Chapter 0712 Platform (I)

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:30:55
A+ A- Turn Off Light

The country’s tourist attractions at all levels, although the direct management department is the National Tourism Administration, but due to the special nature of some attractions, and the cultural sector also has some connections.

And travel agencies and various attractions of the relationship, and is very close, so in the forty-nine city an official position is not high, but holds the real power of the leadership of the word, Zhuang Rui’s museum, has become the major travel agencies in the tourism line, a very important part of the link.

After lunch back to the museum, the parking lot next to the museum, has been parked full of all kinds of tourist buses, in front of the museum, is standing full of guides with small flags, wearing a variety of travel agency hats of tourists.

The museum security personnel with walkie-talkies hanging from their ears, their eyes checking the beautifully printed tickets while counting the number of tourists entering the museum, everything seemed so well organized.

Now the gate of the museum has been closed by the electronic fence, only two people can pass through at a time to facilitate the security personnel to check the tickets, Zhuang Rui and the others are entering from the other side of the museum, and can directly reach the conference room.

“Older brother, I won’t follow the hilarity, let’s get in touch later, I have to stay in Beijing for a few more days.”

Get off the car, take advantage of the work to go to the conference room, Fatty Ma squeezed into the side of Zhuang Rui, this day Zhuang Rui is really too busy, even Fatty Ma such a very good relationship with friends, do not have time to greet.

Zhuang Rui looked at the sweaty Fatty Ma, a little embarrassed to say: “Brother Ma, really sorry, back down, I invite you to dinner.”

Heard from the opening of the museum, the lack of some miscellaneous antiques, this brother with a car to pull hundreds of Shanxi lacquerware, from the Han and Tang dynasties to the Ming and Qing dynasties, there is no lack of fine products, some of the gold lacquerware is worth a lot of money.

According to archaeological excavations in kind, the earliest period of the emergence of lacquer, can be traced back to the Neolithic period, in the Shang Zhou, Han and Tang dynasties, although the lacquer is also used in life, but mostly for decorative use.

Until the end of the Tang, Ming and Qing dynasties, the rapid development of porcelain, instead of lacquer decorative function, lacquer is more as a family or court practical tools.

According to Zhuang Rui’s estimate, the value of these lacquer ware, I’m afraid to be in more than thirty million.

Thirty million for now Zhuang Rui and fat man, may not be anything, but this favor Zhuang Rui is owed, because even if Zhuang Rui with 30 million in cash, I’m afraid that these objects can not be collected.

Because of this batch of lacquer ware, Zhuang Rui is ready to miscellaneous hall and then separated into a few smaller pavilions, like jade pavilion, lacquer ware pavilion, perhaps in the future according to a certain type of other collections, and then open other pavilions.

Now lacquer pavilion exhibition cabinet ordering is already in progress, I believe it will not take long, once in the history of the great popularity of lacquer, will be able to appear in front of the tourists.

“Eating even if, when time free to take brother to go to Burma again on the line, haha ……”

Fatty Ma patted Zhuang Rui’s shoulder, then said: “Older brother, brother in this life count on this pair of eyes to eat, look at so many people, only can not see through your kid, do a good job!”

In more than a year ago, Fatty Ma knew Zhuang Rui that will, Zhuang Rui only two or three million of the family, barely counted as a small rich, but now, from the property, Zhuang Rui has been able to and Fatty Ma equal.

Fatty Ma came to this step today, but ate a lot of pain, around a lot of corners, after more than twenty years of struggle, only now the family, and Zhuang Rui has it all, only with less than two years of time, which makes more than forty years of age just in the prime of life of Fatty Ma, but also a little bit of the feeling of old age.

Look at the fat body of fat Ma disappeared in the door, Zhuang Rui heart also has a lot of feelings, he is not relying on this pair of eyes, get now have all this it?

“Mr. Zhuang, why don’t you go in!”

“Mr. Zhuang, I have a few things in my hand, let’s exchange them when we have time?”

“Elder brother Zhuang, some of the collections in your pavilion, is there any intention to exchange them?”

Today Zhuang Rui is no time to reminisce there, this just go a god, there are constantly people in and he greeted, of course, the topic is still inseparable from the antique this line of work.

“Can, can, turn around we contact.”

“Hey …… Mr. Liu, you don’t ponder over my stuff, the objects in my pavilion, that’s only out and not in.”

Zhuang Rui casually and the crowd hitched a conversation, these people are already very likely to become his customers, and these collectors and experts from all over the country to maintain a good relationship, is very necessary.

Antique line is the most concerned about the exchange, some people exchange collections is for hobby, but more people exchange collections, but simply to make money, take this as a means of livelihood, and the country counts on this line to eat, but also not in the minority.

