Chapter 0644 Private Museum (II)

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:28:02
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Zhuang Rui began to really do not know, this actually belongs to the approval of the Ministry of Culture, even if Ouyang Zhenwu refused to help, then there is not Ouyang Jun? Zhuang Rui and Ouyang Jun drink, can not listen to that guy bragged about his old man in the name of private affairs.

Then again, Zhuang Rui consciously this is also in order to promote national culture, welcome the return of national treasures, even if the government is to open the back door, is also a matter of course.

Hey, you don’t want to be unconvinced, capable of you also from foreign museums out of such a group of cultural relics to? Without those Picasso sketches in the hands of Zhuang Rui, I’m afraid you can’t even enter the door of the curator’s office.

Qin Xuan Bing saw Zhuang Rui back after the action, not like a joke, walked to Zhuang Rui side, asked: “Zhuang Rui, you really want to do private museum ah?”

“Of course, the information are looking for a good, hey, hey, white lion, bring it over ……”

Zhuang Rui just raised the hands of the fax, was misunderstood by the white lion, a low head from the hands of Zhuang Rui will be fax paper to gripped away, thrown to the door of the garbage cans, look at the Qin Xuan Bing and the side of Peng Fei laughed out loud, the white lion of this resourcefulness is not used to the place ah!

“oo…… oo……”

The white lion is very aggrieved at Zhuang Rui low roar two times, buddy compulsory labor but also scolded, next time not with you out.

“Well, go find your brother Peng Fei to play.”

Zhuang Rui was very unethical to send the white lion to Peng Fei’s side, picked up the fax paper that he just picked up and looked at it.

There were two copies of the information that Wei Ming had faxed over, one was the specific provisions of the Ministry of Culture’s “Administrative Measures for Museums” regarding the establishment of museums, while the other, was the specific provisions of the “Regulations on Museums in Beijing”.

Both are equally applicable, because if Zhuang Rui can not find a house in Beijing, it does not exclude the possibility of building the museum in Pengcheng or Beijing’s neighboring areas.

After seeing these rules and regulations, Zhuang Rui realized that what Huangfu Yun said is true, private application for museums, in fact, is not very complicated, the Ministry of Culture, “Museum Management Measures” shows that as long as the following requirements are met, private individuals can declare for approval of the museum.

The first must have a fixed site, set up a special exhibition hall (room), storage and protection of cultural relics technology, exhibition hall (room) area and exhibition scale, exhibition environment suitable for the public, specific whether qualified, to be verified by the Ministry of Culture, museums approved by the Ministry of specialists after verification.

The second has the necessary funds to run the museum, and to protect the museum operating funds, which is also very important, or in case the approval of this side of the success of the opening, buddy you because of business failure or poor capital turnover, not two months on the closure of the business, it is not a waste of money!

The third is to have with the purpose of running the museum in line with a certain number and systematic collection, and the necessary research materials, the museum opened, you always have to give visitors to see things, right?

Do not say that the museum of antiques, that is, folklore, you also need to set something in, or else people pay for tickets, you are not a fraudulent consumer? Beware of others to fight 315 sue you, absolutely a lawsuit a quasi.

The fourth is to have with the purpose of running the museum in line with the professional and technical and management personnel, this requirement is for the private museum of the formal word management, otherwise a good museum, was your whole like a hotel, that is not a bad image!

Fifth is all public places have to comply with the rules of conduct, that is, must have to comply with national regulations on safety and fire safety facilities, this point does not need more explanation.

The sixth point is the legal issues, is also particularly important, that is, the museum can independently assume civil liability, in case of any problems in the collection, the relevant departments are to pursue your responsibility.

Another thing to add is that non-state-owned museums, in the name of the name shall not generally be titled “China”, “China”, “country” and other words (abbreviated as “China”). (abbreviated as “China”).

However, there is a special side of things, if you feel that their collections are profound, on behalf of traditional Chinese culture, non-“China” two words can not represent your museum, then you can apply by the Office of the Central Committee for the Establishment of the State Council in conjunction with the State Council cultural relics administrative departments to review and agree.

However, in general, private museums are very difficult to approve down, such as the piece of Mr. White in 2000 around the opening of the museum, the name is called: Beijing Mutong Tang Ancient Porcelain Specimen Museum.

China’s first private museum, Mr. Ma Weidu, officially opened on January 18, 1997, the museum, the name is not the “national” character, but called the Guanfu Museum of Classical Art, although the museum’s address has changed since then, but also in Xiamen and Hangzhou opened a few branch museums, but the name is always This name.

Don’t you think the two of you above would like to have a name that starts with “China”? Absolutely not. It would be a great honor to have the word “China” in the name, wouldn’t it? The problem is that the approval is not down.

