Chapter 0735 – Karma Village (I)

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:31:54
A+ A- Turn Off Light

It’s a good thing that the so-called representative of the foundation doesn’t need to be an expert in medicine, otherwise Zhuang Rui would have to be blind.

“Brother Gyatso, where are we going?”

After a short meeting in the house, Gyatso greeted the people and got into the car, and after circling around the county for half a circle, Zhuang Rui couldn’t help but pick up the walkie-talkie in the car and asked.

“This is it.”

There just came the voice, the car stopped, Zhuang Rui looked forward, it turned out to be a hospital, in front of the hospital stood more than a dozen people, in addition to hanging a red banner, what is written on it, Zhuang Rui did not see clearly.

After parking the car in the Gyatso buggy, Zhuang Rui took Peng Fei and White Lion, walked down the car.

“This time we go down, we really want to solve the problem of congenital heart disease in infants and young children, if there is such a disease, we have to report it to the top, and there will be a real staff member who will come down.”

After Suo Nan got off the bus, he saw Zhuang Rui’s confused look and spoke out to explain to him, meaning that Zhuang Rui’s identity wasn’t a complete fabrication.

The reason why this search activity is so complicated is because the reincarnation of the living Buddha, for Tibet, is an extremely grand thing, not only to take into account the feelings of the Tibetan people, but also to prevent the international community to intervene.

In the search for the eleventh Panchen, the big lama, who was a traitor, had unilaterally announced that he had found the reincarnation of the Panchen, although many Buddhists at home and abroad did not recognize it, but it also caused a very bad influence.

Qiangba Luozhu living Buddha is the eleventh Panchen shaved living Buddha, in Tibetan Buddhism high status, searching for his reincarnation, by many believers at home and abroad attention, so whether it is the central government, or Buddhist leaders, are extremely important.

When the living Buddha passed away, the direction of the sitting, is facing Zuogong County and Yunnan Meili Snow Mountain bordering the place, and then a few monks went to the sacred lake, is also sensed in this direction.

So Suo Nan’s search team, is the need for a very strict confidentiality system, and there are several other teams, mainly to play a role in confusing the outside world.

As for why the name of this foundation was used, the main reason was that Tibet was located in the plateau zone, and the incidence of congenital heart disease in infants and children, was much higher than in the mainland, so such a charitable organization wouldn’t attract a lot of attention.

“Mr. Zhuang, I am Lun Zhu, on behalf of the county party committee and county government, welcome you can come to us, help infants and children to solve the pain of disease, yesterday you arrived too late, I didn’t go over.”

As soon as Zhuang Rui and others got off the bus, a group of people standing at the entrance of the hospital surrounded them, probably because Gyatso had already talked to this Lunzhu for a few sentences, the man came up to shake Zhuang Rui’s hand and acted very kindly.

Zhuang Rui was a little surprised to measure the other side, this person should be in his early forties, the plateau red on his face, indicating that he is definitely a native Tibetan, his eyes are very clear.

“This is Prefect Lun Zhu.” Suo Nan whispered in Zhuang Rui’s ear.

“Prefect Lun Zhu, this is what we should do.”

Although he had not had such an experience, but polite words Zhuang Rui would still say, he had a very good impression of the frosty-faced county governor in front of him, if he were to do it in the mainland, not to mention that the county governor personally greeted him, the most that could be said about such a thing was that the people from the Health Bureau would step in.

There is, Zhuang Rui has seen the officials, nine out of ten, basically are fat head and ears prime minister belly, which makes Zhuang Rui heart that the fat officials do not have a good official.

“This is dean Raba Tsering, this time you are traveling to the mountainous region, he will lead the task force to go with you.”

Lun Zhu prefect was really pragmatic, after getting to know each other, he immediately introduced the people around him to Zhuang Rui.

After introducing the people, Lun Zhu County Governor said to Zhuang Rui, “Mr. Zhuang, after receiving you at noon, let’s go to the mountains in the afternoon!”

“Thank you Lunzhu County Governor for your kindness, but we came here for the children who are not in a position to see a doctor, when the work is over, we will definitely have a good drink with Lunzhu County Governor.”

Zhuang Rui sighed in his heart, this eating and drinking wind, to where are not exempt, but one Zhuang Rui does not like to deal with officials, two he is an impostor, so righteously excused himself from the midday eating please, asked to leave immediately.

Do not say, Zhuang Rui learned from Zheng Hua’s Hong Kong Mandarin, but also really like that, at least Lun Zhu governor and those hospital staff, are convinced of Zhuang Rui’s identity, after hearing Zhuang Rui’s words, have begun to prepare up.

Since Zhuang Rui insisted on leaving, Lunzhu County Governor stayed for a while longer, then spoke out to say goodbye.

