Chapter 0635 – Crossing the River and Breaking Down the Bridge

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:27:39
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Sterling opened the bag he carried with him and took out a pair of white gloves and a magnifying glass, these appraisers in the Middle East and Foreign countries all have similar household items for their meals, after putting on the gloves, Sterling casually picked up the topmost sketch.

“Well, still a little material.”

Zhuang Rui saw Sterling did not first go to check the sketch itself what is painted, but first looked at the sketch paper, slight hand folded to see the hardness and flexibility of the paper, this is the appreciation of calligraphy and painting must be the program.

After checking the paper quality, Sterling’s face was originally very relaxed expression, became a bit gloomy, because he found that his hands of this sketch paper, should be produced from the last century 40s and 50s of Paris, which still can not hide from Sterling’s eyes.

That is to say, even if these sketches are imitation, that is also a bit of years of imitation, and the cost is not low, to know, now go to buy half a century ago sketch paper, the price is expensive is not the average person can afford.

Ezkena’s pair of small eyes also looked back and forth on the coffee table, as a senior antique collector and art dealer, he had a feeling that maybe today he could really see Picasso’s real paintings, of course, this is a feeling he had.

“Jacqueline Locke?”

Suddenly, from the mouth of Sterling, who was looking at the sketch, an exclamation of surprise came out, attracting all the gazes of the people in the room, even the door of the suite, moved slightly, it was the curious Qin Xuan Bing, who was hiding inside to eavesdrop!

“Mr. Sterling, I wonder if your appraisal results are out?”

Zhuang Rui originally did not recognize the woman on this painting, but listening to Sterling called out the name, he immediately understood in his heart, dares to say that this is Picasso’s sketch portrait of his last wife.

In the last century in 1953, Picasso encountered Jacqueline Rocco in the pottery workshop in Madura, although from this time period to 1961 and Picasso married eight years, Picasso has always had a mistress, but Jacqueline Rocco put up with this, the two have been hand in hand through the second half of Picasso’s life.

Jacqueline Locke is Picasso’s second wife, the Spanish woman for the late Picasso, to create a warm and quiet world, Picasso often recalled from her physical form of the peasant woman in Catalonia, he painted a large number of portraits of her.

But sadly, 13 years after Picasso’s death, Ms. Jacqueline Roque, perhaps unable to bear the absence of Picasso, eventually committed suicide in the 1980s.

After Jacqueline Locke’s death, most of Picasso’s sketches as well as oil paintings that Picasso had done for her flowed into the auction market, and the appreciation of Picasso’s paintings was precisely during that period, and it could be said that it was Jacqueline Locke’s legacy of Picasso’s paintings that raised Picasso’s works up to the next level.

Sterling was pleasantly surprised from the shock by Zhuang Rui’s voice, after carefully putting down the sketch, Sterling pulled Zhuang Rui’s arm and said almost pleadingly, “This is Mrs. Picasso’s portrait, yes, it must be, Mr. Zhuang, I would like to know, the origin of this painting, I hope that you can tell me.”

“I’m sorry, I can only tell you that these paintings were purchased through proper channels, as for the other things, you don’t need to know, your job is to look at these paintings and tell Mr. Ezkena whether they are real or fake, that’s all.”

Zhuang Rui could understand Sterling’s mood, examining an antique is often countless times more difficult than identifying whether it’s real or fake, but that’s what makes collecting so appealing, letting people keep digging and exploring those unknown stories that happened dozens or even hundreds or thousands of years ago.

However, even if the person in front of him is his own counterparts, Zhuang Rui also did not intend to tell him the origin of these sketches, because now in Paris, not their own territory, Zhuang Rui do not want to make trouble.

Who knows that the lovely Mr. Reynolds, if he knows his 30,000 pounds, sold thirty-two Picasso’s works are all authentic, will not run to Zhuang Rui stayed in the hotel to cry, two, three, three hanged it?

“I’m sorry, it’s me who took the liberty.”

In the foreign art market, and the domestic antique market is almost the same, the transaction between private individuals, you only need to know the object authenticity can be, the way is not the most important, and foreign countries to pay more attention to personal privacy, after hearing Zhuang Rui refused the words, Sterling immediately apologized to Zhuang Rui.

Zhuang Rui casually waved his hand and said, “It’s okay, Mr. Sterling, please continue.”

Art market and the traditional industry is different, this is the seller’s market, as long as you have a real thing good things, not afraid to sell, a little bit of wind, a lot of people crowded looking for you to buy.

