Chapter 0683 – A Good Man!

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:29:39
A+ A- Turn Off Light

“Zhuang …… Zhuang brother, I am fine, just now by the big cattle brother more than a few cups, you say it! What do you want me to do, right, just now the surname Ren called again, said to borrow some money, we borrow or not?”

Monkey was hung up by Zhuang Rui after the phone, the wine immediately woke up half, ran to the restroom with cool water to wash his face, and then filled a bellyful of water, feel the tongue smoothed out, which gave Zhuang Rui dialed the phone.

“Borrow money?”

Zhuang Rui heard froze for a moment, it seems that Yu Zhenping is really poor, desperate, actually only had an antique transaction of people, open mouth to borrow money?

Zhuang Rui thought for a moment, opened his mouth and asked, “Monkey, how much money do you still have on you?”

“Brother Zhuang, I just drew 2,000 dollars from the account, why don’t I go fetch some more?” Monkey replied.

“There’s no need to fetch it, we don’t have a deep friendship with him, so let’s do it this way! You will take 1,000 dollars to that person, other than that do not need to say anything more, explain a good object think of you on the line.”

1000 dollars said more not much, said less not less, Yu Laobai is to take this money, also can not hold much time, will eventually find themselves to trade.

“I know, Brother Zhuang, I’ll call him here, 1000 dollars is good enough to open his mouth to borrow.”

Monkey promised on the phone, after a few months in Beijing City, monkey eyesight is also high, he does not think about it, his own in Pengcheng antique market pitfalls, a month still do not see to earn 1000 bucks it!

“I top you ah!”

The Hong Kong dialect learned from Yu Laoliu could not alleviate the depression in Yu Zhenping’s heart at this time, and he was risking his head to come to Beijing City to sell antiques.

But Yu Zhenping never expected, this money comes quite fast, but go faster, blink of an eye, 100,000 dollars was stolen by the old vermin off.

Now the Yu old eight brain is a blank, he has a kind of crazy feeling, want to take out the pistol to the crowd to open so many shots, damn, buddy earn two money, easy?

The evil thief, but this also can not be alarmed, looking at the side of the uniformed security guards, Yu old eight or to stick to the wall to hide, the heart that call a stifled.

Under no circumstances, Yu Laobai remembered what the monkey said when he left, took out the phone and called the monkey.

Of course, this kind of ugly things can not be said, Yu Lao eight only said that the money is urgent, now a little nervous, want to ask the monkey first borrow a few money.

Fortunately, after waiting for about ten minutes, the monkey’s phone called again, told him a place, let him go to get the money, Yu Lao eight at this time can not care so much, after receiving the phone rushed to the monkey said the restaurant.

Yu Laobai also once suspected that this is not the young man surnamed Zhuang set? First, the money transaction to him, and then find someone to steal the money, but after careful analysis, Yu Laobai or dispel this layer of doubt.

For one thing, Zhuang Rui extraordinary temperament, and does not seem to do this kind of small things, and secondly on Zhuang Rui in Panjiayuan store, at least worth a million or so, he did not have to be for the sake of the district of 100,000 dollars, to invite a master thief to deal with their own.

Out of this gear thing, Yu Laobai can only be beaten teeth and blood swallowing, self-admitted bad luck, who let the self at that time to hold the money so tightly, by the people who have the intention to stare at.

“Boss Ren, come …… here, sit down and drink a few cups.”

Monkey is now also quite good at enjoying, eat in the restaurant also know on the private room, see “Ren Boss” walked in, although the heart disdain, or stood up to meet up.

However, if the monkey knows that “Ren someone” will be full of indignation, hand clenched the gun handle words, designated will be scared to drill into the wine table below.

“Boss Ren, did you borrow from a loan shark and lose the money? Hey, look at my mouth, you when I did not ask, come, drink ……”

Monkey and Da Niu drink is not what good wine, is fifty-six degrees of Beijing Erguotou, immediately picked up a teacup, poured a full cup, to “Ren boss” handed over.

“Hou brother, you see …… me this will have things, wine even if it!”

Looking at the monkey handed over the wine, Yu Zhenping throat rolled up and down a bit, often digging graves and digging graves of people, which are a thousand cups of not drunk, this underground Yin Qi heavy, but also need to drink wine to strengthen the courage to protect the body.

Just since the Shaanxi escape, Yu Zhenping has been living in fear, that is, in Zhengzhou, but also constantly in the three hiding curiosities of the house back and forth to change to live, the night is not dare to turn on the lights, where dare to drink ah!

Coupled with the shyness of the bag, Yu Zhenping this has been half a year’s time, did not dip a drop of wine, and at the moment smelled that pungent aroma of wine, the person has been a little smoky.

“I say Ren boss, you this is not enough fun ah! Just now for nothing I said a lot of good words to you in front of the boss, come …… feelings deep, a mouthful, dry.”

