Chapter 0562 – Drinking

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:24:23
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Standing in the crowd of Miao Feifei, at this time in the eyes of a trace of loss of color, although she never wear jewelry, but at this moment, the heart inevitably also has a kind of indescribable taste.

This will Miao Fei Fei even hate themselves a little, usually so open character, why not earlier take the initiative to pursue Zhuang Rui ah!

“You are only engaged, not married, later I must you also send a better than this necklace to me ……” Miao Fei Fei glanced at the two people in the field, silently left the courtyard.

This will be the people in the courtyard, is still in shock at the mother of Zhuang sent that jade necklace, and no one found Miao Fei Fei’s departure, Zhuang Rui seems to have sensed, to Miao Fei Fei left the place looked at, of course, he did not see anything.

In Zhuang Rui’s courtyard after making a fuss for a while, the crowd walked out of the courtyard, taking a few buses that had been arranged long ago, rushing towards the hotel.

Engagement ceremony can be held at home, but the meal must be arranged in the hotel, now is not like twenty years ago, get married to do wine or something at home, the neighbors will come to help, Zhuang Rui lived in a small half a year, and even what the neighbors look like, have not seen.

Zhuang Rui and Qin Xuan Bing this morning but exhausted, from the morning get up, did not sit down, Zhuang Rui is okay, as long as the eyes of the aura is not consumed, physical expenditure can always make up for it, but Qin Xuan Bing wearing high heels is a real stand, to the hotel, after the exhaustion in the chair is not willing to stand up.

Although have the heart to help the future wife to cure the foot pain, but Zhuang Rui once swore that the secret in the eyes will never tell any one, at that moment can only help Qin Xuan Bing block the wine, around the ten or so tables of wine after a round of toast, Zhuang Rui is already full of red, a little bit not able to win the wine.

“Zhuang old brother, come on, let’s three drink a cup of wine, I and Fatty Ma still have some things to do, so I’ll take my leave first.”

Zhuang Rui had just sat down on his chair after the toast when Song Jun and Fatty Ma walked over with a few glasses of white wine.

“Brother Song, Brother Ma, I’m really sorry for the poor hospitality!”

Zhuang Rui hastily took the wine cup, this old brother and two people are still quite real, take a small cup of cups, about six money a cup, did not take the glass that contains wine, this point of wine is not difficult to defeat Zhuang Rui.

But today to participate in Zhuang Rui engagement ceremony, there are many are busy people, a see someone take the lead to disperse, after twenty or thirty minutes, feel the etiquette is almost the same time, have to take the cup to toast farewell.

One or two people don’t matter, but Zhuang Rui can’t help the crowd ah! Not many general assembly, is already drunk eyes loose, as long as see someone with a glass of wine over, that is absolutely cup to wine dry.

Just now feel their alcohol is not bad, volunteered to Zhuang Rui block wine Yue Jing brother, at this moment than Zhuang Rui more unbearable, was a few female guests a blow, dry several glasses of white wine, this will have been lying on the table, snoring.

“The youngest, you say when studying in college, how is brother to you ah?”

A meal to eat to the end of the time, a few classmates have also come over, the oldest four is carrying two glasses, all of which are white wine.

“Brother …… brothers are quite good to me, who let me the smallest ah!”

Zhuang Rui took a look at the old four this situation, where do not understand what is going on ah! Come on, give up your life today! At that moment, from the old four hands to receive the more than two taels of white wine, and the old four clinked the cup, a neck all into the throat, at once, a spicy from the small abdomen straight up.

“Hey, I say fourth brother, your drinking capacity has increased!”

Although Zhuang Rui is now a face red appearance, but the heart is still sober, Lao Si is Cantonese, usually one or two white wine quasi fall to the ground, this day how to be so fast, a mouthful of drink two ah?

“Shit, Lao Si, you do not pour me today is not stop.”

Zhuang Rui snatched the old four hands of the wine cup, inside the rest of the bottom of the wine in the mouth, only to realize, dare to take the old four mineral water and their own wine! However, Zhuang Rui’s capacity for alcohol also ends here, this sentence finished, feel dizzy, do not know the aftermath. If Zhuang Rui knows that Lao Si is because of listening to the words of Yue Jing brother, know that he was implicated by Zhuang Rui received that kick from Officer Miao, specially ran to take revenge, I do not know Zhuang Rui’s heart, what will be the idea?

“Water, water, dry me out.”

Don’t know how long, wake up from sleep Zhuang Rui, this will only feel a headache, throat like being filled with sand in general, dry and thirsty about to burst into flames, barely open your eyes, but found himself back in the bedroom of the courtyard.

“Rui, you’re awake, wait, I’ll go pour you water ……”

Qin Xuan Bing’s voice rang in Zhuang Rui’s ears, is not very awake eyes, vaguely see a slim figure walked to the bed and sat down, lifted up Zhuang Rui’s head to lean on a soft place, bubbling hot cups, handed over to Zhuang Rui’s mouth.

