Chapter 0679 – Yu Zhenping (I)

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:29:29
A+ A- Turn Off Light

“Monkey, find a middleman, buy those two bronze knights, but the price should be low, press down to 50,000 a.”

Zhuang Rui sat in Panjiayuan’s “Xuan Rui Zhai” cubicle, called the monkey who was busy outside in.

Yesterday and Miao Fei Fei already talked about, first pay the money to buy the two pieces of cultural relics, if the police do a good job, Yu Zhenping turn back to find their own sale of antiques, then everything according to plan.

But if the police themselves screwed up and failed to make Yu Zhenping lose all his money, then these two bronze knights, they belong to Zhuang Rui, can not be regarded as the purchase of stolen goods, this is Zhuang Rui yesterday, after all the trouble, only to get a little benefit for himself.

“Brother Zhuang, didn’t you say you won’t buy it?”

Monkey was a bit puzzled, yesterday Zhuang Rui himself made the consequences so serious, how come after one night, he decided to buy it again?

“Let you buy it and go buy it, why ask so much? As long as you can talk about 50,000 a piece, buy it, I guess he will want cash, you have to find a trustworthy person.”

The plan most let Zhuang Rui headache, is this intermediary, Zhuang Rui is not unable to find, like fat man gold these people can, they also buy and sell black market antiques, but this has a certain degree of danger, beforehand but also to conceal others, Zhuang Rui thought about it, or decided to let the monkey go to find.

As the saying goes, the righteousness of every more slaughter dog generation, monkey all day in Panjiayuan hang out, coupled with the people wit generous, is to make a lot of buddies, of course, is the meat and wine friends or can be two ribbed knife brother, is another matter.

Monkey his small chest full of ribs beat the sky, said: “Brother Zhuang, you can rest assured! I monkey now in Panjiayuan is also a bit of a name, looking for people to do this point absolutely no problem, but I am afraid …… that this price can not speak.”

“Did not try how do you know not work?”

Zhuang Rui waved his hand and said, “Two bronze knights, one hundred thousand dollars, give that person said, to sell, immediately on the transaction, if not sold, please ask him to choose another person, but there is one thing you can state, if there is still a heavy artifacts, I will pay a big price to buy, then you can talk about it in detail.”

Not for sale? If they were not for sale, those two bronze knights would not be able to be sold in this part of Beijing city, just after Zhuang Rui agreed to cooperate with the police last night, all the buyers that Yu Zhenping had been in contact with were visited by the police one by one.

Of course, it wasn’t for them to reject Yu Zhenping, that would have spooked the snakes, with seven or eight people rejecting at the same time, Yu Zhenping would definitely be suspicious, the police just let these people press the price to below fifty thousand, which was forcing Yu Zhenping to sell to Zhuang Rui.

“Right, when it’s over, give that middleman 10,000 dollars.”

Zhuang Rui thought for a moment, and then explained, “The middleman must not have any problems, you must hand over the money to the other party, after things are talked about you come and find me, I’ll give you the bank card.”

“Cheng, Brother Zhuang, you just relax! If I, Monkey, can’t even handle this, I won’t have the face to follow you.”

After coming to Beijing, Daxiong became more and more stable, the position in the store is gradually important, while the monkey is a dispensable role, that is to say, those antique jewelry are marked price, who can not sell ah?

Monkey this time the psychological pressure is also relatively large, monthly with such a high salary, if not help Zhuang Rui do something, he himself are embarrassed to stay down.

“Okay, you kid don’t just practice your mouth, get this done, there are many things for you to do in the future.”

Zhuang Rui smiled and patted the monkey’s shoulder, the museum immediately opened, their hands simply not much manpower, the monkey mouth is good, then you can do a narrator in the museum, just do not know his own willingness.

Zhuang Rui this period of time is too busy, originally said to go back to China to go to the site that look at the site of the museum, but was held up by this thing, and the museum’s security team is not looking for, Zhuang Rui this morning just instructed Hao Long, so that he went to find some of the old veteran comrades to come over to help.

As for Peng Fei, Zhuang Rui simply did not ask him, in his troops, the lowest rank is second lieutenant, basically there is no discharge, even if the age of the older, but also to the ordinary troops as an instructor, it is not possible to work in a museum on the local.

Panjiayuan, located near the East Third Ring Road, is always so lively, along with the surrounding area is also prosperous, here itself is a good location, and then Panjiayuan antique market drive, consumption is not much worse than the central area.

Not far from Panjiayuan place, there is a district, and all around are skyscraping high-rise residential buildings are different, this community is clear seven-story buildings, and does not take the elevator, live here, most of the people are some of the old Beijing.

