Chapter 0756 – Fledgling (II)

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:32:49
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“See, this is the thing, if someone holds him, you bite him or hide.”

Zhuang Rui put the gun in front of the snow leopard, seems to be a little afraid of this guy, Xiao Xue came to the front, after sniffing with his nose, immediately avoided.

“Little …… Xiao Zhuang, I …… say you …… which show are you singing?”

Zhuang Rui this side is teaching the snow leopard not to mention, but Peng Fei and other people are looking at the dumbfounded, Ray is outside, this beast can understand human language? And actually not teaching the good ones, favoring to teach the beast to attack humans.

“Uh, this snow leopard was injured, I healed him, and now he listens to me.”

Zhuang Rui also knew that his actions just now, were a bit out of character, and hastily threw the Yunnan Baiyao spray in his hand, and then said, “The snow leopard won’t attack humans in the future, big brother Gesang, you’re a person from the village below, aren’t you? Tell the people in the village below, don’t fight the snow leopard when you see it in the future, it is the guardian god of this big snow mountain.”

Just now when Peng Fei raised his gun, Zhuang Rui had already made up his mind, not to take the snow leopard away, it’s better to let it stay on the Great Snow Mountain! Because back in the city, even if the snow leopard doesn’t bite, it will be looked at like a monster, Zhuang Rui doesn’t want his friend, to be treated that way.

“No, the snow mastiff is the guardian of our Great Snow Mountain, hey, it’s the one behind you.”

Gesang heard Zhuang Rui’s words, first froze for a moment, then in the measurement of the snow leopard, suddenly saw and the white lion together with the female mastiff very leisurely lying on the ground, suddenly shouted out loud.

“Guardian God of the Great Snow Mountain, please accept my most sincere.”

This time it was Zhuang Rui’s turn to be surprised, Gesang after seeing the female mastiff, immediately kneeling on both knees, actually kowtowed to the female mastiff, the mouth also read the words chattering, see Zhuang Rui shook his head.

“Damn, fart guardian god, is my white lion’s daughter-in-law.”

Zhuang Rui didn’t have the good sense to think, “Aigoo, what if they want to say that the snow mastiff is a guardian god and won’t let me take it away?”

Zhuang Rui suddenly thought of a problem, very difficult to scratch his head, when he lowered his head, he saw the snow leopard that looked a little anxious about the number of people, and suddenly the plan came to him.

“That Gesang ah!”

Zhuang Rui suddenly face became serious, waiting for Gesang to raise his head, said, “When I slept yesterday, I dreamed that the living Buddha dreamed, he told me that the snow mastiff to leave the Great Snow Mountain.”

“No, no, the living Buddha will not trust such a dream to you, the snow mastiff is the guardian god of our Great Snow Mountain.”

Without waiting for Zhuang Rui to finish, Gesang jumped up, interrupting Zhuang Rui’s words with a blushing face.

For the Tibetans, the Tibetan Mastiff is their most loyal friend and most intimate partner.

The day before yesterday, Gyatso told about the snow mastiff rescue students, but also let them on this snow mountain guardian god full of admiration, Zhuang Rui now say such words, Gesang did not and his face on the spot, has been very polite.

“Shit, such a big reaction?”

Zhuang Rui was depressed for a moment, but with a smile on his face, he continued, “Can I make fun of the Living Buddha? What I said can all be true.”

Seeing that Gesang still had a look of disbelief, Zhuang Rui said, “Sit down and say it! You guys just went up the mountain, you’re tired, Xiao Xue, go, catch a prey.”

Zhuang Rui was trying to let Gesang and the others see that people and snow leopards can also get along peacefully, to give the back of what he was going to say, to bury the hatchet.

After hearing Zhuang Rui’s words, the snow leopard let out a growl in its throat and immediately scurried down the mountain and disappeared.

“Is this …… this a leopard?”

Gesang was by the tacit understanding between Zhuang Rui and the snow leopard, the thought of some confusion, this snow leopard is simply more obedient than the Tibetan mastiff ah?

“Gesang big brother, I want to be very serious to you, living Buddha dreamed to tell me, the guardian god on the big snowy mountain, later will be replaced by that snow leopard, it will be like the Tibetan mastiff, to protect the herdsmen’s safety, looking for the lost cattle and sheep, to bring you good luck and as you wish.”

Zhuang Rui this said himself not really believe, grandma, I’m afraid the snow leopard does not eat the herdsmen’s cattle and sheep on the good, but also protection? I’m afraid that there is no trade.

“Little …… Xiao Zhuang, you are not joking right?”

Gesang lived for more than thirty years, at this moment, his cognition is completely subverted by Zhuang Rui, is eight years old child, also know that the leopard is eating cattle and sheep, and Tibetan mastiff is to protect cattle and sheep, Zhuang Rui this is not in the bullshit?

“Ahem, of course, of course not joking.”

Zhuang Rui coughed and said, “It’s like this, if it’s a time when the snow closes the mountain, you can feed the snow leopard some sheep to eat, these losses, by me to replenish to you, who let the living Buddha accounted for me, well, I’ll give your village two hundred thousand dollars, as a future you feed the snow leopard’s expenses.”

