Chapter 0618 – Good News

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:26:55
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“Uncle, you this is really the sword into the sheath people have not aged ah!”

Looking at this seal, Zhuang Rui heartily patted up the old man’s ass, this is not a compliment, on the old man’s hand, look at the whole country, there are really not many people can compare.

“When did you learn this set? Nuo, take a look again ……”

The old man glared at Zhuang Rui, handed him a magnifying glass, let Zhuang Rui carefully look at the “Zhuang Rui Qing reward” four words.

“Huh? Master, what is this?”

Zhuang Rui took the magnifying glass and looked at the four words printed on the paper just now, and this careful differentiation, really saw some differences.

Originally in the middle of the four words, some faint red mist, not pay attention to the following is difficult to find, Zhuang Rui originally thought that he had just over-exerted himself, the bottom color of the seal left on, now it seems, but the old man intentionally.

Under the magnifying glass, those light red, but three patterns, for the swimming fish map, three living goldfish, the image appeared in the eyes of Zhuang Rui.

“Oh, that’s for anti-counterfeiting, I use micro-carving techniques to carve up, the general public or with a machine to imitate, should not be imitated.”

Carving Zhuang Rui’s this seal, the old master actually did not consume much energy, but micro-carving out that one pattern, but it will be his exhaustion, otherwise this seal will not let Zhuang Rui wait for three days of time.

“Elder Master, this is really thankful to you.”

To the old master’s love, Zhuang Rui didn’t know what to say, he just swore secretly in his heart, he would make this seal, become the appraisal special seal that many calligraphy and painting collection enthusiasts dream of.

“Work hard! The road ahead is still long, no matter whether it is antiques or jade, your kid’s foundation is too poor, you still need to learn systematically ah!”

Gu Tianfeng saw Zhuang Rui’s mind, not lightly knocked him with words, the basic knowledge is indeed Zhuang Rui’s weakest, this is also one of the reasons why Zhuang Rui took Professor Meng’s graduate school.

“Alright, have dinner here in the evening before going back!”

The old man waved his hand and blocked back the words of thanks that Zhuang Rui still wanted to say, holding his grandson to walk in the yard, this bright spring weather, moving a recliner to tease his grandson in the yard, why not a thing of joy ah!

Staying for dinner is nothing, Zhuang Rui is not the first time, but the thing to do for him first Gu Yun, Zhuang Rui took out his cell phone to Ouyang Jun called the past, said this.

Ouyang Jun’s small courtyard is also decorated by Gu Yun, now live very comfortable, very good feeling about Gu Yun, listen to Zhuang Rui, let Gu Yun tomorrow to talk about the company, listen to Ouyang Jun’s meaning, a little want to environmental protection and greening that piece, give Gu Yun to do.

Zhuang Rui hung up the phone, gave this to the ancient cloud said, embarrassed to say: “ancient brother, or tomorrow I go with you to go to the company of the fourth brother! How can I give you a good job!”

When Gu Yun heard Zhuang Rui say that it was the greening piece, he was originally smiling, but when he heard Zhuang Rui’s next words, he was startled and quickly waved his hand and said, “Don’t, don’t, old brother, Boss Ouyang is taking care of me!”

“Greening has a dry head?”

Zhuang Rui really don’t know much about it, in his opinion, greening is just building a few pavilions and planting some trees in the neighborhood, although nowadays living is more important to the environment, Zhuang Rui doesn’t have that kind of concept in his head yet.

Gu Yun heard Zhuang Rui’s words, rolled his eyes and said: “Of course there is a dry head, tell you what, from Daxing to buy saplings, 20 dollars a plant, can be sold to 200, you say there is no dry head? A wigwam to do a circulating water system, but is poured with cement, the most cost of ten thousand or so, can collect hundreds of thousands, you say there is no dry head?”

Gu Yun and Zhuang Rui relationship is relatively close, this line of work inside the profit, he did not hide from Zhuang Rui, one by one to Zhuang Rui told up, including the cost of the house price and selling price, as well as real estate developers profits, are analyzed to Zhuang Rui side.

Gu Yun these words to listen to the Zhuang boss is jaw-dropping, no wonder now is not a person want to do real estate, dare to call it profiteering!

Now the capital within the third ring of the elevator housing district housing prices, in the East Side of that location, are going to be about 14,000 or 15,000.

Zhuang Rui know, Ouyang Jun took the price of the land is not high, costing down, as long as the building can be sold, a square of pure profit will be high people staggering, and now the property market is still rising, maybe next year will break through the 20,000 mark, which is the profiteering is self-evident.

As for the doorway that Gu Yun said, it seems that the profit is not low, but compared with the real estate developers, it is nothing.

