaning, and in all the doors posted on the couplets and fortune, for the general family, this work is very good, but Zhuang Rui this courtyard, just the room has more than twenty, the word of blessing have bought more than two hundred, busy is not happy.

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