Chapter 0554 – The High Mountain

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:24:03
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“Grandpa Qin, you mustn’t say that, I’m just a bit more lucky, isn’t there also a scrap that hasn’t been deciphered out of emerald?”

After hearing the words of the old man Qin, Zhuang Rui waved his hand, anyway, learn Lei Feng do good things without leaving a name more often, Zhuang Rui also do not care, the main …… key is that this matter it will not be able to say understand ah!

“Rui, these things we have in mind, without you to help choose the wool, it is impossible to have so many gambling up the raw stone, we discussed, this jewelry store in Beijing, the next two years the need for mid-range and high-end jadeite jewelry, all by the head office gratuitous, is also considered a little bit of our heart!”

Qin Haoran’s words let Zhuang Rui froze for a moment, their little bit of heart, can be considered a lot of value ah!

Now the capital Qin Ruilin each month’s sales of jadeite jewelry, probably in four million yuan around the time of the New Year’s festivals will be higher, if the capital store two years of mid-range and high-end jadeite jewelry, all supplied by Hong Kong, that is more than 100 million yuan of funds.

This money seems to be a lot of money, but compared to Qin’s jewelry this time in Burma on the fair harvest, but it seems to be so insignificant, only for Qin’s jewelry bets on jade in a few dozen percent only.

Originally in accordance with the idea of the Qin master, is to give Zhuang Rui some of the shares of Qin’s jewelry, and then afraid of a few sons to dispute, this is a compromise to think of a way to give the capital Qin Ruilin supply for two years, but also to support Zhuang Rui a it!

But Qin’s jewelry so, Zhuang Rui side of the bet to the original stone, it seems not to unravel, which is and Zhuang Rui want to hoard jadeite stone mind coincides.

Burma gambling to the raw stone, has long been sent to the Pengcheng villa, at that time is Zhao Guodong to receive, Zhuang Rui a few days ago in Pengcheng, take the time to unravel the two pieces of ice type of high-grade wool.

From the two pieces of raw stone, a total of about more than a hundred pounds of jade meat, Zhuang Rui all to Zhao Guodong, should be enough Luo Jiang and those disciples carved years to the time, that is to say, in the next three to five years, Zhuang Rui do not have to worry about jade jewelry.

As for that piece of yellow Fei, in Zhuang Rui has not returned to Beijing, has been sent to Beijing, is now hidden in the basement of Zhuang Rui courtyard, for this piece of material, Zhuang Rui did not think of how to deal with.

Solution is certainly to solve out, but this piece of superb yellow Fei is too precious, the back to who carve, Zhuang Rui also want to explore the old man’s mouth, if the old man is willing to come back, Zhuang Rui immediately go to the piece of material to take out.

To that piece of yellow Fei’s degree of rarity, if you can carve out an object, absolutely can be used as the capital Qin Ruilin store store treasure, Zhuang Rui dare to make a promise, in the domestic jadeite market appeared in the yellow Fei, the quality of its block head, absolutely no piece of yellow Fei and their own that yellow Fei material comparable to the.

“This ……”

“Alright, just do what Haoran said! Speaking of which it’s still us taking advantage of you.”

Seeing that Zhuang Rui still want to open his mouth to push back, Master Qin waved his hand to finalize this matter, Zhuang Rui can gamble up so many raw stones this time, there is no guarantee that the next time will be able to do so, if he is too stingy, in the future, he will be too embarrassed to ask for Zhuang Rui’s help to gamble on the stones again.

“Then thank you Grandpa Qin.”

Zhuang Rui saw the old man’s attitude is resolute, at that moment also do not pretend, he let Qin Haoran shot down the original stone actually can be worth how much money, his own heart is a number.

“Well, Xiao Zhuang, do you think you can find a time for me to pay a visit to Old General Ouyang and Mr. Ouyang Zhenhua?”

After the jade thing talk, Qin old man to Zhuang Rui put forward a request, 97 years after the handover of Hong Kong, in Hong Kong, these giant and powerful businessmen, and the interaction with the mainland high level is also more and more close, can with the mainland what level of people to interact with, implicitly also become in Hong Kong identity status symbols.

And now the Ouyang family, in the mainland political arena is absolutely like a day, the old generation has Hu old male enhancement in the Ouyang Gang, the following Ouyang Zhenhua is into the center of power, if you can see these two a side of the words, even if there is no anything substantial, but also enough to let many people on the Qin’s jewelry to scratch the surface.

Zhuang Rui heard hesitation, said: “See my grandfather no problem, tomorrow I can arrange, but to see the great uncle …… may I have to ask first, now do not even know if he is in the capital of the.”

“It’s fine, then let’s meet Old General Ouyang first! I’ve been admiring the old general for a long time, but I’ve never been able to have the chance to see him ……”

After hearing Zhuang Rui’s words, Elder Qin stood up happily, waved his hand and said, “Alright, you go and accompany Xuan Bing! This old man of mine is disturbing you youngsters to make out, and will be complained by Xuan Bing again.”

The old man’s words, said Zhuang Rui that face skin also rare red.

After leaving from Qin Haoran’s room, Zhuang Rui returned to Qin Xuan Bing’s guest room, entering into the room, only to find that Qin Xuan Bing had already fallen asleep, with a hint of a sweet smile on her sleeping face.

