Chapter 0671 Things

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:29:09
A+ A- Turn Off Light

After leaving the hotel, Zhuang Rui returned to the courtyard, Ouyang four young naturally did not travel with them, easy to get leave in the daughter-in-law, this morning do not know where to go.

Now is already late April, full of flowers have bloomed, everywhere is the fragrance of the flowers, the pond is even more beautiful lotus exception, Hao Long do not know where to find some tadpoles thrown in the pool, I believe that after a period of time, the yard can be frogs a sound.

Gold nest, silver nest, are not as good as their own doghouse, after returning home, Zhuang Rui only feel, their own courtyard although not as spacious as Ezkena’s castle, but here is undoubtedly more popular some.

Ouyang Wan and Zhang Ma Li Sister-in-Law and others, were building a flower garden in the courtyard, while the white lion was pouncing on the butterflies that flew into the garden, and after seeing Zhuang Rui, he immediately ran over, rubbing his big head affectionately against Zhuang Rui.

“It’s time to find a daughter-in-law for the white lion.”

General Tibetan Mastiff in a little more than a year old, can be mated, and the white lion all day by Zhuang Rui with aura moisturizing, bone development and growth, to be far higher than the ordinary Tibetan Mastiff, looking at their own soon to get married, can not always let the white lion bachelor it!

However, the last time to take the white lion to the mastiff park in Pengcheng, so many female mastiffs, there is no one white lion to see on, it seems that in the future or to run a trip to Tibet, to see if you can come across a more pure pedigree female mastiffs? Of course, it is also necessary to white lion eyes.

Standing in the yard and mother after chatting a few words, Zhuang Rui returned to the backyard.

On the road has been holding back not to take out the things in the document bag, now after sitting down, Zhuang Rui opened the document bag, will be inside a stack of documents pulled out.

To Ouyang Zhenwu kind of level, do such a thing, simply too simple, not only the approval procedures down, is the opening of the need for industrial and commercial business license are done.

Although now there are more than three hundred private museums, but for the approval of the museum, or more strict, if you really let Zhuang Rui go through the process, I’m afraid that there is no half a year, he can not get these things.

The mood of some excited Zhuang Rui, took out his cell phone to this should be in France Huangfu Yun dialed over.

“What? Done?”

After hearing the words of Zhuang Rui, Huangfu Yun surprised almost to bite his tongue off, he returned to China some time ago, is to do a sword museum, just one to the funds are not enough, the second is stuck in the approval procedures, Huangfu Yun is aware of the museum approval of the difficult.

For the domestic bureaucracy of certain departments, Huangfu Yun is deeply victimized, how can he not believe, this just a few days, Zhuang Rui actually can be approved down the formalities.

“Yes, the formalities and business license are done, brother Huangfu, in a moment I’ll fax you the copy, you can talk to the people from the Jimei Museum tomorrow about exchanging the collection.”

It’s not that Zhuang Rui is in a hurry, but it’s because the museum’s site, are already ready-made, as long as slightly remodeled, install some anti-theft facilities, you can open, to be honest, I’m afraid that ordering those booths and display cabinets will take longer than the museum remodeling with time.

“Older brother, you can not take me happy ah! This counterfeit won’t work abroad.”

Originally, Huangfu Yun didn’t really believe that the formalities of the museum could be approved so quickly, and now that he heard Zhuang Rui say that even the business license was done, he was even more sure that Zhuang Rui’s formalities weren’t quite justified.

Although he has been abroad for seven or eight years, but Huangfu Yun for those domestic what Asia International Global License Group and other companies, or very well understood, as long as the money, that is, you want to Clinton wrote to Sister Furong’s love letter, can give you forged.

“Hey, I say brother Huangfu, is really done ah! The video in the auction house some time ago, was seen by the relevant parties, gave me a little green light, this thing I can fool you?”

Zhuang Rui heard that Huangfu Yun did not believe it, so he had to give him a few explanations, but he did not say anything about his own relationships.

“Shit, buddy I want to do a sword museum, beg grandpa and grandma can not do down, you are ……”

After hearing Zhuang Rui’s words, Huangfu Yun is considered to believe, fortunately Zhuang Rui did not say that his brother-in-law is in charge of this area of leadership, otherwise Huangfu Yun designated will say that he is using power for personal gain.

“In the future, when your collection is a little more, then open a sword museum is not too late ah! Let’s get this exchange of collections done first!”

Zhuang Rui smiled at the words, now this world, it is better to have money than power, of course, those who do not have the money and power to do things, is indeed as difficult as the blue sky, Huangfu Yun if in accordance with the United States of America that set, serious report for approval, is to drag a three or five years, is not impossible.

“Also, I wrote to you that several things, and the Frey family gifted to the Guimet Museum and the Louvre artifacts, must be exchanged to, in addition to the Huangfu Yun, you may wish to mention slightly, the British Mr. Ezkena donated items to my museum things.”

