Chapter 0658 – Tandem (II)

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:28:36
A+ A- Turn Off Light

“This Mr. Zhao is lucky.”

Zhuang Rui looked at the auction brief in his hand and said with a smile to Huangfu Yun who was sitting next to him.

From the pictures on the colorful pages, one can see that this Qing Kangxi blue and white large plate, the blue and white color is pure, even if you look at the photos, you can see that the pulp is very thick, it is indeed the official kiln porcelain during the Kangxi period, at a price of 700,000 euros and more than seven million yuan, Zhao always counts on a good bargain.

“How? Greedy, right? The rules are set by you, you are out to auction off a piece today, there is no chance!”

Huangfu Yun gloating jokes up Zhuang Rui, but this will be his heart some intention, Huangfu Yun now there are three hundred thousand euros or so, big objects he can not afford to shoot, but other people do not see some trinkets, may also be able to get a bargain.

Just when Zhuang Rui and Huangfu Yun joked, the auction hall lights, suddenly became bright and dim, there are a few lights even went out, this situation caused many people in the field of panic, some people brought women, and even lost their voices screamed up.

“Zhuang Rui, what’s wrong?”

Qin Xuan Bing was also a little panicked, one hand tightly grasped Zhuang Rui, this foreign country is not peaceful ah! Although the 911 attack was the United States, but Britain and France are not good things, maybe also by the al-Qaeda to think about it?

“It’s okay, it’s okay ……”

Zhuang Rui grabbed Qin Xuan Bing’s hand, whispered consolation, and just at this moment, Jefferson on the auction stage, also made a sound.

“Gentlemen, ladies, I’m really sorry, due to some special reasons, the building’s power supply system has some problems, it’s now under repair, please take a break first, it should be fine soon.”

Jefferson’s words made the crowd in the hall quiet down, it was just a power problem, that was nothing, taking the elevator also often encountered the situation of being trapped inside!

“I’ve heard of an old Chinese saying that good things come in small packages, I believe that the auction can be resumed in a little while, please wait.”

After Jefferson finished speaking, he left the auction table, followed by the faint light, and walked out through the side door.

“Damn, this must be a deliberate move by the auction house.”

Zhuang Rui’s line of sight stayed on Jefferson, after passing through the wall next to the side door, Zhuang Rui realized that the lights outside were all good, it was only in the auction hall that this situation appeared, there was no need to ask, there must be something fishy about this.

Zhuang Rui guessed correctly, this is Richard and Daniel authorized the hotel side to come up with, the purpose is to target these Chinese collectors tandem, and discuss countermeasures.

However, the hotel’s power control system is more complicated, they just cut off the power supply of the auction hall, if the guests go out to take a look, they all understand, just time is running out, Richard simply used this kind of rogue tactics.

“Mr. Jefferson, didn’t you say things were still under your control? Why are there these damn Chinese tandem things? I need an explanation.”

Richard was about to go mad at this point, he wondered if it was because he had just fucked a widow yesterday that he was so unlucky today.

First was a brat to get the face of the loss of all, and now there are Chinese tandem things, at this time Richard can no longer care about Jefferson was his high-priced “white gloves” in the Jefferson a door, on the loud roar up.

Jefferson at this time is still calm, took out a tissue to wipe off his face by Richard spittle, said: “Mr. Richard, you also know, these Chinese have always been not very united, today’s things, I did not think, but there is still a way.”

“What way?”

Richard hastily grabbed Jefferson’s hand, making Jefferson hastily shook it off, not to mention that he is not a base, even if he is, he can’t look at this vulgar fat man.

“Raise the price ……”

Jefferson did not move and wiped his hand with a paper towel, then said, “Raise the starting reserve price, only in this way, to the greatest extent, to ensure that the interests of the auction house will not be lost.”

Jefferson said this method, is the auction house has always been used to deal with those tandem buyers, although in the color pages before the auction, the starting price of each object are long set, arbitrary changes will cause buyers’ dissatisfaction, but at this juncture, the auction house is not to care about those.

Generally speaking, the price of the items auctioned at the auction house, are lower than the actual market price out of a lot, if in accordance with the original starting price of the reserve price, the auction house is to the owner, is also unable to account for.

The good thing is that now whether it is domestic or international, are popular so a hegemony clause, that is, all the right to explain, attributed to the organizer, even if others are dissatisfied, there is no way things.

“Good, let’s do it, on top of the current reserve price of all the unauctioned items, double it, even if the auction is aborted, we can’t let those damn ones take advantage of it.”

Richard heard Jefferson’s words, after a little thought, he clapped the board and settled, more objects in the abortive auction, will certainly have an impact on the reputation of the auction house, but Richard is not willing to auction house to lose money, after all, some of the auction items, he signed an agreement with the owner of the object, if the auction can not shoot at that price, it is necessary for the auction house to pay money to advance the price.