“Incoming call, incoming call.”

Just as Zhuang Rui took off his jacket and wanted to burrow into that fragrant blanket, the cell phone suddenly rang, waking up the sleeping Qin Xuan Bing as well.

“Sorry, I’m sorry to have disturbed you.”

“It’s okay, Rui, sit next to me and answer it!”

Zhuang Rui picked up the phone and was about to walk out to pick up when he was pulled by Qin Xuan Bing, at the moment Qin Xuan Bing’s body reveals a lazy sexy, looking at Zhuang Rui almost do not want to pick up the phone.

“Don’t make a fuss, quickly pick up the phone ……”

Qin Xuan Bing gave Zhuang Rui a sanitary ball, pushed away the big hand that reached his chest, but leaned her head on Zhuang Rui’s broad chest, sniffing the manly flavor of Zhuang Rui’s body.

“Hey, which one?”

“Zhuang old brother, I’m Hu Rong, just got off the plane, now here at the Beijing airport.”

The voice coming from the phone, let Zhuang Rui stopped his hand, dare to say Hu Rong also rushed over from Burma, this is just right, I guess he tiger skin also brought, tomorrow and Master Qin they a piece to see Grandpa on the line.

Received Hu Rong’s phone, Zhuang Rui just remembered, as if Zhonghai’s Wei and Uncle De is also the afternoon plane, these two people must also be their own personal to pick up the plane, it seems to want to and Qin Xuan Bing coexist a little bit of thought, can only be left to the night.

“Brother Hu, you wait a little while at the airport, I’ll be there in half an hour or so ……”

After hanging up the phone, Zhuang Rui kissed Qin Xuan Bing on her white jade-like face and said, “Big Brother Hu from Myanmar is here, I’m going to the airport to pick up the people, baby, you sleep a little longer!”

“Don’t, I’ll go with you to pick up ……”

Qin Xuan Bing lifted the quilt as she spoke, revealing those snow-white and slender legs, daring to wait for Zhuang Rui just now! That black lace edged shorts, hidden peaks, let Zhuang Rui instantly blood burst, a pull back, three times removed the clothes on the body.

“So what, Brother Hu shouldn’t mind waiting for one or twenty more minutes, right?”

After this thought crossed Zhuang Rui’s mind, he was completely swept away by Qin Xuan Bing’s jade body’s charming appearance, and immediately, the room was filled with moans.

Obviously Zhuang Rui underestimated his own combat power, after more than half an hour, only after the rainstorm first broke, and Qin Xuan Bing is already limp as if there are no bones, there is nothing to do, Zhuang Rui can only put on his clothes, greeted Peng Fei, and each drove a car, rushed to the airport.

“Brother Hu, I’m really sorry to keep you waiting.”

Walking into the airport exit hall, Zhuang Rui saw Hu Rong at a glance, at his side, there was also a young man who was about the same age as Zhuang Rui, Zhuang Rui knew that it was Hu Rong’s own younger brother, who had met him last time in the Burmese Chinese city.

“It’s okay, Zhuang old brother, I have a big happy news to tell you, haha, didn’t call you, just want to give you a surprise ……”

Hu Rong, who has always been very calm, after seeing Zhuang Rui, actually came to embrace first, the strength is so big that Zhuang Rui’s waist, which was originally a little sore after doing the exercise, felt a little overwhelmed at once.

After embracing Zhuang Rui, Hu Rong gave Peng Fei a greeting again, after a few days together in Myanmar, all have been very familiar.

“Attention tourists, the XXXX flight from Zhonghai to Beijing will land soon.”

Zhuang Rui was about to open his mouth to ask what was going on when he suddenly heard the voice on the airport radio, and hurriedly said, “Brother Hu, let’s sit down and talk, I just happen to have an elder and a friend on this flight, wait for them!”

Zhuang Rui brought Peng Fei to, itself is want to receive Hu Rong after, let Peng Fei first send him back to the hotel, did not think that Uncle De and Brother Wei do flights also arrived, simply pick up and go together.

“OK, no problem ……”

After sitting down, Zhuang Rui opened his mouth and asked, “Brother Hu, is it true that my batch of gold was also brought?”

After Zhuang Rui returned to the country, let the manager Wu, who is now responsible for Qin Ruilin’s business, used Qin Ruilin’s name to import two tons of gold from Hu Rong’s company in Myanmar, counting the time for customs clearance now is almost the same.

Hu Rong waved his hand, said with a happy face: “Not that thing, gold but also over a few days, old brother, I tell you, our emerald mine, find the vein!”

“Oh? Hu big brother, how to find?”

Zhuang Rui froze for a moment, that emerald pit out of the vein has long been in his expectations, but this is less than a month’s time, actually explored out, is out of Zhuang Rui’s expectations.

“Older brother, this is really all thanks to you, if not you pointed out in that railroad car along the exploration hole, is another half a year, I’m afraid I can not find the vein ……”

Hu Rong is now on Zhuang Rui, that according to the mountains and mountains, convinced, he before and after from domestic Europe, invited more than ten geological experts to explore, are not found veins, did not think that Zhuang Rui casually a sentence, let him save countless energy and financial resources.

And Hu’s dilemma encountered in Burma, with the discovery of the vein, also vanished, those jadeite companies in Burma, and now they are going to step on the threshold of their own company to rotten.

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