Chapter 0684 – Schadenfreude

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:29:42
A+ A- Turn Off Light

“Zhuang …… Zhuang brother, I …… seem to have done something wrong.”

Zhuang Rui just returned to the courtyard from the real estate company side, received a call from the monkey, not bothering to play with the white lion that pounced on him, Zhuang Rui asked, “What happened? Didn’t lend the money to that person?”

“No …… not, brother Zhuang, you said only borrow 1000 dollars, I seem to have borrowed 2000 to him ……”

Monkey in the hotel slept for more than three hours, this will just wake up, a touch of pants pockets, a penny no more, confused and can remember, he seems to be the money to all to the surname Ren.

If it is not the bull is still loaded with Zhuang Rui gave him 10,000 yuan, today the monkey can not even get out of the hotel, after the bill, the monkey looked for a teller machine to take out 2000 yuan to the bull, which dialed Zhuang Rui’s phone.

“2000 on 2000! Monkey, this money you go from the store, give Lao Zhao a word on the line, by the way, this time to read more books, wait until the museum opens, it is possible to transfer you over to work.”

Zhuang Rui heard the monkey gave Yu Zhenping 2000 dollars, did not care much, these days, eat, drink and sleep, which do not spend money? And then frugal, 2000 dollars is not enough to spend how much time.

Then again, the police have been staring at Yu Laobai’s, maybe directly chased to the lair, without having to deal with their own second time!

Hearing Zhuang Rui did not blame himself, the monkey put down his heart and said: “I know, Brother Zhuang, you can rest assured! We are a brick in the revolution, wherever we need to move.”

“Brat, your brick is a latrine, right?”

Zhuang Rui smiled, teased the monkey and hung up the phone.

Although the monkey’s role has not been highlighted, but Daxiong in the “Xuan Rui Zhai” really helped a lot, now even if Zhao Hanxuan left, the business of the four treasures can continue.

Zhuang Rui and the white lion jostling, into the middle courtyard, see the old mother is pruning the flower garden, Zhang Ma and sister-in-law in the kitchen door picking vegetables, can not help but speak out and ask: “Mom, Xuan Bing and sister-in-law?”

When Ouyang Wan saw her son come in, she stopped her hand and said back, “She said she went to do some beauty treatment and called me to go with her, I’m old like this, what beauty treatment is there to do! Xiao Rui, your brother-in-law and the others will arrive in the evening, you go to the station to pick them up.”

Zhuang Rui smiled and said, “Mom, you’re not old at all, dress up a little, go out and say it’s my sister and someone will believe it.”

“This child, talking nonsense, okay, it’s almost time, go pick up Guodong!”

Ouyang Wan smiled and patted Zhuang Rui, she is very satisfied with her current life, every morning and evening, she goes to the park with Zhang Ma and Li Sister-in-Law, the only thing that is a little bit annoying is that there are a little bit too many old men who are retired and widowed.

Zhuang Rui drove from the station to receive Zhuang Min and other people, and then back to the courtyard, it is already dark, Ouyang Wan and Zhang Ma made a table of dishes waiting at home, Xu Qing and Qin Xuan Bing are also back.

Peng Fei’s sister Ya Ya heard that Nui Nui came over, ran over from the front yard, for a time, the courtyard became lively.

Zhuang Rui poured Zhao a glass of beer and asked, “Brother-in-law, how’s the business at home?”

“Not bad, that 4S store of ours was run early, the business is the best in Pengcheng, those auto body shops are also good, Xiao Si and the rest of them are now up to speed, I manage a little less instead.”

Zhao Guodong took a sip of wine, his face is full of smiles, in more than a year ago, he did not dream that he can still live this kind of day, have a house and a car, not to mention, go out and everyone shouted Zhao boss, double face.

However, Zhao Guodong also knows that all of this is their brother-in-law to give, although recognizing Zhuang Rui also has a lot of years, but Zhao Guodong has a feeling that he is more and more impervious to Zhuang Rui.

From nothing, to be worth billions, and now actually even play on the private jet, but only with more than a year’s time, although now the rich young, Zhuang Rui’s fortune, but also inevitably seem too legendary.

After Zhuang Rui heard Zhao Guodong’s words, he thought for a moment and said: “Brother-in-law, if you are not busy in Pengcheng, come to Beijing to live! I’m going to open a museum in a while, and I’m lacking manpower right now!”

“A museum? Xiao Rui, I don’t know anything about those things!”

Zhao Guodong froze for a moment, letting him listen to the sound of the engine and deal with cars was fine, letting him manage a museum? That was a bit of a blind spot.

“Brother-in-law, just letting you do the management, professionally, someone understands, you and sis both come over, we live together as a family, it’s also lively isn’t it.”

Zhuang Rui considered Huangfu Yun as his own private lawyer, may have to be busy with other things in the future, this museum is considered to be the largest investment in a project since, Zhuang Rui naturally want to find a person of their own to watch, that can rest assured.

