Chapter 0703

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:30:31
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Don’t look at Yu Zhenping put on an appearance of being familiar with Zhuang Rui, but he never let his guard down, and the gun that was originally in the pocket of his fat pants was also pinned to his back waist to make it easier to pull it out at any time.

But now after hearing Zhuang Rui’s words that he was willing to pay, Yu Zhenping was truly relieved.

“Boss Zhuang, please come in!”

After waiting outside the door for more than ten minutes, Yu Zhenping took the lead and walked into the house and turned on the lights.

The hall room of the small building was simply furnished with a set of sofa and a coffee table, when Boss Yu used to live here, he used to hitch a ride to the farmhouse to eat, and on weekdays, he also wandered around the foot of the mountain, and there wasn’t much in the house.

“Ren …… Ren boss, this …… is nothing!”

Zhuang Rui turned around in all directions, probably on the sofa behind the tin kettle of more than 20 years, in addition to not a piece of old things.

“Hehe, Boss Zhuang, the stuff is all in those two rooms, you can go and see for yourself.”

Yu Zhenping smiled and threw the bunch of keys in his hand to Zhuang Rui, then said, “There are three rooms upstairs that can be occupied, we can’t leave today, we’ll stay up there at night!”

“Good, I’ll listen to Boss Ren’s arrangement, if there are still good things in the future, be sure to think of my little brother ah!”

After receiving the key, Zhuang Rui gave Peng Fei a wink, signaling him to hand over the backpack containing the money to Yu Zhenping, and opened a door with the key himself.

After opening the door, Zhuang Rui didn’t rush in, but reached out and touched the wall next to the door to turn on the electric light in the house.

“I …… halo, this …… this is all antiques?”

Even though he had been psychologically prepared before, after entering that room where the antiques were placed, Zhuang Rui couldn’t help but burst out, probably because he hadn’t been to some of the museum treasuries! This room full of bronzes gave Zhuang Rui a great shock.

Directly opposite the door of the room on the floor, placed more than ten bronze chimes of different sizes, the largest is more than half a meter high, while the smallest is only the size of a fist, on which are carved with a variety of patterns, unusually exquisite.

“Damn it, why don’t the archaeology department simply open a specialized course on tomb raiding.”

Looking at the bronze chimes that can be comparable to the bronze tripod that he just saw, Zhuang Rui was a bit speechless, no matter from the academics, or from the chimes themselves, the value of these things is definitely not lower than that bronze tripod.

When Zeng Houyi Tomb chimes were unearthed, the world of archaeology was shocked, because more than two thousand years ago there were such exquisite musical instruments, such a magnificent band, in the world’s cultural history is extremely rare.

Although the back of the successive chimes have been unearthed, but are smaller and broken, like Zhuang Rui in front of these things, I’m afraid that once the world, but also will cause a great sensation.

Zhuang Rui to move away from the line of sight on the chimes, and then look elsewhere, in the doorway on the ground, placed a lot of bronze weapons, there are go, spears, axes, battle-axes, swords, halberds, etc., a lot of weapons are Zhuang Rui have never seen, although the top of the rust, but Zhuang Rui know, these things in the thousands of years ago, are some killers sharp weapon.

Another scattered is some bronze ceremonial objects, like Yu Zhenping previously sold to Zhuang Rui’s bronze knighthood, the ground actually has fifteen or sixteen, like garbage generally thrown there.

There are also quite a few as a slave owner aristocrats marrying their daughters when the bridegroom, also casually placed on the ground, Yu Zhenping and others are also considered to be hungry, even those bronze coins (cloth coins, knife coins), bronze hoes and other agricultural tools did not let go, full of stuffed a room.

Zhuang Rui stood in the doorway eyeballing, the whole room should have no less than two hundred pieces of artifacts, mostly bronze, only a few pieces of pottery, but the workmanship is relatively rough, Zhuang Rui did not care much.

Deeply inhaled a mouthful, Zhuang Rui calmed down the excitement of seeing so many objects, feel the room’s turbidity release is almost the same, Zhuang Rui lifted his foot and walked into the room.

“Hm? What’s going on?”

This room should have not been opened for a long time, but Zhuang Rui did not feel a trace of stuffiness, because just after stepping into the room, the aura in his eyes stirred up and automatically disappeared out of Zhuang Rui’s body.

Through the aura can be seen, the house is filled with almost golden yellow aura, thick as if liquid, and Zhuang Rui eyes of the aura into it, like a fish to the water, can not stop in the inside of the shuttle.

Zhuang Rui can feel that his original purple aura, the color is also gradually changing, a trace of gold escaped into it, some dim purple, became bright.

After about four or five minutes, the aura in Zhuang Rui’s eyes seems to be full as if, back to Zhuang Rui’s eyes, do not care about checking the things in the room, Zhuang Rui slightly closed his eyes, feel the changes in the aura.

The original purple color had now turned into a purple-gold color, and although he enjoyed the comfort of the aura entering his body again, for a moment, Zhuang Rui had no way of knowing exactly what kind of change had occurred.

