Chapter 0718 – Reincarnation Process

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:31:10
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“Take them to the living room in the front courtyard!”

Zhuang Rui had a living room in each of the front, middle and back yards of this courtyard, the back yard was where he and Qin Xuan Bing lived, the middle yard was for entertaining his own family and friends, while people who were generally not very familiar with each other were entertained in the front yard.

“Hello guys, I’m Zhuang Rui, may I ask what a few of you are looking for me for?”

After walking into the living room, Zhuang Rui realized that these few people were not thinking what he thought, there were lamas and monks in there, they were all ordinary people like himself, from the aura on one of them, it should still be a leader.

“Mr. Zhuang, how are you, I’m Dai Cheng Hao of the Religious Affairs Administration, this is my ID, a little thing, want to consult you ……”

Seeing Zhuang Rui come in, the four people in the living room all stood up, the middle-aged man at the head, stretched out his hand and shook Zhuang Rui’s hand.

“Deputy Director Dai?”

Zhuang Rui looked at the document, according to what Ouyang Jun had told him earlier, the level of the State Religious Affairs Bureau was not low, not only did it have the jurisdiction to deal with all sorts of religious affairs, even those Buddhist colleges were under the jurisdiction of the Religious Affairs Bureau.

The administrative level of the Religious Affairs Bureau is the deputy ministerial level, that is to say, the deputy director, at least, is also the level of cadres above the main hall.

Zhuang Rui heart some doubt, Beijing this place although the official quite a lot, but a real power hall-level cadres, looking for self can have what matter?

Although the heart is puzzled, Zhuang Rui still let a little, said: “I do not know Dai deputy director of what things to find me? Please sit down and say ……”

Deputy Director Dai nodded and opened the door, “Mr. Zhuang, no need to be polite, it’s like this, I don’t know if you ever accepted a string of dzi bead bracelets gifted by the living Buddha of Tibet’s Da Zhao Temple in February last year?”

Just last month, the Directorate General received a report from the Religious Management Sub-bureau of the Tibetan Region, saying that it was ready to proceed with the search for the reincarnation of the Living Buddha of the Dazhao Monastery, Qiangba Luozhu, but it still lacked some of the tokens that the Living Buddha had worn in his lifetime.

The report said, qiangba luozhu living buddha has been through three reincarnation of the living buddha, in Tibet’s reputation is very high, and is also the last generation of panchen’s guru, such as the government sealing and so on, absolutely can not be applied to his body, can only be recognized by the most ancient way of the switch sign.

This way is very systematic and cumbersome, often in a few months after the death of the living Buddha, we have to carry out the preparatory work, and the process of searching for the reincarnation of the living Buddha’s spiritual child, may have to last for several years or even more than ten years.

Before his passing away, Living Buddha Qiangba Lodrödrup had indicated the general direction of his reincarnation.

Da Zhao Monastery has now selected and dispatched the temple’s respected monks, and the living Buddha’s former housekeeper, close disciples disguised in various identities, ready to go to the direction specified by the living Buddha, began to secretly visit.

However, in the process of searching for the reincarnated spirit child, it is necessary for the spirit child to identify the living Buddha’s former belongings, that is, to allow young children who may be the spirit child to identify the living Buddha’s former relics and the people who spent time with them, young children in a large number of objects that can be grasped to the living Buddha’s former belongings, or in the large number of people who can be identified and the living Buddha to spend time with them, the Tibetan Buddhism called the “Cebutong The Tibetan Buddhist term for this is “lodgings”.

This link in the search for the reincarnation of the spirit child process, is more important, a lot of young children were initially selected as a spirit child, are often in this link was screened out, but want to carry out this part of the authentication, you must have the living Buddha’s life of the use of the magic weapon or carry-on items.

Generally speaking, the living Buddha’s most personal objects, that is, a dozen pieces, and Qiangba Luozhu living Buddha’s quiet nature, until later cleaned up his relics, found that the living Buddha is actually only commonly used by a wheel and two other objects.

To know, the living Buddha pointed out the direction before passing away, just a big direction, the great Zhao Temple for this sent to find the team, at least seven or eight, relying only on the three living Buddha’s personal belongings selection of spiritual children, that efficiency is a little too low.

But this is also no way of things, in the Showa Monastery monks ready to send a search team, the temple’s law enforcement speakers Ge Gu, said the living Buddha had given a young man dzi bracelet thing.

Although just a personal item, but will undoubtedly alleviate the search team a lot of work, after hearing that there is this thing, the Great Show Monastery immediately looked up the living Buddha’s life records.

Qiangba Luo Zhu living Buddha in the Da Zhao Temple status is very high, his words and deeds, have personal service of the small lama to do the record, and Zhuang Rui and living Buddha contact process, but also once was a complete record.

Because of this, it was only because of this that the matter of Deputy Director Dai coming to the door today happened.

“Director Dai, I’ll take the liberty of asking, the Living Buddha bestowed me with the bracelet, there were quite a few people who knew about it at the time, but how did you find me?”

Zhuang Rui was a bit puzzled, he was just a tourist at that time, there were many more guests traveling to Lhasa every year, how did they find out about himself?