Zhuang Rui turned the topic to the matter of exchanging the collections with the Guimet Museum, although Britain and France have always worn the same pants, but in certain things, there are still many different opinions.

Zhuang Rui is trying to let Huangfu Yun express a layer of meaning, is the British private can donate so many pieces of cultural relics, and the French museum, if the offer is too stingy, it is not reasonable, right?

And as Picasso who has been living in Paris, France is like his second hometown, and the French people’s recognition of Picasso is also very high, Jimi Museum’s desire for Zhuang Rui’s hand collection should be much higher than that of Ezkena, which can also be utilized for bargaining.

“Hey, old brother, don’t worry! Jimi Museum of Chinese cultural relics, how much more than 30,000 pieces, placed in the outside of the but of there are thousands of pieces only, I will be good and their talk.”

On the other end of the phone, Huangfu Yun smiled, Zhuang Rui can be knocked from the hands of Ezekiel Kenneth to so many “donations” themselves if they can not pull out a few hundred pieces of Chinese antiquities from the Jimei Museum, that is also too disgraceful.

“I’m happy today, I’m really happy today …….”

After hanging up Huangfu Yun’s phone, a big stone was removed from Zhuang Rui’s heart, and he sang his way to the center courtyard.

“Zhuang Rui, why are you so happy? Is it because I’ve been staying with my sister-in-law for the past few days and you’re alone and at ease?”

Just as he entered the middle courtyard, Zhuang Rui saw Qin Xuan Bing glaring at himself in a puff of air, and beside him stood Big Star Xu who was snickering.

“Hey, daughter-in-law, I’m more wronged than sinus e!”

Zhuang Rui hurriedly called up the bump in the sky, and then said, “My museum’s business license is done, you are the boss’s wife in the future, still not happy?”

Qin Xuan Bing didn’t see how happy she was when she heard this, but Xu Qing, who was snickering just now, frowned and said, “Zhuang Rui, what about your fourth brother? He called me just now, saying that he went to work on the museum for you.”


Zhuang Rui only cared about explaining to Qin Xuan Bing, but forgot that this aunt was also here, his head was suddenly big, but there was no way out, if he didn’t help Ouyang Jun to round up the lie, I’m afraid that he wouldn’t want to find that young master to do anything in the future.

“Sister-in-law, I am letting the fourth brother to ask the white brother’s side there is no what to get out of the antique, you also know, I this museum is now penniless, no one can not support the object ah! Fourth Brother has a wide range of contacts, so I asked him to help me ask around.”


Xu Qing heard a little bit of truth, but she knows her husband’s nature too well, still a little can not believe.

“Of course it’s true, don’t believe me I’ll call him.”

Zhuang Rui screamed bitterly in his heart, but he still had to hold on to his face, taking out his cell phone while talking, pretending to dial the number.

Xu Qing waved her hand, stopping Zhuang Rui’s action, saying, “Forget it, he is just going to go and get busy with his business, and it is estimated that he will have to drink almost as much in the evening before he can come back.”

“Hey, maybe it’s Fourth Brother calling.”

Zhuang Rui was talking when the phone held in his hand rang.

“Well, Lao Zhao, why, are you still in the store so late? Sister-in-law, there’s something we’ll talk about later.”

After Zhuang Rui picked up the phone, but “Xuan Rui Zhai” big boss Zhao Hanxuan called, Zhuang Rui quickly gave Xu Qing and Qin Xuan Bing greetings, walked to the side to answer the phone to go.

“Hey, old Zhao, this phone call came in time, looking for me what?”

Zhuang Rui didn’t have the slightest bit of awareness of being a boss, it’s been almost half a month since he didn’t go to the store, he opened his mouth to ask what’s up.

“Your boss as, tsk, my little buddy still can not call you?”

Zhao Hanxuan on the other side of the phone smiled brightly, Zhuang Rui know should be no big deal, back to: “Come on you, you before those stocks are sold clean, now you earn is not less than me ah! Lao Zhao, what is the matter, I have just returned to Beijing ah!”

Zhuang Rui is still thinking about Ouyang Jun’s things, how to give that first through a gas, or in case of wear gangs, that the two mouths may be the end of the bed fight and bed, but the big star designated to hold a grudge since the.

“There is no big deal, is this way, the monkey is not often outside the pouring well, a few days ago to bring people to the store, took a few pieces of bronze to, I look like the object of the years, but you also know, I suffer losses ate in this, can not take, think of you a few days to come back, give you a call to let you own to palm eyes.”

Zhao Hanxuan that millions of family, are thrown in a pig iron casting “bronze bodhisattva” above, originally for these door-to-door sales people, has been nothing good face, but the monkey is Zhuang Rui brought people, but also responsible for jewelry and antiques of that mess, their own is not good to say anything more.

Coupled with the previous Zhuang Rui in the store received a valuable brick inkstone, which also shows that those who look for door-to-door selling antiques, take the thing is not necessarily all fake, is to give Zhuang Rui made this call.

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