Chapter 0573 – Nongjiale

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:24:52
A+ A- Turn Off Light

“Youngest, let’s switch! Let brother sit for a while Hummer it!”

Followed by the BMW, not to mention, just volunteered to get into the BMW Wei, this will be rolled down the window, is crying to change back!

“Brother Wei, you usually do not exercise, bumps when loose bones good.”

Zhuang Rui drove the car haha laughed, foot hard point down the gas pedal, Hummer speed to improve some, suddenly the BMW left behind.

“You kid, drive slower.”

Uncle De was accelerated by Zhuang Rui almost hit his head on the car glass, fiercely glared at Zhuang Rui.

Zhuang Rui hurriedly slowed down the car and laughed: “Hey, Uncle De, these dozens of kilometers will be here soon, right, your old man hasn’t said it yet, where did all the money from selling chicken bloodstone in this Changhua go? Why don’t you repair the road?”

“Who will repair it? Since the Tang Dynasty has been mining chicken blood stone, to the Ming Dynasty, has formed a large-scale mining, but this road, tsk, than that will not be much better.”

Uncle De shook his head, now these days, there are money-making things, will be sure to flock to squeeze up, but to spend money, all the fucking run faster than a rabbit.

According to the contracted chicken bloodstone mine bosses, which person is not earned pockets bulging, but now there is no one is willing to pay to repair the road, but there is a reason for this.

This section of the road in the eighties and nineties of the last century, there are a few mine owners joint venture to repair a little, but fifty kilometers is not a short distance, they do not have so much money to repair the asphalt road, just paving a little stone, looking for a roller to refurbish a little.

Just this road usually passing, most of them are some heavy trucks pulling stones, that stone road simply can not hold up, plus the day a rain, not two months of work, the whole road than not repair even worse, that a few mine owners threw in a few million also hit the water, since then, no one mentioned repairing the road thing again.

After the car slowed down, the car felt much better, thanks to this or Hummer are so upside down, you can imagine Wei brother now BMW car will be suffering from what crime.

And Qin Xuan Bing sitting in the back row of the Song Xingjun, see this broken road, the vehicles actually not less than the highway, can not help but strangely asked: “Zhuang Rui, this chicken blood stone in the end is what ah? How so many cars are running to the mountains?”

“Hey, this is a long story, in ancient times, a pair of beautiful phoenix soaring in heaven, from time to time heard the sound of grief, look down, see locusts plague, plague epidemic, crops do not grow, full of desolation, the people sad. The good and righteous phoenix saw this scene, determined to use their own power to eliminate the locusts, dispel the plague, and help the living souls, the grateful people, requesting the phoenix to stay, and jointly bathe in the morning song and the evening song. The phoenix was moved by the people’s sincerity, on top of a mountain …… Kang Shanling, built a phoenix swamp habitat, soon around the phoenix swamp, all the mountain rocks, become white and transparent, as white jade, Jade Rock Mountain thus named.”

“Zhuang Rui, this also has no chicken blood stone what ah?”

Qin Xuan Bing heard here interrupted Zhuang Rui words, she listened to half a day also did not hear any knowledge about chicken blood stone.

“Don’t interrupt? This tells us that later on, a pair of powerful bird lions, commonly known as phoenix birds, came up from Jade Rock Mountain, and when they saw the phoenix nesting in such a beautiful mountain, they became jealous, thus determined to drive the phoenix away and occupy the phoenix marsh. One day, just as the female phoenix into the incubation period, the male phoenix went out to forage for food, sneak into the phoenix nest, attacking the female phoenix, the female phoenix bravely fought with it, phoenix and lion battle makes the Yuyan mountain winds and cranes, the sun and the moon are not light. When the male phoenix returned to the nest, the female phoenix was bird lion pecked off a leg, blood spilled on the Jade Rock Mountain, and finally, the phoenix with grief and anger still by their own wisdom and strength to defeat the bird lion, tearfully buried by the innocent trampled on the phoenix eggs after the sky. Legend has it that it was the blood of the phoenix that dripped on Jade Rock Mountain, thus forming the chicken blood stone, how about it, do you understand?”

Zhuang Rui finished the story, but found no sound behind, from the reverse mirror, dare to look, the two girls are in tears, can not help but say: “Hey, I said you two how?”

“Zhuang Rui, that female phoenix is so pitiful!”

Qin Xuan Bing’s voice with a sobbing tone made Zhuang Rui quite speechless, his prospective daughter-in-law is usually very shrewd, how to this guilty of stupidity.

“You two don’t listen to Xiao Zhuang nonsense, what bird ah phoenix ah, chicken blood stone is cinnabar (mercuric sulfide) infiltrated into the kaolinite, the ground open stone in the formation of its composition is mercuric sulfide, the stone is the ground open stone or kaolinite, the two mingled, symbiosis of one natural gemstone.”

Uncle De used a more scientific language to Song Xingjun and Qin Xuanbing to explain what is called chicken blood stone, but obviously, these two women are more inclined to believe Zhuang Rui’s mythological stories, women are always more emotional some.

Fifty kilometers of road, the car ran for more than two hours, to the afternoon more than five o’clock, only to be considered to the foot of the Jade Rock Mountain, here, there is a small town, or village is more appropriate some, and a lot of people coming and going, it looks like actually want to be more lively than the town of Changhua a little bit.

