Chapter 0664 – Castle (II)

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:28:52
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When passing through the first few iron gates, Zhuang Rui sort of understood this housekeeper and driver, why they were not afraid of the white lion, because at several iron gates, there were large dogs and some fierce beasts, that’s right, fierce beasts.

Car in the last iron gate there, tethered to a black cheetah, in the car through the time, the cheetah seems to feel the threat, the body bowed up, and the car of the white lion, is also the neck of the hairs of the roots exploded, throat issued a low hissing sound.

Tibetan mastiff is the snow mountain fighter, and the white lion is the king of the snow mastiff, after Zhuang Rui’s many times to appease, which only let the commotion of the white lion quiet down.

Although from birth has not gone through the field of killing sharpening, but Zhuang Rui has no doubt that the white lion if and that cheetah on, certainly will not retreat, because the king’s pride and the Tibetan mastiff’s bloodline, will let the white lion bravely face any powerful opponent.

However, Zhuang Rui obviously will not let the white lion go to fight with the beasts, although this can make the white lion more courageous, but ask, can you let your friend or brother through this way, to show their toughness?

The castle of Ezkena is very quiet and beautiful; London in April is already in full bloom, and in all parts of the castle there is green grass and flowers everywhere.

The car was about a hundred meters or so away from the castle gates, in the middle of which there was a labyrinth of gardens, and after getting down from the Rolls Royce, the straight tunnel leading to the entrance was sandwiched between a maze of geometrical gardens on the left and right at a low and gentle level, with an open view that made every step to the castle a salutary spectacle.

As the distance shortened, all the details, lines, and textures of materials enriched your vision layer by layer, making Zhuang Rui involuntarily marvel at the castle’s singular conception and the harmony that had developed through years of refinement.

Castle backed by the River Thames, facing the large garden, green trees, flowers, sculptures and crystal clear lake, giving people excellent visual enjoyment.

Compared to this castle in Ezkena, Zhuang Rui felt that his own quadrangle, seems to be so shabby people, if the white lion lives here, certainly will be more free, but look at this area, it seems that it is not now their own can afford to buy.

“Dear Zhuang, I’m glad you can come to my home as a guest, how is it, this castle of mine is not bad, right? It has a history of almost a thousand years.”

As the master, Ezkena stood at the entrance of the castle early, behind him, there stood a dozen of servants, after seeing Zhuang Rui and the others, they all put their right hand on their chests, bent down slightly and performed an English gentleman’s salute.

As for Ezkena, in order to show his intimacy with Zhuang Rui, he went forward and embraced Zhuang Rui, but his move almost made the White Lion interpret it as unfriendly, if it wasn’t for Peng Fei’s quick eyes and hands that wrapped around the White Lion’s neck, I’m afraid that Ezkena would have definitely been pounced on by the White Lion.

“Thank you very much for the invitation, your castle is one of the best buildings I’ve ever seen, and to be honest, I would love to try out what it would be like to live here.”

Zhuang Rui handed over the gift in his hand to the servant on the side, his mouth was even more appreciative of Ezkena’s castle, he was telling the truth, the castle in England was like the imperial palace in China, it was very thought provoking.

If you ask what is the most famous building in Britain, many people may say is Buckingham Palace, but to say to the culture, may be the British vampire culture, and vampire culture, the earliest birthplace is also these historic old castles.

In Europe, especially in England, from the beginning of history, the legend of the vampire is also spreading, thousands of people believe in this legend, and in the darkness because of this legend and trembling.

Legend has it that vampires are an ancient and mysterious race, they have no heartbeat or pulse, they do not breathe and have no body heat, but they have some minds of their own, they can think, they can talk, they can walk around, and they can live forever, they are a group of creatures that like to go out into the darkness of the night.

To this day there are many people who believe that some of the castle owners in the UK are vampire dukes who have lived for thousands of years, and castles are therefore not only endowed with symbols of affluence, but also represent mystery, just like Chinese temples, which have many different meanings.

There are a lot of vampire fans from all over the world, will specially to the United Kingdom to live in the castle has been converted into a hotel hotel, to feel that kind of vampire culture.

Although Zhuang Rui does not have this hobby, but he is playing antiques, to some ancient things, have a heartfelt love, of course, this love is for the castle itself, as for the vampire …… that or forget it.

“Oh, dear Zhuang, you can stay here at night, I promise, it will be more comfortable than the hotel.”

Ezkena heard Zhuang Rui’s words and smiled joyfully, no one does not like guests to praise their own residence, let alone such a historical ancient castle, if it is not often used to entertain guests, it would not be a waste of its existence, as if it were a brocade night.

