Chapter 0693 – Only in and out

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:30:04
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Collection play is what? Play is culture.

Why said on the record of antiques is worth money, is because of its inheritance is in order, is in the history of things that have appeared, has its own unique story and background, can be studied by people to verify and infer.

Thinking that the object in your hand may have been used by that famous person in history, that kind of feeling will definitely make you float, of course, outsiders can’t experience.

Of course, outsiders can’t realize it. The same two objects used by the Qianlong Emperor must be worth more than those used by ordinary people.

The previous article once told such a story, a go to antique store to apply for a young man, took a broken wooden bar that is the Qianlong emperor’s toothpick, immediately by the antique shopkeeper clap employment, this is a joke, but also from the side of the importance of inheritance.

And Zhuang Rui hands of the fish dragon, although did not see the records have records, but if it is really like he said that, is from the Yin Shang period of the fish dragon transformation of ancient jade, then its value, I am afraid that it is not hundreds of thousands of dollars of the problem.

In the crowd is still digesting Zhuang Rui just that time, Zhuang Rui then said: “We all know, in the Yin Shang period, there is no carp jump Dragon Gate saying. However, these two objects prove that in that era, there was also the allusion of a fish turning into a dragon, with the beautiful symbolism of a step to the sky and a finger in the sky. In my personal opinion, these things are closely related to the history and culture of that time. As you can see, the shape of this dragon-shaped jade, and that character for dragon in the oracle bone inscriptions, are very close to each other. Therefore, I assert that these two pieces of ichthyosaurus jade are representative of the culture of the Yin-Shang period, and to be more precise, they should be a more typical culture of the late Shang Dynasty. The excavation of these two pieces of jade, but also to the Yin Shang culture excavated artifacts, to make some additions, the cultural value is very high.”

In Zhuang Rui’s eyes, although these two pieces of jade have not been polished, but the rich purple-gold aura inside, compared to the “fixed light sword” are similar, the age should be similar.

And indeed, as Zhuang Rui said, the value of these two pieces of jade, not in itself, but in the two pieces of jade contained in the cultural background above, Zhuang Rui the reason why valued these two pieces of jade, precisely for this reason.

When the collection of ancient jades grows more in the future, these two pieces of jade can definitely be in the Jade Miscellaneous Pavilion, along with the Western Han Dynasty’s White Jade Tiger, which will become the treasure of the pavilion.

“It’s a long time to see, it’s really a long time to see today.”

“That’s right, to be able to tell so much knowledge from inside a piece of jade, Mr. Zhuang is worthy of being an expert who has been on CCTV!”

“This is also luck, damn, why don’t I have this luck!”

“Just you? You made the loudest noise just now, right?”

“Old Qi, how’s it going? Convinced?”

“Mr. Zhuang, tell me, how much are these two pieces of jade worth?”

The crowd said anything, and finally someone asked Zhuang Rui price in a loud voice, most of the people present are selling jade boss, there are also part of the old guests to Taobao, and suddenly stubbed their ears, wanting to listen to Zhuang Rui’s offer.

Although the value of an object can not be completely measured in money, but money is always the most direct reflection of the value of an object.

If these two pieces of ichthyosaurus jade is only worth ten or eight, then not to mention the Yin Shang ancient jade, is the yellow emperor his old man wore, I’m afraid that the crowd will not take a look, this is the market theory.

“Oh, we are all in the business, this thing to purely from its jade quality and age on the pricing words, should be in the 200,000 a piece of this way, on the auction may be a little higher. But we all know, antique this thing, is the vegetables and carrots each have their own favorites, meet like people, open again high price, that is also possible.”

“Wow, so high?”

“You know shit, Mr. Zhuang this is to say low.”

“That’s right! If this goes to auction, you can’t even think about it without a million dollars.”

“Old Li lost a lot of money this time, the treasure that was in his hands was given away again.”

Hearing Zhuang Rui’s offer, the crowd have discussed, there are those who are purely to travel, let out a gasp, and then by some connoisseurs to combat, perhaps Zhuang Rui these words, and spawned a lot of people to devote themselves to the antique trade.

As for the two objects of the original owner of the old Li, at the moment is gray, how he could not imagine, a total of seventy or eighty things, he cleaned forty-fifty, how not to see these two pieces?

