Chapter 0727: Never Leave, Never Give Up

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:31:33
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Afternoon sunlight from the glass window shot in, shining on the body of the small lama, the yellow lama dress like being covered with a layer of golden light, the original figure is not very tall small lama, in the eyes of the crowd, it seems to be so holy and solemn.

Due to the reason of backlight, Zhuang Rui see not too clear this lama’s face, but should be about the same age as the Balsam, Zhuang Rui heart do not believe that he can read Sanskrit, to know, now can still understand the ancient Sanskrit scriptures of the monks, none of them is the Buddhist law is profound, the great reputation of the monks.

Just Zhuang Rui did not find, in that little lama walked to his body, originally stood in his side of the Gegu Lama, like being cast a static spell in general, the whole body is stiff. There is also the fact that the original business is good this store, suddenly no one came in anymore, the store is Zhuang Rui these few people.

As Zhuang Rui’s attention was focused on the golden meridian wheel, he didn’t feel anything wrong, but Peng Fei was aware of it.

His eyes did not move and glanced towards the entrance of the store, Peng Fei found that at the door of the store, there were a few more tall lamas, and there were also two or three other people wearing dark clothes, talking to that Religious Affairs Bureau’s Section Chief Zhang.

After the little lama looked at the wheel of transmigration for a long time, he raised his head and looked straight at Zhuang Rui with his eyes and said, “I recognize the words on this ……”

After the little lama raised his head, Zhuang Rui could clearly see his face, just as he thought, the green beard at the corner of the little lama’s mouth showed his age, but what surprised Zhuang Rui was the little lama’s eyes.

When he was opposite the eyes of the little lama, Zhuang Rui’s heart suddenly rose a very strange feeling.

The eyes of the little lama, exceptionally pure, like the blue sky, blue sea water, clear to the bottom, without a trace of the dust of the world, as if the baby was born, not subject to a bit of earthly pollution. But in this kind of peaceful and pure eyes, it seems to reveal a kind of vicissitude, a kind of see through the world, beyond the vicissitude of life and death, as if it has experienced thousands of years.

Zhuang Rui do not know, these two feelings is how to perfectly combine together, the vicissitudes and pure originally contradictory two feelings, in this small lama at the same time, but let Zhuang Rui feel very natural, not a little abrupt.

Such eyes, Zhuang Rui seems to have seen in some place, just a time can not remember. For some reason, Zhuang Rui’s heart gave birth to a kind of respect for this little lama, and after locking eyes with the little lama for a while, he folded his hands together and respectfully said, “Please instruct the master ……”

“The words on this are in ancient Sanskrit, probably a thousand years ago, the ancient Indian script, written as follows: the northwest corner of Wujin Shastra, on the seat of the lotus stamen stem, the rare and exceptional achiever, the world’s name is Lotus Sangha, the emptiness of the dependents of the crowd around, I follow you to honor and cultivate, in order to grant the blessing prayer descending, Ge Ri Ban Ma Shi De Un, the seven words are the Lotus Master’s prayers for the cultivation of the word ……”

Seeing Zhuang Rui’s puzzled look, the little lama smiled and said, “Let me explain it to you! The first of these seven sentences is the place where the Lotus Master was born, the second is the way the Lotus Master was born, the third is the rare merits of the Lotus Master, the fourth is the excellence of the Lotus Master’s holy name, the fifth is the Lotus Master’s dependents, the sixth is the faith of the follower of the practitioner in the Lotus Master, the seventh is the Lotus Master’s blessing bestowed on the accomplishments, and the eighth is sealed with a mantra. This is a very important Buddhist artifact, and I wonder if this monk, would be willing to have it return to Buddhism and receive the blessing of faith in the power of aspiration?”

While the little lama was interpreting the scriptures, not only Zhuang Rui, but also the others in the store, their hearts felt a sense of peace and serenity, while the clamor on the street outside seemed to be far, far away from them.

Zhuang Rui and other people’s feelings, but some different, because he had just released the aura to observe the small lama, let him feel surprised, has always been unfavorable aura, in the distance from the small lama in front of almost more than ten centimeters, but no longer able to step forward. As if around the little lama, there was an invisible energy cover that blocked the aura, not to mention touching the other party’s body, even the clothes on the little lama’s body didn’t touch the slightest bit.

After the little lama’s words sounded, Zhuang Rui withdrew his aura and replied, “I’m sorry, Guru, I came to Lhasa, firstly to pray for the living Buddha, so that I can find a reincarnated spirit child as soon as possible, and secondly, I want to seek for a piece of Buddha’s artifacts, to pray for the blessing of my unborn children, and I would like to bring this piece of Buddha’s artifacts to my wife, so as to bless the smooth birth and growth of my children! ……”

I don’t know why, Zhuang Rui in front of this little lama, no longer have the usual eloquence, every word he said, is what is in his heart.

When speaking, Zhuang Rui had a feeling that even if he lied, this little lama could sense his own heart, and simply told the truth, although his own thoughts were a bit narrow, but they were indeed all big truths.


