Chapter 0576: Chicken Bloodstone (I)

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:25:00
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Chicken bloodstone mining and Xinjiang jade mining is almost the same. Even more chaotic than the jade mining, because most of the bloodstone exposed at the mountain has been almost mined, it is necessary to use explosives to burst the eye, and then hand digging or machine digging deep excavation, from the inside of the chicken bloodstone buried deep underground.

In this way, there are many foreign forces involved in it, but many of the locals of Jade Rock Mountain, still can rely on the rich experience, from the mountain to pick up some good quality of chicken bloodstone, is why Uncle De had this question.

“Oh, there are a few pieces, tomorrow is also ready to take to the trading market to sell it, wait for us to have dinner, I take it to old brother you see.” Old Wang Tou smiled happily on his face after hearing Uncle De’s words.

“Old Wang Tou, you’ve also gone up to the mountains to mine?”

Weiguo, who had a piece of native chicken stuffed in his mouth, asked vaguely, children like him who grew up in the city always thought that mining was a very mysterious thing.

“Elder brother Wang has not only mined? He has also been in the newspaper and on Zhejiang TV!”

Uncle Te crossed his thumbs at Old Wang Tou while he spoke. Old Wang Tou just hemmed and hawed and busied himself with pouring plum wine into the empty cups of several people.

“Oh? Old Wang Tou, tell me, tell me.”

Uncle De’s words aroused the interest of the crowd, in this ravine and nothing much, blowing the mountain breeze and drinking a little wine to listen to the story, it is also not a great joy in life.

“Nothing, nothing, don’t listen to Old Ma.”

Old Wangtou’s face was clearly smiling like a chrysanthemum, but the simplicity of the mountain people still prevented him from saying this, and just waved his hands repeatedly.

However, the reason why Old Wangtou could afford to build such a house similar to a small villa, relying on some chicken blood stones taken from the mountains, at the end of the last century at the beginning of this century, he even did something that stirred up the whole country.

“Let me tell you! That will we seem to have known each other already, right? It should be 99 years ago.”

Uncle De drank his old friend’s plum wine and was quite happy, telling Zhuang Rui and the others about this sensational thing.

It turns out that in this Jade Rock Mountain, not only the existence of chicken blood stone, but also similar to the existence of Tianhuang stone, of course, only similar, and then after the expert’s research demonstrated that the Jade Rock Mountain “Tianhuang” stone, its value is far less than the Fujian Tianhuang.

At the end of the last century in a spring, the old Wangtou from the mountain picked a piece of yellowish stone, put at home. It was seen by a businessman from Fujian who collected chicken-blood stones, and after repeated inspections, the man decided that it was a high-quality “Tianhuang” stone, so he spent 100,000 yuan to buy it away.

The countryside is not as good as the city, especially in this ravine, in addition to good luck to pick a piece of chicken blood stone, or else a year can not earn a few dollars, this is spread out, ten miles and eight townships, all the people are red-eyed.

At that moment, the ground is not planted, work is not done, as long as there is an arm and a leg can go up the mountain, all carry the guy on the jade rock mountain, in the old Wang Tou found that piece of stone on the hill, carpet digging.

At that time, the trees on that hillside were cut down, and the vegetation was destroyed, which undoubtedly attracted a great deal of attention from the news media, and Zhejiang Television and Hangzhou Television reported on it.

This report was not expected by anyone, but to the jade rock mountain advertising, from all over the country Taobao people have to intervene. And there are people began to set this “Tianhuang” ready to send a “futures” wealth.

For a time, a small piece of inconspicuous stone, nearly 100 yuan, or even thousands of dollars, Lin’an City Hall for the purpose of protecting resources, turn to the Department of Geology and Mines of Zhejiang Province, asked for this yellow stone can be scientifically identified.

After careful analysis of the mineral composition of the experts, Tianhuang and this stone growth environment, the external characteristics of the comparison, the experts gave the conclusion that the Changhua stone does not have Tianhuang stone that “fine, clean, warm, moist, condensed, greasy” of the “six virtues” if named For Tianhuang stone, absolutely unscientific.

To know, the formation of Tianhuang stone, there are tens of millions of years of “field soil” brewing, streams of water and organic acid infiltration, which formed that kind of smooth as chicken oil general color, delicate and soft carrot pattern, and the Changhe of this yellow stone, is simply no “field” to go, just in the “field” can go, just in the “six virtues”. “can go, just in the soil of the hillside below the habitat, and only rely on the rain “thirst” far less than the “Tianhuang stone” required by the growth environment.

Therefore, the experts gave the conclusion that these stones are just earlier people mining chicken blood stone mine waste, although they are sandwiched between the original exposed in the surface of the stone, but its to the soil in the second generation of the history will not be beyond the history of the mining of the Changhua stone, therefore. Can never be named “Tianhuang”.

Fortunately, this batch of yellow stone head of the “hidden” amount was not much, digging “treasure” people harvest less and less, Lin’an Municipal Government has also developed measures to protect the closed mountains, “Changhua Yellow Stone “The name has not been set down, this” gold rush “was stifled.

