Chapter 0604 Private Jet (II)

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:26:18
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Ouyang Jun is now in an office building near the construction site, rented a whole floor, used as an office, to engage in industry, well, always have a look, now Ouyang Jun is like Zhuang Rui thought, suit and suit a serious sitting at the boss table.

Received the secretary handed the document, Ouyang Jun signed and threw it back, no good to the phone said: “Hey, I know you kid call no good, what is it? Quickly say, really busy ……”

For that dressed in professional attire female secretary’s grudging eyes, Ouyang Jun as if he had not seen, but decided in his heart, tomorrow will change a secretary, grandmother, when we have not seen a woman ah? Of course, the main reason is still because the secretary’s chest is not firm enough.

“To buy an airplane?!”

After hearing Zhuang Rui’s words, Ouyang Jun was shocked for a moment, stood up from the boss chair, said: “Your kid really false? Brother I don’t even have this idea, you’re about to play on it?”

“Hey, fourth brother, you also know, the white lion is my baby, often go out can’t bring it, buy a plane is not a convenient point!”

Zhuang Rui didn’t expect Ouyang Jun’s reaction to be so big, but this is something he still has to find him to do, where does he have the doorway to buy an airplane! It’s the helicopter that can’t be bought.

“Shit, your kid bought an airplane just to bring a dog?”

Ouyang Jun completely speechless, also said that this brother will not live, do things more provincial, dare to say that he played more than anyone else, in order to only dog can spend tens of millions of dollars to buy an airplane, not to mention the back of that huge maintenance costs.

“Just tell me if there’s a doorway! I’m driving a car!” Zhuang Rui was a little impatient, to say something that would make Ouyang Jun mad, the white lion was definitely much more important than Ouyang Jun in Zhuang Rui’s heart.

“I have no way to buy an airplane, I’m afraid you can’t see the domestic business aircraft, I don’t have a doorway to foreign countries, but if you can buy it, it’s best to register it outside of the country or in Hong Kong, and then rent airports and navigational these things, I can help you with it …….”

Ouyang Jun said the truth, although he likes to play, but also did not think to play the airplane, the domestic is some flying club, but the gentleman does not stand under the wall of danger, Ouyang four young is not to play these more dangerous sports.

“OK, turn around and buy it and then find you ……” Zhuang Rui very dry to hang up the phone.

“Hello …… hello? Brat, buy you to drive yourself ah?”

Originally, Ouyang Jun would like to remind Zhuang Rui, let him go to the boss to solve the matter of the pilot, did not expect the other side actually hung up, Ouyang Jun is lazy to call back, in his thought, Zhuang Rui is likely to be hot-headed, the little aunt is not necessarily agree with him to buy.

Just Ouyang Jun does not know, Ouyang Wan for his son’s things, has always been indifferent, Zhuang Rui do not say buy an airplane, is to go abroad to buy a castle, run to the Pacific Ocean to buy a small island as a king, Ouyang Wan will not say anything.

“Xuan Bing, ask mom and dad, let them order us an airplane in Hong Kong!”

After hanging up the phone, Zhuang Rui looked at Qin Xuan Bing, according to Ouyang Jun’s words, buying a private plane abroad is common behavior, but in the domestic channel is relatively small, this thing also have to trouble mother-in-law.

“You ah, how to say wind is rain, a moment can not wait ah!”

Qin Xuan Bing glared at Zhuang Rui without good breath, Zhuang Rui sometimes do things very calm, but sometimes like a child, originally wanted to buy their own, now look at Zhuang Rui’s appearance, can not wait to sit on it.

However, Qin Xuan Bing still took out the phone to call his mother, Fang Yi side seems to be busy, after noting what happened, said it was later to Qin Xuan Bing back on the phone.

The car drove the old man lived outside the courtyard of the alley entrance, Zhuang Rui stopped the car, took out a bag from the inside, with the white lion and Qin Xuanbing out of the car, to say that the white lion is now too big, scared a group of children playing in the alley wow.

Although it is said that the old Beijing dog quite a lot, but like this large dog, is really not common, like the white lion of this size, is more unique, some bold is chasing the white lion to see, Zhuang Rui also did not take care of, walked to the old man lived in the courtyard door knocked up the door.

“I said outside how so noisy, dare you bring this guy also brought?”

Old Master Gu did recognize the white lion, he had met him in Pingzhou and Nanjing last year, and immediately let Zhuang Rui and his family into the house, and the nanny aunt poured two cups of tea over.

“Senior, how does your old body feel these days?”

Zhuang Rui looked at the old man’s face, it was still very rosy, his body should have recovered.

Last time when Zhuang Rui came, he stayed here for a night, and helped the old man to freshen up his body, this person has reached the age, a little bit of inattention, a small illness of cold and fever, it will easily cause serious consequences to come.

“It’s okay, it’s been okay for a long time, these days in the morning all go to the Imperial City Roots to walk, the body is very good ……”

The old man laughed, his voice sounded very bright, ancient this year completely retired from the Jade Association, also at first a little uncomfortable, but these days nothing to go out to walk the birds and chat, slowly also adapted to this life.

