Chapter 0585: Falsehood

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:25:23
A+ A- Turn Off Light

“What a crazy dog ……”

After seeing Yan Kai and the two bodyguards leave, Zhuang Rui then breathed a sigh of relief, with that bastard following behind, he couldn’t even calm down to pick the chicken bloodstone stone, the whole thing was just fighting with Yan Kai.

“The Yan family is also a generation worse than the next, the son is not as good as the son-in-law!”

Uncle De also shook his head, he did recognize Yan Kai’s aunt, knew that Yan’s family’s several sons did not have much success, now basically rely on the blue sea shells in the support, just the two people do not have any friendship, but nodding acquaintance only.

“Uncle De, don’t mention him, let’s grab a few pieces of material is the real thing.”

Zhuang Rui smiled and shook his head, although his own background is much deeper than that Yan Kai, but Zhuang Rui has never taken the initiative to say in front of people that his grandfather is Ouyang Gang, he is the most despised of those who are not moving to put the elders of the family on the mouth.

Speaking, Zhuang Rui and his entourage has walked to the middle of the market, the bloodstone trading market planning is more scattered, see an empty space to pull a rope around the place on the stone, that is, a stall.

Those who have nothing to do on the mountain to pick up a few stones of the villagers, most of the stalls are set up in the door of the location of the better place, and the real investment in mining the bloodstone mine owners, but the stalls are in the back, this is the strong dragon does not press the snake’s sake.

Compared to those villagers who hit the big luck, these chicken bloodstone mine owners of the material, relatively still have to have some spectrum, at least from the vein attachment dug out, a lot of stone, can be clearly seen on the chicken blood red lines or other colors.

And the real experienced domestic buyers, are also concentrated in this piece, call the price can not stop ringing in the ears of the crowd.

“Mr. Zhuang, Mr. Ma ……”

Just as Zhuang Rui stood his feet in front of a stall, ready to take a look at the material, the sound of greeting rang in his ears, turning his face to look, it was that Mr. Wang Xiaoyi Wang.

“Mr. Wang, you are also looking at the stone ah? How is the market this year?”

Uncle Te smiled and greeted Mr. Wang, chatting in passing.

“Good stones are getting less and less, alas, by next year it is estimated to be even worse, one year is not as good as the other!”

Wang Xiaoyi shook his head, he had two chicken bloodstone mines in the mountain itself, just the chicken bloodstone produced was not enough for his company to digest, every year, he had to pan for a batch of goods in this bazaar in order to meet the demand of the domestic market.

“Huh, Mr. Zhuang, you didn’t stock up today?”

Wang Xiaoyi saw in addition to Yang Wei hands basket with two stones, the other several people are empty hands, can not help but strange asked a question, on the goods is the jargon of the antique world, that is, out to buy the meaning.

Wang Xiaoyi entered the market at noon, went straight to these several mining scale relatively large chicken blood stone stalls to come, is not aware of the dispute at the door Zhuang Rui and Yan Kai.

“Mr. Wang is too polite, call me Xiao Zhuang on the line, just now encountered a sh*t-stirrer, which only began to look at the stone …… ”

Zhuang Rui explained with a bitter smile, these days, you do not look for things to look for you, there are always some people who think they feel good, hate the whole earth to revolve around him!

“Oh, then let’s take a look together, this stall’s chicken blood stone, but it belongs to one of the biggest mine owners in Jade Rock Mountain.”

Wang Xiaoyi smiled, and after greeting Yang Wei and the others again, he walked into the chicken blood stone material area to continue checking out the stones.

In the jade rock mountain mining people, divided into two kinds, one is Wang Xiaoyi like this, quarrying out the stone is mostly for their own use, while the other is not deciphering the stone, quarrying out directly on the sale, this family is obviously belongs to the latter.

This stall covers an area of not small, more than a hundred square feet, from hundreds of kilograms of large stone material, to a few kilograms of fist-sized material, according to the size of the order of the neatly arranged.

Twenty or thirty jade merchants from all over the country, are in which the selection of wool, Zhuang Rui just into the wool area, there are several people and he greeted, a look, it is really a little familiar, dare to see in the time of Pingzhou.

Although chicken blood stone is called “after the seal” but large pieces of chicken blood stone made out of ornaments, is also a very high-grade handicrafts, many jade stores have chicken blood stone ornaments for sale, is since to here, there are a lot of domestic jewelry company bosses.

“Xuan Bing, you and Brother Wei and the others chat outside! There’s no need to follow me, we’ll go back after a while.”

Zhuang Rui looked at his watch, it was already more than four in the afternoon, being delayed by this guy Yan Kai for several hours, if it wasn’t for the fact that the Chicken Bloodstone Trade Fair lasted for a few days, Zhuang Rui estimated that he even had the heart to strangle Yan Kai.

“It’s fine, I’ll just accompany you ……”

Qin Xuan Bing smiled faintly, she liked to see the kind of confidence revealed in her man’s eyes when he was observing the selection of stones.

