Chapter 0748 – Golden Eagle (I)

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:32:29
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“White Lion, go, bring that Mountain Opening Knife ……”

Zhuang Rui shouted to the White Lion with a face full of joy, he didn’t dare to leave the yak’s corpse, he was afraid that those two guys would take advantage of his insecurity, and if they took a bite of this yak’s whip, he would lose a lot of money on his own.

The yak is a treasure, the skin can sew tents, bones can be made of medicinal herbs, but in Zhuang Rui’s eyes, the most precious or this yak whip, almost comparable to the tiger whip.

Can’t care about this thing exudes a strange smell, Zhuang Rui took over the white lion’s mouth holding a mountain knife, from the root of the yak whip with testicles together to cut down, this is the beauty of running back to their own backpacks, turn out a plastic bag, will be loaded into it.

“If only adult yak, this object will be how big ah!”

Zhuang Rui weighing the yak whip in his hand, can not help but think of, not engorged like a thick water snake, if that when, at least can have adult arm thickness.

Zhuang Rui will not deal with this thing, but with the temperature of the mountain, set aside a few days will not be bad, and so tomorrow when the mountain, to those villagers to help deal with it on the line.

“White Lion, you also go eat some! Let’s have it for dinner today.”

After Zhuang Rui carefully put the yak whip in his backpack, he used the mountain knife to cut off more than ten pounds of meat from the yak’s chest and abdomen, ready to be roasted and eaten.

Due to the reason of low air pressure, Zhuang Rui had already eaten boiled white meat for two days in a row, and now that he came to this place where there was no snow, he said that he had to eat a roasted meat.

And Gyatso and other people get along for a few days, Zhuang Rui now do the work is also like, because the yak next to the smell is really too bad, Zhuang Rui chose a distance from the yak is about thirty to forty meters away, full of weeds of the flat slope.

After choosing a good place, Zhuang Rui first took a small shovel, dug out a 40 centimeters long, wide and deep pit on the ground, and then picked up some stones and placed them on the side of the pit.

Now is summer, in this place below the snow line, dry shrubs and short branches are still a lot of, Zhuang Rui take mountain knife busy nearly an hour, collected several bundles of dry firewood, but his hand is also by the bushes on the barbs pierced in several places.

After walking down the mountain for another three to four hundred meters, Zhuang Rui found a stream to clean the beef and cut it into thick slices next to the stream before the preparations were done.

“Shit, grabbing food to come?”

Carrying the yak meat in a plastic bag, and then back to the place where the barbecue was prepared, Zhuang Rui found that, at the yak carcass, there were a few vultures, eyeing the white lion and a few guys confronted, flapping their wings, and from time to time, their mouths emitted unpleasant cries.

Compared with the golden eagle seen in the binoculars yesterday, this vulture’s appearance is really ugly, bare neck and dark brown head, there is not a single hair, but in the chest above, there is a circle of feathers, how to look at how to make people feel strange.

Holding a seventy to eighty centimeter long mountain opening knife in his hand, Zhuang Rui was not afraid of this thing, waved the knife and rushed over, scaring these vultures to flap their wings and retreat back.

Unlike the golden eagle that actively hunts for food, the vultures mainly rely on eating animal carcasses for a living, and their hunting skills are really not good, so they have not dared to come close, and after waiting for the white lions to finish eating a few of the guys who are the kings of the land, then they will come up and devour the carcasses.

Seeing the vultures retreat, Zhuang Rui hastily used the mountain knife to yak a hind leg on the meat, all cut down, put into the prepared bag weighed, there should be thirty-fifty pounds, enough to go down the mountain tomorrow and the white lion snow mastiffs to eat.

“White Lion, come back!”

Although the white lion and snow leopard appetite are not small, but this yak is really too big, a few guys around the gnawing half a day, but also just eat dozens of pounds of meat, even one-fifth.

Zhuang Rui knew that he was guarding this yak carcass also did not, wait until the time to go to the barbecue, these vultures will be the same will pounce on, if a few days, when the smell of rotting spread out, I am afraid that dozens of kilometers around the vultures will be attracted, these guys nose is not the general sensitive.

Just as Zhuang Rui led his team of pets and returned towards the barbecue site a few dozen meters away, a clear chirping sound suddenly came from the sky.

Zhuang Rui raised his head and saw a golden eagle swooping down from a high altitude, in Zhuang Rui’s field of vision from the size of a palm, gradually getting bigger, when it landed on the ground in front of him, its open wings were two to three meters long, when the golden eagle closed its wings, it brought up a gust of wind that even Zhuang Rui, who was more than ten meters away, could feel it.

Seemingly afraid of the golden eagle, the first few vultures, although the vultures are many, but still far back away.

With the eating nature of the golden eagle, it usually has to grab its prey up to a place where no one is around before it starts to eat, but obviously, this yak is not something it can grab up, and after flapping its wings and trying for a few times, this golden-colored guy flashing under the sunlight, finally gave up.