This village should be relatively rich, because the houses Zhuang Rui saw, basically are two or three-story small buildings, outside the mosaic, in the afterglow of the setting sun, flashing dazzling luster.

The village was originally at the foot of the mountain, some of the houses were actually built halfway up the mountainside, scattered over a huge area, if this were placed in Hong Kong, it would be considered the top luxury villas.

Uncle Te pointed to a big shed like a vegetable market outside the village and said, “There is the trading place of chicken blood stone.”

“Uncle De, let’s go take a look?”

Zhuang Rui followed the sound and found that there are still lights there, he couldn’t help but raise the idea of wanting to go and see it, the bumps on the way for two hours, for him is nothing, to know, in Burma that will be the road like this at least a day’s run.

Uncle Te shook his head and laughed, “What’s your hurry? It’s not like we’re leaving tomorrow, there’s no rush, let’s find a place to stay and have something to eat first.”

“How to live here?”

Zhuang Rui this will have driven the Hummer, into this very modern decoration style of the village, not a minute’s time on the car to the head, Zhuang Rui did not see what hotel and other buildings ah!

“Oh, today I’ll take you to live in a farmhouse, taste the farm food, Xiao Zhuang, drive the car further up, I booked a place to stay yesterday, if I booked late, I’m afraid we’ll have to sleep in the car today.”

Uncle De is very familiar with this place, directly pointed to a road up the mountain, let Zhuang Rui drive up.

Not to mention, to the Jade Rock Mountain, the road is instead many times better than the way to the road, even the mountain road, have been refurbished, even the BMW behind, are easily driven up, parked in front of a small three-story building.

In the open space in front of the small building, there were already several cars parked, and the Mercedes that Zhuang Rui and the others had seen before was also parked here.

“Holy shit, my new car!”

Wei brother just in the road or ghost howling, this car can not care about the sinews sparse, even rolled and crawled from the car drilled out, around his BMW car looked up, the more he looked at the more heartache, in the car door below there, is already on the road by the protruding stones, hit the potholes.

“Knock you that no interest like, others Mercedes Benz not also drove over it!”

Zhuang Rui parked the car, gloating strike Weiguo a bit, who let you have to follow.

“This …… is the best car that brother drove ah!” Viagra rolled his eyes in displeasure.

Uncle De, who came down from the Hummer, didn’t pay attention to this fighting brother and sister, but rushed to welcome an old man standing in front of the small building, and with a distance of three to five meters away, his mouth shouted, “Old Wang Brothers, coming to bother you again, this time, six people, three rooms, no problem, right?”

“Mr. Ma, welcome, welcome!”

Old Wang looks a few years younger than Uncle De, probably because of living in the mountains, he is very hale and hearty, after shaking hands with Uncle De, Old Wang said with some hesitation, “Mr. Ma, didn’t you book two rooms yesterday? How come there’s an extra one here?”

“What? Not enough rooms?”

Uncle De’s face changed for a moment, yesterday when Yang Wei didn’t say he wanted to come, Uncle De called and booked two rooms, one for Zhuang Rui’s two families, and one for him and Peng Fei would be fine, except that Yang Wei suddenly added in, so it would have to be three rooms.

“Mr. Ma, you also know that these days are the time when the rooms are the most tense, you said you want to keep two rooms, so I booked out the other 10 rooms, now …… now ……”

The old man is very pristine, this is obviously Zhuang Rui their wrong, but the old man to the back but embarrassed to say, his family’s this three-storey small building, the first floor is their own home to live, the second and third floors are on when the Nongjiale to the guests to live, a total of only 12 rooms.

The restaurant is also on the first floor, due to a lot of dinner guests, so a restaurant occupies two rooms on the first floor.

“Old Wang brother, that …… that below the village can still squeeze out a not?”

Uncle De regretted that when he came out in the morning, why did he not give a call to the old Wang Tou anymore, or else such a thing would not have happened.

Old Wang saw Uncle De’s anxious appearance, after thinking for a while, said, “Don’t go down there, wait for me and my wife to make you a good meal, go to my son’s place to squeeze it!”

“Good, good, old brother, that’s really something to thank you for.”

After Uncle De thanked Old Wang, he brought Zhuang Rui and his group all up to the second floor, Zhuang Rui and Yang Wei each took a room, as for Uncle De and Peng Fei, they were to stay in Old Wang’s bedroom on the first floor.

The room wasn’t very big, there was only a bed and a closet in it, but you could see that the bedding on the bed was washed and clean, very hygienic.

There was also a window in the room, after opening the window, one could clearly see the lush Da Yan Mountain, at this time when the sun was setting in the west, as far as the eye could see, it was all a golden color, very beautiful.

“Okay, Xiao Zhuang, this condition is a bit simple, can’t take a bath, but we are staying for two days at most, pack up our things, let’s go and try this farmhouse food.”

Uncle De’s voice rang out at the door, Zhuang Rui agreed, and threw the bag containing a change of clothes onto the bed, as for the money clips and other objects, naturally he kept them with him.

“Old Wang Tou, it’s not like I won’t give you money, what’s wrong with asking for an extra room? Aren’t they also just here? Tell them to let out a room.”

Zhuang Rui and the others had just walked out of the room when they heard a brutal voice coming from downstairs.

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