Qin Xuan Bing is very good at taking care of people, the water inside the cup is half cool and half hot, after a cup of water, Zhuang Rui’s sanity slowly turned back into his body.

Although the aura in Zhuang Rui’s eyes can cure diseases and injuries, but there is not the slightest way to alcohol, this wine at noon, is really the most drunken once in his life.

After drinking the water Zhuang Rui fell asleep again, in his dream, two figures intertwined and appeared, a moment was Qin Xuan Bing, but in a flash it turned into Miao Fei Fei, like a dream, Zhuang Rui did not know if it was true or not.

“Xuan Bing, Xuan Bing!”

In the dream it seems like he hugged Miao Fei Fei and did something unseemly, was seen by Qin Xuan Bing and left in anger, Zhuang Rui woke up with a shock, shouting Qin Xuan Bing’s name.

“Rui, what’s wrong? You wouldn’t be such a big man still having nightmares, right?”

Zhuang Rui only felt a body full of heat, tightly pasted over, Qin Xuan Bing exhaled like orchids, and spoke in a voice that made his ears itch.

“No nightmares, Xuan Bing, how long have I been asleep? What did you say just now?”

Zhuang Rui this time is really awake, see the window has been completely black sky, and Qin Xuan Bing also and his own lying in a comforter, and hastily stretched out his arm, let Qin Xuan Bing leaned on his chest, but the last line of questioning, Zhuang Rui is a little bit of heart.

At the time of the question, Zhuang Rui’s heartbeat is accelerated a few points, just now the dream situation is still in the mind, if shouted out the name of Miss Miao, then the trouble can be big, I believe that there is no that woman can forgive their own men, in their sleep called another woman’s name.

“Just now you are calling me ah, what time is it? Let me see ……”

Qin Xuan Bing stretched out her arm as if it was white jade, opened the bedside lamp, looked at the time and said, “It’s more than 5:00 in the morning, the sky is almost bright, you have slept for nearly 12 hours this sleep.”

Qin Xuan Bing’s words with a hint of grudge, before she prepared a thick red candle and red wine, intends to have a romantic candlelight dinner with Zhuang Rui in the evening, who knows that Zhuang Rui sleeps in the dark, so that his own preparations are all in vain.

“Daughter-in-law, I’m sorry! Next time those brothers and sisters get married, let’s also pour them an unconsciousness ……”

Zhuang Rui heard the dream words he just said, did not make a mistake of principle, the heart settled down, but the beauty in his arms like jade, the tip of the nose is filled with the woman’s body scent, the lower body is suddenly a little hot, a hard sponge, instantly put the quilt that is flat on the body, topped up a small tent out.

Zhuang Rui embraced Qin Xuan Bing’s left hand, also followed the trend from that silky silk underwear neckline reached in, that one hand can not fully grasp the soft flesh grasped in the heart of the hand, gently pinched the slightly hardened delicate where, the embrace of the person’s body suddenly trembled, mouth issued a tantalizing moan.

“Don’t, immediately are going to get up, be seen by others is not good ……”

Qin Xuan Bing trembled, wanting to push Zhuang Rui away, but realized that she didn’t know when, she was already wrapping her hands around Zhuang Rui’s neck, and clasped her fingers tightly, almost fusing her body with Zhuang Rui.

“No one will see, today we are the biggest ……”

Zhuang Rui felt two fingers between the delicate, gradually become a little hard, and then see Qin Xuan Bing open mouth seems to want to say also, immediately put his mouth up.

“Well …… well ……”

Qin Xuan Bing cold was Zhuang Rui sneak attack success, hands powerless slap Zhuang Rui’s back, the heart of the fire of desire is completely triggered by Zhuang Rui, soft body of the whole pressure up, in the chasm between the abdomen, immediately felt a hard object through the clothes topped in.

Two people’s lips in the exchange, at the same time hands also did not idle, this silk underwear is convenient, in Zhuang Rui two hands under the force, buttons were torn open, at the same time that palm-sized lace shorts, also in Zhuang Rui’s vigorously tearing, turned into silk strands.

Without the cover of clothing, two white fat fiber bodies like white rabbits, suddenly popped out, Zhuang Rui loosened Qin Xuan Bing’s lips, lowered his head and kissed it.


Qin Xuan Bing let out a cry from her mouth, her body steeply tensed up, there seemed to be a hot current gushing out from her body, as Zhuang Rui’s lips continued to extend downwards, Qin Xuan Bing’s entire body became an anti-bow shape, the covers on her body had long been lifted off, and that marvelous figure, all of it, was presented in the air.

“Hubby, I want ……”

Can’t stand Zhuang Rui teasing Qin Xuan Bing, violently turned her body up, sat on Zhuang Rui, a fullness that can’t be described in words, like an electric shock, let Qin Xuan Bing’s body trembled.

As if surfing in the ocean, rising and falling, moving moans and heavy gasps, like a symphony, echoing in the house for a long time.

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