Deputy Director Dai smiled at his words and said, “Oh, Mr. Zhuang, after you were brought to the Dazhao Temple by the Gegu Lama, your friends once went to the Dazhao Temple to look for you, and at that time registered the form, leaving over your phone number and home address, and it was through this that we found you.”

“Oh, it’s really ……”

Zhuang Rui patted his head, at that time, he stayed in the marvelous room filled with thangkas for a whole afternoon, the anxious Liu Chuan and others almost went to the police station to report the case, I think it must be the information left behind when he let the lama of the Great Zhaosi Monastery help to look for himself.

“Director Dai, you tell me! What do you want me to do?”

Zhuang Rui didn’t realize that these few people had come to retrieve the string of dzi bracelets, he didn’t know much about Tibetan Buddhism and didn’t really understand the process required for the reincarnation of a living Buddha.

“Well, it’s like this, due to the fact that the relics left behind by Living Buddha Qiangba Luozhu are too few, and in the process of reincarnation certification, these things must be needed, we are trying to ……”

Searching for a reincarnated living Buddha, this was a major event related to national unity and solidarity, Deputy Director Dai didn’t beat around the bush and bluntly stated the purpose of his visit.

“What? To hand over the dzi bead bracelet to you?”

Zhuang Rui was still listening to this, but the more he listened, the more he felt that something was wrong, dare I say that this was to come to the door to ask for something?

“Yes, Mr. Zhuang, this matter, has a great impact on Tibetan Buddhism and Tibetans, due to the request from the Da Zhao Temple to find this string of dzi bead bracelets, we have to deal with it cautiously, and we also hope that you can understand ……”

Deputy Director Dai was also laughing bitterly in his heart, if this was a different person, why would he still use him to come personally? Send a random person to let Zhuang Rui hand it over, and still have the other party send it over.

However, after knowing that this person is Zhuang Rui, immediately started an investigation of Zhuang Rui, as for the results of the investigation, that is, Deputy Director Dai condescended to run personally, but also polite a little bit do not dare to set official postures.

“This …… Dai deputy director, not I am not willing to hand over this string of bracelets, really wear almost two years, a little feelings ah!”

Seeing that the other party spoke quite politely and didn’t use any national righteousness to press himself, Zhuang Rui frowned.

To be honest, the economic value of this string of dzi beads, now Zhuang Rui has been not very important, is to give the country is not so-called, one or two million objects only.

But this dzi beads on the body, really is very good, and is a living Buddha blessed decades of things, almost can be considered a magic weapon.

Zhuang Rui this just got Qin Xuan Bing pregnant news, last night also thought, to pass this thing to their own children, blessing him (her) can be safe and sound it!

Dai deputy director of this opening request, Zhuang Rui some difficulties, it is not a question of money, the key is to take more money, but also can not buy such a thing, you have the ability to let the living Buddha to live again, to give you a few decades of blessing of the Dharma ah?

Deputy Director Dai saw Zhuang Rui’s hesitation, thought he wanted money, and quickly said: “Mr. Zhuang, this string of bracelets is the living Buddha gifted to you, in the legal sense, it is already your thing. However, if you hand it back to us, for the economic loss caused to you, we can compensate you in accordance with the market price of this string of dzi beads, we also hope that you can understand and support our work ……”

The Tibet issue has been a headache for the central government since the Qing Dynasty, where almost all the people are Buddhists and have a fervent belief in Tibetan Buddhism.

Coupled with the activities of foreign separatists, successive governments have been careful in dealing with the Tibet issue, supporting it as much as possible from a policy perspective.

Don’t look at this to a dzi bead thing is not big, is that the vice minister level director can’t do the main, is declared to the core leadership in charge of this area there, before coming to find Zhuang Rui.

“No, not this meaning, Dai director, you misunderstand, I want to leave this dzi bead to my children to wear, it is not a matter of money ……”

Seeing that Deputy Director Dai misunderstood his meaning, Zhuang Rui hurriedly explained, and then said, “I can lend this string of dzi beads to the country for a while, but after searching for the reincarnated spirit child, can it be returned to me?”

Other people’s words had been said to the point of buying with money, Zhuang Rui couldn’t be too unorthodox, but he was still a bit reluctant, and simply used the word borrow, I don’t want money, but after finding the person, return the thing to me.

“Of course, this is of course, this bracelet originally belongs to you ah! I assure you, after finding the reincarnated spirit child, I will definitely return the item to you.”

Deputy Director Dai didn’t expect Zhuang Rui to be so good at talking, he stood up happily, and couldn’t help but use honorifics when he spoke to Zhuang Rui again.

“It’s nothing, I wonder if Director Dai wants it now?”

Since he had decided to give it, Zhuang Rui simply got generous and directly faded the bracelet from his left wrist.

Deputy Director Dai waved his hand and said, “There’s no rush, there’s no rush, how about this! Mr. Zhuang, in the next Monday, Da Zhao Temple will hold a ceremony before the search for reincarnation spirit child, if you have time, you can go to participate in it.”

“Next Monday?”

Zhuang Rui counted, there were still five days from today.

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