For the sake of this friend made in the Great Snowy Mountain, Zhuang Rui also spared no expense, since he couldn’t bring it back, Zhuang Rui also wanted to give it a safe environment to grow up in, it could be seen that the age of this Snow Leopard wasn’t too old, after the nourishment of his own spiritual qi, at least there would still be more than ten years to live it!

If Snowy is really too old to hunt for food in the future, he can also let the people in the village raise it, and it will not be in vain that he and this big cat have known each other for a while.

“This …… this, it won’t attack our village people, right?”

Gesang felt that Zhuang Rui was talking about the sky, this let the snow leopard not bite people, is not the same as letting the tiger eat veggies and the lion eat grass? There was simply no such thing as a possibility.

“Of course it won’t attack the people in your village, and it will protect you, it’s the king of the snowy mountains!”

Zhuang Rui thought about it, later on, he would bring the snow leopard down the mountain, let it smell everyone in the village that way, and then explain that the snow leopard is not allowed to hurt anyone.

“It’s better to talk about this later!”

Gesang was a bit unimpressed, looked up at the sky, and said, “Let’s eat some dry food and then head down the mountain! It’s easier to go down the mountain, and maybe we’ll reach the village by night.”

“Wait, there will be meat soon.”

Zhuang Rui shook his head, as soon as his words fell, the snow leopard’s figure appeared on the top of the mountain, and in its mouth, it was carrying a small pan sheep, even smaller than the one captured yesterday, weighing only forty or fifty pounds.

“And this doesn’t eat sheep?” Gesang was a little speechless.

“This is a wild sheep, and not domesticated, the snow leopard is spiritual, okay, big brother Gyatso, feel clean up a bit, let’s eat and go down the mountain.”

Zhuang Rui skimmed his mouth, buddies and did not say that the snow leopard to change vegetarian, do not harm your village is not on the line well?

Just now Zhuang Rui and Gesang conversation, Peng Fei and Gyatso did not jack, this will see the snow leopard’s prey, only began to busy up, Peng Fei peeling sheep, Gyatso fire, ten minutes of work, a string of tender mutton, hanging on the top of the fire.

“Hey, Peng Fei, cut me some strips of meat, it needs to be smaller, hey, a little bit smaller, uh, it’s okay.”

Seemingly smelling the smell of blood, the little eagle in Zhuang Rui’s arms began to “chirp” and scream, and his body was not honestly punching and kicking in the backpack, protesting in its own way.

Holding the strips of meat cut by Peng Fei, Zhuang Rui feeds the little eagle clumsily, but his feeding skills obviously can’t be compared to the mother eagle, several times he fails to stuff it into the little eagle’s mouth, and in the end, he simply puts the strips of meat into his hand, and lets the little guy go to the mouth to eat by himself.

“Hey, Brother Zhuang, where did you touch a pheasant chick from?”

After Peng Fei threw the rest of the dish sheep’s innards and some minced meat to the White Lion and Snow Leopard guys, he came over to Zhuang Rui’s side, looking at the fluffy little guy sticking his head out from Zhuang Rui’s backpack, he couldn’t help but stretch out his hand, wanting to caress it.

“Get out of the way, your family’s chickens eat meat ah?” Zhuang Rui laughed and scolded.

“Aigoo, still pecking!”

Peng Fei’s hand just reached in front of the little chickadee, was pecked by that sharp beak, yesterday pecked Zhuang Rui, or force is not enough, did not see blood, but this day is directly to Peng Fei’s hand, pecked out a blood mark.

“Zhuang …… Zhuang brother, this thing will not be an eagle, right?”

Peng Fei this time is considered awake, just now is not not thought of, just feel Zhuang Rui and white lion pull out a pheasant nest is still possible, but go to pull out the eagle’s nest, I’m afraid I really do not have this ability.

“Hey, not the eagle ……” Zhuang Rui sold up, feeding the small eagles, do not pay attention to Peng Fei.

“Hey, I said Brother Zhuang, you just give me to say ah! Where did you pull out this little eagle from? I’m going to get one too.”

It is said that men are unable to refuse to play with eagles and dogs this temptation, Peng Fei at this time that eyes, full of “envy” two words, the wrong person in front of him is Zhuang Rui, if someone else, Peng Fei hands to snatch the mind are there.

“Said this is not an eagle, this is a golden eagle, understand?”

Zhuang Rui said with a smile, “Haven’t you seen the ‘Divine Eagles’ TV ah? The big eagle in there is the ancestor of this little thing.”

Hearing Zhuang Rui talking about himself, the little eagle “chirp” called a few times, in Zhuang Rui hand gently pecked a few times, this scenario to see the Peng Fei is red in the eyes, hate to make out with the little guy, not Zhuang Rui but their own.

“This is the big eagle’s cub, Xiao Zhuang, where did you get it from?”

Gyatso, who had already built a fire, came over and recognized the little fledgling at a glance, but his eyes were no different from Peng Fei’s, they were both envious and jealous, they were close to grabbing it with their hands.

“Well, its mother was injured and I cured it, so to repay the favor, it was given to me.”

Zhuang Rui didn’t have the slightest embarrassment of lying, believingly found a reason, although it’s not true that he gave the mother eagle to heal her injuries, but the culprit is also exactly him, this argument is definitely sticking gold on his own face.

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