Chapter 0717 – Taking the Pulse

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:31:07
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“The Religious Administration? What are they looking for me for?”

Zhuang Rui was a bit puzzled holding the phone, he had never even heard of this organization, let alone dealing with them in any way.

“Brother Hao, I have something important to do right now, let them come this afternoon!”

Zhuang Rui is now immersed in the happiness of being a father soon, even if the Emperor of Heaven comes to find them, it will have to wait until he’s finished bringing his daughter-in-law for a checkup.

“Fourth Brother, what is this Religious Administration Bureau for?”

Zhuang Rui hung up the phone, carefully backed the car out of the garage, since hearing the news of Qin Xuanbing’s pregnancy, Zhuang Rui students have become more and more careful, women need to be taken care of, the belly of that even more need to be taken care of.

“The Religious Administration Bureau is to manage those monks and Taoist priests, uh, in addition to the communist beliefs they don’t care, the other spreading beliefs, are under their control …….”

Ouyang Jun on Zhuang Rui early in the morning to toss him up, very dissatisfied, this will be full of suspicion looking at Zhuang Rui, said: “Your kid will not be hooked up with which kun dao courtyard nuns, was sued to the door, right?”

“What are you talking about? Further nonsense I turn back to find my sister-in-law to talk about it ……”

Zhuang Rui was Ouyang Jun said the face is green, there is such a person? If you are not a nun, you won’t go to a nun! That said, Zhuang Rui self-identified as a long hair control.

Quietly looked at Qin Xuanbing sitting on the co-pilot, Zhuang Rui said, “Daughter-in-law, don’t listen to the fourth brother nonsense, his mouth has no good words …….”

Taiwan that mixes flowers of martial arts master Mr. Gu Long once said a sentence: this world does not eat a lot of women, but not jealous of women almost no.

Although Qin Xuan Bing is not a small-minded person, but this pregnant woman’s mind, is very difficult to figure out, the mind and the usual are not quite the same, last night Zhuang Rui was Miss Qin carrying ears, a good reminiscence of the past and Officer Miao dating.

Fortunately, Qin Xuan Bing just pursed lips there to laugh, and did not pick up the words of Ouyang Jun, so that Zhuang Rui a lot of peace of mind, although they have not done anything bad, but does not mean that the heart did not think about it, like a person he did not commit a crime, into the bureau to see the police, the heart will still be scared.

So mentioning this topic, is a man will have a little bit of weakness.

“Fourth brother, according to you, the Religious Administration Bureau, is the one that manages those monks and Taoist priests, right?”

Zhuang Rui sidetracked the topic, on Ouyang Jun’s mouth, if the discussion goes on, maybe he can still say something unpleasant!

“Yes, also includes Islam and so on, but in China, the main is the Buddha and Taoism two sects, because of the Tibetan Lama’s reason, these two inside and favor some Buddhism, I have not dealt with them, or, I find someone to ask you?”

Ouyang Jun hand pigtails but was Zhuang Rui caught a lot, this will not dare to tease Zhuang Rui again, honestly said what he knew.

“Zhuang Rui, don’t you know the living Buddha of Da Zhao Temple? Could he be the one who approached you?”

Qin Xuan Bing heard the word Tibet from Ouyang Jun’s mouth and immediately remembered her trip to Tibet with Zhuang Rui and the others.

“Impossible, the living Buddha who sent me the dzi beads, has long since passed away, don’t scare me!”

Zhuang Rui was Qin Xuan Bing said a big jump, driving hands are shaking a bit, because Qiangba Luo Zhu living Buddha, as early as half a year after sending him dzi beads, has been rounded, from now on has been almost a year’s time, is it difficult to be a dream to call people to find him?

“Didn’t hear you talk about ah!” Qin Xuan Bing froze for a moment at his words, she didn’t know about this matter yet.

“I also saw it in the news once in a while, whatever, if they really have something to do, they will definitely come again in the afternoon, don’t you know if you ask?”

Zhuang Rui shook his head and put this out of his mind, concentrating on driving the car.

“Dean Zhou, this is my cousin, this is my sibling, she should be pregnant, bring them here to take a look, right, is Dr. Xiao Yu still here?”

Zhuang Rui and the others went to the PLA General Hospital, with Ouyang Jun’s background, naturally he went directly to the dean’s office first.

If it wasn’t for Ouyang Jun telling Zhuang Rui in advance, Zhuang Rui couldn’t tell that this old doctor wearing a white coat and kind eyes was actually a major general.

Ouyang Jun asked less than the doctor, is has been to Xu Qing see a female doctor, no man in the world, will be generous to find a male doctor to see his daughter-in-law gynecological disease.

In fact, Zhuang Rui and Ouyang Jun understand, Qin Xuanbing now only need to do some laboratory tests can be, male and female doctors are not so-called, but according to Ouyang Jun’s statement, from the beginning to let a doctor to see, the situation of the pregnant woman will be more aware of what problems, can be resolved in a timely manner.

“What’s wrong, looking for me can’t see a doctor? You kid, it’s just a lot of things ……”

Dean Zhou seemed to be quite familiar with Ouyang Jun, and after scolding him with a smile, he turned his face to Qin Xuan Bing and said, “Girl, sit down! What are the symptoms? Tell me first ……”

Dean Zhou was in his fifties, sitting in his position, the main object of service, naturally, were those at the top of the Four Nine Cities, that is, most of the medical staff on Mount Yuquan, were also his men, so it was not unfamiliar with the Ouyang family.

