Chapter 0645 – Private Museum (III)

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:28:05
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“Hey, fourth brother, is a little something to find you, that house we built, can you leave me a few?”

Zhuang Rui’s words made Ouyang Jun feel a bit strange, slowly drove the car to the side of the road and parked it, said, “That house will not be opened until the end of the year, what’s your hurry? Besides, you are the second largest shareholder, not to mention a few rooms, is thirty or fifty sets, is not just your pick.”

Ouyang Jun today always feel Zhuang Rui a little bit not quite right, just asked the process of declaring the museum, and then asked about the house, can not help but brain a light, then said: “Hey, I say you kid, will not want to use this residential housing to build a museum, right? I tell you, don’t even think about it, the drawings are all designed, it’s impossible to change because of you.”

“Fourth brother, how can I, I can’t build a museum on a dozen-story building even if I’m confused!”

Zhuang Rui saw his own small mind was broken by Ouyang Jun, simply said directly, “Fourth brother, residential housing I do not want, but our sales center empty so big a place, give me forget, there in the periphery of the district, I built a museum, but also can pull popularity of our district it!”

Zhuang Rui was once pulled by Ouyang Jun went to the site to see that the sales center covers an area of not small, a total of three floors, the building is nearly 20,000 square meters, and was decorated brilliantly, and in accordance with the actual proportion of the property scaled down to do the effect of the sand table, it looks very classy.

Zhuang Rui was feeling quite puzzled, a sales center built so well why? Find some pretty chicks to sell the building to attract guests can understand, but put a future useless sales office built area so large, decorated so beautiful, let Zhuang Rui quite a word.

But this is good, that the structure and area of the sales office, converted into a private museum is more than enough, although not compared to the National Museum of 200,000 square meters of area, but in the private museum, 20,000 square meters has been considered a very large, must be counted as the largest private museum in the country.

Although Zhuang Rui collection is relatively small, but the objects in his hands, can all be fine, and can be slowly added later, Zhuang Rui is intended to be run into the domestic first-class private museum, and he is also ready to declare the name of the “national” head, either not to do, to do … … to do the best.

“Where is the location next to the sales center? There will be a green belt and a swimming pool, where is there a place for you to build a museum?”

Ouyang Jun was confused by Zhuang Rui’s words, that piece of land is all already planned, Ouyang Jun’s memory seems to be nothing empty.

“Fourth brother, I don’t mean next to the sales center, I want that sales center!”

Zhuang Rui heard Ouyang Jun misunderstood his words, and quickly spoke out to correct it, even if there is open space next to Zhuang Rui also do not want, where there is a ready-made convenient ah? That sales center slightly altered, add some security facilities, immediately can be opened.

“What, you want that sales center?”

Ouyang Jun this time is to listen to understand, the voice immediately raised eight degrees, right hand heavily in the steering wheel slapped a bit, he is fortunate that the car is parked on the side of the road, if still driving on the road, it is not allowed to be Zhuang Rui gas two corpses three lives.

“Kid, don’t even think about it! There I have planning, you do not hit that idea.”

That sales center Ouyang Jun is a plan, he is ready in the property sales are completed, will be transformed into a high-level clubhouse, provided to the owners of the district leisure use, or else is his head hot, will be that inch of land, empty out more than 20,000 square meters of the lot ah?

Just Ouyang Jun did not think, this will be their own this is not a clue, actually was Zhuang Rui to stare at, you say this kid is not a big favor to help, and now also come to make trouble, Ouyang Jun was angry at one place.

“Speak properly, where there is such a way to speak to a brother.”

Sitting on the co-pilot Xu Qing couldn’t look away, pinched Ouyang Jun with her hand, that said, those jewelry sent by Zhuang Rui and Ouyang Wan, had long ago bought the big star over.

“Business matters, women are less.”

Ouyang Jun is trying to pose, suddenly saw the big star that bulging abdomen, suddenly voice lowered, said, “Say it properly, I speak properly is not it?”

“This is more or less ……”

Xu Qing smiled sweetly, that kind of flavor looked at Ouyang Jun’s hand was not honest at once, just touched the big star’s belly, it was knocked away by a hand.

“Fourth brother, is not just a place to sell buildings? When the building is sold out, the land is also empty, give it to your younger brother to use! Or, I’ll take some shares out in exchange, that’s fine, right?”

Not to mention that the two families in the flirting, the end of the phone Zhuang Rui, easy to think of the address of the museum, where will be Ouyang Jun a few words to send off?

“Older brother, not that I do not give you use, our brother and sister still say what money is not money, just that place is I want to stay for the meeting used, have been planned, you are not difficult for old brother?”

Ouyang Jun very rare patience to Zhuang Rui explained, this is still in the face of the daughter-in-law.

