Chapter 0758: Hurtful Farewell (I)

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:32:54
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Generally the eyesight of falcons are very good, at a height of a few thousand meters, they can distinguish between prey the size of a rabbit on the ground, and like this large golden eagle, their eyes are even more like fiery eyes, it is estimated that the movement of a mouse can’t hide from their sight.

Gyatso knows very deeply about eagles, and knows that these two eagles in the sky, must have come to look for their own chicks, if the chicks in Zhuang Rui’s arms are found by them, then they will definitely fight with their own group of people for their lives.

“Xiao Peng, get the gun ready, if they do swoop down, wound them.”

After hearing Gyatso’s explanation, Suo Nan also picked up a military five-six submachine gun, large eagles like this can even catch cows and sheep, and his own group of people would definitely suffer losses with their bare hands.

Although this thing is a national protected animal, but the animal protection regulations do not say that people can not defend themselves when attacked ah! It’s hard not to be caught by them traveling up to the sky for a while?

“Chirp …… chirp …… chirp ……”

Just when Gyatso several people busy like being chased by the eagle rabbit general, is thinking of countermeasures, next to a smile on Zhuang Rui’s chest, the little eagle heard his parents chirping, suddenly tossed up in the backpack, the white fluffy little head, from the backpack zipper squeezed out.

Zhuang Rui took a look at the little guy’s anxious appearance, simply pulled open the backpack, took the little thing out and held it in his hand.

“Little Zhuang, you …… what are you doing!”

Gyatso really anxious eyes this time, he is a hunter family origin, not as a last resort, do not want to hurt those two big eagles, just now it seems that it is not up to him, because the eagle that has been circling in the sky, has already swooped down in the direction of his own and other people.

“Big brother Suo Nan, Peng Fei, none of you are allowed to shoot, this is my friend.”

Zhuang Rui pressed down the barrel of Suo Nan’s raised gun, turned his face to look at Gyatso, and said, “Big brother Gyatso, didn’t I tell you before? This little guy was given to me by its parents, why do you refuse to believe it?”

“You …… are telling the truth?” Gyatso was already full of stagnation, he would at noon, finished Zhuang Rui’s words as a story to listen to, and simply didn’t believe a single word.

“Hey, Gyatso big brother, I have nothing to do and you joke ah?”

Zhuang Rui skimmed his mouth, raised his hands high, the little guy in his hand screamed vigorously, the two long fluffy wings couldn’t help fluttering, of course, it still couldn’t fly.

Zhuang Rui believes that the two golden eagles, has found the existence of the little guy, and these two guys, simply come to find their own, in this sky, it seems that there are no creatures can be hidden from their eyes.

Zhuang Rui once read a report, know that the eagle’s eyes contain extremely rich selenium, more than a hundred times higher than human beings, and the eagle’s unique visual system, can magnify the object several times, just as people take the telescope to observe the eagles high up in the sky, they are the same way, they can zoom in and observe the things on the ground.

“That big eagle is still holding onto something ……”

As the two golden eagles continued to draw closer to the ground, the crowd also saw more and more clearly, in the claws of one of the big eagles, it was grasping a already dead disk sheep.

Looking at the size of that disk sheep, it must be at least over a hundred pounds, but that big eagle’s flying physique was not affected in the slightest.

Gyatso’s voice had just sounded, the two golden eagles had already flown over the heads of the crowd, the one grasping the prey, at a height of thirty to forty meters the claws were loosened, and the large disc sheep fell in front of Zhuang Rui, making a booming sound.

“Fuck me, a little bit of public morality! Don’t drop things from a height.”

Zhuang Rui was really startled by the disk sheep falling from the sky, if not for the fact that he dodged a little to the side, he might have smashed into his body.

“Ga …… Ga ah!”

Perhaps there are too many people here, the golden eagle flew out dozens of meters away again before landing on the ground with a graceful posture, instigating the wings that are nearly three meters long, chirping uncontrollably at Zhuang Rui.

“Hehe, go, find your parents, white lion, you guys are not allowed to move, just stay here.”

Zhuang Rui smiled and put the little eagle on the ground, the little guy jumped and ran towards the golden eagle, Zhuang Rui smiled and followed behind, before leaving, he also instructed the white lion, this guy and the golden eagle, yesterday was still life and death enemies, don’t a moment can’t help but to do it again.

Zhuang Rui’s behavior, but the rest of the few people were dumbfounded. They did not think, these two big eagles actually came to give Zhuang Rui send food, this has no need to guess, the ground plate sheep, is the best proof, which also shows that the golden eagle gave Zhuang Rui eagles, is not Zhuang Rui heart nonsense.

A few people have heard of, once a hunter to save the injured beast, and the beast after the injury, will often give that hunter to send some captured small animals, but this is just a legend, in reality, who have not seen to have.

The scene in front of them subverted their cognition of animals, and this talk of repaying kindness is really not only applicable to human beings.