Greeted by a group of servants, Zhuang Rui and Qin Xuan Bing walked ahead and entered the ancient castle, whose doors were open.

Stepping into the castle, you can see the spacious banquet hall, Genoa carved branch-shaped chandelier, containing 39 candles, simple and elegant old-style furniture, those walnut armchairs, and Venetian and Victorian style dining table and chairs, showing the owner’s luxury.

On the walls of the castle hung several oil paintings in the Western style, mostly portraits of people, men with captain’s hats and curly beards, and some women in corseted gowns.

“This Ezkena’s ancestor, wouldn’t be the pirate captain of the year, right?”

Zhuang Rui secretly guessed in his heart, because after entering here, Zhuang Rui felt that time seemed to return to the Middle Ages in general.

A waiter came in front of Ezkena and whispered, “Sir, it’s all ready.”

“Zhuang, we can eat now.”

Ezkena made an invitation to Zhuang Rui and Qin Xuanbing, while Peng Fei was kept by the butler and brought the white lion to another dining room to dine, and of course, the dishes were very sumptuous.

The restaurant was next to the banquet hall, after Zhuang Rui and the others sat down, all kinds of prepared dishes were brought up one by one, while the waiter next to them wrapped a bottle of red wine with a towel, and poured wine into the cups in front of Ezkena and Zhuang Rui and the others.

“Dear Zhuang, beautiful Ms. Qin, you are my first Asian guests in this castle, for our friendship, cheers!”

Ezkena raised his glass to Zhuang Rui, Zhuang Rui followed the other party’s example and picked up the somewhat surprisingly large glass, first shaking it and then sniffing it at the end of his nose before taking a small shallow sip.

Just how Zhuang Rui did not feel, this so-called 1870’s red wine, and he went to college that will be attached to the elegance, in the supermarket to draw ten dollars to buy red wine, exactly what is the difference.

“Thank you very much for your hospitality, and I think that in the future, if Ezkena first arrives in Beijing, you must let me have the opportunity to do my duty as a landlord.”

No matter what purpose Ezkena entertained himself for, but the other party’s demeanor made Zhuang Rui feel very comfortable, this is the real aristocrat, between not being humble and not being overbearing, reflecting enough respect.

That auction house’s boss Richard and Ezkena compared to, simply like the English countryside feeding pigs general vulgarity.

“Oh, then I thank you in advance, Beijing is an ancient city, I think there will be an opportunity, come on, Ms. Qin, please taste it, this is the freshest caviar.”

Ezkena definitely counted as an English gentleman, while greeting Zhuang Rui, he didn’t leave Qin Xuanbing out in the cold, the three of them enjoyed the food while chatting about the customs of England and Beijing, the atmosphere was very cordial.

“Mr. Ezkena, this castle of yours, how much does it cost annually in terms of repairs, as well as these management costs, roughly?”

Zhuang Rui is really a bit curious, he four courtyard miscellaneous plus sister-in-law Li and other people’s wages, every year should be in about four or five hundred thousand yuan.

And this old castle, the area is many times bigger than Zhuang Rui’s courtyard, plus invited so many professional managers and servants, really do not know how much money need to spend.

In England there is a specialized training school for butlers, and English butlers are also world-famous.

Not only that, including these servants in the castle, all of them are also trained from those specialized schools, of course, their value must be extremely high, wanting to enjoy the treatment of the Middle Ages in the twenty-first century, that is an extremely extravagant thing.

Zhuang Rui asked this, in fact, the heart is also itchy, he pondered when there is an opportunity, they also have a whole such a castle to play, which is what the French manor, Italian resorts than not, which is living in the culture, such as in Beijing to live in the Forbidden City Museum in general.

“This …… I did not calculate carefully, if you count the cost of repairing the castle, probably more than three million pounds a year, right? What, Zhuang, you also want to buy a castle like this?”

Ezkena’s ability to detect words and colors is very strong, a glance saw Zhuang Rui’s thoughts, followed by saying, “In England there are no private castles for sale anymore, but in France there are still, if you really have this idea, I will let keep an eye on it for you.”

“No …… no, I can’t afford to live in this place.”

Zhuang Rui from Ezkena mouth to hear a year after the expenses required, has long dispelled the mind of having a castle, a year more than three million pounds, that almost can be scratched to 50 million yuan, and this is only the cost of repair and management, not to mention to buy a castle.

On Zhuang Rui those two money, even if you can buy a castle, I’m afraid that within a few years of work, will be tossed into poverty.

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