Chapter 0551 – Helping Out (II)

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:23:55
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“Brother Zhuang, I don’t know about your business in Beijing, what do you do?”

After and Daxiong glanced at each other, the monkey carefully asked, in fact, they are very satisfied with the current living conditions, these two people’s brains are lively enough, usually pull a lot of customers to the pet store, the small life is still considered to be very nourishing.

And Daxiong’s family introduced him to an object, has been dating for more than half a year, the girl is still satisfied with Daxiong, is ready to after the New Year, and so the weather is warmer to get married, Daxiong heart is not very willing to leave Pengcheng.

However, they also know that Zhuang Rui is a big boss, although it is not clear what business Zhuang Rui specifically, but witnessed Zhou Rui penniless to Pangcheng, followed by Zhuang Rui and Liu Chuan, it is just a year’s work, car house what all have, and the family are picked up, so that the people in the side watching, is a little hot.

“I Panjiayuan in Beijing disk down a curio store, want to let you two follow the first to learn something, after a few years, that store will be handed over to you two to take care of, you two discuss, look willing to not?”

Although Zhuang Rui gave Zhao Hanxuan’s treatment is really good, but it is not guaranteed that Zhao Hanxuan dry a few years, or will have the intention of another stove, Zhuang Rui also want to leave a backhand to themselves.

And so Xiong and monkey to those business whole familiar with, even if Zhao Hanxuan is not in the future, the business of stationery can do down, as for jewelry and antiques of those business, relatively simple, they set the price, let them sell on the line.

In order to big Xiong and monkey two people mixed social experience, general small problems should be able to cope with, even if someone wants to give them a set, these two brothers also have no money to buy the so-called treasure, so Zhuang Rui is not worried about the two of them were deceived.

“Brother Zhuang, let’s brother and sister go out and discuss this! We’ll get back to you later ……”

Daxiong and monkey heard is so, at the moment is also a little indecisive, the two of them in their lives are living in Pengcheng, Daxiong not the farthest to Tianjin, Zhuang Rui violently let the two brothers to change the living environment, this brain is really a little bit of a turn around the corner.

“It’s okay, give me an answer tomorrow also line ……”

Zhuang Rui said with a smile, the heart is also a little helpless, their hands are really nothing can be used, he now sees the TV staged those what big bosses under the number of how many how many people, all is bullshit, what is not all still have to be their own pro pro-activity ah!

“No, no, brother Zhuang, immediately, immediately give you an answer ……”

Monkey and Daxiong open the box door, walked to the door, Daxiong said with some hesitation: “Monkey, I don’t want to go, will soon be married, run to Beijing nothing, Xiao Jing is still willing to follow me?”

Xiao Jing is Daxiong’s girlfriend, although the saying goes that men are not bad women do not love, these two goods have never lacked a woman, but those women are not what serious goods, and this Xiao Jing is a decent girl, the two have the intention of marriage.

“Let’s do it this way! Brother Xiong, you turn around and give this to Brother Zhuang, let’s see what treatment Brother Zhuang can give, if it’s better than this pet store, we’ll go over to earn a two-year money, I believe sister-in-law can understand, if it’s almost the same as the pet store, then we’ll push this errand, how do you think about it?”

Daxiong sniffed and nodded, although the pet store job is good, the salary is also two or three thousand, but people go to higher places and water flows to lower places, there is a better development, who wouldn’t want to go ah!

“Brother Zhuang, I’m not hiding from you, I’m here after the year, April and May when I’m ready to get married, it’s not that you can’t go to Beijing, only, only ……”

Daxiong returned to the box, but some embarrassed to ask Zhuang Rui himself and the monkey’s treatment problem, stammered unable to speak.

“Haha, Daxiong, I really do not know this, to congratulate you ah! By the way, what does your girlfriend do?”

Zhuang Rui laughed when he heard, no wonder this time to see Daxiong, feel that he is much more stable, dare to say that someone at home is in charge.

“My girlfriend just graduated from college not long ago, some time ago in the family Fu supermarket inside to do, now just resigned, is ready to look for a job after the year, some other day I bring to Zhuang brother you see?”

Although Daxiong did not know the meaning of Zhuang Rui’s question, or honestly answered, he and the monkey have a kind of illusion, feel as if they have become Zhuang Rui’s employees, answering the boss’s questions in general.

In fact, Zhuang Rui did not know, with the increase in insights and accumulation of wealth, he already has a kind of successful person’s self-confidence in himself, although he did not intentionally show it, but it can still affect the other people around him.

“Hey, Daxiong, I didn’t see it, your kid didn’t graduate from junior high school and found a college student’s girlfriend! How about this! If your girlfriend is willing to go to Beijing with you, I’ll arrange a job for her to work as a salesperson in a jewelry store, and I’ll rent a three-bedroom apartment for the three of you in Beijing, so you can temporarily make do and live together. In the future, if the monkey finds a girlfriend, then another set of house, you two brothers do a few years, maybe they can afford to buy a house in Beijing, do you think it’s okay?”