Opening his eyes, Zhuang Rui looked out of the house, aura through the wall, Zhuang Rui saw the dirt road outside the village, looking further ahead, it was like a camera was putting in a long distance, it couldn’t stop extending along the dirt road.

“Shit, it can’t be?”

Zhuang Rui found that the distance of the aura sight seemed to become farther again, from this small building of Yu Zhenping, to that hope elementary school at the entrance of the village, there was a distance of three to four hundred meters, but in Zhuang Rui’s eyes, it was possible to see clearly, and it seemed that there was still power left.

“When there is time in the future, must go to Shaanxi Lishan and Inner Mongolia prairie around a circle to go, this Qin Shi Huang Mausoleum and Genghis Khan tomb, even if buried deeper, but also can not penetrate into the ground three or four hundred meters, right?”

After discovering the mutation of the eyes, Zhuang Rui immediately surfaced in his mind this idea, must encourage Professor Meng to dig the Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor, buddy on this specialty, not use is not a waste?

For their own eyes, Zhuang Rui has given up to study the mind, this aura although controlled by him, but the escalation of no regularity, in the Da Zhao Temple, in Burma, in the United Kingdom and in this relatively small room, are inexplicable changes occurring on their own.

Zhuang Rui guessed in his heart, perhaps it is and this room sealing a little relationship, and so later have time, must pull the fat man to go to the Palace Museum to place the antiques of the treasury to see.

“Huh? Finally arrived?”

Just when Zhuang Rui was ready to look a little further, at the head of the village, a few people wearing camouflage uniforms were hidden in the night, no need to ask, this must be Jiang Hao’s capture team.

They didn’t enter the village, probably just arrived, Jiang Hao was talking to one in a low voice, holding a cell phone in his hand and fiddling with it.

Just then, the cell phone in Zhuang Rui’s pants pocket, vibrated, walked a few steps toward the house, avoiding the sight of Yu Zhenping, who was counting the money outside, after Zhuang Rui took out his cell phone.

“Have you seen the goods?”

A text message appeared on the cell phone screen, it was sent by Jiang Hao, although this place was poor, not even a phone was installed, but Zhuang Rui should still be grateful to China Mobile, actually got a wireless base on the mountain.

“Boss Zhuang, have you finished reading?”

Zhuang Rui took a look towards the door and was about to reply with a text message when Yu Zhenping’s voice suddenly came, scaring him so much that he almost threw his cell phone out.

“No …… not yet, so many things, it doesn’t matter to move outward, right?”

Zhuang Rui hurriedly stuffed the phone back into his pants pocket, pretending to check those bronzes, and at that moment, Yu Zhenping’s figure also appeared at the entrance of the room.

“It’s fine, as long as I give Branch Li a greeting.”

Yu Zhenping seemed to have something he wanted to talk to Zhuang Rui about, and took a step towards the room, then said, “Boss Zhuang, if you are satisfied with this place, I still have a business I want to talk to you about.”

“Oh? Then go out and talk!” Zhuang Rui was a bit helpless, he couldn’t call in front of Yu Zhenping, could he?

“Boss Zhuang, please drink the water, this is the well water from the house, it’s clean and quenches your thirst.”

The house was a bit stuffy, Yu Zhenping greeted Zhuang Rui and Peng Fei and sat down in the yard, not knowing where he turned over two tea pots, which were filled with the well water he had just pumped up.

“This would be nice if there was a watermelon to eat.”

Zhuang Rui from a young age also did not drink less cool water, coupled with just look at those objects, has long been a dry mouth, immediately picked up the teapot and drank a mouthful, and immediately felt a cool air straight into the chest and lungs, dry and hot weather seems to have become cooler in an instant as well.

“It’s too late today, tomorrow I’ll ask someone to pick a few watermelons to soak inside the well, that’s only cool to eat!”

Yu Zhenping casually replied, and immediately afterward said, “Boss Zhuang, I still want to make a deal with you.”

“Tell me, I’m not afraid of many things.”

“I can see that you are a person of status, Boss Zhuang, I would like to ask you to do me a favor, can you do me out of the country?”

Although Yu Zhenping is rich now, but he used to be only responsible for digging graves, nothing else, let him go to smuggling, he really can’t find any doorway, so he begged to Zhuang Rui.

Zhuang Rui smiled bitterly in his heart: “Do you go abroad? Then dude would have to run himself into jail.”

Yu Zhenping saw Zhuang Rui pondering, hurriedly said, “As long as Zhuang boss can help this favor, Ren someone will be rewarded, like this old object, I still have a few hundred pieces, all can be given to you.”

“What? You still have them? Those 1000+ objects aren’t all here?”

Zhuang Rui ate a shock, dare this cunning rabbit three holes, here is just a hiding place ah?

Zhuang Rui under the shock, but did not pay attention to his own words missed, Yu Zhenping but never told him, how many things he has a total of.

“Boss Zhuang, how did you know my bottom?”

Zhuang Rui did not pay attention, but Yu Zhenping was really listening, his face instantly became gloomy, a pair of eyes staring at Zhuang Rui, while his right hand quietly to the back of the waist to touch.

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