Chapter 0544 – Seeking Words (III)

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:23:38
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Early the next morning, Zhuang Rui brought with him a pair of Lang Shi Ning’s “Emperor Qianlong’s Consort Touring the Garden”. There are also a few sorts of seasonal fruits that are rarely seen in the winter, leaving the courtyard, which was given to Grandpa by someone, Zhuang Rui this is also a borrowed flower.

The place where the appointment with Fatty Jin is, is the famous small red building of the North Normal University, the master has lived here since the last century, and has not moved until now, due to the inability to drive the car directly to the downstairs, Zhuang Rui can only wait for Fatty Jin at the back door of the North Normal University.

“Older brother, the fruit is fine, but this is something that the teacher won’t accept.”

Fatty Jin swung the car glass open and frowned when he saw the thing in Zhuang Rui’s hand, he could see that what Zhuang Rui took should be a painting, although the old man accepts gifts, but most of them are accepting some extremely cheap things, antiques are always not accepted.

Zhuang Rui smiled and said: “Brother Jin, this is a painting I brought back from Hong Kong. It’s very related to the old man’s ancestor, I want to show it to the master, was it made by a painter of that time?”

“Don’t mention anything about the teacher’s family history, he doesn’t like to hear that, go in and find a chance, I’ll let you take the painting out on the line, but the teacher’s eyes, alas, go!”

Fatty Jin parked the car, from above actually took a furry panda toy, see Zhuang Rui is dumbfounded, not that the old man did not have children well, Fatty Jin with a toy for what?

“Oh, the teacher is old, but the person is very humorous, and also very childlike, we students will send some fun things to him, this panda is to say that the teacher is a national treasure means, there is a story inside!”

Hearing Fatty Jin finish this story, Zhuang Rui also laughed, he used to hear people say this story, but in Fatty Jin’s mouth, Zhuang Rui is to hear an original version.

This is a widely known joke about a gentleman who, because of his ill health and constant visitors, was so overwhelmed that he wrote a note with his usual humor and posted it on the door, “The giant panda is sick. Thank you for visiting!” Visitors read it, will smile, turn around and leave, no longer bother his old man.

This joke has been spread for a long time, many people believe it to be true, even some of Mr. students will be written into the article, and then Mr. came out and said: “This is a misrepresentation, I have self-awareness, which dares to call itself a national treasure it?”

In fact, it is Mr. book debt is high, too many people asking for words, at home really can not do anything, can not do the right thing, Mr. had to hide into the Diaoyutai Beijing West Hotel, because there are armed police guards, the general public can not get in.

But long hide is not a thing, back home, Mr. wrote four sentences: “I hibernate, thank you for visiting, knocking and pushing the door, the penalty of one dollar.” Stick the note on the door. But the note was posted on the door only one day, it was uncovered away from the collection.

Mr. helpless, a few days later with a ballpoint pen and a: “I am sick and unable to socialize, something to leave a message, gentleman self-respect.” And with glue firmly stuck on the door, but since then still visitors.

Later the cartoonist Ding Cong learned of this, drew a cartoon named “Giant Panda Sick” and presented it to Mr. This is the truth of this story.

After arriving at the Little Red House, Fatty Jin and an old man who looked to be about 60 years old, greeted each other and asked, “Greetings to you, are there a lot of people coming to see the teacher today?”

“No, you guys are the first set, go up!” That old man smiled very kindly, he is the master’s inner nephew, the person is very benign teacher, serving the master has been for decades, and Fatty Jin these students are very familiar.

“Fortunately, not many people came today, otherwise the teacher will have to consume his spirit again.”

Fatty Jin greeted Zhuang Rui, the two walked up to the second floor of the small building, this kind of small building on the upper and lower two floors in total, the first floor is the master’s nephews live, Mr. himself live live on the second floor, one of the two houses above, is Mr. studio.

Fatty Jin knocked very hard on the door, Mr.’s ears are no longer very good. But soon came a “cough” sound, and then asked: “Who is it?”

“Teacher, it’s me, I’ve come to pay my respects to you, can you hear my voice?”

“You child, come in! Close the door well ……” The laughter of the gentleman came from the house, and although it was not loud, it was heard very clearly.

“Teacher, I kowtow to you to pay my respects!”

In the antique calligraphy and painting this kind of inheritance for a long time in the line, basically the line people follow, or the rules that continue from ancient times, like the northeast of Uncle Benshan, because the disciple kowtow thing, once triggered a big debate in the community, but this is the tradition, in the eyes of the old generation, heaven and earth, ruler and pro-teacher, to the master kowtow, the sky and the sky, the sky and the earth, the sky and the earth, the sky and the earth, the sky and the earth, the sky and the earth, the sky and the sky, the sky and the sky, the sky and the sky!

As soon as Fatty Jin entered the room, he didn’t care if the floor was dirty or not, whether the old man could see it or not, and put the things in hand casually. Kneeling on both knees, he really kowtowed, three times in a row, and Zhuang Rui heard it clearly.