Friends do not think that there are good things, will certainly be able to sell a good price, an antique sold, is affected by many aspects, such as the auction house’s publicity efforts, the strength of the market speculation, and the purchaser’s ability to consume, etc. And the auction house is also picking objects to sell.

And the auction house is also picking objects to shoot, not anything can be sent to shoot, let’s say, like the bronze transaction, generally must be carried out in private.

Therefore, many people even if the collection of good things, but because of the reasons mentioned above, has been left in the hands of unwilling to sell, just to find a suitable buyer.

The economic strength shown by this museum, is beyond doubt, Zhuang Rui is in different occasions, revealed his desire to buy antiques, so many collectors, have expressed to Zhuang Rui want to further exchanges of meaning.

While and the crowd polite, into the museum’s conference room, the large conference room is full, can be said, this is the antique world of a grand event.

Although Mr. Ma’s museum was engaged in a membership system, it usually organized a small gathering of thirty to fifty people at the most, and I’m afraid that a nationwide gathering like today’s could only summon so many people except when the country was conducting certain reform seminars.

“Gentlemen, ladies and friends, on behalf of the Definitive Light Museum and General Manager Zhuang, I would like to thank you all for being able to attend the opening ceremony of the Definitive Light Museum on your busy schedules.”

The meeting was hosted by Huangfu Yun, the deputy director of Huangfu played the eloquence of being a lawyer, after saying some un-nutritious words, Huangfu Yun then said, “Today all of our colleagues gathered together, in addition to exchanging the collection experience and insight, we, Mr. Zhuang, always have a proposal, which is to start a membership collection website, all of us here will be the members of this website. ”

“Huangfu curator, what is this membership ah? What’s the use of joining?”

“Yeah! This old man of mine hasn’t been on the internet yet!”

“It’s not like you can see the real thing online, it doesn’t mean much!”

Hear Huangfu Yun next words, the field was talking, to be honest, although now talk about advancing with the times, but in 2005, these people playing with the collection, there are really not a few understand what is called online surfing, there is that time, they are used in the antique market around.

There are not understand, there are not think, but there are also people face become not very good, like Mr. Ma’s museum, with the membership system, he did not know whether this website membership system will have an impact on him, when the cough, took a microphone in front of the round table where he was sitting, said: “Quiet, first listen to the director of the Imperial Palace Museum to finish.”

Mr. Ma is still very influential in the antique world, these people present, almost a quarter of them are members of his museum, paying annual dues to him, so once Mr. Ma’s words fell, the venue slowly became a little quieter.

“Ahem, let me explain!”

Zhuang Rui see Huangfu Yun a little can not calm the scene, then took over his microphone, said: “Engage in this website, is a vision of my humble self, we come from all over the world, it is difficult to get together so often to exchange …… but the network is different, no matter where we are, can be exchanged online experience gains and losses, and can be their own want to bid on the objects. And can they want to get out of the object, take a photo to hang up, and want to buy something, but also in the website to leave purchase information …… With this platform, we can according to their own needs, private see goods trading, as the saying goes: a person counts the short and the long, I believe that in the hundreds of collectors here in the collectibles, there is always something that we like and need. There is always a favorite and the need for contraptions, so that the exchange of goods, than we can only go to the auction house and antique market to get objects to be stronger, right?”

See all the faces are showing a thoughtful look, Zhuang Rui paused for a moment, drank a mouthful of water, and then said: “Of course, our website, only for the exchange of information between the collection, as for the authenticity of the collection and the later transactions, the site is not involved, but also need you to identify privately, I think, there is Mr. Ma’s team of appraisal, this problem should not be difficult to solve. ”

Zhuang Rui’s words, let the original face a little ugly Mr. Ma, eyebrows stretch open, to know, Mr. Ma’s members, mainly are rushing to can free to help its identification of antiques this point of welfare, and participate in.

Zhuang Rui words in the meaning of the obvious, the site is only used for the exchange of information, appraisal of this piece of no matter, that is to say, and his business is not only no conflict, there is a great complementary role.

“Xiao Zhuang’s this suggestion is good, all of you here are experienced collectors and experts, take out the object, I think it will not be too false, can exchange (trade) space is very large, not now those collection website can be compared.”

Mr. Ma’s next words, let the crowd’s heart light up, don’t look at only a few hundred people here, but these hundreds of people can be a little bit of reputation in the collection of people, hands of the good things, is not the general more.

Usually due to geographical restrictions, it is likely that the people are in their own or neighboring cities to communicate and trade, so the communication surface becomes very narrow.

But with Zhuang Rui said this website, everyone will be able to see all the people want to bid or want to buy things, can choose the margin will become a lot bigger.

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