Chapter 0682 – King of Thieves (II)

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:29:37
A+ A- Turn Off Light

“Mr. Wei, this matter is really troublesome for you, look at me, I didn’t help, but I’ve been adding to the chaos.”

Zhuang Rui stood on the second floor of his real estate company’s sales office, looking at the busy decorators, his heart was slightly excited. After another period of time, this place would be the private museum of his own family.

At noon, after dealing with the two bronze knights Zhuang Rui drove to the real estate company side, from the things handed over to Wei Ming in Paris after he is still the first time to come.

Just now Wei Ming introduced to him, now most of these people are anti-theft security company, in the installation of a variety of anti-theft measures.

For a museum, anti-theft is naturally the most important thing, like a lot of museums in China have been rumors about the theft of cultural relics, so Zhuang Rui specifically explained Wei Ming to find the best security engineering company to do.

Turning from the first floor to the second floor, Zhuang Rui saw that at the corners of many walls, cameras were installed, and these cameras would be summarized in the monitoring room and monitored by special people.

In addition, in this space of more than 20,000 square meters, hundreds of infrared sensor alarms were also placed, not to say that it is difficult for flying insects to enter, but basically there are no dead corners.

It was important to know that these security items alone would cost nearly three million RMB, but after Chairman Ouyang took ten percent of Zhuang Rui’s shares, his conscience seized up and all of this money was paid for by the real estate company.

“Mr. Zhuang, you’re too polite this point of the end of the project is nothing, but you have to give me all the size photos of those antiques to find someone to make a special cabinet.”

The real estate company’s second boss arrived, Wei Ming the general manager naturally had to accompany him personally. However, although Zhuang Rui hung a name of general assistant in the company, Wei Ming still called him as Mr., knowing that that name could not be true.

From the receipt of Zhuang Rui’s phone, Wei Ming deployed a construction team, with a burglar-proof security company, the sales office was remodeled. Fortunately, the property has been mostly sold out, the impact is not very big.

Wei Ming on the Zhuang Rui account of this matter is very attentive, for this also specifically invited a museum decoration management experience into the company, like the production of exhibits such things as counters is that person reminded him.

Zhuang Rui heard Wei Ming this, know that the other side of the museum on their own up and down the effort, and quickly said: “Thank you Mr. Wei, I turn back to those things are photographed to send you.”

A precious cultural relics, its display cabinets are customized, according to the size and dimensions to design, and also add lighting and so on, which can show the object is extraordinary.

Compared to installing an anti-theft system, the time used to customize the display cabinets was perhaps a bit longer, because those display refusals themselves were also anti-theft, and the glass as well as the cabinet body were specially made.

Wei Ming nodded, these things he also explained to the people underneath him to do, does not need to consume much energy, and then nodded and said: “Okay, Mr. Zhuang rest assured, I will definitely ask the most professional company to make. Let me introduce you to some of the museum’s exit locations! Originally, the main door of this club was inside the neighborhood, but since it was transformed into a museum, it has to be open to the public, and I was thinking of reopening a door at the back as the main door of the museum.”

“Excuse me, Mr. Wei, I’ll take a call ……”

When the two were chatting, Zhuang Rui’s cell phone suddenly rang.

Zhuang Rui looked down at the dot display and saw that it was a monkey calling, and couldn’t help but ask strangely, “What’s wrong with the monkey? Didn’t I tell you to accompany Da Niu to dinner?”

The monkey on the other end of the phone does not know how much to drink, this will speak a little stuttering, listening to Zhuang Rui straight frown.

“Monkey, I say you kid go wash your face, clean yourself up before calling me.”

After hanging up the phone, Zhuang Rui thought thoughtfully, “Could it be that the police have already taken care of it?”

Like Yu Zhenping as the nation’s most wanted felon, hands have a hundred thousand dollars should not be desperate to sell cultural relics.

Zhuang Rui picked up the phone in his hand after thinking about it and dialed it to Miao Fei Fei.