“I just want to vomit some of these days, I didn’t eat spicy before, now I just want to eat, I can’t eat anything else ……” Qin Xuan Bing put his own reaction in the past few days, and gave Dean Zhou a word.

“Hey hey, old brother, sour man and spicy woman, you this is definitely a daughter ……”

After hearing Qin Xuan Bing’s words, Dean Zhou hadn’t even opened his mouth yet, Ouyang Jun was proudly showing off in front of Zhuang Rui, who made Xu Qing’s stomach a son!

“Don’t listen to him, this is folklore, there’s no scientific basis, uh, girl, stretch out your right hand ……”

Dean Zhou glared at Ouyang Jun in dissatisfaction, then took out a wrist pad and placed it on the table, signaling Qin Xuan Bing to put her hand on it.

“Taking a pulse?”

Zhuang Rui looked stunned for a moment, as a Chinese, for Chinese medicine is naturally aware of, but in the modern society where Western medicine is dominant, is only a hearing, Zhuang Rui grew up so big, or the first time to see a Chinese medicine practitioner to take the pulse it!

“Fourth brother, can this work?”

Zhuang Rui quietly pulled Ouyang Jun a little, asked in a low voice, not Zhuang Rui do not believe in traditional Chinese medicine, is really from a young age, are Western medicine, suddenly see such a play Chinese medicine, its confidence is not very full.

This ride a few fingers can know whether the body is sick or not, in the eyes of outsiders, is amazing enough.

“Don’t worry! Dean Zhou is a Chinese medicine family origin, he is also a member of the National Academy of Engineering, this is not a street trick to sell powerful pills, your sister-in-law is Dean Zhou first to the pulse ……”

Ouyang Jun to Zhou Dean is full of confidence, no three or two or three, also dare not go to Liangshan, can sit in this position, is not just based on bragging and patting the horse on the line.

“Brat, again in arranging me not?”

Dean Zhou with his right hand three fingers on Qin Xuan Bing wrist put a moment later, raised his head and scolded Ouyang Jun, said: “And then change a hand ……”

Zhuang Rui looked a bit novel and opened his mouth to ask: “Dean Zhou, why do you take the pulse in both hands?”

“Oh, the left hand pulse, corresponding to the heart, liver and kidneys, while the right hand corresponds to the lungs, spleen and kidneys (life), of course both hands have to be taken.”

After smilingly giving Zhuang Rui some answers, Dean Zhou began to put his attention on Qin Xuan Bing’s pulse, and only after a few minutes did he take his hand off.

After seeing the pulse, Zhuang Rui asked somewhat anxiously, “Dean Zhou, how is it? Is Xuan Bing pregnant?”

Dean Zhou smiled and nodded, saying, “Young man, congratulations! This girl’s pulse is strong, round and smooth like a rolling pearl, it’s a happy pulse ……”


Once Zhuang Rui heard this, he was so happy that he didn’t know where he was going, but immediately asked a stupid question, “Dean Zhou, is that a boy or a girl?”

“Zhuang Rui ……”

This time even Qin Xuan Bing can’t listen to it, she just had a pregnancy reaction, not to mention taking the pulse, is to do ultrasound, I’m afraid that can’t identify the male and female.

“Hahaha ……”

Dean Zhou smiled loudly, patted Zhuang Rui’s shoulder and said, “Young man, don’t be in a hurry, go back and rest, pay attention not to get cold, en, try not to do strenuous aerobic exercise ……”

“Thank you, thank you Dean Zhou ……”

In fact, Zhuang Rui really does not care much about men and women, just now is just a passing question.

After saying goodbye to Dean Zhou, and getting into the car, Ouyang Jun looked at Zhuang Rui with a bad smile on his face and said, “Fifth child, remember ah! Don’t do strenuous aerobic exercise ……”

“Won’t ah! The most Xuan Bing can do is yoga, that’s not considered strenuous, right?”

Zhuang Rui didn’t hear Ouyang Jun’s meaning at first, but when he saw his smiling face, he instantly understood, this brother dares to be disrespectful for the old ah!

Qin Xuan Bing, who was more meticulous than Zhuang Rui, also understood, and a pretty face became red.

“Come on, I go back and tell my sister-in-law, brother you often carry out strenuous aerobic exercise during this time ……”

Zhuang Rui’s sentence let Ouyang Jun bitter up face, only to mouth pain, but forgot that this younger brother pinpointed a lot of self handle.

Brothers two fighting mouth back to the courtyard, Qin Xuan Bing pregnant news from Zhuang Rui mouth a confirmation, immediately also upgraded to start enjoying the treatment of Xu big star to, this can be good, in Zhuang Rui this courtyard, actually have three pregnant women.

After lunch, originally not accustomed to nap Qin Xuan Bing, was also pulled to the bed by Zhuang Rui, of course, just let her rest.

After Qin Xuan Bing fell asleep, Zhuang Rui carefully released a trace of aura towards Qin Xuan Bing’s body, but Zhuang Rui was afraid of any accidents, the location where the aura entered Qin Xuan Bing’s body was not the belly.

Zhuang Rui’s side just finished his work, in the intercom of the outer room, came Hao Long’s voice: “Boss, those people came again in the morning, do you want to see them?”

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