Chapter 0720 – Going to Tibet (II)

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:31:15
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“Mr. Zhuang, I’m Kevin Yang from the Tibetan Religious Affairs Bureau, welcome to Tibet ……”

After Zhuang Rui’s private jet had stopped at Lhasa Airport, he had just stepped out of the cabin when a middle-aged man with a small stature of about one meter seven or so greeted him.

Zhuang Rui sized up Kevin Yang, this man was in his early forties, although he was not tall, but he had a resolute look, from between his eyebrows, he could tell that this was a person with a very positive idea, his face was slightly highland red, and it looked like he should have stayed in Tibet for some years.

“Director Yang, how are you, just send someone over to pick up, how dare I bother your great driving ……”

Zhuang Rui stretched out his hand and shook hands with Kevin Yang, before he came to Tibet, he had talked to this person on the phone and knew that all the communication between religious affairs and the government in Tibet was handled by this person.

“Mr. Zhuang is polite, it’s the right thing to do.”

Yang Kevin was also sizing up the young man in front of him, the leadership of the General Directorate had repeatedly explained to him that he must receive Zhuang Rui according to the highest specifications, and he was also a little curious as to what exactly was this person’s origin? Will let the Da Zhao Temple and the government high level at the same time so valued?

Zhuang Rui’s dress looks more ordinary, but Yang Kevin can see, the material of the clothes is still more sophisticated, and this young man, there is a kind of superior majesty, the aura is stronger than the self is not weak.

And Zhuang Rui’s plane on the “Xuan Rui” three words, also shows that this is a private plane, Yang Kevin only in the reception of a super rich man from Hong Kong, see the people who ride a private plane, this also makes Zhuang Rui in Yang Kevin heart become more and more mysterious.

“Mr. Zhuang, please get in the car! Let’s go to the hotel and then talk, boy …… such a big Tibetan mastiff ah?”

Yang Kevin was about to let Zhuang Rui get on the car when, from the cabin scurried out a Tibetan mastiff covered with snow-white fur to, seems to be suffocating in the cabin, once the plane, the head was raised to issue a low hissing sound.

White lion hissing sound is not very big, but in the open airport, but is far out, after the sound out, the airport around was startled a flying birds, this kind of sound human ears are not affected, but for the animal’s lethality is great.

Because of the work relationship, Yang Kevin is often to go to some temples in the Tibetan area, for Tibetan mastiffs are not strangers, he can see at a glance, this snow mastiff breed pure incomparable, I’m afraid that is in Tibet, it is also very difficult to find out the second to come.

“Old buddy, you are counting to home!”

Zhuang Rui reached out and called the white lion, in its big head patted twice, the plateau is the home of the Tibetan mastiff, the grassland is the Tibetan mastiff survival space, with jackals, wolves, tigers and leopards to kill, is the nature of the Tibetan mastiff, Zhuang Rui can hear, in the white lion hissing behind the meaning of what is to be expressed.

That is a return to nature’s wild hair, although not living here for a long time, but the white lion knows, this piece of land under the sky, is its territory, that hissing, on behalf of the return of the king, on behalf of the white lion to declare their coming.

After Zhuang Rui pacified the white lion, he looked at the crew coming down behind him and said, “Lao He, Lao Ding, you guys go back to Beijing first! Peng Fei staying behind is fine, when I go back, I will inform you in advance.”

“Got it, Mr. Zhuang, we’ll go back later after refueling ……”

He Shuang nodded and agreed, to be honest, follow Zhuang Rui dry, really comfortable, nearly half a year’s work, only four or five trips out of the work, but the money is a penny no less take.

Like Liuli and Tianya two stewardesses, if not already married, may have to develop a little with Zhuang Rui, young and generous master, where to find ah?

“Well, hard work you guys, pay attention to safety ……”

Zhuang Rui patted He Shuang’s shoulder, explained a few words, the reason why he took a private plane to Tibet, is to bring the white lion, but this trip is considered a business trip, if Zhuang Rui is thick-skinned enough, the oil money and the cost of air navigation, can be taken to the Religious Affairs Bureau for reimbursement.

Again came to Lhasa, Zhuang Rui has a feeling like a world apart, a turn of almost two years of time, Lhasa is still as quiet as ever, the sky is still so blue, people coming and going on the road, smile is still so pure and simple.

And the noisy and nervous mainland cities are different, specific regional environment, so that people living in Tibet, the rhythm of life has become very slow, here, do not see a briefcase rushed to rush the white-collar, do not see the loud vendors, everything seems to be so harmonious and peaceful.

“Mr. Zhuang, we’re here.”

The car was traveling for nearly an hour before it stopped, Zhuang Rui looked up towards the window, it seems that this place is about to go out of the territory of Lhasa, he originally thought that he would be staying in a hotel near the Da Zhao Temple!

“This is the bureau’s house in Lhasa for entertaining VIPs.”

Yang Kevin carefully glanced at Zhuang Rui, afraid that he would not be satisfied.