“Officer Miao that person just came to the phone to continue to sell antiques, what should I do? Ask to see the goods?”

“Well, not only do you ask to see the goods, but you also ask that they must be heavy artifacts, not the small stuff, so that you can get him to take you to the lair where the artifacts are hidden.”

Miao Fei Fei didn’t seem to be surprised by this result, and gave Zhuang Rui an explanation over the phone.

“Uh-huh, I know about all this Officer Miao, can you tell us how you made that man’s money turn out to be gone?”

Zhuang Rui promised under his breath, but in his heart, he was straight itching what exactly did this police officer use to make Yu Zhenping become empty-handed?

“and the case has nothing to do with things do not inquire line, I’m still busy, you press me to do it!”

I did not expect Zhuang Rui asked this after the phone across the voice let him almost dropped the phone, what kind of person ah? Simply one only allowed the officials to set fire to not allow the people to light the lamp ah!

In fact, Zhuang Rui do not know, not Miao Fei Fei does not say but this is done not very honorable really can not say.

Miao Fei Fei branch of an office, has now been changed to Yu’s major tomb raiding group office, and now the office in addition to the members of the special pigeon group, but also sits a body thin old man.

The old man looked to be in his sixties, but he looked very good, his hair was half gray, and he was very ordinary, not much different from those retired workers who spent their days walking birds and playing cards on the street and in the park.

The only difference is that his left hand is always shrunk in the sleeve, if you take it out, you will find that the old man’s entire left hand has been broken off flush with the wrist, and it is his right hand, there are only three fingers, the index finger and the little root finger is also mutilated.

“Miao government all this money is here ah! I have not touched a single cent.”

When the old man did not speak, he sat there and looked relatively calm, but as soon as he spoke, a fawning flavor appeared between his eyebrows. But if one understood the old man’s origin, one would not feel strange about this expression of his. The old man’s real name is called Zuo Ya, but in the jianghu mention Zuo Ya, who may not recognize, that to talk about the left knife is absolutely famous when the world’s five thieves one of the king, is also the oldest one.

Left a knife from a young child is a bitter child, in the yellow water soaked up, although born in Beijing, but the family seven or eight dun cushion open-mouthed children, before the age of 12, he had not eaten a full meal.

To the fifties when the Great Leap Forward, but also almost starved to death, under the helpless left a knife left home to live a wandering life, became a blind stream.

This person starved hard face what also do not want, left a knife wandering, not only to eat, hands and feet also become unclean up, see which no one is touching a few things on the run, by not gradually developed the habit of thievery.

To the age of sixteen, the left knife came to Zhengzhou, in a time to steal things were caught, but catch him is not the police and the owner, but with him the same identity of a theft gang.

In the gang of thieves, the left knife began to be bullied by a small stupid thief, stealing things can only be on the side of the lookout can not get close to the circle to share the stolen goods can be mixed with a little bit of food and drink on the good, share money do not even want to think about it.

After two years of miscellaneous days mixed thieves gangs were busted, the pre-liberation king of thieves, took the left knife fled to another city, or in the same suffering on the part of the king of thieves began to teach him the craft.

With half a year’s time, left a knife in the mastery of the soap water clip coins in the kung fu, will be left-handed use of the blade of the skill to see practiced to perfection, but at this time his master was also caught by the public security, because of the crimes were shot.

Left a knife at that time did not dare to stay in Zhengzhou, alone roamed to Xi’an, with their own amazing burglary technology, hit a great reputation, in the northwest at that time, that is no one knows no one knows, under the number of hundred thieves, become a generation of thieves.

At that time, although the social unrest, but the gun hit the head, left a knife or by the public security on the spot, caught and sentenced to 10 years, and so he was released from prison in the early 70’s. The left knife before he was sentenced to 10 years in prison, he was sentenced to 10 years in prison. By the time he was released from prison, it was already in the early 70’s. The gang that Zuo Yidao had created before he was imprisoned had long since disappeared.

