Chapter 0759 – Hurtful Farewell (II)

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:32:57
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After eating the sheep’s offal that Peng Fei brought over, the golden eagles left with a sheep’s thigh, there were still three little ones in the cave that couldn’t hunt for food to be served!

After the two golden eagles left, Gyatso was a bit listless, until Peng Fei skewered the meat, he went to the campfire to start preparing today’s dinner.

Roasted golden mutton, in Gyatso’s hands constantly turning, drops of mutton oil fell into the campfire inside, issued a burst of “ZiZi” sound, the fragrance of the stock let Zhuang Rui finger moving.

Although these days are also eat barbecue, but Zhuang Rui that technology, obviously and these born to eat barbecue meat guy is not comparable to the fire and lamb cooked tender mastery, he is still almost far it!

“We lit a bonfire here, the village people should be able to see it, it’s better to go down the mountain tomorrow!”

Suo Nan considered that Zhuang Rui and the others had already traveled for a day, now if they rushed back to the village, I’m afraid that it would be midnight, it would be better to rest for a day on the mountain, and then go down the mountain again when they had enough energy.

Gesang they have already brought the tents that a few students brought with them, as well as those discarded hiking tools, all of them, camping here is not afraid of not having equipment.

“It’s all fine, I don’t care.”

Zhuang Rui nodded, and fed to return to the backpack, only showed a head of the little guy a meat strip, said: “Suo Nan big brother, tomorrow down the mountain if I also want to go out of the mountain, in here to stay too long, I go back there are still some things to deal with.”

“It’s fine, I guess the people from the hospital haven’t left yet, tomorrow you’ll go out of the mountain with them, I’ll stay with Balsan for two more days.”

Suo Nan nodded his head and agreed to go down, for one thing, it was said long ago that Zhuang Rui can leave at any time, and for another, Suo Nan is also afraid of Zhuang Rui, this does not listen to the command to act without authorization, disappeared for two whole days, so that Suo Nan did not even dare to sleep a peaceful sleep.

In the past two days, Suo Nan did not care about the reincarnation of the spiritual child, he is ready to live a few days, to observe Zhuang Rui and Balsan are very optimistic about the child.

With Gesang beside him, this couldn’t be mentioned much, Zhuang Rui nodded and didn’t pursue the matter.

“Brother Suo Nan, this snow leopard thing, you have to give ah! And Gesang big brother, you have seen the divine eagle ah, the snow leopard and they are the same, are Buddha help them psychic.”

Zhuang Rui took advantage of the fact that Gesang was still immersed in the memories of those two divine eagles, and hastened to strike the iron while it was hot, with Suo Nan, a government employee and Gesang, a local, to explain, I’m sure the village will be more receptive.

“It comes to the village, as long as it doesn’t eat cows and sheep, I’ll believe it.”

Gesang has seen too many strange things today, and now can not tell what Zhuang Rui said, in the end is true or false.

However, Zhuang Rui said that the snow leopard psychic words, Gesang is believed, because this get along with the day down, the snow leopard did not attack them, and the food at noon, or it captured.

“Good, then we have a deal, big brother Gyatso, your roasted meat is ready or not ah!”

Zhuang Rui smiled with great joy, this matter can be solved, it is also considered to help the snow leopard a big favor, because in the winter when the snow closes the mountain, looking for food is very difficult, when there are these villagers help, I believe that the snow leopard is able to survive.

In a good mood Zhuang Rui, took the roast meat handed over by Gyatso, ate it in large mouths, even the usual feeling of bitter and astringent barley wine, have become delicious and unusual, Zhuang Rui one person drank more than two pounds, and finally slept in the tent, or Peng Fei to help him set up.

“Brother Zhuang, Brother Zhuang, get up, we are going down the mountain.”

The next morning, Zhuang Rui was shouted up by Peng Fei’s loud voice, only Peng Fei could only stand outside Zhuang Rui’s tent and shout, because at the entrance of the tent, there were three daunting guards lying on their backs!

“Well, this is up …….”

Barley wine is intoxicating, but there is nothing aftertaste, after a sleep, Zhuang Rui felt clear-headed, the fatigue of the past few days was swept away.

Walked outside the tent, Gyatso and other people have long been up, is packing up things, Zhuang Rui followed Peng Fei water bag poured water, casually in the face wiped a few times, is washed his face, the conditions are simple, he has been blocked four or five days have not brushed their teeth and bathed, if this is in the home, Qin Xuan Bing certainly do not let Zhuang Rui rubbed.

After packing up things, a group of people rushed to the mountain, still white lion and snow mastiff ran in front, snow leopard followed at the end, at an altitude of more than four thousand meters on the plateau, the sun is not very hot, but a little like the mainland in March and April early spring trekking feeling.

“Little thing, when will you grow up!”

Zhuang Rui put his hand into the backpack, letting the little chick peck at his fingers with his sharp beak, the little guy was very measured and didn’t exert himself, the itch was very comfortable.

“Brother Zhuang, did you give this little eagle a name?”

Seeing the two golden eagles’ divinity yesterday, Peng Fei was envious of Zhuang Rui, this will run over, just want to get in touch with the little fledgling eagle, when it grows up in the future, it might be able to listen to its own command as well!

