Chapter 0676 – Trouble (III)

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:29:22
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Don’t, no… Mmm, mmm…

Qin Xuan Bing just want to express resistance, small mouth was also blocked by Zhuang Rui, and the body in the Zhuang Rui that pair of hands like magic general caress, also gradually have a reaction, hands can not help but wrapped around the Zhuang Rui’s neck.

Not long ago, Qin Xuan Bing is already winks like silk, panting, two legs coiled in the waist of Zhuang Rui, feel the lower body from the hard objects, the body is almost paralyzed.

Zhuang Rui at this time is suddenly stopped the action, in Qin Xuan Bing ear said: “Baby, we still want a child?”

“To, to …… Rui, I want to ……”

Unable to tease Qin Xuan Bing, which will still remember what three years later to have a child words, and just now she is also deliberately tease Zhuang Rui.

These days running around, Zhuang Rui is also a long time not and Qin Xuan Bing make out, immediately three times will be in the arms of the human child stripped like a little sheep, holding on to the bathroom to go.

“Just don’t answer your phone, no matter how many times you call is the same, there is no want to slam the phone forward?”

Suddenly, Zhuang Rui casual pants pocket cell phone rang, this usually very egg pain music sound, at this time, let Zhuang Rui really egg pain up, pull out the cell phone to get in front of the eyes to see a glance, but it is more egg pain.

“This girl looking for me to do ah?”

Originally, the caller is not someone else, it is the Miao police officer, Zhuang Rui from the engagement, almost more than two months did not contact with Miss Miao, really can not figure out what the other side to find him.

“Don’t hang up ah! What is it that can’t be said in my face?”

Zhuang Rui was about to hang up the phone, continue his child-bearing career, the arms of Qin Xuan Bing also saw the name on the cell phone screen, words, slightly jealous.

And then generous woman, see a young woman to their husband on the phone, that if not nervous, that she simply do not love this man, Qin Xuan Bing’s reaction is normal.

“Auntie, she and I are innocent, the heavens can judge ah!”

Zhuang Rui called out a qu, saw that Qin Xuan Bing had already started to put on her clothes, and couldn’t help but laugh bitterly, saying, “This police officer is looking for me, what good thing can there be ah! Come on, I’ll take it okay?”

“Hehe, I’m joking with you, why don’t you go out and answer the phone?” Qin Xuan Bing suddenly changed her look and said with a smile.

“Don’t, I’m still here to answer the phone, we’re doing the right thing, what are you afraid of!”

Zhuang Rui secretly slandered: “Buddy if you go out to pick up the phone, guaranteed that this day can not go to bed, we do not have this when you.”

“Officer Miao, how are you? How do you have time to find me today ah, you the big director but the day to day ah!”

Zhuang Rui pressed the answer button, of course, he will not call each other’s name, which if “Fei Fei” two words shouted out, the daughter-in-law will be back to her mother’s home tomorrow.

“Zhuang Rui, I do not call you, you do not contact me, right?”

Miao Fei Fei’s clear voice from the microphone came out, and the side of the Qin Miss although it is not delay Zhuang Rui call, but the body is standing still at the same place not moving at all, the ear is erected.

“Ai, Miao big director, you are so busy every day, where do I dare to disturb you ah! It’s so late, what’s the matter?”

Zhuang Rui secretly screamed in his heart, Miao Fei Fei usually speaks, the tone is not so grudging ah! As if she owes her something, do not play with yourself like this ah!

And this cell phone microphone amplification function, the damn good a little bit, not to mention Qin Xuan Bing is standing beside himself, estimated in the door hanging around the white lion can hear.

“How do you know I’m busy every day?”

Miao Fei Fei returned Zhuang Rui’s sentence, then said, “I want to see you now, it’s outside your house now, grab the time to come out.”

“Hey …… hey, Officer Miao, I’m not at home right now! I’m over here in Daxing Bai’s villa!”

Zhuang Rui can clearly see, beside Qin Xuan Bing’s face, with the voice coming out of the microphone, that is more and more ugly, also do not know whether Miao Fei Fei is intentional, this said out words, always through so a trace of ambiguity.

“Being at home is being at home, what’s so unspeakable?”

Qin Xuan Bing beside her coldly grunted, although the voice was not big, but it just reached Zhuang Rui’s ears, it seems that she is not willing to listen to Zhuang Rui and Miao Fei Fei flirting any more, Qin Xuan Bing put on her clothes and walked out.

“Zhuang Rui, I know you are at home, what? Don’t dare to see me?”

I don’t know if Miao Fei Fei heard Qin Xuan Bing’s words, her tone became more and more so that Zhuang Rui wanted to hit the wall.