However, since the fake Tianhuang stone team and more than one “ghost” which undoubtedly to the Tianhuang stone collection enthusiasts and added a difficult problem, because the good Changhua Yellowstone, a few can be messed up.

It is also because of this matter, the old Wang Tou is also well-known, and with the 100,000 dollars to build a small building.

Because here is the forefront of chicken blood stone mining, almost every day there are outsiders come here to buy chicken blood stone, through the provision of food and lodging, and occasionally on the mountain luck, slowly the old Wang Tou’s days have become rich, led to the village families have engaged in Nongjiale.

More people coming and going, this small mountain village also formed a by the villagers and pit bosses. Self-organized chicken blood stone bazaar.

“Old Uncle Wang, you are really great! Leading the fashion trend ah!”

Wai smiled and joked with Old Wang Tou.

“Where, where is it, a piece of broken stone picked up haphazardly. Just lucky.”

Old Wang Tou waved his hands, but his face showed a self-satisfied look, although this small mountain village later also people in the mountains to pick up the value of the chicken bloodstone, but this first bucket of gold, or was he picked up, especially the establishment of the Nongjiale, but also his masterpiece.

“Eat quickly, eat quickly, let’s go and meet Old Uncle Wang’s treasure.”

Yang Wei was tickled by the story just now, and couldn’t wait to go to the mountain to quarry stones, if it wasn’t for the fact that this farmhouse cuisine is really delicious today, I’m afraid that Wei and Qin Xuan Bing several people have asked to go and see the stones first.

Zhuang Rui and Uncle De are considered to be in the business, they have seen a lot of things, this will not be in a hurry to drink and eat the food, until Yang Wei and others are tired of being urged, only then finished the last glass of wine, wiped his mouth, followed the old head of the king to walk to another room.

“Nuo, all the stones we picked up last year are there, you guys go take a look!”

This is a room for sundries, there are still plows and rakes used for farm work, and other objects, in a corner of the room, large and small piles of twenty to thirty stones, but the largest is the size of a leather ball, and Zhuang Rui bet on the jadeite raw stone compared to that block is much smaller.

This is not to say that the chicken blood stone did not have large pieces, Zhuang Rui in the Spring Festival treasure identification on the chicken blood stone, is a few hundred pounds, of course, that is not all chicken blood stone, there are some other stone.

The reason why there is no big object here, may be because he did not meet or is not good to carry it to the mountain!

Wei brother into the house is the most active performance, the old head of the hand just pointed to the past, he then scurried over, in the pile of broken stone inside the fiddling up, but this is not yet two minutes, Wei brother looked disappointed raised his head, looked at the old head of the king asked: “Old Wang Wang uncle? Are these the chicken blood stones? Is there anything else? You can’t hide all the good stuff!”

With Wei’s vision, there was no difference between these stones and those ordinary road stones on the way here.

And he would have thought that chicken blood stone will certainly be with a large red, just rummage through these stones, did not see their own imagination of red chicken blood stone, the heart was very disappointed.

However, in some stones, there is a trace of red line, but still and Yang Wei’s mind in the chicken blood stone is far from it.

“Oh, the stones picked last year are all here, there is no chicken blood stone I do not know. This you have to ask Old Ma, he is an expert in this area.”

Old Wang Tou shook his head repeatedly after hearing Yang Wei’s words, but a trace of peasant-style cunning flashed in his eyes.

“Old brother Wang, testing my eyesight isn’t it?”

Uncle De smiled and walked to Yang Wei’s side, then said, “Chicken blood stone is not exactly the chicken blood flowing on the body surface, those chicken blood stone do not need to recognize at all, and most of the chicken blood stone and emerald raw stone is almost the same, there is a stone skin, which will have to be distinguished with the eyesight.”

“This ghost can see ah! It’s all the same stone, who knows if chicken blood will come out of it.”

Wai tried very hard to follow what Uncle Te said, trying to come to identify it, only to be discouraged without seeing the two stones, apart from the size and shape, he couldn’t see any difference at all.

“Xiao Zhuang, come and take a look, I watched that Treasure Appraisal program, you’re right, but that’s a finished piece of material, this chicken blood stone with stone skin, I’m afraid you haven’t seen it yet, right?”

Uncle De beckoned to Zhuang Rui, he also wanted to see what kind of unique talent this disciple of his had when it came to gambling on stones.

Old Wang Tou was very generous, he didn’t make the room dim like Zhuang Rui did when he was looking at the jadeite in Pingzhou, this utility room of his was equipped with a large 100 watt light bulb, placing the stone under the light, he could clearly see the lines on it as well as the direction of the blood filaments.

“Uncle De, Uncle Wang, then I’ll make a fool of myself!”

Zhuang Rui didn’t show any courtesy, directly pushed away Brother Wei, squatted himself next to the pair of stones, first took a fist-sized stone and looked at it.

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