People living in this neighborhood, most of them are the former courtyard house demolition households, but some people in the demolition, divided into several houses, they did not sell, slightly decorated for rent, and the rent is not low, the general two-room one-hall house, the rent is a few thousand dollars.

Can afford to rent these houses, most of the people are some white-collar companies, every morning and evening commute, dressed in fashionable women and men in suits, busy in and out of the neighborhood.

But many people don’t know that in this neighborhood, there is another level of people living, and the number of people than those white-collar workers is even more, this is Beijing’s basement crowd.

From the 1980s, Beijing combined with the ground building, the establishment of a large number of underground civil defense projects, some were converted into storage rooms, but more, are in an idle state.

Because of the lack of special funds for maintenance, and the lack of specialized management, many underground human defense works into a pile of garbage, increasingly dilapidated.

In order to change the underground human defense works of this dirty situation, in the 1990s, the Beijing government put forward the “use to promote the management, hole to hole” policy, to encourage people to use the human defense works, and charge a certain amount of user fees.

With this policy in place, tenants began to utilize the human defense works to run underground hotels, but not in large numbers.

However, by the end of the 1990s, with the influx of large numbers of foreigners, the situation became very different, and by 2004, Beijing had formed a peak in the renting of human defense works, and after counting, Beijing’s basement population, had reached nearly one million people.

This kind of basement, and the TV series “Beijinger in New York” inside, Jiang Wen played Wang Qiming first went to New York to live in the basement is completely different, usually only three or five square meters in size, put down a bed, and even turn around has become difficult.

The monthly rent for such a basement is about three to four hundred dollars, and most of the people living here are migrant workers, running around for a living during the day, engaging in the most humble jobs, taking the most meager wages, and returning to the ground level at night, curling up in a space the size of a matchbox, waiting for the dawn.

Due to the low price of housing, the management is naturally unable to keep up, it is not like a hotel or hostel, where you have to show your ID card to stay, and as long as you can afford the rent, the landlord doesn’t care so much, so it is also a mixed bag of fish and dragons, and exceptionally chaotic.

People who live here, the quality of the early years is still relatively high, like Sun Nan, Xu Wei and many other celebrities in the north, are from the basement out, but in recent years, the basement’s reputation is not very good.

Often can be seen in the news, a basement occurred bizarre deaths, no need to ask, it must be a lady with guests home to do business, or is not negotiated, or is encountered to eat the king’s chicken but also robbed the money, in short, the basement has been slowly breeding as a place of crime.

If people come to these basements, what they experience must be damp, rotten, small, dull and gloomy, but for Yu Zhenping, it is to let his suppressed mood for half a year, relax a lot. Compared to the sunshine outside, Yu Zhenping was more accustomed to staying in such a place, damp and rotten, small, dull and gloomy, isn’t it exactly similar to a tomb?

Yu Zhenping, who had lived for thirty-two years and spent half of his time underground, was very comfortable with such an environment, if he could, Yu Zhenping would like to live in such a place for the rest of his life, the darkness made him feel very secure.

But now Yu Zhenping, mood is very bad, for no other reason, this time to find a few people playing antiques, said he wanted to play the two objects, but the price is very low pressure, one is even willing to pay only five thousand dollars a, two ten thousand.

Yu Zhenping know, these people can see that his these objects are not the right way, so the price is low, Yu Zhenping angry, more is helpless, because he is now, almost at the end of the road.

After escaping from Shaanxi, Yu Zhenping is penniless, the bank account is in the hands of the Yu Boss, he did not dare to go home, and did not dare to go to a crowded place.

Yu Zhenping walked along the railroad for four days, hungry to go to the railroad side of the house to pick up rags to steal something to eat, thirsty to catch some maintenance valve water to drink, and finally came to Zhengzhou, Henan Province, when the boss of the Yu set up three landing points here.

They have stolen and unearthed these years and did not sell the cultural relics, are also hidden in these three places, but let Yu Zhenping despair, he is from three places, only found six hundred dollars.

Although Yu Zhenping is small, but six hundred dollars enough to do what ah? So Yu Zhenping took a piece of bronze candlestick and used the 600 dollars as traveling expenses, ran to Hebei and sold the bronze candlestick for 20,000 dollars, but during the transaction, he was targeted by the police.

Yu Zhenping then threw down the candlestick to grab the money, relying on their own small easy to hide, thrilling escape.

But afterwards let Yu Zhenping angry almost spit blood is, since I put up a fight to straighten back twenty thousand dollars, actually have a fucking fifteen thousand dollars, are fucking fake money.

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