So Zhuang Rui is not anxious, really can not take these sketches back to Beijing to go, who like to go to Beijing to buy, buddies also do a time international collectors.

After Sterling heard Zhuang Rui’s words, he didn’t pick up the sketch he just saw, but looked at Zhuang Rui and said, “Mr. Zhuang, I can be sure that this one, indeed, is Mr. Picasso’s authentic work, which he made in the 1960s.”

“Wait, Mr. Sterling, how do you know, when Picasso painted it?”

Zhuang Rui spoke out and interrupted Sterling’s words, because Picasso knew Jacqueline Locke in 1953, so it was guaranteed that the painting was made around that time?

“Mr. Zhuang, you have to know that although Picasso was an energetic man, but after he reached the age of eighty, he was a bit too much for women, but he was not willing to be so. So there was a change in his style of painting during this time period, and in all his paintings from this time period, there are voyeurs, and I guess that’s what he labeled himself as?”

Talking about professional knowledge, Sterling became like a different person, gushing and quoting scriptures, talking about Picasso’s character in his early years, all the way to Picasso’s psychological problems in his later years, giving Zhuang Rui and others a good lesson.

Zhuang Rui had heard of this matter, because Picasso had once said a very famous sentence, which was, “We got older and had to quit smoking, but the desire to smoke is still there. Love is the same.”

After Picasso was unable to exercise his right to love with women, he expressed this desire in his paintings, which was called “the right to look” In his painting style at this period, no matter whether it was an oil painting or a drawing, there would be a man’s shadow vaguely looking at the women in the painting.

“You said it very well, Mr. Sterling, please continue, there are five more sketches below!”

Zhuang Rui nodded his head, expressing his recognition of Sterling’s words, hearing Sterling’s words, it also touched him, both foreign and domestic appraisals in this world need to understand the psychological situation of the author of the work, if it wasn’t for Sterling’s familiarity with the styles of Picasso’s every era, he wouldn’t have been able to say those words mentioned above.

“Thank you, Mr. Zhuang, you will bring us a wonderful evening.”

At this time, Sterling’s attitude towards Zhuang Rui changed drastically, he stood up and bowed slightly at Zhuang Rui before sitting down and re-appraising the six sketches of women’s body portraits that Peng Fei had brought to him.

Although the six sketches above the woman, are the same person, but the background and clothing are not the same, not all are naked body, there are two paintings are wearing pajamas, jade body half exposed lying on the bed modeling.

When Sterling was appraising these sketch drafts, without looking at one, the excitement on his face increased by one point, and when he finished looking at all the six sketches, he was so excited that he almost didn’t jump up from the sofa, and as he pulled Zhuang Rui, he asked, “My dear Zhuang, you must have other works, please take them all out!”

If it’s Picasso’s oil painting, it’s very likely that there’s only one, but like the sketch works, every time it’s found, it’s the one that appears in at least one volume, basically it’s around ten or a little bit more, but Zhuang Rui only took out six this time, that’s why Sterling had this question.

“Oh, Mr. Sterling, please don’t be in a hurry, first tell Mr. Ezkena whether these works belonging to Mr. Picasso are real or fake!”

Zhuang Rui gently pushed away Sterling’s hand that grabbed his arm, what a joke! Dude has already taken out the real money and stuff, still want to see it? That’s not impossible, but you two have to show some sincerity, right?

“Really, of course it’s true, I can guarantee to God that these six paintings are absolutely Picasso’s authentic works, there’s no doubt about it.”

To be honest, Sterling’s behavior at this moment was like a fanatic collection enthusiast, more like a calm appraiser, he only wanted to appreciate all of Zhuang Rui’s works about Picasso at this moment, after today, I’m afraid that he wouldn’t have this kind of opportunity, because whether these paintings would still belong to Zhuang Rui or not, it was uncertain.

Sterling knows, Zhuang Rui owns these works of news, once spread out, will give the whole European art market, bring what kind of impact? That would definitely make all the clusters that were chasing after Picasso’s works, all concentrate to the city of Paris.

“Hmm, well, Mr. Sterling, you can take a rest first, I think Mr. Ezkena definitely has something to talk to me about.”

Zhuang Rui waited until Sterling had determined the authenticity of the paintings, then immediately and very unkindly did the thing of crossing the river right away, and didn’t even pour a glass of water.

Sterling is nothing more than an appraiser, there is absolutely no need for himself to nag him more, and Zhuang Rui for Sterling just entered the room when the eyes grow on the head attitude, or a small mustard.

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