“Older brother, not bad ……”

Suo Nan came to Zhuang Rui’s side, quietly cocked his thumb, the most of this search action leader, he also did not want to have too much contact with local officials, before he came, but he signed a confidentiality agreement.

Zhuang Rui smiled, turned his sight to the hospital side, saw only ambulance, this will drive out two, in addition there is a small car, can not help but strangely asked: “Suo Nan big brother, how the hospital to go so many cars ah?”

“A lot of testing equipment to bring, don’t look to go to the car more, to the back I’m afraid that all have to be lifted into the mountain, is our off-road vehicles, some places can not drive in.”

Suo Nan once participated in the eleventh Panchen’s search activities, for some mountainous Tibetan settlement is very familiar with those places, although the beautiful scenery, but very poor, the reason is that can not build highway, and there is no way to communicate with the outside world.

After listening to Suo Nan’s explanation, Zhuang Rui’s heart did not know why, suddenly became a little heavy, because he thought, in his own private jet, driving a limousine, there are still a lot of people, are in need of help.

The hospital was obviously well prepared, the medical vehicles and personnel soon arrived, the original two vehicles, now turned into a fleet of vehicles, and drove out of the small county with great vigor.

According to Suo Nan’s idea, it is the most remote mountainous areas first, after the births of the last six months of the population there are counted, and then slowly count the infants and children near the county town.

Because the earliest reincarnation of the spiritual child is generally two or three years old, to be able to inspire the spirit of wisdom, recognize some of the people in the past life, or their own past life has used the object, if a little guy just opened his eyes can talk to break the object, I’m afraid that it is not a living Buddha, but a demon.

According to the time of the living Buddha’s passing, even if he has been reincarnated, I’m afraid that he is still an unweaned child, and it is simply not possible to carry out the process of identification of reincarnated spiritual children.

“President Lhagpa Tsering, in the first half of our county, how many babies and children were born in total?”

Zhuang Rui purposely invited Raba Tsering to his SUV, he was just from hearing Suo Nan’s words, his heart was a bit touched, and he wanted to see if there was anything he could do to help those children who were really suffering from diseases.

“The first half of the year’s births are considered to be relatively large, totaling six hundred and eighteen, the second half of the year will probably be a bit less.”

In addition to those who live in the mountains, it is really difficult to come to the hospital, the rest of the pregnant women are almost all born in Laba Tsering’s hospital, so after hearing Zhuang Rui’s words, he casually answered.

“How …… much more? Only …… just over 600 people?”

Zhuang Rui put his hand on the steering wheel, inadvertently trembled a bit, a county, a year only 600 people were born, how is this possible ah?

Zhuang Rui felt a bit unbelievable, didn’t he say that minorities are allowed to have two children?

“Oh, Mr. Zhuang, our county only has a total of 40,000 people, removing the elderly and teenagers, there aren’t many marriageable young men.”

Laba Tsering smiled and explained to Zhuang Rui, the average altitude of Zuogong County is going to reach 3750 meters, while the average person will have a headache, shortness of breath, chest tightness, anorexia, micro-fever and other plateau reactions when he reaches an altitude of 2700 meters.

So in addition to those who live here year-round Tibetans, is very few foreign population, can settle in this small city for a long time, so the birth rate can not be compared with the mainland, you know, the mainland and then the small county, but also easily hundreds of thousands of people.

Another point is that, compared to the mainland per capita housing is only a few square meters of the status quo, for here, is completely unimaginable, as long as you have the money, a large amount of land at will, that is, build a castle in Western Europe are no problem.

Zhuang Rui listened to the rather speechless, said God is fair, he gave the beautiful and mysterious natural scenery of Tibet, but also gave the plateau reaction here is difficult to adapt to, making these hard-working Tibetans, always unable to get rid of poverty and disease.

The fleet after driving out of the county, basically there is no highway, a few cars are in the prairie speeding, blue sky, white clouds, coupled with green sprawling grass, the scenery is exceptionally beautiful.

Zhuang Rui and other people to go to the first station is located in the Chawa Duoji Zhiga mountain in a small village, according to the introduction of Raba Tsering, the village only a few dozen families, but in the first half of the year was born six children, is the focus of the object of investigation.

In the car out more than two hours later, the original flat prairie, became a little undulating, a small hill let the car speed down.

And in the distance that year-round snow does not melt the snowy mountains, but also gradually become clear up, Zhuang Rui can see, the mountain waist between the clouds, the peaks of the majestic, only the closer the distance, the road becomes more and more difficult to go.

Barely drive out more than half an hour, the car finally can not go forward, because the front is already a mountain road, can not pass the car, everyone got out of the car, the hospital staff, began to move the equipment down.

Laba Tsering pointed to the big mountain in front of him, and said to Zhuang Rui: “Go over this mountain, and then pass through a canyon, it’s Karma Village.”

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