Zhuang Rui said that the price, like a hammer on the old Li chest in general, holding the old Li that breath, is how to gasp when, just want to yell to vent some.

In fact, Zhuang Rui is also considered generous, in order not to hit the old Li, he has been the price of these two pieces of jade to say low, these two pieces of jade, even if it is a single sale, a piece will be more than 1 million yuan, and these two pieces of jade dragons are around the pairs, the price will be exponentially upward turn.

In last year’s Hanhai Beijing auction, a piece of Warring States period fish dragon jade pendant, the quality of the jade is not as good as these two, finally auctioned to a high price of one million three hundred thousand yuan, not to mention Zhuang Rui these two pieces of ancient jade has its unique historical and cultural background.

“Mr. Zhuang, are your two pieces of jade for sale?”

“Yes! Mr. Zhuang, if you’re willing to sell, I’ll offer 300,000 for one piece.”

“Old Wang, you’re trying to take advantage again, aren’t you?” “300,000, I’ll take as much as you have.”

“Mr. Zhuang, I’ll give you 1 million. Even one piece for me.”

“Mr. Zhuang, two pieces for 3.5 million, how about it? Let me have it?”

Don’t look at these stall bosses are not very eye-catching, but there is no lack of rich characters, talking to the price of 3.5 million, this price is not lower than the price of the auction, of course, the auction house inside the changing winds and clouds, maybe the price will be higher.

However, once the price of 3.5 million, the scene suddenly fell silent, the eyes of the crowd were focused on the bidder and Zhuang Rui’s body.

“Boss Zhuang, my name is Qiao, my family ancestor has always loved collecting ancient jade, I want to buy it for the old man, do you think you can part with it?”

Speaking this person more than thirty years old, hot days also wear a suit, talk very polite, it seems like a person with status.

Zhuang Rui smiled at the words, carefully handed over the two pieces of jade to Peng Fei, let him put away, and then said: “Mr. Qiao, friends, I’m really sorry, these two things, I’m not going to sell, recently, my brother in Beijing is preparing to open a museum of antiques that promotes Chinese culture for the line of friends and friends who like to collect to visit and exchange. I am now that brave, only into the Pixi, the urgent need for these objects, if you have on hand what do not want to play something, but can be exchanged with my brother to communicate with each other to exchange a little bit, mutual benefit well!”

Zhuang Rui’s words caused a laughter, the original those because of Zhuang Rui’s age on its some disdain for the people, also have corrected the mentality, and then look at Zhuang Rui, the vision has been different.

This antique city also has some small famous collectors, but and Zhuang Rui than, that’s far from it, can open up a private museum, not only to have a strong financial strength, but also in the antique line has a huge network and relationship.

It can be said that although the same collection of people, but the field of these people, and Zhuang Rui has not been on a level.

“Mr. Zhuang, I have a jade piwei hidden in my home, are you interested?”

“Mr. Zhuang, my family has an ancestral painting of Huang Tingjian, can you help to see it?”

“Hey, Mr. Zhuang, this is an object I received some time ago, you give to break the generation!”

After hearing the words of Zhuang Rui, the people are loud and noisy, there are let Zhuang Rui to help identify the treasure, there are also want to sell the object, for a time, the whole antique city of the first floor, become like a vegetable market in general, even the second floor of the third floor of the people, also were alarmed, the people are more and more surrounded more and more.

Zhuang Rui see this situation is also stunned, originally only want to give their own museum has not opened an advertisement, did not expect that this is actually a crowd, even the few tall security guards, are somewhat unable to suppress the scene.

“Mr. Zhuang, I’m the manager of this antique city, Zhang Li, I’m very glad that you can come here, but it’s a bit messy here, can we talk somewhere else?”

Zhuang Rui was getting confused by the noise of those people beside him when a middle-aged man in his forties squeezed his way to his side. Although there was plenty of cold air in the antique city, this person’s forehead was still covered in sweat, and it seemed that he was also stunned by the scene.

“Okay, okay, change the place to talk.”

Seeing that these people in front of him were about to lose control again, Zhuang Rui also couldn’t care less about selling his own museum, and under the embrace of several security guards, he walked in the direction of the office.

Just this is surrounded by too many people, and many people are sincere want to ask Zhuang Rui appraisal of the treasure, and refused to give way, so walked for a few minutes, were not able to rush out of the crowd.