“Director Yang, thank you, have a heart, in fact, staying near the Da Zhao Temple is fine, I stayed there last time.”

Surveying around, this is a villa area, each villa covers a large area, and the next thirty to forty meters away from each other, green grass, the environment is very good, the white lion got out of the car, and then ran wildly around this villa, I think it must have begun to divide their territory again.

Zhuang Rui suddenly recalled the night he once spent in Lhasa, that was the first time he kissed Qin Xuan Bing, the two ambiguous relationship, that is, after that time, stabbed through that layer of windowpaper.

“Mr. Zhuang, Mr. Zhuang?”

Yang Kevin was leading the way in front, only after walking seven or eight steps, he turned back to see that Zhuang Rui was still standing in the same place and dazed, he couldn’t help but call out to Zhuang Rui a few times.

“Huh? I’m sorry, Director Yang, I was lost in my thoughts as I revisited the old place.”

Zhuang Rui came to his senses after hearing Kevin Yang’s shout, smiled and shook his head to follow him, this place in Tibet didn’t just bring him love, it was the first upgrade of the aura in his eyes that happened here.

“Mr. Zhuang, you take a rest first, in the evening I will pick you up for dinner, and give you the itinerary of the activities in these days ……”

After bringing Zhuang Rui into the house, Kevin Yang was going to take his leave, tomorrow the 11th Banchen Erdeni who was only sixteen years old was going to visit the Dazhao Monastery in person, and he was going to go and set up in advance, which was a very important political task.

Tibet’s Religious Administration Bureau, is the focus of the country’s religious work, and the authority of the Bureau itself is also very large, things like the Banchen traveling, the security aspects are all by the Bureau to be responsible for, if there is a little problem, that can be a stab in the sky big mistake.

“Okay, Director Yang you first busy ……”

Zhuang Rui nodded, just now in the car, Yang Kevin connected a dozen phone calls, busy, Zhuang Rui has not yet racked to the point where he must let the head of a bureau to accompany himself.

“Peng Fei, how about a cigarette?”

Zhuang Rui sat on the sofa in the villa’s living room, took out a pack of cigarettes and threw Peng Fei one with a bad smile.

People who are new to Tibet, if they don’t get used to it for a while, not to mention smoking, running fast a few steps are out of breath, Zhuang Rui is deliberately teasing Peng Fei.

Peng Fei took the cigarette, did not say anything, directly pull out the lighter to light up, beautiful smoke a big mouth, said: “Brother Zhuang, I used to receive the training, not to mention smoking on the plateau, that is, in this five kilometers of cross-country is also no problem.”

Zhuang Rui smiled and scolded, “Perverted enough, you’re a match for the White Lion.”

“Brother Zhuang, you’re not bad either! This will have smoked several cigarettes, right?”

To be honest, Peng Fei on Zhuang Rui’s physique, that is really envious, from the last trip to the savage mountain, Peng Fei knows that Zhuang Rui in addition to the experience of wild survival is a little worse, the physical quality of the words alone, he is a horse can not catch up.

“Don’t compare with brother, brother will have a child soon, do you have one?”

Zhuang Rui smiled complacently, if on endurance, he believes that there is no one in the world, can be compared to him, tired at most with the aura to recover a little bit, anyway, with the content of the aura in his eyes now, even if it comes to a full-body massage, is also more than enough.

“Come on, don’t pull with you, you that is called unmarried first pregnancy ……”

These days and Zhuang Rui talk, out of not three sentences, will absolutely mention his child that still do not know is male and female on, Peng Fei ears are out of cocoon to, at the moment pressed out of the hands of cigarettes, on the second floor.

Just came to the plateau environment, Peng Fei is also need to rest and adapt a little, only to maintain the best state, in order to protect Zhuang Rui, as Zhuang Rui’s personal assistant (bodyguard), Peng Fei is still very professional.

“What are you talking about, brother I got a marriage license ok ……”

Zhuang Rui shouted at Peng Fei’s back in a depressed manner, how come Chinese people are like this! Not to do a wedding reception, it feels like not married in general, not only Peng Fei ridicule him, even Ouyang Jun are hanging on the mouth all day.

Zhuang Rui nothing tired, led the white lion in the villa around the walk after returning to the room on the Internet, and Qin Xuanbing video chat, almost 5 o’clock when the phone call of Kevin Yang called.

Eating place in Lhasa city, Yang Kevin afraid Zhuang Rui not accustomed to eating those dishes in Tibet, specially take him to find a Lu cuisine restaurant.

This Lu Cuisine Restaurant is not a big place, but it is very clean, the dishes are also very much to Zhuang Rui’s taste, accompanied by the other deputy director Zhang in addition to Yang Kevin, there is another deputy director Zhang, the three of them drank a bottle of Maotai, Zhuang Rui called out to Yang Kevin, did not let him take another wine.

“Mr. Zhuang, please forgive me for the poor hospitality ……”

After eating the meal, Yang Kaiwen made a polite remark, and Zhuang Rui knew that it was time to talk about business.

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