Chapter 0716: A series of happy events

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:31:05
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In recent years, due to the purebred Tibetan Mastiff is sought after by many rich people, there are many people who go to the Tibetan area to buy Tibetan Mastiffs, but there are very few news rumors about which place there are still wild Tibetan Mastiffs, not to mention the wild Tibetan Mastiffs that fall off the list.

The white lion is very spiritual, seems to know that Zhuang Rui and Liu Chuan talk about the problem and it has a relationship, the original lying body, stood up, the big head can not stop rubbing on Zhuang Rui.

“Da Chuan, turn around and contact big brother Rinchen Tsom, let him find that herdsman, I want to go to Tibet again.”

Zhuang Rui rubbed the white lion’s big head and pacified it a bit, it seems that this guy is really in the throes of spring, thinking about if he can find another purebred snow mastiff to give the white lion as a companion, Zhuang Rui’s heart is also a bit excited.

“Wood, don’t get excited first, listen to me finish my sentence.”

Liu Chuan saw Zhuang Rui that posture, seems to want to run to Tibet now, spoke out and said, “I’ve long let Renqing Tsom big brother to find that herdsman, but when this thing happened, or in February, now that Tibetan mastiff, long ago I do not know where to run to.”

Tibetan herdsmen, all still maintain the tradition of the grassland, every winter time, will nest winter, many herdsmen will tent together, to form a gathering place, and that see the snow mastiff herdsmen, is in the nest winter time, in the campground near to see.

However, Tibetan mastiffs naturally like the cold, when it’s cold they may roam the prairie to forage for food, but when it’s hot, they are likely to burrow into the depths of the snowy mountains, where human traces are rare.

“Da Chuan, do you mean to say that you want me to go back in winter?”

After patiently listening to Liu Chuan’s words, Zhuang Rui opened his mouth and asked, the winter of the Tibetan Plateau, Zhuang Rui does not want to go again, that cold is absolutely piss into ice, even in this month now, the temperature difference between morning and evening is also very uncomfortable.

“Wood, this thing I advise you not to rush, the Tibetan plateau is so big, who knows in half a year ago to see the snow mastiff, now will drill to where ah?”

Liu Chuan said here paused for a moment, then said: “I and Rinchen Tsom big brother discussed, he did not go to the pastoral area last year, still a little bit uncomfortable, ready to go to graze again this year, by the way, search for some good Tibetan mastiffs, to see if you can meet that snow mastiff again, if you can really meet, and then notify you to take the white lion to go, so that the targeting will be a little bit stronger. ”

In fact, when Liu Chuan said this, he himself does not believe that Renqing Tsom can encounter that snow mastiff, Tibetan mastiff although there is also a territorial concept, but that is for the mastiff group, like the mastiffs that do not join the group, generally are hunting to where to go to where, will not stay in one place for a long time.

“I’ll think it over! Old buddy, don’t be disappointed, will definitely find you a bride.”

Zhuang Rui also knows that Liu Chuan is telling the truth, he is now running to Tibet, that is certainly like a headless fly, can not play any role.

Zhuang Rui said a little angry, patted the white lion’s big head, said: “I said your kid is also too picky a little bit, mastiff inside so many female mastiff, you can not find a well!”

“Oooh ……”

The white lion seems to understand Zhuang Rui’s words, I do not know if it is intentional, the body re-plopped again, but it is to Zhuang Rui plopped over, the huge body at once to Zhuang Rui pressed on the ground.

The white lion showed such spirituality, so that in addition to Ouyang Wan and Qin Xuanbing outside the people, are looking at the dumbfounded, this whole a child in to the adults to play temper ah!

“Shit, you kid is still not happy.”

Zhuang Rui is somewhat speechless, after pushing away the white lion, he said to those gloating people, “dispersed, all dispersed, go to sleep, after a day of exhaustion and still being bullied, there is no God’s justice ah!”

Time is not early, in a laughter, all the people are each back to their own rooms, just Zhuang Rui and Qin Xuan Bing behind, but also followed by the white lion that big guy, the white lion is afraid of the heat, Zhuang Rui in the backyard specially organized a room, open the air conditioning for it to sleep.

“Today but tired, but daughter-in-law, do you know, my museum today earned how much money ah?”

After returning to the room to take a shower, Zhuang Rui embraced Qin Xuan Bing, greedily sniffing Qin Xuan Bing’s body fragrance, this time he stayed in the museum, almost a week without making out with his daughter-in-law.

“Do you still lack money?”

Qin Xuan Bing gave Zhuang Rui a glance, raised her hand and pressed Zhuang Rui’s hand that reached for her belly, said, “Zhuang Rui, don’t move, I have something to tell you.”

“There’s something to say tomorrow! Hey ……”

Zhuang Rui smoothly turned off the bedside lamp, rolled over and pressed Qin Xuan Bing underneath her.

Qin Xuan Bing hastily used her hand to push Zhuang Rui, her mouth anxiously said, “Don’t, can’t be pressed, Zhuang Rui, I may …… also …… also be pregnant.”


Zhuang Rui’s voice was so loud that the white lion in the next compartment violently scurried out and hissed in a low voice at the window of Zhuang Rui’s room.

“White Lion, it’s fine, go back.”

After Zhuang Rui heard Qin Xuan Bing’s words, the whole person is a little silly, two hands propped up on the bed, the body is a little afraid to press Qin Xuan Bing, until the white lion’s voice sounded, Zhuang Rui reacted, and hastily opened the bedside lamp.