“Officer Miao, something you say things, I’m still busy here, nothing I hang up the phone!”

Zhuang Rui thought rather than both sides of the angry, might as well concentrate on coaxing daughter-in-law it, while talking on the phone, Zhuang Rui while in the back of Qin Xuan Bing chased out, if the mother to see Qin Xuan Bing angry look, since I don’t want to have a peaceful day.

“Not allowed to hang up, Zhuang Rui, I have something to find you, it’s work.”

May have heard the sound of Qin Xuan Bing’s shoes leaving, Miao Fei Fei’s tone on the phone suddenly became normal up, this transformation makes Zhuang Rui inexplicable to and angry abnormal, you if you just talk like this, not everything is gone, right?

“Officer Miao, you are a national civil servant, the people’s servants, I’m a small ordinary people, and you have what work to talk about ah?”

After Zhuang Rui chased out of the room, he pulled Qin Xuan Bing, covered the cell phone’s microphone with his hand, and said to Qin Xuan Bing, “Work, work, Officer Miao is looking for me for work.”

“You’re not a civil servant on the mainland, what kind of work do you have to talk to her about?”

Seeing Zhuang Rui come out to chase himself, showing that he is still important in Zhuang Rui’s mind, Qin Xuan Bing was satisfied in her heart, but her face still showed dissatisfaction, and returned the words that Zhuang Rui just said to the cell phone.

This is not to blame Qin Xuan Bing petty, in front of their daughter-in-law’s face, and other women sticky, Zhuang Rui this is not looking for a hard time?

But Zhuang Rui also wronged ah! Just now he said not to pick up, is Qin Xuan Bing must he pick up, pick up the phone can not say anything on the hang up! How to say that the other party is also his friend!

“How do I know what’s going on ah! In short, a moment not to go out still not?”

Zhuang Rui at the moment that look, simply more than a small daughter-in-law and aggrieved, look Qin Xuan Bing lost his voice and laughed, said: “Well, you answer the phone! See what’s going on, won’t we exchange those artifacts abroad, what’s wrong with it?”

“Zhuang Rui, I am now announcing to you on behalf of the police that there is a case of theft and excavation of national cultural relics, and I hope you can cooperate.” Miao Fei Fei’s voice came out clearly from the microphone.

“Officer Miao, citizens have the obligation to cooperate with the police to handle the case, but also have the right to refuse, I’m sorry for you, I can’t do this, I can’t punch or kick, what can I cooperate with you!”

Zhuang Rui heard again these things, a mouth on the rebuff off, this time and Huangfu lawyer together more time, Zhuang Rui said the words are also well-founded.

Last time Zhuang Rui with Miao Fei Fei investigation of the case of the theft of ancient tombs in Hubei, went to the black market, and then Miao Fei Fei’s identity is still known by Fatty Jin, if it is not Zhuang Rui and its relationship is good, I am afraid that it would have been passed out.

Curio line has curio line rules, because of national restrictions, a lot of private exchanges of curiosities, are some of the upper grade objects, so the police are very taboo, Zhuang Rui if this matter is spread out, the capital, including the four sides of the local black market of curiosities, will definitely put him on the blacklist.

Later, when their own museum opened, less to deal with the capital antique world of the three religions and nine streams of characters, Zhuang Rui do not want to be hit with a “hawks and dogs” label.

“Zhuang Rui, please be serious, I am now representing the organization to talk to you.”

“Hey, Officer Miao, don’t get on the bandwagon, I’m used to being disorganized and undisciplined, you’d better find some professionals! I’m afraid of trouble!”

In the end, Zhuang Rui is really afraid of trouble, especially when it comes to Miao Fei Fei, this is not yet how it is, the daughter-in-law almost left home, if something happens, I’m afraid that the mother can not recognize their own son.

“Trouble? Trouble is also caused by yourself, Zhuang Rui, this case and what you encountered in Shaanxi, is the same case, and now the people involved and you contacted, that’s why we found you, hope you can cooperate.”

The voice coming from the microphone, let Zhuang Rui froze for a moment, that experience in Shaanxi, is Zhuang Rui lifetime can not forget, life and death between the white lion to save the Lord, let Zhuang Rui heart always leave a shadow.

Zhuang Rui straightened his face, out of the blue asked, “You are talking about the person who came to the door to sell the bronze today, and the case in Shaanxi is implicated?”

Boss Yu blew himself up, half of the reason is to be attributed to Zhuang Rui and White Lion, if there are still people involved in the case who have not been returned to the case, then maybe they will come to retaliate against themselves, Zhuang Rui really does not dare to be careless.

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