Not wanting to leave Xi’an, Zuo Yidao inevitably clashed with the new forces in the area, and his left hand was chopped off at that time, according to the words of another gang leader, that is, without his left hand, can you still be called Zuo Yidao?

The left knife to escape from Xi’an left knife back to Beijing, just the city more no place for him to stay under the helpless, the left knife began to return to their old jobs to continue to do the business of stealing to.

Only many people do not know is that the left-handed theft of the left knife famous means, but not the real bottom of the kung fu. His real skill is still in the mouth, the left knife can hide five razor blades in the mouth at the same time, can be in the case of God unknowingly, with the mouth of the razor blade cut through the owner’s clothes and wallet, steal the money inside.

In order to this hand kung fu left a knife that year, I do not know how many mouths were cut, how much blood, so that after returning to Beijing, although the grains are not divided, limbs are incomplete, but eat a subsistence mixed with a well-off or no problem.

Just since this line, it is inevitable to deal with peers. After paying the price of two fingers on the right hand, the left knife has successfully become a famous king of thieves in Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei and Lu areas.

Not only in Beijing, that is, some of the big thieves roaming to Shandong and Henan and other places also need to come to Beijing to worship the mountain door, in order to live here, as for not worship the left knife of the small grubs caught is to cut the finger.

The left knife’s opportunity to steal is also less and less, just the tribute of the disciples and grandchildren, it is enough for him to eat and drink. This time, he created a reputation that was even louder than in the West Lost in the year of the abundance of years.

For about five or six years, Zuo Yidao’s life was very comfortable, not only did he buy several sets of big mansions, even his daughter-in-law got married, and he had several children, and he was often able to take his daughter-in-law and son to the restaurant. To know in those days, this is almost unimaginable thing.

But the good times are not always, in the early eighties, the left knife and because of the name into the bureau, although these years he has not much out of the crime, but that is the name of the king of thieves, and let him stay in jail for twenty years.

At the beginning of this century, the left knife out of the time has been nearly sixty years old.

The left knife disciples and grandchildren of the year there are many, some have gone the right way and some are still in the fishing side door, and some want to learn the left knife that mouth in the hidden knife in the words, often send some honor, but the left knife in prison is really afraid of, one by one, will be these people are rejected.

Fortunately, the son and daughter have grown up and did not dislike him, the left knife’s old age is not too miserable.

For a knife such as the left such a prestigious thief, is also the local police station focus on the object of concern, to nothing often find the old man to talk about the heart, one to two to go to the left knife actually give the capital anti-pickpocketing team on the course.

Don’t look at the old man’s age, hands and feet or very nimble, is that those experienced anti-pickpocketing team members, in the usual lessons often planted in his hands, is that the task force deliberately invited him to let him show another wonderful hand of stunts.

Of course, the left knife this time is behavior can not be considered a theft. Individuals with a gun to beat people that is called illegal, the police with a gun that is called law enforcement, its meaning is naturally not the same.

“Miao government you see, old man I this can go?”

Although he has been released from prison for several years, and has often dealt with the police in the past two years, but Zuo Yidao still can’t change this name.

You may not know in the prison burden inside, no matter what you want to do, first of all to shout “report”, get approval before doing, and put people address correctional officers or armed police, generally is in front of the last name, followed by the word government.

Left a knife and face nearly twenty years of time are so over, see wearing uniforms balked, so the left knife just now in the name of Miao Fei Fei, can not help but use the name of the prison.

“Master Zuo this time things trouble you, but out of this door you forget about it!”

Speaking is not Miao Fei Fei, but another middle-aged police officer, although the starting point of this matter is justice, but the means is not very earthy to the stage, so this is so accounted for a sentence.

“Definitely definitely, please don’t worry about the government, this matter is designated to rot in my stomach.”

After the left knife repeatedly guarantee, only then carefully left the Public Security Bureau, nothing into this kind of place his legs and stomach trembling ah!

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