“Xuan Bing, you …… what you said is true?”

Zhuang Rui is still maintaining that funny posture, but his eyes are motionless looking at Qin Xuan Bing underneath him, his face is a little excited, and the voice of the question is also slightly trembling with trembling.

Zhuang Rui this year is already 27 years old, in his classmates inside, great brother is considered to be married by a son, Nurse Song is now caring for their own, the oldest three gave birth to a daughter, has been several months old, to say that Zhuang Rui is not envious, that is certainly a blind word.

Qin Xuan Bing was Zhuang Rui look some blush, pushed him a hand, said: “I have not gone to check, but these days feel nausea, want to vomit, before do not like to eat spicy, but now especially want to eat, and, you are not at home in the past few days, always easy to fatigue, want to sleep.”

Although Zhuang Rui doesn’t know much about this, but the basic common sense is still known, and at that moment he opened his mouth and asked, “Is that …… that one coming?”

“What ah?”

Qin Xuan Bing was a bit embarrassed, turned her face to the side and said, “That …… one hasn’t come after a week, I thought of going to check it in the next two days!”

“Xuan Bing, I’m sorry, look at me, I’ve been so busy these past few days that I haven’t even returned home.”

Zhuang Rui sniffed a little ashamed, I’m afraid that the reason Qin Xuan Bing didn’t say anything to her mother was that she wanted to wait for her own free time, take her to check it out, and then tell her family when she was sure.

“Hubby, it’s fine, I’ve been asking Sister Xu Qing about things to pay attention to when she’s pregnant for the past few days, so if I can take care of myself, I’ll be able to take care of our baby as well.”

When Qin Xuan Bing said this, her face was filled with happiness, and she gently stroked her hand over her still symptomless belly, as if she felt that there would be a little life in there.

“No, let’s go to the hospital now.”

Zhuang Rui climbed up from the bed, found his own clothes and put them on his body, heaven and earth, daughter-in-law is pregnant the biggest, Zhuang Rui can’t wait for a moment to be in a hurry.

“You people, why do you say wind is rain?”

Qin Xuan Bing looked at Zhuang Rui helplessly and said, “Go back tomorrow! Don’t toss mom and the others up, there’s no good doctor’s on duty at the hospital right now.”

“Yes, yes, no ……”

Zhuang Rui this will be a little happy do not know the southeast and north, after hearing the words of Qin Xuan Bing, just nodded his head, followed by shaking his head, said: “tomorrow to go is fine, I first go to find the fourth brother, ask sister-in-law pregnant to find which doctor, can not find a male right?”

Looking at Zhuang Rui hurriedly running out from the room, Qin Xuan Bing couldn’t help but laugh bitterly, not thinking that her husband is still a bottle of vinegar, to know that the best obstetricians and gynecologists in the world are all men.

“I say five children, is not just to go to see a doctor, you as early as early in the morning to toss me up, hush, keep your voice down, do not wake up your sister-in-law.”

Ouyang Jun was very upset and pulled Zhuang Rui to the courtyard, it was just after six in the morning, Zhuang Rui came and knocked on the window, he had knocked once last night.

“Hey, fourth brother, excited, excited in my heart, look, my mom is up, what else do you have to complain about.”

Zhuang Rui also knew that he was a bit excessive, not only did he knock on Ouyang Jun’s window last night, he tossed the entire middle courtyard, all of them.

Ouyang Wan even went to Zhuang Rui’s room and carefully inquired about Qin Xuan Bing’s reaction in the past few days, saying that in all likelihood, she was pregnant.

“Auntie, you’re too much, so early in the morning the doctor did not go to work ah! I’ll take Zhuang Rui and my siblings to the hospital, so don’t follow.”

Ouyang Jun took a look, always quiet Ouyang Wan, really in the yard, it seems that yesterday night did not sleep well.

Ouyang Wan had a hint of joy on her face, glared at her nephew and said, “What words, which day didn’t auntie get up so early? But for today’s soup, it’s time to make an extra one.”

“Come on, count me out, let’s sit here and wait!”

Ouyang Jun helplessly sat down by the pond to watch the swimming fish go by, while Zhuang Rui was excitedly walking around the yard.

“I’m fine, don’t make people laugh.”

Only when it was more than eight in the morning did Zhuang Rui return to his room and helped Qin Xuan Bing out like he was inviting the Empress Dowager, causing Qin Xuan Bing to cry and laugh a little.

“Who’s laughing? I didn’t help someone else’s daughter-in-law.”

Previously it was Qin Xuan Bing holding Zhuang Rui’s arm, but now it’s changed over to Zhuang Rui holding his daughter-in-law’s arm, Ouyang Wan who was waiting at the entrance of the restaurant laughed.

“Fourth brother, stop eating, why eat so much!”

After waiting for Qin Xuan Bing to finish her mother-in-law’s soup, Zhuang Rui pulled Ouyang Jun up with one hand.

“Hey …… hey, I say you kid, I haven’t even finished eating a bun!” As Ouyang Jun stood up, he hurriedly grabbed two buns in his hand.

“Brother Zhuang, someone in front is looking for, saying it’s someone from some religious administration.”

Zhuang Rui went into the garage and just started the car, his cell phone rang, but it was Hao Long at the front door who called.

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