“No, I don’t know what name is good.”

Zhuang Rui shook his head, anyway, the little guy was moisturized by his own aura, in the future, he would definitely be psychic, so he could call it whatever he wanted, he didn’t need to train at all.

“Hey, Brother Zhuang, what do you think about calling it Little White? You can see that it’s covered in white fluff, I think it’s a good name.”

Peng Fei heard that he hadn’t named it yet, he got excited, reached out and unzipped the zipper of Zhuang Rui’s chest backpack a little bit, letting the little guy show, but what greeted him was being pecked again, and it hurt so much that Peng Fei hastily shrunk his hand back.

“Pull back! What kind of name did you kid come up with?”

Zhuang Rui looked at Peng Fei with contempt and said, “Yesterday you didn’t see what color its parents’ feathers were? Still a little white? Let me tell you, in less than two months, the little thing is going to start growing feathers, and the color will definitely not be white.”

Like the smaller falcons in general, at a month or so, they had already started to grow feathers and try to fly.

However, the golden eagle belonged to a large raptor, and would only gradually shed its feathers and grow them after a month and a half, and would only begin to fly after two months.Generally speaking, the golden eagle would need more than 80 full days, nearly two months, from the time it was born to the time it left its parents.

Although the time that can fly, to be longer than those small falcons, but the golden eagle’s life expectancy is much longer than them, the general eagle, there are twenty or thirty years of life is good, and the golden eagle as long as they do not encounter natural and manmade disasters, at least can live a decade of.

“Xiao Bai is not good to hear, I say Xiao Zhuang, call it Xiao Jin! Look at the feathers of those two golden eagles yesterday, how beautiful! Just call it Little Gold sounds good.”

Hearing that he was going to name the fledglings, Gyatso also leaned up with a baba, when the golden eagles came yesterday, it happened to be sunset, and the afterglow of the setting sun shone on those two big eagles, and they indeed looked golden and radiant.

“Little gold? It’s too vulgar, isn’t it? It might as well be called Gold, it’s memorable and catchy.”

Zhuang Rui hesitated for a moment, in the name of this golden eagle, it is to bring a word of gold, but little gold is really not very good, in the future when it grows up it is hard to call it old gold ah?

“Brother Zhuang, you just know gold, there are so many at home, still thinking about it?”

Peng Fei seized the opportunity, also despised Zhuang Rui a, open mouth closed mouth gold, just one word can describe: vulgar!

“What’s that called?”

Zhuang Rui shook his head, listening to the little guy “chirping”, said: “Otherwise, let’s call it chirping?”

Only his proposal was unanimously opposed by the crowd, Suo Nan, who hadn’t said much, suddenly said, “The two big eagles we saw yesterday both had golden feathers, Xiao Zhuang, why don’t we just call them Golden Feather?”

“Golden Feather?”

Zhuang Rui mouth recited a bit, but it is quite smooth, and in the future, if the figure to save trouble, directly to the feather word can be omitted, shouting gold is also OK, then nodded, said, “Good, then called the golden feather!”

“Hey, Zhuang brother you strong, there is a player seems to be called Li …… that what gold feather.”

Peng Fei laughed on the sidelines, this name sounds quite windy, but inevitably a little too humanized, the domestic family name Jin, it is estimated that many people have called this name.

“Rename is not very normal, that is to say, we old men, how can and a beast to compete for the name!”

As for this to a beast of a human name, will not hurt some people, that is not in Zhuang Rui’s consideration.

Peng Fei sniffed and skimmed his lips, pondered in his heart for half a day, but there was one sentence that he still didn’t dare to say, “Why don’t you let this guy be called Zhuang Rui?”

“Alright, just call it Jin Yu.”

Zhuang Rui lowered his head with a smile on his brow and shouted to the little guy in his arms, “Jin Yu!”

The little guy’s reaction was very expected, he didn’t even raise his head, but under Zhuang Rui’s continuous shouting, he eventually gave face to the “chirp” twice, Zhuang Rui was overjoyed, and hurriedly rewarded it with his aura.

After walking for more than two hours, as long as Zhuang Rui shouted the word “golden feather”, the little guy will raise his head and Zhuang Rui intimacy, look at Peng Fei and others tsk tsk tsk plus envy and jealousy, but there is nothing to say, who let others save the mother eagle it?

At this time the crowd has come to the foot of the mountain, some of the village herdsmen, are driving cattle and sheep in the grass at the foot of the mountain to graze, these cattle and sheep are used to seeing the Tibetan mastiffs, see the white lion and snow mastiffs running in front of them, slightly panicked after that herdsman to stabilize.

But the appearance of the snow leopard, suddenly let the world in chaos, even if the snow leopard is very honest behind Zhuang Rui, those cattle and sheep are also scattered running, that herdsman simply can not restrain.

“Ow well …… ow!”

Follow the flock of two Tibetan mastiffs, after seeing the snow leopard, immediately covered with hair exploded, eyes ferocious, throat issued a low hissing sound, waist and back slightly curved up, a look and the snow leopard and a duel of life and death posture.

Gesang saw the mastiff leopard war is about to break out, hastily stood out to stop: “Ba Zhu, pull your dog.”

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