In order to do a good job of this Chinese art special auction, Richard but the blood, alone to persuade those who have precious Chinese antiques in the hands of the people, he spent a lot of effort, only to make others agree to come up with the collection of auction, but from the current situation, the auction, obviously a failure of the extreme.

“Gentlemen, ladies, I’m really sorry, I’ve just made you all suffer, now the auction continues. The following to be auctioned a collection, also a porcelain, it is Yongzheng official kiln azure glazed goblet, this lot is more precious than the last blue and white large plate, the survival of the amount is very small, it’s starting price is – 1,600,000 euros.”

After Jefferson returned to the auction table, for the power problem just a word over, directly threw out the next object to be auctioned, but this time Jefferson opened the price after the completion of the stage is quiet, no one opened the offer.

In the auction printed on the color page, you can clearly see the Yongzheng official kiln celadon glaze goblet starting price is only 800,000 euros, but Jefferson reported out is 1.6 million, the price doubled, is to the crowd are in the heart of the measurement, whether it is worth it?

Zhuang Rui is also looking over the information of this porcelain, the entire object large mouth small bottom, about 16 cm high, but the caliber in 13 cm or so, although the shape is relatively small, but it is very atmospheric, and is the glaze is fat and pure color, 1.6 million euros, it seems that the price is not impossible to consider.

“Brother Huangfu, shoot it down, within 2 million euros, are profitable.”

Zhuang Rui himself has already made a bid once, of course he will not break the rules he set down, but Huangfu Yun beside him can shoot ah! Even if you can’t get it yourself, your friend took advantage of it, that’s a good thing!

Huangfu Yun heard Zhuang Rui’s words, reflexively wanted to raise the card, just a hand just moved down, looking at Zhuang Rui smiled bitterly: “Brother, I would like to shoot, but the money is not enough ah!”

Huangfu Yun’s whole body, but only four or five hundred thousand euros, yesterday shot a Qing Emperor Qianlong’s sword, now can only come up with three hundred thousand euros, let him go to shoot this one million six hundred thousand euros of porcelain, this buddy is the heart of the powerless ah!

“First shoot, not enough money I lend you, really can not be when it is to help me shoot.”

Zhuang Rui now museum is the lack of objects, this Yongzheng official kiln celadon glazed goblet survival as Jefferson said, extremely rare, can be assessed as a national level of cultural relics, Zhuang Rui see, not willing to let go.

Huangfu Yun nodded and said, “Good, buddy will help you shoot.”

“One million seven hundred thousand euros, this porcelain I bid one million seven hundred thousand euros.”

Just as Huangfu Yun was about to raise his number plate, the lady in front of him, Ms. Zhang, however, took a step ahead and raised the number plate in her hand just now, breaking the silence in the arena.

“Buyer number 89 is bidding one million seven hundred thousand euros, is there any friend who will open the bidding again?”

“Good, Yongzheng official kiln azure glazed goblet at a price of one million seven hundred thousand euros, by the 89th buyer, congratulations to this lady, the following to be auctioned is the third lot of the day, it is ……”

Jefferson knew that all these Chinese people in the field were already in cahoots, and didn’t bother to ask more questions, and after three minutes of routine questioning, he knocked down the gavel, and this valuable Yongzheng Official Kiln Porcelain, fell into Ms. Zhang’s hands.

“Xiao Zhuang, you’re great at gambling on stones, and this ability to read antiques isn’t bad either!”

Ms. Zhang in the successful auction of this Yongzheng porcelain, turned his head, looked at Zhuang Rui smiled, she came from a collection of family, and the favorite is porcelain, it can be said that, if you want to make a price assessment of this Yongzheng porcelain, there is no one in the field can be priced more accurately than her.

“Ms. Zhang, you are joking, mainly my museum collection is too little, which is why I thought to shoot a few more pieces to bring back, can let the country see these exquisite works of art, is my biggest wish.”

Although the things were cut off by others, Zhuang Rui was not much disappointed, and with a big mouth saying words he didn’t even believe, he continued to watch the auction proceed.

Since then the auction process, more like in the passing, each open auction items price, are and publicity color page does not match, there are buyers have raised questions, but by Jefferson a temporary decision of the auction side of the words blocked back.

The auctioneer gave the explanation that, according to international practice, the starting price of the item, the auctioneer has the right to give temporary changes, and cited an example, the starting price of the first item, it is much lower than the publicity color page, and now raise the price, is also normal.

“Damn, dead foreign devils, turn around and I’ll send out that videotape.”

Zhuang Rui slandered in his heart and made a decision.

More than a hundred years ago, wasn’t there an old bitch who once said this sentence: if you make the old lady unhappy for a moment, the old lady will make you unhappy for the rest of your life.

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