After hearing Qin Xuan Bing’s words, Zhuang Rui didn’t say anything more and started to look along the outermost large stone material.

This fair can not be so formal, if the small stone outside, may be which villagers to goat, such a thing is not unheard of, so these stall owners, all the small stone in their own surroundings.

To know, bloodstone and jadeite are the same, not the size of the volume to calculate the price of the price, like Zhuang Rui yesterday to check the leakage of that piece of “Big Red Robe” material, although only the size of a cigarette lighter, the value of but to be in the million or more.

“Mr. Zhuang, you see how this piece of material?”

Zhuang Rui just walked to the side of a larger piece of chicken blood stone material, was greeted by Mr. Wang.

This is a rectangular piece of stone material, about one meter long and about eighty centimeters wide, the stone surface on it is very irregular, some places are uneven, Zhuang Rui estimated that this piece of material should weigh about four or five hundred pounds.

At the top of the wool, a palm-sized center with broken lines of chicken blood red, very conspicuous exposed outside, and each ten centimeters or so distance, there is still the presence of blood, so that at first glance, it is easy to believe that this piece of stone inside the presence of absolutely no shortage of chicken blood.

“Oh, let’s see, what does Mr. Wang think of this piece of material?”

Zhuang Rui did not use his aura, but carefully looked at the distribution of the chicken blood on the stone surface, and whether the blood filaments penetrated towards the bottom of the stone, from the surface, this should be a good piece of material to bet on.

After Wang Xiaoyi heard Zhuang Rui’s words, he looked around and saw that no one was paying attention to the two of them before he whispered, “The performance is just too good, I feel a little bit like it’s a fake, Mr. Zhuang, you give a palm to the eye!”

“What? Then I’ll take another good look ……”

Zhuang Rui was shocked by Mr. Wang’s words, he knew that chicken blood stone was fake, but he had never seen it before.

After receiving the strong flashlight and magnifying glass handed over by Mr. Wang, Zhuang Rui squatted down against the large stone material.

In the eyes of outsiders, at this moment, Zhuang Rui’s action was moderate, just using the magnifying glass to observe the direction of the chicken blood pattern on the stone, but they didn’t know that Zhuang Rui had just squatted down his body and released the aura in his eyes, which directly seeped into the interior of the stone.

“It’s not a fake ah?”

Zhuang Rui’s aura was looking down from that palm-sized piece of chicken blood, when his eyes just touched that piece of chicken blood red, he felt a faint aura inside, similar to the aura contained in jade, which indicated that that piece of chicken blood red was real.

But continue to look down, this piece of blood red penetrate into the stone is very shallow, but a centimeter or so, the following are some ordinary ground open stone, that is to say, although this piece of material weighs hundreds of kilograms, but the blood stone is just a little bit.

And that palm-sized chicken blood red is not pure enough, and was broken lines destroyed its quality, at best can only be regarded as a piece of mid-range material, even if made into a few seals or a pendant, then, at most, but the value of seventy-eight million dollars.

“Not right ah, rely, really fake.”

The more Zhuang Rui look the more he feels strange, those red fine lines, but there is not a trace of the existence of aura, and there is a layer of grease, Zhuang Rui carefully distinguish, 100% certain that this piece of material is indeed processed by people.

Zhuang Rui once with Uncle De learned the authenticity of the identification of fake bloodstone, know that chicken bloodstone forgery, generally divided into four ways, the first is the mosaic method, that is, on the surface of the stone, select a few eye-catching places, respectively, dug out a small pit of varying depths, and then embedded in the red mercuric sulphide paint, to be naturally dried, and then polished on the wax.

However, this embedded mercuric sulfide has no level, while the blood and the intersection of Changhua stone color is raw, no transition.

Then there is the impregnation method, this is more complex, is in the Changhua stone where needed coated with mercuric sulfide, dry and then coated, and then dry, so that the blood slightly layered, and then placed in a transparent resin impregnation, make sure that the circumference of the body immersed in, pick up and dry, and then lighten the sand with fine water that is made.

Made of fake chicken blood stone with this method, because the resin is easy to aging, long time epidermis will be yellow, and the internal stone color is not coordinated, at the same time the resin epidermis of the pores are relatively coarse, with a magnifying glass to observe carefully, the surface of its a little bit of tiny rubbing eyes.

And the third slice paste skin method, only applies to the bloodstone seal material, not very commonly used, will not say more.

The last method of forgery is called additive method, which is in the real chicken blood stone, and then add mercury sulfide, and in the added part of the surface cover a layer of very thin resin, polished that is.

This type of method is in the blood on the blood, is undoubtedly the icing on the cake, the value of a big increase, while the real in the false, false true, so for the special good bloodstone, in the observation must pay attention to and associate the forger’s methods, in order to avoid the “carelessness” consequences.

Zhuang Rui in front of this piece of bloodstone, is the inlay method and add method and use, in the real bloodstone, with a tool to draw out some lines, and then coated with mercuric sulfide, this is the origin of those blood.

Zhuang Rui stood up, shook his head slightly, the country people fake, really everything ah!

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