Chapter 0630 – Sketch Manuscript (I)

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:27:25
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“Oil painting?”

Reynolds froze for a moment by Zhuang Rui’s question, among the foreign artifacts, apart from the sculptures of those few masters, the most collectible and marketable artifacts would be the oil paintings.

“Mr. Zhuang, I am here are mainly some recent artifacts, reproduction of oil paintings are there, I do not know whether you are interested in, of course, there are also some up-and-coming painters’ paintings, is very worth collecting.”

Reynolds looked at Zhuang Rui bought him a thing on the part of the speech is still kind of honest, he would like to have a painting such as Van Gogh and other famous artists, just that is a little bit of a pie in the sky.

Not to mention the Renaissance Giotto di Bondona, Masaccio, Leonardo da Vinci, Raphael Sanzio, these world-famous painters, is the modern Vincent William Van Gogh, Paul? Cézanne and others, any of their paintings that have been handed down are worth tens of millions of dollars or more.

If Reynolds had their works, why would he need to get up early in the morning to open this handicraft store? I’m afraid he would have already sold his paintings and taken his wife on a trip around the world.

“Modern painters? Then forget it.”

Zhuang Rui shook his head, although in the international oil painting market, there are a lot of people in the collection of potential painters’ paintings, waiting for three to five years may also appreciate, but Zhuang Rui did not have that patience, he is not for the money and collection.

There is that work Zhuang Rui naturally go to the real thing, he is not open gallery, to train new people.

After thanking Reynolds for his kindness, Zhuang Rui wandered around the basement again, but the rest of those things, although there are a lot of hidden spiritual qi, but either the quality is too poor, or the spiritual qi is thin, none of the Zhuang Rui can look at the eye.

After looking at all the objects in this room, Zhuang Rui looked at the locked room and asked Reynolds, “Reynolds, what’s in the other room?”

Although this day pao get a piece of Sui and Tang Dynasty bronze mirror that can be called a rare treasure, but Zhuang Rui is still a little reluctant, this thing it is their own country’s things ah! And Zhuang Rui came out to taobao this time, but he was holding his breath to come across a foreign work of art.

“Oh, that’s all my grandfather’s relics in there, I forgot to introduce you, my grandfather was a respected painter, although he didn’t have any fame, but his paintings, my father and I have kept them, and the things in there are not for sale.”

Although Reynolds said on his lips that it was not for sale, he had already used the key to unlock the door and pushed open the door of the small room, Zhuang Rui could see by the light of the outside room that inside the small room, four large tin boxes were placed.

“My grandfather knew Picasso back then, of course, he was not as famous as Mr. Pablo, and no one appreciated his paintings.”

Reynolds was quite a bit resentful when mentioning Picasso, because back then, his grandfather and Picasso had a very good relationship, and was often a guest of Pablo Ruiz Picasso, it just made Reynolds depressed that Picasso had made countless paintings in his life, and his own grandfather actually didn’t manage to collect a single one.


Zhuang Rui was taken aback by what he heard, that was the most creative and far-reaching artist of the contemporary West, and he and his paintings had occupied a monumental position in the world’s art history.

Picasso’s full name is 75 syllables long, which translates to 75 Chinese characters, Zhuang Rui was doubtful that Picasso himself could remember his own name when he heard about this matter. The world generally refers to Picasso for the sake of convenience.

Picasso was a prolific painter, and according to statistics, his works totaled nearly 37,000 pieces, including: 1885 oil paintings, 7,089 drawings, 20,000 prints, and 6,121 lithographs.

Picasso’s life was so brilliant that he was the first painter ever to live to see his works collected in the Louvre, which was the greatest praise for his 92 years of life.

In a poll conducted by a French newspaper in December 1999, he was elected as the top ten greatest painters of the 20th century with a high vote of 40%.

Of his work, Picasso said, “Every one of my paintings contains my blood, and that’s what my paintings mean.”

Picasso’s works occupy four of the top ten most expensive paintings in the world, with a total value of more than 2 billion yuan, although those are only a few of his most outstanding paintings, but it can be imagined that his work in the world’s art history.

“Your grandfather and Picasso were friends?”

Zhuang Rui casually spoke to Reynolds while walking into the small room, flipping through some of the sketches laid out on the table, only to have his brows furrowed at the first glance.

The status of foreign realism is slightly higher than abstractionism, and these sketches of Renault’s grandfather, to be honest, Zhuang Rui could not tell whether it was realism or abstractionism.

Zhuang Rui held in his hands this sketch, the first look like a portrait, and then look at the feeling is an animal, in addition to the face of the painting a little bit like a person, the rest of the human body without a little bit of characteristics.