“Fourth brother, you don’t have a clubhouse anymore, that house is for me to use! I’m promoting national culture, when the fire up, with your neighborhood are stained light.”

Zhuang Rui knows that this club is different from his club, but he deliberately messed up, the two said to be the same, to the extent of the development of Beijing City now, the wrong place, Zhuang Rui really can not find suitable for him to do the museum place.

“Hey, I say you kid, how oil and salt do not enter ah! Otherwise I’ll give you a piece of land, find you to build you a museum!”

Ouyang Jun was a bit annoyed, when did he ever speak to people so pleasantly! This whole thing seems like he’s begging Zhuang Rui.

“Fourth brother, it’s not that I’m not reasonable, but I need this museum urgently! I’ll tell you, it’s the same thing.”

Zhuang Rui heard Ouyang Jun really annoyed, so in the phone will be himself and Ji Mei Museum of cultural relics in exchange for the thing said, and especially emphasized the objects they want to exchange, are more than a hundred years ago by the Eight-Power Allied Forces robbed, their behavior is really for the country to win the glory ah!

Zhuang Rui know, don’t look at Ouyang Jun almost forty people, that bone really inherited the old man national sense of mission, he made this clear, Ouyang Jun will have to jump up.

Ouyang Jun grew up in Beijing grew up, from elementary school to high school, every year spring tour school will be organized to go to the Yuanmingyuan ruins, as a child Ouyang Jun can not be less there stomped his feet scolding the Eight-Power Allied Forces.

Sure enough, after Zhuang Rui said clear reasons, the other end of the phone fell silent, after a short while, Ouyang Jun’s voice rang out: “Damn, those foreign devils have no good stuff, old brother, if you can knock some more things back, that club brother let you.”

“Fourth brother, your words must count! But this matter makes you difficult, my forty percent of the shares, counted as thirty percent! I’ll go back and change the procedures with you.”

Nearly 20,000 square meters of land, even if it is 10,000 yuan a square meter, that is also worth 200 million, Zhuang Rui does not want to take advantage of this cheap, and that place into their own real estate license, the future will also be convenient.

“Ten percent? Into, you kid rich and powerful, then so say.”

Zhuang Rui that forty percent of the shares, and so on after the opening almost can be worth more than two billion, Zhuang Rui let out nearly five hundred million dollars at once, the handwriting can really not small, Ouyang Jun originally thought that he was again extorted by Zhuang Rui’s mentality, suddenly became a little more comfortable.

“Hey, fourth brother, convert that land into a museum, but also trouble you ah! It’s best that you get busy these days and help me get the declaration procedures for the museum done!”

Zhuang Rui knows that if he goes to approve these things, if he goes to run, without three or five months, he won’t be able to do it smoothly, and if he puts on the ready-made Ministry of Culture’s prince, he won’t use it, that’s also too silly, right?

“This you find Wei Ming, the information reported to him, I turn back to give a greeting, but first said, the first floor is still used as a sales floor, I let Wei Ming first find people to rebuild the second and third floors, anyway, you just need a name, at the latest, three months, there are all for you to vacate out.”

Ouyang Jun listened to Zhuang Rui words, after thinking for a while, nodded and promised, Zhuang Rui this matter is not big, just declare a private museum, as long as his condition is enough, he greeted that is just a show of hands.

“Into, thank you fourth brother!”

Zhuang Rui smiled and rejoiced, which has a museum site, the rest of the things to do much better.

“Hey? Not right ah!”

Zhuang Rui hung up the phone, feel a little wrong, he is the second shareholder of the land, take that sales office, can not be in accordance with the market price, right? If this is in accordance with the development price, I’m afraid that the cost is about one-fifth of their own calculations, just now they seem to be too generous, right?

But the big words put out, Zhuang Rui is not good to back out, smiled bitterly can only pinch the nose to recognize, in fact, his heart did not care much, after more money, just the bank figures.

House to get sorted out a mind, Zhuang Rui find a piece of white paper, began to calculate their own family now, to know, in accordance with the provisions of the declaration of private museums in Beijing, is to issue a catalog of collections.

If you want to declare the “national” word beginning of the private museum, the collection catalog is particularly important, for the national level of cultural relics is the number of requirements.

After listing on the paper, Zhuang Rui realized that he now has a lot of good objects.

In accordance with the national cultural relics collection grading standards, from Hong Kong to gamble on the several Lang Shining paintings and Qing official kiln porcelain, should be able to be classified as a national second-class protection of cultural relics.

And that piece of Longshan culture black pottery pot, and that just arrived shortly after the fixed light sword, and their own three-legged tripod bought down in Jinan, Pingzhou plucked the restoration of the Ru kiln porcelain and other objects, absolutely can be listed as a national level of protection of cultural relics.

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