To know, this expert appraisal, but to spend a lot of money, if you want to issue a certificate of authenticity, the price is higher, less than a thousand, more than ten thousand, the general public is not willing to spend this money, now there is a free expert in front of the eyes, who is not willing to give up this opportunity.

Seeing the squeeze out, this tension manager simply climbed to a counter above, shouted: “Everyone, everyone young and old, we are all in the circle, we play is culture, do not let Mr. Zhuang joke ah! Let’s do it this way! Any of you who have objects at home, now immediately go home to get. Zhuang teacher to our antique city guest, a moment and a half will certainly not go, will go to line up, we invited Zhuang teacher to a live treasure identification, you say good ah?”

“Good, I don’t know if Mr. Zhuang is willing to do it?”

“That’s right. Manager Zhang, if Mr. Zhuang leaves, will you appraise it?”

“Right! Let Mr. Zhuang say in or out, if in (Henan dialect, the meaning of the line, good or bad), I will go home to get things.”

What Zhang Li did not expect is that the tenants, who are usually very familiar with each other, actually do not sell his account at this moment, standing on the counter, Zhang manager’s face, is a burst of red and white, he does not know whether Zhuang Rui will agree.

Looked at a face of thirst Zhang manager, Zhuang Rui some helpless, this stroll antique city can also stroll out of things, but look at this day picked up a big leak on the part, coupled with the afternoon there is nothing, Zhuang Rui nodded and said: “according to the manager of the Zhang said to do it! But don’t too many things, one person I only look at an object, friends take some good quality, the thing to talk about it!”

Zhuang Rui is afraid of the crowd regardless of the three seven or twenty-one, the home of the ceramic jars are moved to, that is not to say an afternoon, that is, a week will not see the end of the watch.

This Zhengzhou area to play collection of people, do not have to be less than Beijing, because of the surrounding cities, the heritage is too deep, Luoyang Kaifeng, the history of that one are longer than Beijing.

“Good, everyone make way, Mr. Zhuang promised to let Mr. Zhuang first go to rest.”

“Right …… right, let let let let, quick let let let let ……”

Hear Zhuang Rui promised down, the crowd issued a cheer, the crowd’s requirements, in fact, is very easy to meet Well, has begun to people take the initiative to maintain order.

There is that shrewd people, is to turn around and go, this early to get back something, can early let Zhuang Rui see, otherwise this at least a few hundred people within the queue, that queuing up to what time to go ah?

At one time, the car drive, no car cab. Whether it is the owner of the stall or to loiter in the old customers, a swarm of people from the antique city surged out. For those who don’t know, I’m afraid they would think that a bomb has been planted in the antique city!

“Old Li, the rest of your jade, still selling ah?”

This antique city has not run out of people, but stared at the old Li has been frozen in place, these did not clean the stuff inside out two pieces of Yinshang ancient jade, it is not guaranteed to be a bit of a good thing it!

“Sell! Mal’s next door, this wealth should not be my old Li’s, but the rest of this, 500 dollars a, who want who take.”

Old Li this will be pondering, this is clearly a “landmine” fraud, how can out of the two real thing it? After half a day’s thought, Lao Li felt that he was still not right, money and wealth do not get involved in the reason.

Something is their own in full view of the sell out, old Li also did not have the face to repent, he is also betting on the breath, hundreds of thousands of things have been picked up, the rest of the thirty dollars, he did not care, but the price is ten times, from fifty to five hundred.

“Hey, old Li, you’re so fucking black-hearted, right?”

“Yeah! Old Li, cheaper, one hundred dollars a piece, I’ll buy a few for fun.”

At this moment, those who stayed behind were mostly stall owners who didn’t take care of their stalls, and after hearing Old Li’s words, they laughed and cursed.

“500 a, love to not, my old Li did not have this fortune, it is not allowed to say that any of you can hit the jackpot it!” Old Li bit the bullet.

“Okay! Give me one.”

“I want one too.”

“Old Li, you’re a fucking pickpocket, I want four, wait, I’ll pick my own.”

Although the crowd cursed loudly, but did not stop, blink of an eye, the old Li’s remaining more than thirty soil-stained “ancient jade” actually sold no one left.

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