Zhuang Rui continue to look down, this front of the outline, the Ministry of Culture and Beijing’s roughly similar, but in the details and need to submit documents, Beijing is much more detailed.

Beijing Museum Regulations for the museum director, put forward clear requirements, that is, the director has a bachelor’s degree or above, and more than two years of museum management experience.

“Grandma, in addition to state-owned museums, private who has experience ah?”

When he saw this, Zhuang Rui slightly frowned and cursed irritably.

If this museum can be organized, then Zhuang Rui is definitely the museum curator, but this more than two years of museum management experience, but stuck Zhuang Rui, it is difficult to not specialize in their own personal curator?

Has been sitting next to Zhuang Rui, and he studied these regulations with Qin Xuan Bing, gently touched Zhuang Rui, said: “Zhuang Rui, what are you anxious ah? Continue to look down.”

“Hmm? Or someone with expertise in a related field can also assume the position of museum curator, that’s more or less the same.”

With this one it’s a lot better, Zhuang Rui in the jade business, now how to mix out a Northland Jade King title, and also served in the National Jade Association, it should be counted as having specialization in related fields, right?

“Where to choose the address?”

After solving this problem, Zhuang Rui and some scratching his head, no doubt, if you want to make their own museum in the future, can attract more tourists, the site should first be placed in Beijing, where the flow of people, is incomparable to all cities in China.

But Beijing city it land price is expensive ah! Not to mention Zhuang Rui now not a few money, that is, more than three or five million in hand, it is estimated that not enough to buy land to build a museum, unless you open to seven rings outside to go, but if that is the case, it is estimated that no one will go to visit.

Zhuang Rui want to do museum, and not a moment of impulse, he also thought a long time before, rather than let those national treasures of cultural relics in the basement moldy, not as good as to come out and let the people of the country really feel that China’s deep and profound ancient culture.

So since we have to do, Zhuang Rui is not ready to rent a house remodeling, he is trying to one step, directly buy the land to build, so that the security and precautionary measures, from the beginning can be strengthened.

Just a moment and a half, let Zhuang Rui to the whole piece of land, he really do not have the ability, and to location, and to cheap, although in the antiques on the eye, but for speculation on the land to buy a house, Zhuang Rui and the market to sell vegetables to the same old ladies, do not know anything about it.

But can not help this declaration of private museums, the first to submit the premises site right to use the certificate ah! No this thing, your antiques placed on the road exhibition ah? So this house has become a top priority.

“Hey? Right, how to forget this.”

Zhuang Rui suddenly patted his thigh, but the brain hit the head of Ouyang Jun again.

“Damn, who’s thinking about me again?”

Ouyang Jun, who was driving home with his daughter-in-law from miles away, magically sneezed, followed by the phone ringing.

“Fourth Brother, have you finished working? There’s a little something to find your help.”

Zhuang Rui afraid of Ouyang Jun hung up the phone, open the door to say something, Beijing people want to save face, even if it is not relatives, I’m afraid that Ouyang Jun can not pull the face to hang up the phone, Zhuang Rui is considered to be Ouyang four less pulse, the number of accurate.

“What is it? Say, Ah Choo you kid just now is not chanting me?”

Ouyang Jun opened the window, he is afraid of his own don’t catch a cold, infected to have a son in the stomach with a son in law.

“Fourth brother, the sales office of our property, is it already built? Last time I went there, I saw that it was decorated well?”

Zhuang Rui words let Ouyang Jun listen to some inexplicable, this brother to the real estate project, always is to avoid the less than, today is the sun hit the west out? Actually take the initiative to ask about the project?

Doubt to doubt, Ouyang Jun or answered: “is built, now has been sold out, my brother, I tell you, our property is absolutely on fire, I dare to guarantee that the whole of Beijing City within the third ring of the house, there is no one better than ours, and there is also a villa area, that is more …… ”

“Stop, stop, fourth brother, I know that our house earned a lot of money, you old hard work, turn back that share, you count a little more! Give me a little less on the line, I’m not entitled to pay ah!”

Zhuang Rui heard Ouyang Jun bragged on the phone, quickly opened his mouth to interrupt his words, this brother this time by the Xu big star tube, generally have no time to go out to fool around, not even talk to more people, if he was caught, a big thing, Ouyang Jun can flip back and forth to give you two hours to say.

“Hey, kid, what’s going on? When did you learn to be so humble?”

Ouyang Jun heard Zhuang Rui’s words, immediately alerted, this never only smacks the money less, have not seen someone smacks their own money more, Zhuang Rui said this, I do not know where to hold back the bad it?

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