“Xiao Qin ah! It’s like being at home here, drink tea, drink tea, right, Zhuang Rui usually didn’t bully you, right? There is something to give you uncle Gu say, I’ll teach this kid a lesson ……”

The words of the old master let Qin Xuan Bing some embarrassment, they would have also known, but that will and Zhuang Rui just hold a small hand only, the relationship is not so clear, after hearing the words of the ancient old master, Qin Xuan Bing face some shyness.

“Elder, you’d better let Brother Yun come over to live! How lively it is for a family to live together!”

In the past, when the old master had to work and carve jade, he needed to be quiet, so he drove both of his sons out to live, but now that he had retired, it was still good to have his sons and daughters around.

“Well, Xiao Yun will move back in next week, okay, don’t talk about this, take the good stuff you said, take it to the old man for me to take a look ……”

Zhuang Rui before he came, he called the old man, usually Zhuang Rui this kid from time to time to get some good stuff, so the ancient old man this will also look forward to, see Zhuang Rui in the end can come up with what good things to.

“Hey, uncle, you first look at this ……”

Zhuang Rui did not open that bag of his, but took his hand out of his pocket, clenched it into a fist shape, until after placing it in front of the old master, then he spread his palm, in his palm, there was a red dazzling object.

Zhuang Rui yesterday to find the sandpaper, this piece of “big red robe” material skin, all polished off, and now this piece of chicken blood stone, as if the sword out of the sheath, the sharpness of the pure thick chicken blood red, as if just slaughtered chicken blood solidified on the stone in general, incomparable dazzling.

“This …… is chicken blood stone?”

Ancient hastily reached out and put on the old spectacles on the table, and after taking that piece of chicken blood stone, his face showed a stunned look, he must have already seen that this piece of seal stone was extraordinary.

“The blood color is pure, congealed, thick and simple, superb, superb ah!”

After playing with it for a while, Elder Gu sighed longingly, “The Great Red Robe Chicken Blood Stone is rare to see in a hundred years, and material like this all-red material can be called a rare treasure! Zhuang Rui, your kid’s luck, this is too good.”

Gu Tianfeng knows Zhuang Rui went to Changhua some time ago, of course he also knows that Changhua is rich in chicken blood stone, but no matter how Gu Tianfeng did not think that this chicken blood stone in the very best, actually can be in front of this kid to get.

The former is jadeite, in the middle of the Hetian jade, and now chicken blood stone, Gu Tianfeng has no words to describe Zhuang Rui’s good luck.

These rare treasures that are rare to see in a hundred years, to the front of Zhuang Rui, just like the cabbage in the market generally pick and choose, which makes and jade played a lifetime account of the ancient Tianfeng, the heart is also slightly unbalanced.

“Hey, uncle Gu, this chicken blood stone came also strange, was I stepped on the foot of the diaphragm feet this only found, you see, this material to do the seal is appropriate?”

Although it is clear that he is lucky, Zhuang Rui still slightly cover up a little, and he also said so to Qin Xuan Bing, and then repeated again.

“Suitable? Nonsense, of course it is suitable, this material does not even need to be processed, directly can be carved seal engraving, it is done, I know what your kid played, I stay, come to get it in a few days ……”

The old man is also itchy hands, as if the martial arts handle to see the practitioner, always want to go up to the sparring, in the face of such a good chicken blood stone material, of course, the old man wants to hand carving.

“Uncle, you old man don’t be anxious, this is not I still have an object did not take out!”

The seal is a small matter, with master Ge’s craft, it is estimated that can also be carved Zhuang Rui satisfied, the main purpose of this time to come, or that piece of “Liu Guanzhang” material, the fault is not Gu Tianfeng such a master carver, Zhuang Rui really do not rest assured to others.

“Che, what else can be good? Chicken blood stone is honored by red, it’s hard to believe that your kid can still find Liu Guan Zhang’s material?”

Gu Tianfeng disdainfully skimmed his mouth, the general jade material he simply can’t see, just after saying these words, seeing Zhuang Rui and Qin Xuan Bing’s face are very strange, the old man also feel wrong, trembling voice asked: “Really is Liu Guan Zhang’s chicken blood stone material?”

“Old master, are your eyes penetrating, or do you have a mental sense?”

Zhuang Rui intentionally make a look of surprise, and then smiled and opened his own bag, will be that piece of newspaper wrapped tightly several layers of “Liu Guanzhang” chicken blood stone material out, raised his thumb, said: “uncle, you guessed right, is Liu Guanzhang chicken blood stone! ……”

“It’s amazing, it’s amazing! I have seen Liu Guan Zhang’s material in more than twenty years, but it is much smaller than yours, only enough to make a seal, this piece is really something!”

With Gu Tianfeng’s knowledge, after seeing this piece of “Liu Guanzhang” material, is still excited abnormally.

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