Monkey to Zhuang Rui after the phone call, and then dry a few cups of cattle, which is already drinking six or seven points of drunkenness, wine on the head of the Zhuang Rui accounted for things to forget, pulling the “Ren boss” have to let him drink this cup of wine only.

The side of the old cow is even more loud coaxing, anyway, he this “boss” identity, we all know is false.

“Okay, then I’ll drink.”

Monkey persuaded by the stomach of the wine bugs straight itch, Yu Lao eight took the cup, a raised neck, “guldon guldon” a few sounds later, a cup of nearly four two white wine, is already at the bottom.

“Good …… good amount of wine, Ren …… Ren boss is a pain in the ass, come on, eat a mouth of vegetables pressure, and then a cup.”

But all this wine drunk people, all like to persuade people to drink, the monkey is no exception, immediately poured Yu Laobai’s cup full again, and let the waiter add a pair of bowls and chopsticks.

Although Yu Zhenping has the intention not to drink, but more than half a year are eating noodles over, at this moment to see the table full of dishes, not only is the wine worm rebel, that stomach also become hungry.

However, Yu Zhenping’s alcohol capacity, far from the monkey and Da Niu can compare, after another dry cup, in turn advised the two a cup, he is nothing, but those two basically began to slide under the table.

“Hey, Hou brother, I said that thing, you see …… it.”

Although it has just been stolen by a thief, but there is a way to steal, Yu Zhenping does not want to take advantage of the monkey drunk, to touch his pants pockets, while the monkey is still a little bit of sanity, hastily brought up the matter of borrowing money.

“What is it? Still want to have a toast? Come on, who’s afraid of who?”

If Zhuang Rui saw the monkey’s appearance at this moment, it is guaranteed to be a big ear scrape to slap over, what he explained, was forgotten by this guy to the ninth cloud.

“Don’t, brother Hou, look at that money thing.”

Yu Zhenping is also anxious, he hated to return the table wine and food at this time, change into money to run away, even if it is again and the other side of the transaction, the location can not be selected in Beijing, this motherfucker is still the capital city, thieves actually so much?


Monkey drunken eyes sparse looked at Yu Zhenping a glance, said: “Right, the old Ren, let’s not say dark words in front of the bright people, you give my little brother to say, you are there is not what good objects?”

After hearing the monkey’s words, Yu Zhenping’s heart stirred and asked, “Of course there are still a few good things, but I don’t know what you bought it for, brother Hou? Are you keeping them for yourself, or are you selling them? Also, Hou brother your boss, out too stingy point right?”

“Hey, the old …… old Ren, don’t …… don’t look at our buddy relationship so good, you have to …… if you say this again, brother …… brother I and you flip face ah! My boss is not petty it, this …… this business, we have to follow the rules of business, you …… you say …… right …. …not right? Or you find another family to sell, see what price they offer ah!”

Monkey heard this, not happy, Zhuang Rui who? Zhuang Rui is fucking Bole, to him this thousand miles from Pengcheng to bring out, who say Zhuang Rui bad words, monkey absolutely dare to fight.

Of course, this buddy is also drinking a lot, hard to be the strength of alcohol to take, did not see even the words are not speaking well!

“I …… I give you, my boss is preparing to open a museum, antiques this …… this stuff, that is the more the better, the old Ren …… you …… You can rest assured that my boss is absolutely …… is …… a man of honor, the price of the loss can not treat you, if you really have, can… . can be a priority to tell me ah! Also …… fucking can let me in front of Brother Zhuang long face.”

Not to mention, monkey’s words, although drunken words, but also really dispelled the last trace of doubt in Yu Zhenping’s heart, the monkey is drunk like this, to still be able to act, that fucking can go to Hollywood as a movie star.

“Something is there, Hou brother’s boss if it is interesting, wait for me to go back, let’s contact again, don’t worry, I just sell, must give priority to brother you.”

This wine is really close to the distance between people and people, at this time Yu Zhenping look at the monkeys also eye up, a rare word from the heart, do our line, do not do as well as to do, and the old customers trading up or more assured.

“Cheng, the old …… old Ren you are quick enough, brother …… brother I brought 2000 dollars on my body today, you …… you all take it! To …… if not …… not enough words, stalling a word, brother …… brother I give …… again to you to prepare point ……”

Monkey this will drink the brain fast into a paste, estimated that now Yu Zhenping asked him to borrow his daughter-in-law with, the monkey does not take into account, very quickly from the trouser pocket out of the two thousand dollars, the monkey heavily slapped on the table.

“Good man!”

Yu Zhenping heart that call a touched, who said the world no true love ah? Yu Zhenping immediately loaded up the money, the monkey has slipped from the chair to the ground to help to the side of the sofa, and only then turned to leave the box.

Walked to the door when, Yu Zhenping asked the price of the table food and drink, heard to more than 900 dollars, Yu Zhenping immediately dispelled to help the monkey to pay the bill of mind, drilling out of the hotel disappeared without a trace.

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