Zhuang Rui thought for a while, if Daxiong’s girlfriend graduated from university, it shouldn’t be much of a problem to arrange a store clerk’s job for her at Qin Ruilin.

Don’t think in Qin Ruilin do a sales clerk will be aggrieved Daxiong’s girlfriend, we must know, Qin Ruilin contact guests, most of them are non-rich, and there are many foreigners, store salesman are also college education, that called Li Xia’s supervisor, is a graduate graduate.

But this thing Daxiong did not know ah! Hearing Zhuang Rui say is to do salesman, suddenly some hesitation, hesitantly said: “Brother Zhuang, this thing I have to discuss with Xiao Jing, I and monkey do what is not so-called, but let her go to do salesman, I’m afraid she is not happy ……”

Zhuang Rui smiled and patted his head, after talking for half a day, he didn’t even say a tiny bit of welfare treatment, he is confused enough, these two brothers in Pengcheng is now considered very stable, just now didn’t directly out of the mouth to reject himself, it is already considered good.

“Daxiong, that jewelry store to face the customers more high-end, most of the sales staff is a bachelor’s degree, but also good English, treatment is five thousand yuan per month salary, the end of the year double pay. The store to pay three gold, and according to the performance of the individual, every six months to increase wages, the range is about five hundred to fifteen hundred dollars, you can discuss with your girlfriend to see how she means ……”

“Zhuang …… Zhuang brother, agree, agree, no need to discuss, I made the decision, Xiao Jing definitely agree to go ……”

Zhuang Rui did not finish his words, was interrupted off by Daxiong, he did not find that when he spoke, Daxiong and monkey’s mouth, along with the sound of his words, can not help but in the open wide, his face is full of shocked look.

It is no wonder that the performance of the two brothers, the two of them now take the salary, in Pengcheng, has been considered not low, but did not think that a salesman in Beijing, the salary is actually twice as much as their own, but also like the state-run units to pay the three gold, which is simply better than the treatment of civil servants are a lot of good.

According to Zhuang Rui said the wage treatment, plus the first half of the year after the variable wage and the end of the year double pay, add up to almost a small 100,000, if in Pengcheng, enough Xiong and monkey dry on three or five years, that also have to do not eat or drink to save money to be able to do.

“Brother Zhuang, what kind of jewelry store is this? Is the treatment that good? What if others don’t want it?”

Monkey listening to the heart is also hot, can not wait to pull a girl on the road to do their girlfriends, but also follow to mix a five thousand dollar salary to go, the two of them do not know, the jewelry store is originally Zhuang Rui’s, stuffed to an employee is not a thing.

Zhuang Rui smiled at the words, said: “I said I can go in, so don’t worry about it, talk about the treatment of the two of you! Daxiong steady focus, by the time I arranged for an individual, you and he to learn the knowledge of stationery utensils, and in the purchase of goods in all aspects of the channel to master, maybe two or three years later, let you be responsible for this piece of ……”

“Brother Zhuang, you drink water ……”

See Zhuang Rui stopped talking, monkey very eye to Zhuang Rui poured a cup of tea.

“Thank you, monkey you will be responsible for this piece of antique, start by me to take you, I’m not there, you to those stalls inside the drill, see more learning, these do not need me to teach you, and our Pengcheng antique market is almost the same. As for the treatment, you two are the same, the first year 8,000 yuan per month, the second year 10,000 per month, housing problems I will give you to solve, to eat you have to buy their own or their own cooking. If two or three years later you can each afford their own piece of business, I guarantee that the annual salary is not below three hundred thousand, by then is to want to settle in Beijing, is not impossible.”

Spare some psychological preparation before Daxiong and monkey, after hearing Zhuang Rui’s words, still excited blood, a face red.

At this moment, Daxiong and Monkey understood that Zhuang Rui’s so-called asking for their help was actually lifting them up and giving them a good opportunity for development.

At this moment, the two of them are completely in Zhuang Rui’s head those figures, the monthly salary is 10,000 or 8,000, already does not matter, in any case, the two of them have never dreamed of, they are two street punks, actually can take such a high salary.

“Brother Zhuang, you see us two into it?”

These two brothers have not been smashed by the pie falling from the sky, after the excitement, Daxiong asked Zhuang Rui with some apprehension.

Zhuang Rui smiled, said: “antique trading inside the doorway, you two should understand, the first year your task is to learn, not only to follow the manager of the store to learn, but also to go out and those who set up stalls to learn. Anyway, it is to deal with people, you two brothers if you feel that they are good, then prepare to prepare, these two days will go to Beijing, if the heart is not bottom, now say it, I find others ……”

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