Chapter 0598 – Background (II)

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:26:02
A+ A- Turn Off Light

“Auntie, why are you apologizing to him? But he hit me first!”

Not to mention this strange atmosphere in the field, Yan Kai who was standing on the side really couldn’t help it, he grew up, it was the first time he was beaten, of course, although he was the one who made the first move, but Yan Kai, who had suffered a loss, naturally thought that Zhuang Rui had made the first move.


A crisp ringing sound came out, but the blue sea shells ruthlessly in Yan Kai’s face slapped an ear, the force is so great that Yan Kai almost spun around in place.

Come on, Yan Da Shao’s second beating in his life, came so quickly, his face is now five red fingerprints Yan Kai, completely dumbfounded, he did not expect to be regarded as his own savior’s aunt, actually will hit himself?

“You …… you dare to hit me? I’ll tell my aunt to go, I’ll tell my mom to go ……”

After a full more than a minute, Yan Kai reacted, so that people did not expect, this goods actually cried like a child, just like sitting on the ground to roll.

“Enough, you two, bring him to the car, put away his cell phone, turn around I directly take him to see the old master ……”

Lan Haibei mouth raised the old master, Yan Kai was so scared that he immediately stopped crying, he was afraid of the one at home, to be more than Ouyang Jun was afraid of his grandfather, Ouyang Jun’s fear, mostly out of respect.

On the other hand, Yan Da Shao was playing the flag of the old man outside, and in his heart, he couldn’t wait for that person to cut off his pigtail earlier, so that no one would be able to control him.

“Mr. Zhuang, I’m really sorry, it’s our family’s poor discipline, I’ll go back and tell the old master.”

The reason why the blue sea shells Yan Kai kicked out, in fact, there is also the meaning of protecting him within the front of this person, is really counted on the Prince Party, Yan Kai and the other side simply can not compare, if others really want to fix Yan Kai, is the old man to step in all no way.

The contrast between the power of the Yan family in Zhonghai and the Ouyang family in the capital is like an aircraft carrier and a small raft in general, so there is no way that the blue sea shells do not lower their voices to make amends.

“This is your family’s business, no need to talk to me ……”

Zhuang Rui lightly returned a sentence, turned his face to put on a smile, said to Qi Zhu who stood by the side of the dumbfounded, “Sister Qi Zhu, this time it is really troublesome for you, find a place, I invite you to eat, tossed to now also hungry.”

Originally, Zhuang Rui and others wanted to eat before getting on the highway, was stirred up by this, now it’s almost 7 o’clock, Zhuang Rui’s stomach is hungry and rumbling.

“Good, good, when we get here, of course I’ll be the host.”

Qi Zhu sniffed and reacted, how could a young owner of an antique store make the fifty-something year old Lan Haibei so respectful? It seemed that this Mr. Zhuang was not as simple as he thought, Qi Zhu’s heart would be filled with curiosity at this point.

“Officer Fan, things have been clarified, may I ask if you have anything else? Can we leave now?”

Zhuang Rui looked to the old Fan, although the things that happened before Zhuang Rui know all about it, but now there is no need to smash people’s rice bowls, who mixes in this society is not easy, and this old Fan has always been quite on the road, it is the office of the tea, slightly worse.

“This …… this ……”

Now this scene, where can turn on the old Fan to do the Lord, said the eyes looked to the Lu director, see Lu director slightly nodded his head before Zhuang Rui said: “Mr. Zhuang, is really sorry, you can leave.”

“Xuan Bing, Uncle De, let’s go! I don’t know if I can still make it back to Zhonghai today ……”

Zhuang Rui greeted a few people and walked straight out of the police station, leaving a room full of people there looking at each other in disbelief.

“Chief Lan, what the hell is going on with you?”

Lu director of the Jiangsho and other people are driven out, to the blue sea shell asked, his brain is now sort of confused, both sides are looking for people to say relationship, but this blue total once you see the subject, that attitude change is not a little too fast, right?

“Lu director, this matter …… alas, really trouble you, are the family’s juniors do not know what to do, you also do not ask, that young man’s head, than you imagine are much bigger ……”

Blue Hai Bei smiled bitterly, although Zhuang Rui people gone, just things may not see solved, he did not know how Zhuang Rui this person’s character, but this must go back and tell the old man, otherwise the other side really want to retaliate against the Yan family from what channels, then even a defense is not there.

Blue sea shells simply do not know, Zhuang Rui did not put this Yan Kai on the heart, especially to see more than twenty years old man crying in public, Zhuang Rui if he really and him, that also appears to be their own IQ is too low point.

After hearing the words of the blue sea shells, Lu director of the heart is also secretly grateful, fortunately, they are holding the attitude of peace for the noble, otherwise, if you provoke their own people can not afford, I am afraid that the Secretary Li will also do the head turtle it!