After the little lama heard Zhuang Rui’s words, his eyebrows slightly frowned, he did not expect that his request was actually rejected by the person in front of him, which made him seriously sized up Zhuang Rui.

“So that’s how it is, huh, no wonder, no wonder, the Dharma Protecting Spirit Beast is by your side, monastic, you are the one who has a great Buddha’s destiny, it’s fine for this Wheel of Transmission to be left for you.”

After looking at Zhuang Rui for a while, the little lama noticed the white lion beside Zhuang Rui, after a little thought, a smile appeared on his face, the atmosphere in the store which originally appeared to be a little solemn and dignified, with this smile, it became lighter and thinner.

“Oh, in the past, the living Buddha also said that I have a Buddhist destiny, and also said that the white lion is the guardian deity of the Great Snow Mountain!”

Zhuang Rui smiled at his words, he could feel that after the little lama said these words, the Gegu lama who was standing not far away from his own self, seemed to gasp a long breath, as if he had just been holding his breath.

“By the way, this kind of look seems to have been seen in Qiangba Luozhu ……”

When mentioning the living Buddha, Zhuang Rui’s mind suddenly popped up a scenario, when he saw the living Buddha last year, the living Buddha’s eyes, also seemed to be pure without a trace of dust, and this little lama’s extremely similar.

“Oo…… oo…… oo……”

The white lion let out a low roar in its throat when it heard that lama mention himself, and walked towards the little lama.

The two lamas behind the little lama, including the Gegu lama next to him, saw the white lion wanting to get close to the little lama, all of their faces changed drastically, and with a flash of their bodies, they blocked in front of the little lama.

“There’s no harm, you guys get out of the way, there’s no matter.”

The little lama’s voice was slightly childish but revealed an invisible majesty, Gegu and those two lamas did not say anything but obediently moved their bodies out of the way.

“I see, so that little fellow that teacher Qiangba Luozhu mentioned is you!”

A trace of surprise appeared on the little lama’s face, slightly bending down, he pressed his right hand on the white lion’s forehead, his mouth chanting scriptures, the white lion seemed to be enjoying himself, his eyes slightly squinting, his body coming close to the little lama in a very affectionate manner.

After about a minute or so, the little lama withdrew his hand, looked at the white lion, his mouth uttered a string of Tibetan words.

Zhuang Rui didn’t understand the words of the little lama, and touched his hand to Zhang Ke, who had just walked to his side, and asked, “Zhang Ke, what is he saying?”

Zhang Ke was startled by Zhuang Rui’s action and glanced around to see that no one was paying attention to him before he lowered his voice and said, “Those two words mean: are you willing to go back with me? You were not supposed to be in the earthly world …… in the first place.”

“Holy shit, why is this little lama the same as the living Buddha back then? He just asks the white lion if he’s willing to go with him without asking his master if he agrees, do you think he’s a poseur?”

Zhuang Rui heard the words of the Zhang Section Chief, the heart immediately upset up, and the white lion with nearly two years of time, Zhuang Rui has long been it as their own relatives.

Perhaps when the white lion was young, Zhuang Rui might still have the possibility to hand it over to the living Buddha, but now, no one would be able to snatch the white lion away from him.

“It belongs to the snowy mountains, to the prairie.”

As if he knew what Zhuang Rui was thinking, the little lama lifted his head and spoke faintly, blocking Zhuang Rui’s words back into his stomach.

“Guru, let the white lion make his own choice!”

Of course, Zhuang Rui knew that the white lion would only live a happier life on this plateau snow mountain, but Zhuang Rui really couldn’t let go of it, from a palm-sized little thing, raised to such a large size, Zhuang Rui’s feelings towards the white lion was like to his own unborn child in general.

“Oooh ……”

The white lion seemed to have understood the conversation between the two, and affectionately rubbed his big head against the body of the little lama, who immediately had a smile on his face.

However, just as Zhuang Rui watched his face turn pale and his heart twisted, the white lion let out another low roar in its throat, seemingly communicating something with the little lama, before walking back to Zhuang Rui’s side and lying down quietly.

“Good buddy ……”

At this moment, Zhuang Rui knew, the white lion did not abandon himself, as more than a year ago, when the living Buddha first asked him to make a choice, the white lion chose himself again, not leaving him. In this instant, Zhuang Rui’s eyes became moist, just as he crouched down and wrapped his body around the white lion’s neck, hot tears filled his eyes and slid down his cheeks.

Zhuang Rui will be his head, deeply buried in the white lion’s neck, he seems to be able to feel the white lion’s pulse beating, in this moment, it seems that the language is not so important, between Zhuang Rui and the white lion, can feel their own and each other that kind of hard to part with the love.

No one to disturb this man and a mastiff, the store became incredibly silent, everyone can feel the harmony between Zhuang Rui and the white lion, no one is willing to destroy this touching scene.

When Zhuang Rui raised his head, only to find that, do not know at what time, that small lama and the door guards, have quietly left.

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