“This ……”

Zhao Guodong heard a bit hesitant, to tell the truth, he is not very want to leave Pangcheng, because his family live in Pangcheng, which came to live in Beijing, can not adapt or two words!

“Xiaorui, don’t force your brother-in-law, where are you not living? The distance between Beijing and Pengcheng is not far, it’s okay to come over often.”

Although Ouyang Wan also wants her daughter and son-in-law to live here, but she knows that Zhao Guodong’s parents are at home, siblings and more, close to be able to take care of some of them, really if you come to Beijing, that mind can not necessarily be placed on this side.

“Xiao Rui, let me think about this, and then there is something about the auto body shop, but also I have to take the idea, wait and say it!”

Zhao Guodong thought about it, then said: “Nui Nui and a year old will go to school, then let her follow the mom in Beijing school it! After all, education is better over here.”

“Oh, that’s great, I can live with grandma, Yaya sister, I want to go to school with you at that time.” After hearing her dad’s words, Nui Nui shouted happily.

“Little heartless, your dad and mom have loved you for nothing!”

Hearing her daughter’s words, Zhuang Min used her chopsticks to nod her daughter’s head in an unfavorable manner, causing a table of people to laugh out loud.

“Hm? Mom, I’ll take a call, you guys eat first ……”

While joking, Zhuang Rui’s cell phone suddenly rang, glancing at the number, Zhuang Rui frowned.

“A family having a meal, where are there so many things to be busy with?” Ouyang Wan gave her son a dissatisfied look.

“Ahem, right away.”

Zhuang Rui took his cell phone and walked out of the restaurant, he didn’t dare not answer this call! If he hangs up, Zhuang Rui can guarantee that in less than five minutes, Officer Miao will definitely kill him at home.

Just connected the phone, Miao Fei Fei’s voice with accusation and questioning tone said: “Zhuang Rui, what is the matter with Yu Zhenping to see your people in the afternoon?”

“What’s going on?”

Zhuang Rui pretended to be confused, he let the monkey to lend Yu Zhenping 1000 dollars thing, should have been and the police through a gas, just that would be busy looking at their own museum, Zhuang Rui hung up the monkey’s phone and forgot.

“Yu Zhenping has not returned to the rented place until now, you quickly say, what exactly did he look for the monkey in the afternoon?” The voice on the phone was a little bit angry.

“Hey, I say Officer Miao, isn’t there someone from your police force keeping an eye on him?” Zhuang Rui asked in confusion.

The phone end was silent for a while before saying a little reluctantly, “Followed …… lost.”

“Hey, I said Officer Miao, you guys are so capable of losing his money, how come you can’t even follow a person?”

Zhuang Rui smiled gloatingly when he heard this, buddy ask you something, it’s confidential, you guys are so capable, how can you even lose a big living person?

In fact, this matter can not blame the police, Yu Zhenping that target is really too small point, and from the hotel out of the time, intentionally in front of the school and wandered around, that will be exactly the time of the school evening, he to the crowd so a drill, it is difficult to recognize out.

Although a total of seven or eight scouts in the tracking Yu Zhenping, but hundreds of students a surge out, simply can not lock the target, and guarded in the Yu Zhenping rental house near the scouts, waiting for several hours did not see him back, which is certain that Yu Zhenping is likely to leave Beijing.

The target was lost, Miao Feifei was under a lot of pressure at the moment, and then by Zhuang Rui so mocking, suddenly burst out, said in a bad tone: “Mr. Zhuang Rui, please answer my question, or you will receive a police summons, we have reason to suspect that you, in order to buy and sell cultural relics in order to buy and sell artifacts privately with Yu Zhenping, intentionally assisting each other to escape from our surveillance. ”

“Fine! You police have a lot of power, you can subpoena me ah, okay, that’s it!”

Zhuang Rui heard this from Miao Fei Fei, immediately is also fire, self is incapable, take buddies spread what fire ah? I also do not serve it, the words fell, Zhuang Rui immediately hung up the phone.

Just about to go back to dinner, Zhuang Rui’s phone rang again, a look or Miao Fei Fei, Zhuang Rui directly pressed the refusal to listen to the key, when the official is not big, the official power is not small, buddies do not evade taxes, two do not violate the law, you can take me how?

“Zhuang Rui, I apologize for what I said just now, and I don’t mean to reproach you, but what happened in the afternoon that led to the suspect’s disappearance, we must know, and I hope you can cooperate.”

The phone did not ring again, but Zhuang Rui received this text message, with Zhuang Rui’s understanding of Miao Fei Fei, this tone is still raw message, already Miao Fei Fei is apologizing to himself.

“Officer Miao, in the afternoon, Yu Zhenping called the monkey, said he was penniless, want to borrow some money, I think a penny not borrow, a little unreasonable, right? Just let the monkey lend him 1000 dollars, as for where he went, I really don’t know.”

Zhuang Rui thought for a while, then called the phone again, of course, he did not say he let borrow 1000, the monkey directly give 2000 things.

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