Although there is not much research on foreign paintings, Zhuang Rui also knows that the level of this sketch is really not good, he kind of can’t figure out why Picasso can make friends with Reynolds’ grandfather.

“Ahem, Mr. Zhuang, although the level of my grandfather’s painting was not good, his level of art appreciation was still very high.”

Reynolds heard Zhuang Rui’s words, face slightly red, a little embarrassed to explain a little, Zhuang Rui heart then realized, dare to this ancestor, is a master of the low eye ah!

Seeing this sketch, Zhuang Rui didn’t have the mind to look down again, and was about to say a few words against his will, praising the old Renault who was a friend of Picasso, when his eyes suddenly stared at a box.

Zhuang Rui now gradually developed a habit, that is, when he saw a large number of collections, he would usually scan them with his aura first, and then according to the thickness of the aura, he would check them out one by one, and now, although he wasn’t going to look at them, he still swept a few boxes out of habit.

But just as his aura passed through the closest box to him, Zhuang Rui’s eyes instantly became fixed, almost a bit dumbfounded as he stared at the large tin box.

At this moment, Zhuang Rui had completely believed in Renault’s words that his grandfather, must have been a famous art connoisseur, and must have been Picasso’s good friend, because Zhuang Rui found that just inside that tin box, there was a thick pile of paper in which there was a rich white aura.

Zhuang Rui didn’t know, besides Picasso, there would be any other person’s paintings that could contain so much aura, and judging from the color, objects that contained white aura were generally contemporary or modern artworks.

Zhuang Rui forced himself to hold down the excitement in his heart, and lightly said to Reynolds, “Uh, Mr. Reynolds, I believe that a good connoisseur must be an outstanding painter as well, I think your grandfather just didn’t have anyone who knew how to appreciate it, if you agree, I would like to appreciate his paintings.”

“Of course I agree, Mr. Zhuang, these boxes are unlocked, you can browse as you please, but it’s best to move gently, you know, these papers have been sitting around for decades, and they’re easily broken.”

It was rare to meet someone who appreciated his grandfather, Reynolds was also very happy, in order to let Zhuang Rui see more clearly, he turned on another light, the room suddenly brightened up.

“Well, not bad, your grandfather must be a master of abstraction, oh my, Mr. Reynolds, why don’t you put his paintings up for sale?”

After Zhuang Rui opened the box, he praised it, only after these words were said, Zhuang Rui got a lot of goosebumps on himself, because it was said a little too unconvincingly, it was like saying to an old hen that it looks like a phoenix.

“Cough…… cough, I mainly want to keep it as a souvenir.”

Reynolds is now running that art store, of course it’s also a bit of an eye medium, he had sorted out these drawings of his grandfather in the beginning, naturally he knows what level he is at, at this time when he heard Zhuang Rui’s compliments, he couldn’t help but to feel blushing on behalf of his grandfather who doesn’t know whether he’s in paradise or in hell.

“Of course, if I really meet someone who knows how to appreciate these paintings, I can also consider selling a portion of them, Mr. Zhuang, just a small portion.”

Feeling that he had just spoken too much to death, Reno hastily added another sentence, because Reno believed that his grandfather would definitely want his paintings to turn into valuable money, hadn’t that old man often chanted about his paintings not being able to sell when he was alive?

“Really? Mr. Reynolds, if you are willing to sell them, I will buy some of them and use them to study the attainments of French artists in calligraphy, painting and artwork.”

Zhuang Rui’s surprise at this moment was not feigned, he was thinking about how to convince Reynolds to sell the paintings in this box, he didn’t expect Reynolds to actually mention it on his own, making Zhuang Rui a lot less tongue-tied.

“Of course it’s true, but these are my grandfather’s sketching manuscripts, they are very precious in my heart.”

Reynolds saw that Zhuang Rui really wanted to buy them, he couldn’t help but feel happy in his heart, but his face showed a difficult look, what he thought in his heart and his facial expression were diametrically opposed, this was the necessary professionalism of all businessmen, and Reynolds’s performance was definitely called one of the best.

“Oh, I understand, Mr. Reynolds you can say, how much is one to match your grandfather’s value?”

Your grandfather has a fart of value, Zhuang Rui mouth on the price, the heart is already secretly cursed open, if it is not mixed with the object, these sketches, white send Zhuang Rui do not want.

Zhuang Rui and Reynolds while talking nonsense, while nimble hands and feet will be mounted in a large envelope of kraft paper sketches all drawn out, confused in some other really belong to the old Reynolds manuscripts.

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