“OK, you little fat boy, come over, let the teacher see what gifts you brought ……”

Just now Zhuang Rui was stunned by Fatty Jin’s move, didn’t even have time to look at the master, now following the sound, found the master sitting on a wheelchair in front of a square table, holding a magnifying glass in his hand, seemed to be reading a book being disturbed by his own two people.

The master’s face is very clean, at first glance looks like a woman in general, but the face already has a lot of old age spots, hair is very sparse, but combed neatly, face at the moment with that kind of urchin general smile, looks like a kindly elder.

Fatty Jin which was also in his forties, but in the eyes of the gentleman, that was really a small fat man, if the gentleman had children, the grandchildren would probably be older than Fatty Jin.

“Teacher, I brought you a giant panda toy, furry, you touch …… it.”

Fatty Jin picked up his that toy and put it on Mr.’s lap, causing Mr.’s a burst of laughter and scolding, “You little fatso, that thing I’ve said is fake, how can you still send this? Teacher is not a national treasure, is a teaching ……”

The old man’s words, so that standing next to Zhuang Rui stood in awe, he could see that the old man in saying these words, there is not a trace of artifice, is completely from the heart to say out.

The kind of humility and calm demeanor of the gentleman when he spoke made Zhuang Rui’s mood, which had become a bit restless due to the busyness of the New Year, suddenly calm down in an instant, perhaps, this is the charm of personality!

“This is still guests, right? Quickly please sit, sit down ……”

The old man’s eyesight is very poor, without a magnifying glass, can only vaguely see that there are two silhouettes, sitting in a wheelchair can not stop beckoning, let Zhuang Rui sit down.

“Sir, I am engaged in the collection, admiring Mr. Learning character, this time to come is specially to pay tribute to you.”

Zhuang Rui first stood in front of the old man, bowed three times to the old man in a regular manner before sitting on the sofa, but when he sat down, he felt that he was sitting in a pile of books, because on the sofa, it was full of all kinds of books.

This will be Zhuang Rui had time to measure the room, dare to say that this is not a large room, in addition to the bed and bookshelf desk, there is a sofa coffee table, the rest of the place, everywhere is a book.

Mr. even waved his hand, said: “Dare not be, dare not be, I live a few years, dare not be you so talk, my ears and eyes are not very good, young man you talk a little louder ……”

The old man smiled, and then said: “Last year, the family came a few people, let me take the China Disabled Persons Welfare Foundation honorary director, I heard just right, I can not see the eyes, ears can not hear, the whole is a disabled person, I said I want to resolutely to join the Disabled Persons Federation …… ”

Mister’s words made Zhuang Rui and Fatty Jin both laughed, his open-minded and cheerful and humorous character was very infectious to the people around him.

“Sir you are still in good health, you can definitely hear me when I speak …… ”

As Zhuang Rui spoke, he silently released a few strands of aura that seeped into the old man’s ears and eyes.

During the time he came to Beijing, after Zhuang Rui experimented with both Grandpa and Elder Song, he found that old people of a certain age, perhaps because of the severe degradation of their bodily functions, had a very slow response to Reiki, and even if they weren’t sleeping, and inputting a small amount of Reiki, it wouldn’t have been detected by them.

“Hehe, it’s really audible, this person is in good spirits! Little Fatty, see if the door isn’t closed properly, why do I feel some cool breeze?”

As the old man is really too old, Zhuang Rui’s dosage of aura just now was also a bit much, the old man also slightly felt some coolness on his face, and in this house with heater, the feeling is also extraordinarily clearer.

“Teacher, the doors and windows are closed properly.”

Fatty Jin sniffed and tensed up, and hurriedly checked, this old man’s winter, but it is the most difficult, a little bit of a small cold or flu, may cause extremely serious consequences.

“Well, the eyes are a little sour, may be just read a little long time, alas, in fact, my half blind eyes, also did not see clearly a few big words ……”

The old man took out his handkerchief, wiped his eyes, and said to Zhuang Rui: “Young man, what you are holding is a painting, right? Who painted it?”

Zhuang Rui respectfully replied, “Sir, it’s a painting by Lang Shi Ning, the imperial painter of Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty, ‘Consort’s Garden Tour’, which was specially brought here this time to give your old man a chance to enjoy it.”

“Lang Shining’s? There aren’t many forgeries of his paintings, but there aren’t many real ones either, but unfortunately, I can’t see clearly with these eyes!”

The old man shook his head slightly, he was such a person, he wouldn’t talk nonsense if he couldn’t see it clearly or couldn’t understand it, because as a leading figure in the domestic calligraphy and collection industry, he was not only a word for a thousand words, but also a thousand words for a thousand gold.

“Hey, it’s not right! Teacher, how do you know that Xiao Zhuang he brought a painting?”

Fatty Jin suddenly raised a question from the side, he knew that his teacher’s eyes could only distinguish a silhouette at most, so how did he see what Zhuang Rui was holding?

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