Just Zhuang Rui does not know, wait until next year when Ouyang Jun those buildings open, the East Third Ring Road housing prices have long exceeded 20,000 square feet, the highest have reached more than 30,000, Zhuang Rui’s waistline at once a lot richer, of course, these are all afterthoughts.

“By the way, Brother Gu, those prices you just said, are they all prices in the line?”

It suddenly occurred to Zhuang Rui that he could be considered a major shareholder in this project! With the relationship between Gu Yun and himself, making money can be, but if it’s too dark, but from their own pockets, that would be better than giving him money directly, saving the other side to earn money after also scolding the developer stupid.

“Older brother, you can rest assured! These projects are definitely going to be bid, my price will definitely be lower than the industry, brother is not greedy, and guaranteed to do the job beautifully.”

Gu Yun smiled and patted Zhuang Rui’s shoulder, he also understands in his heart, Ouyang Jun so big project, even if it’s just a greening job, with his one company can’t take it, he knows that he can share a piece of it will be satisfied.

And Gu Yun’s company, although there are horticultural engineering qualifications, when it is still to go back to school to ask some expert teachers to give drawings, profits are apportioned down to not as much as he said.

However, Gu Yun’s vision is very long term, Ouyang Jun since the real estate, surely will not just do this project, as long as and Ouyang Jun good deal, the future of their own companies want to idle down, I’m afraid there is no time for that.

“Older brother, you wait, I’ll go out to buy a few brussels sprouts, let’s drink a few cups at night.”

Got Zhuang Rui’s permission, Gu Yun in a good mood, and Zhuang Rui said hello, rushed out the door, Zhuang Rui a hand did not pull, in the back of the bitter smile, get, drink too much to stay! Just help the old man to adjust the body.

Now Zhuang Rui every few days, will go to the Yuquan Mountain to live on a day, is to give grandparents grooming body, and the ancient master here is not so convenient, Zhuang Rui has been considering, want to learn some acupuncture and so on pretend face?

“Hmm? Tom called over for what?”

Walked to the courtyard Zhuang Rui, was about to play a game of Go with the old man, the phone suddenly rang, but the representative of the Raytheon Company Tom.

Zhuang Rui had already discussed his requirements and configurations for the Hawker model with Tom a few days ago, and was waiting to formally sign the contract and pay the deposit, but this was about the day after tomorrow ah!

“Tom, what is it? I don’t have time to take you around Beijing city today!”

Zhuang Rui picked up the phone, smiled and joked with the other party, Tom’s Chinese was speaking great, there was no need to talk to him in English.

“Oh, dear Rui.”

“Stop, stop, Tom, call me Zhuang Rui, or dear Zhuang, I’m not that!”

Zhuang Rui couldn’t accept Tom’s language that expressed friendliness, Qin Xuan Bing had never addressed herself that way, the goosebumps on Zhuang Rui’s body almost rose.

“Oh well! Dear Zhuang, I have a message for you, maybe you’ll be a bit interested.”

Tom knew that the way Chinese people expressed their feelings was always a bit more subtle, and after shrugging his shoulders, he stated his subject.

“News, what news? Tom, you’re not going to tell me that your company’s airplanes are going to increase in price, are you?”

Zhuang Rui said the phone while sitting in front of the Go board, reaching out and grabbing the black pieces, his Go level was really not good, although the old man Gu was also a stinker, but if Zhuang Rui were to take the white pieces, he would definitely lose more than win.

“No, it won’t, our company is credible, if we increase the price, we will hold a press conference in advance.”

Tom explained to Zhuang Rui very seriously, then said, “It’s like this, we have a Wall Street client who ordered a Hawker private jet from our company last year, just unfortunately, he recently went bankrupt, so he also doesn’t have the money to pay the balance of this jet.”

Hearing this, Zhuang Rui’s expression became serious, put down the chess box and stood up, Tom wouldn’t give himself this for no reason, right?

“Right now this airplane is parked on our company’s test ramp, it has passed the safety test and is fully compliant with the safety standards.”

“Wait, Tom, do you mean to tell me that as long as I am willing, this airplane is mine?”

Zhuang Rui spoke out and interrupted Tom’s words, this fucking talking in circles is a patent of the Chinese! Where did this foreign buddy learn that? Directly ask yourself if you are willing to buy it is not finished.

“Oh, dear Zhuang, you are really smart, if I were a lady, I would definitely consider marrying you.”

Tom’s ass patting Zhuang Rui is very speechless, on Tom’s level of speech and urgent tone, as long as it is a normal head of people, can hear what he means to, is not someone else paid a deposit to pre-purchase an airplane, now there is no money to buy, Raytheon company needs to sell it out well?

“Dear Zhuang, you can first look at the configuration of this airplane, if there are other needs, we can help you modify it for free.”

Tom heard that Zhuang Rui at the end of the microphone didn’t say anything, and hurriedly said what the company told him to convey.

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