After leaving the police station, blue sea shells rushed back to Zhonghai overnight, this to the old man in charge of a word, immediately the old man of the Yan family almost hospitalized, in the use of a cane to teach a hard lesson after Yan Kai, under the grounding order, do not allow him to set foot out of the house step by step.

Yan’s old master also probed the old leaders in the capital afterward, and heard that there was nothing unusual in the old leaders’ words, which made him put his heart down, but it was the entire family that was taught a lesson, and the Yan family’s morale has changed, of course, these are all afterthoughts.

“Sister Qi Zhu, for this today, I really have to thank you!”

In a hotel in the city, Zhuang Rui raised his wine and toasted Qi Zhu, never mind how it was said, the person received Uncle De’s call and immediately rushed over, this favor, although it was owed by Uncle De, but it was to be returned by Zhuang Rui.

“Zhuang little brother, is that I do not come, I’m afraid they do not dare to do anything to you, right?”

Qi Zhu realized that Zhuang Rui is not simple, but also intends to befriend, the original teacher has become a little brother, the relationship has become much closer.

“That can’t be said, every time I come out I run into this bad luck ……”

Zhuang Rui shook his head, to say that he has seen the children of the world’s families is not less, but like to cause trouble, but also favored those who do not have a big background, not moving is my father is XXX people, this person has not suffered losses, is a little bit do not know the sky high and thick.

Qi Zhu smiled, hesitated, said, “Zhuang little brother, there is something I do not know whether to ask, if you do not want to say it is okay ……”

“Sister Qi Zhu, you say ……”

“Zhuang little brother, that Mr. Blue is also a very dignified person in Zhonghai, but why is it that kind of attitude when he sees you?”

Qi Zhu was curious on the one hand, and on the other hand, she did want to know Zhuang Rui’s background, being able to let Lan Haibei treat him with that kind of humble attitude was definitely not something that could be done with money.

“This ……”

Zhuang Rui froze for a moment, did not expect Qi Zhu will ask this, tell a friend who his grandfather is nothing, just that this is said by himself, not inevitably a little show off meaning, Zhuang Rui can not help but to Uncle De glanced at.

Uncle De understood Zhuang Rui’s meaning and said: “Xiaoqi ah! Zhuang Rui’s grandfather is Ouyang Gang old master, but this child does not like to show off, you know on the line, this matter do not say it again.”

“Ah? It’s him?!”

Qi Zhu heard, surprised to cover his mouth with his hand, perhaps those after eighty after ninety people do not know this name, but for the forty-something years old Qi Zhu, this name is absolutely not strange, once upon a time, in the central level of the news, you can often see that old man’s silhouette.

Now Qi Zhu counts is understood, blue sea shells in the sea is the power, and Zhuang Rui’s background compared to, is really not worth mentioning, not to mention that the old man’s reputation, that is, the second generation of the Ouyang family of the third generation casually pull out a person, are not now the Yan family can be messed with.

Qi Zhu is also considered to be insightful people, after hearing the identity of Zhuang Rui, on the surface there is no change, is still a mouth a Zhuang little brother called, but it is inadvertently, and Qin Xuan Bing in the relationship is very good, wait until the end of the banquet, is already and Qin Xuan Bing sister.

Zhuang Rui and others lived in the city that day, the next morning before returning to Zhonghai, send Uncle De home, Zhuang Rui and others at the airport for good chicken blood stone material consignment, which flew back to Beijing.

Beijing in March is already spring flowers, Zhuang Rui’s courtyard is even more fragrant flowers, everywhere is a lush green, coupled with the little nui nui and yaya two uncle brother called, so that Zhuang Rui was originally a little depressing mood, but also become better.

Hearing Zhuang Rui’s voice, the white lion also ran over to join in the fun, pressed Zhuang Rui on the ground to give him a face wash, and only then let Zhuang Rui leave.

After having dinner with Zhuang mother in the evening, Zhuang Rui and Qin Xuan Bing returned to their room and began to take stock of the gains and losses this time.

In fact, this trip to Changhua, Zhuang Rui’s harvest is still very large, dozens of pounds of low-grade chicken blood stone material, has been able to support the “Xuan Rui Zhai” a few years of the seal business.

The most important thing is that the “Liu Guanzhang” and “Big Red Robe” chicken blood stone material, more can be said to be a thousand dollars hard to find chicken blood stone treasures.

“Big Red Robe” material, Zhuang Rui has decided to make a seal for himself, and “Liu Guan Zhang” pendant, Zhuang Rui is ready to take to the ancient master to see.

Originally, the last time in Burma gambling to the jade tree, Zhuang Rui is wanted to leave to the ancient master to carve, and finally was Hu Rong to stay, this piece of chicken blood stone material, if not to take to the old man, later if he knows, a scolding is inevitable.

“Right, almost forgot about this.” Zhuang Rui suddenly remembered something, took out the phone and dialed out.

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