With its head held high and its golden-colored pupils looking around as if no one was there, the golden eagle lowered its head and began to tear up the fresh yak meat with its claws and sharp beak like a curved hook.

The golden eagle’s sharp beak tearing force is very big, Zhuang Rui only saw this guy a tilt of the head, a two-finger wide more than ten centimeters long beef, it was given to the mouth, the head of a bang, down the throat on the swallowed stomach, the action is very skillful.

Back to the side of the backpack, Zhuang Rui took out the DV machine, after focusing, shoot up the golden eagle feeding scene, for the snowy mountain creatures, Zhuang Rui is now somewhat numb, it seems that in addition to the plateau bears did not see, the other are all coming together.

Now Zhuang Rui only counted the time to properly observe this golden eagle, this proud like a peacock in general, standing height should be about one meter, the top of the head is tawny, the back of the head to the back of the neck feathers pointed long, willow leaf-shaped, feather end of the golden, in the sunlight appears exceptionally beautiful.

The golden eagle’s legs are also long with feathers, toes with sharp as a lion and tiger’s thick and long horny claws, inner toes and back toes on the claws are even sharper, that is, the yak’s back on the thick cowhide, in the golden eagle’s claws have become as soft as nothing, a claw is a three bloody holes.

From time to time, the wings of the golden eagle should also be one of the powerful weapons, at least Zhuang Rui has seen in the Golden Warrior’s “Divine Eagles”, Yang’s brother’s eagle can knock the prey down to the ground with a single wing flap.

“Damn, how awesome would it be to raise such a thing?”

Zhuang Rui was watching from the side and almost didn’t let out his saliva, if he can tame this guy, in the future, he will drive an off-road vehicle, let the golden eagle fly on it, and then with a whistling, it will immediately land on his shoulder, that’s a more windy thing?

“Well, what is this doing?”

Just when Zhuang Rui was thinking about it, he found that the golden eagle, after eating a few pieces of meat, tore off many strips of meat and laid them on the side, about so five or six pounds of it, this golden eagle grabbed those pieces of meat with its two claws, and flew up with a shock of its wings.

“Could there really be fledglings?”

Zhuang Rui got excited, but looking at the golden eagle that became smaller and smaller as it got smaller and smaller in the sky, Zhuang Rui was also a little helpless, who knows where this guy’s nest is ah?

Zhuang Rui has seen a program of man and nature, there is a special introduction to the golden eagle this kind of raptor, remember that the breeding period of the golden eagle is probably in April and May, plus the 45 days of the incubation period, if this is a pair of male and female golden eagles, then its nest, there will certainly be chicks.

Generally speaking, after the chicks are born, they still have to be raised by their parents for more than three months before they can leave the nest. Calculating now is the end of July, if there are chicks, they should only be more than a month old.

Thinking of this, Zhuang Rui couldn’t help but fire up in his heart, if he can find the golden eagle’s nest, his dream of the left holding the yellow, the right Prime Cang, will probably be realized ah!

“Snow Leopard, can we find its lair?”

Zhuang Rui wrapped around the neck of the well-fed snow leopard, jokingly asked, he did not expect the snow leopard to understand, after all, this guy and the white lion is not the same, that is a tacit understanding that has been developed since childhood.

“Ow well ……”

The snow leopard let out a low growl from its mouth, looked at the golden eagle in the sky, actually nodded, turned back and ran out a few steps before turning his head to look at Zhuang Rui.

The snow leopard was the king of the land of this great snow mountain, its whereabouts spread throughout the entire snow mountain, it had seen this golden eagle returning to its nest, and had tried to go over to steal the chicks, only to be almost blinded by the golden eagle.

“Come back, come back, you can’t go now.”

Zhuang Rui quickly called the snow leopard back, this is already three or four o’clock in the afternoon, the golden eagle that went out to forage for food will definitely return to the nest, as long as the snow leopard knows the place, when the golden eagle goes out to forage for food tomorrow, it’s not too late for himself to sneak over to take a look.

In a good mood Zhuang Rui began to barbecue the food, until after eating and drinking, has been six or seven o’clock in the evening, here is too many animals, in addition to the group of vultures in the yak carcasses, I do not know where to come a few jackals, that flash green eyes, see Zhuang Rui a little shivering.

Stopping the white lion’s move to pounce on the jackals, Zhuang Rui thought for a moment, picked up his backpack and climbed up the mountain for some distance to the snow line before stopping and setting up his tent, the temperature here is relatively low, and few animals will come up at night.

The white lion, as well as its prospective daughter-in-law, although and that snow leopard is still a little bit wrong, but in Zhuang Rui’s appeasement, but also can live in peace, this one night, Zhuang Rui sleeps very sweet, he dreamed that he rode a big eagle, roaming in the sky.

“Snow Leopard, where is Snow Leopard?”

The next day, the piercing sunlight penetrated the thick tent, as soon as Zhuang Rui opened his eyes, he shouted, this guy can’t run away in the middle of the night, otherwise where would he find the golden eagle’s lair?

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