Looking at Zhuang Rui constantly approaching the two big eagles, Gyatso is also hot heart, really can not help it, pulling his legs and also run that way, want to observe it up close, Peng Fei and others even more needless to say, who is not willing to give up the opportunity to contact with such a psychic animal.

“Ga …… Ga ……”

When Zhuang Rui came over, the two golden eagles didn’t have any reaction, but when he saw those few people behind him approaching, the male eagle immediately stirred up his wings and let out a sharp chirp from his mouth, warning the few people.

“Peng Fei, you guys don’t come over ……”

Zhuang Rui stood still and waved his hand at the few people behind him, he also wanted to get close to these two golden eagles, because after today, Zhuang Rui was ready to leave this place, the next time but he didn’t know when he would come back again, but the golden eagles had a lifespan of up to eighty to ninety years, so there should still be a chance to see them again.

After hearing Zhuang Rui’s words, Peng Fei and the others stopped their feet at a place that was still more than ten meters away from the two big eagles and watched with envy as Zhuang Rui approached the two golden eagles and used his hands to comb the feathers on their bodies.

“Chirp …… chirp ……”

The little guy also ran to the feet of the golden eagle, but the size is too small, can only turn around under the golden eagle claws, anxious is a continuous scream, can not help but use the sharp beak to peck the mother’s small legs full of feathers.

“Oh, come up ……”

Zhuang Rui laughed, cupped the little one with his hand, and then sat on the grass, as soon as he sat down, he showed the divine steed of the two golden eagles, the shorter female eagle was a head taller than Zhuang Rui.

The mother eagle’s sharp eyes, at the moment all warm gaze, the sharp beak as if curved hooks, came to Zhuang Rui’s hand, with the edge of the sharp beak, in the body of the little eagle back and forth rubbed up.

Even Peng Fei and the others, who were more than ten meters away, could feel the unwillingness to part with the feelings that the female eagle was emitting.

The male eagle acted all the time condescendingly, but his eyes also looked towards the little one from time to time, as if he could also feel that he was about to part with his child.

“Are you guys here to see us off? Thank you for bringing the food.”

By not fighting and going around out of affection, this pair of golden eagles also represented Zhuang Rui’s fond memories of this great snow mountain, to be honest, leaving on this, Zhuang Rui’s heart was really very reluctant to part.

“Ga …… Ga ……”

The male eagle let out a chirping sound, and his head, which had been high, nodded, and then opened its wings, gently fanning on Zhuang Rui’s shoulder, like a buddy hug.

“Miracle, miracle!”

At an unknown time, the tour guides, Gesang and Gyatso, were already on their knees, worshipping the two golden eagles.

The Tibetan creation song “Spa Formation Song” says: “Heaven and earth are mixed together, separating heaven and earth is the roc.” And it is believed that the roc became the originator of the Tibetan race by giving birth to a human being.

In the Tibetan Buddhist statues, all the wrathful statues of Buddha have the roc golden-winged bird flying on top of their heads, and many Tibetans wear a badge of the roc golden-winged bird, believing that they can obtain good luck, wisdom and power.

Of course, the roc is a legendary creature, no one has seen, the golden eagle as the roc, but also the past.

So this Gyatso and Kelsang two devout Buddhists, after seeing the golden eagles psychic, can understand the meaning of Zhuang Rui speech, immediately thought it was a divine manifestation, to the two golden eagles to carry out the great salute of five body worship.

“Big brother Gesang, go back and tell the people inside the village that they are not allowed to hit them with guns ah! They are the mounts of Buddha.”

Zhuang Rui saw Gesang and Gyatso’s actions, his heart was immediately happy, this place in Tibet is different from the mainland, almost every herdsman has a gun in their hands, in case the golden eagles don’t have any food in winter, if they come to catch some cows and sheep to eat, then they might be injured.

“Don’t dare, don’t dare, I’ll go back and tell the village.”

Gesang waved his hands, looking at the golden eagle’s eyes are all admiration and fear, the heart for Zhuang Rui said snow leopard succeeded the snow mastiff, will become a new generation of guardian god of the Great Snowy Mountains, also began to half-believe it.

What happened in front of his eyes, there is no way for him not to believe, not only is the snow leopard psychic, even the golden eagle that has always traveled in the sky, also expressed goodwill to Zhuang Rui, in Gesang thought, in addition to Buddha manifestation, who else can do this?

“Peng Fei, skin and organize that pan sheep, bring all the internal organs over to the golden eagle, let’s barbecue it and go back to the village.”

Zhuang Rui raised his hand and looked at the time, it was already more than five o’clock in the afternoon, the sun in the sky was slowly setting in the west, it looked like it was going to be covered by the snowy mountains, it was time to leave.

“Hey, this is going.”

Peng Fei agreed and ran back to the dead pan sheep, very nimbly pulling out the entrails and throwing them to the golden eagle, Gyatso and Gesang also sorted out the firewood, and just as the sky darkened, a bunch of roaring bonfires were lit up.

“If it doesn’t work, let’s stay here today and go down the mountain tomorrow!”

Looking at the mountain, although the small mountain village could already be seen from here, it would still take four or five hours if they walked there!

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